Chapter 10: Preservation
Levi's P.O.V
"Nice room" I said as I took in the colour of her walls. They were purple, which is weird considering, after surveying her choice in clothing, I expected it to be black. "I imagined your bedroom to be black and goth like you"
"I am not goth!" She gasped, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting in the most adorable way.
My eyes scanned her body, and no way did I mean to make it sexual, I only did it to prove a point, but when I found my eyes drinking every curve of her body, I couldn't have helped but make it seem that way. She was wearing a black tank top which, I think unintentionally, dipped pretty low. Over that she wore a long black cardigan paired with skinny jeans. She blushed. "Right" I smirked.
"Why were you imagining my bedroom anyway?" She said after a moment of silence, almost as if she had just thought of it, and was extremely proud of the retort.
"A gentleman does not repeat such things" I said, feigning a posh accent, making the insinuation sexual and perverted to watch her blush.
Her cheeks were bright pink, she matched a tomato which was the cutest thing ever. "Are you serious?" She questioned, trying to look and appear calm when I could see how flustered she really was.
"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" I said quickly when I realised how much she was blushing. Her chest deflated as she exhaled in relief, and just for the pure sake of embarrassing her I added a "maybe" at the end.
"Levi, shut up!" She commanded as I struggled not to burst into laughter. Her blush had reached her neck and it was honestly the most adorable thing.
"You're cute when you blush, you know that right?" I commented absentmindedly, voicing my thoughts.
"You're obnoxious when you talk, you know that right?" She retaliated as a grin spread across my face, I loved it when she retaliated. Katherine was usually so hard to tease which was really annoying. There were two sides of her, if I ever teased her in front of her friends, she would get really angry. If I ever teased her when we were alone she would cry. It was nice to see Juliette retaliate, her comebacks were either sarcastic or just genuinely good, both were always entertaining. "Anyway, what do you need help with?" She questioned, shaking her head slightly, as of to change the subject.
"Well, I've read the what?" I questioned, bringing out my book from my bag and placing it directly in front of me.
"What the key thing examiners look for is your ability to explain quotations. And usually, you have to explain their relevance to the question or topic" She began saying, wandering around in search for something. Her eyes roamed the room before stopping on her turquoise laptop. I couldn't help but notice now everything in her room was so colourful, but everything she wore was black. Even her pyjamas, which were neatly folded on her chair, were black. She grabbed her laptop and hovered over me.
"Are you going to take a seat?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I watched her bite her lip and furrow her eyebrows.
She simply shook her head.
"I don't bite" I tried once again, attempting to figure out exactly what it was about Juliette and personal space.
She overlooked what I said and grabbed the chair from her desk. She began pulling it over, setting it besides the bed, not too close but not too far. "Okay" she began, completely ignoring my last statement as she googled 'Pride and Prejudice exam questions'. She scrolled for a bit before finding spark notes, the focus and determination clear on her face. "How does Austin use the character of Darcy to represent the stereotypes of the upper class?" She read aloud.
I knew she had said something, but I couldn't help but focus on the distance between the two of us. It wasn't that I wanted her to sit besides me, which I kind of did but was besides the point, she was never close to anybody. She barely spoke to anybody except for Eliza and Jordan, but even then she never stood close to anybody. I didn't know why, and I want going to ask her about it. She was clearly uncomfortable about the topic, I want going to out her through the torture, but I did want to find out.
"Okay" she sighed, and I was immediately brought back to the real world. She bit her lip and I wanted to face palm. I realised that I looked like I didn't understand what she had just said. "How do you think rich people behave?" She questioned.
"Um, I don't know? They're all stuck up, and snobs" I quickly replied, stubborn on not sounding stupid in front of the smartest person I knew.
I smiled as a grin overtook her face "that's great. I mean, not the stereotype itself, but the fact that you understood it" she replied. "Okay, now tell me. How was Darcy as a character when he was first introduced?"
"An asshole" I said quickly, realising that the faster I answered the happier she was.
"Okay, what makes you think that?" She smiled, she looked so proud and cute I didn't want the smile to leave her face.
"He refused to dance with Elizabeth" I wasn't sure that was the right answer, and I was hesitant in answering. I didn't want to look stupid in front of her.
"Now what you would do, is look for a quote that relates to that" She said and I couldn't help but notice how teacher-like she was.
I quickly took out the copy of pride and prejudice that I had stolen from Juliette a week ago and flipped through it in search of a quote. It felt like ages before I found it, but I wrote it down anyway. "Now what you would do, is link this to another topic or another character" She continued.
"I'm bad at linking" I stated as I found my self suddenly extremely interested in my papers.
"I'm sure you're not. Let's link him to a character. When you want to link him to a character, you would choose someone who's either exactly like him, or completely different. Usually someone completely different is easier" she said as she smiled warmly.
"Elizabeth. She's his opposite." I said, grabbing my papers and searching for proof of what I had just said, I was still looking down at my papers but for a different reason this time. "Elizabeth is poor. Therefore she is seen as nice and polite. Jane Austin does this to show the stereotypes?" And although I was somewhat unsure of my answers, I must've done something right considering Juliette was smiling at me.
"Exactly. Now that you've done the differences. Can you find any similarities?" She asked.
"They both love each other in the end. They change for love" I answered immediately.
"And what was the authors purpose?" She inquired.
"The author has done this to show that despite social class and upbringing, people have the ability to change" I answered straight away.
"Full marks" She looked so proud when she had whispered that.
"You're amazing, you know that?" I asked her as I sent a grin to her. I was so surprised that she could actually teach me something in an hour, that my English teacher could never have taught me in weeks. I placed my hands on her's as an affectionate move, and I was surprised when she let me hold hers for a few seconds. She stared into my eyes for a bit before quickly removing her hands. "Sorry" I muttered apologetically.
"It's fine" She answered, laughing slightly in order to lighten the mood.
"How are you better at teaching English than our actual English teacher?" I attempted to change the subject and make everything less awkward for the two of us, but I was wondering how she was so brilliant.
"Teachers don't understand us as much as we understand each other I guess" she shrugged as she looked down at her laptop, I knew she wasn't just talking about me anymore.
I paused for a moment, allowing her to have her thoughts to herself "Have you ever thought about being a teacher?" I asked after a bit.
"Being around so many people our age? No thank you. I do not want to get verbally violated" she answered before smiling slightly
I chuckled "What if you're the teacher everyone loves?" I questioned
"It's unlikely" She replied to me, shrugging slightly.
"It's really not" I muttered absentmindedly, knowing it was really hard to hate Juliette.
I think she was about to say something, but before she could, her bedroom door burst open revealing an Eliza Harte. "Juliette! Did you take my straightener?" She demanded before her eyes fell on me. "Oh" She said smiling "Hi Levi"
"Hey Eliza" I nodded in acknowledgement
"What's going on here?" She a questioned, smiling widely as I watched Juliette roll her eyes, knowing that there was this secret thing happening between the two of them which I should not know about.
"Studying. Yes, I took your straightener, it's in the bottom left draw of my desk" she answered, dismissing her quickly.
She winked at her, wiggling her eyebrows at Juliette as Juliette rolled her eyes. I wasn't oblivious, I knew that Eliza was teasing Juliette about me. I couldn't help but smirk. "Kay thanks!" She said in her high pitched voice.
"Kay bye" Juliette copied before Eliza stuck her tongue out to her.
It was just then that my mind processed that Eliza and Juliette lived with each other. It was strange, I thought Juliette would live with her parents and not with Eliza, but I decided not to bring up the entire parents thing. "You live with Eliza Harte?" I found myself asking, then realising how stupid I sounded.
"Yeah. She's my cousin" she shrugged
"I thought you guys were just best friends" I continued as I began skimming through the book once more.
"We are. We just happen to live together. I thought the whole Aunt Jen thing would give it away" she smirked, her voice light and teasing as I rolled my eyes, in a Juliette Hunter fashion.
"I didn't even realise" I shrugged, smiling at her.
After that we mostly just continued working on the exam structure. First we focused on the structure side of the tests, how I would answer the questions, then we focused actual practising for tests. It felt so much better with Juliette as a teacher as opposed to Miss Edmund. Miss Edmund wouldn't actually put up with any mistakes, if one person made a mistake she would sigh or growl in frustration. That's why most of the entire class allowed Juliette to answer the question, she was always right and she never disappointed the teacher. But having Juliette tutor me was probably the best decision ever. She was patient and kind. She wouldn't care if I got something wrong, she would grin in happiness if I got something right.
There was so much to Juliette which I was only just now understanding. She was beautiful, smart, kind, funny.
She was perfect.
We finished at 2:35pm which was actually pretty bad because we finished a lot later than expected. I immediately felt guilty, so I decided that I would treat her to breakfast, considering she probably didn't even eat because of me. I packed up my stuff, as she waited for me by the door.
We both slowly walked down the stairs, and this is where I wanted to tell her that she should put on her shoes because I was taking her out for breakfast, but her aunt appeared out of nowhere, scaring both me and Juliette. "Leaving so soon Levi?" She questioned as I heated Juliette swear under her breath.
She swore so much it was funny.
"Um, yeah, we're finished studying. Your niece is incredibly smart" I decided to say.
"So I've been told. Why don't you stay for lunch?" She asked me politely as I shook my head in a friendly manner, not wanting to send a rude impression to her.
"Sorry Ms Harte, Juliette and I are going out" I decided to say.
Juliette looked pretty confused, looking at me and saying "we are?". Her aunt, however, had a smile on her face, saying "you are?" to me at almost the same time as Juliette.
"I owe you payment, don't I, book girl?" I turned to Juliette, deciding to answer her question first before she backs out. I liked calling her book girl, it reminded me of when we first met.
"Now?" She asked, looking puzzled.
"When else?" I smirked.
"I was planning on grabbing something to eat" She said, looking longingly at the kitchen.
I chucked "We'll grab something on the way there"
"Um, okay, I guess I'll be going now?" She looked at her aunt, I'm guessing for permission which I then realise I did not ask for. Her aunt nodded, the grin not leaving her face as Juliette smiled and grabbed her shoes and her purse. I wanted to tell her she didn't need to bring her purse but I decided not to.
"Have fun" Her aunt said to us.
Juliette quickly kissed her aunt's cheek, sitting on the stair to do the laces of her converses before hopping up. Her converses, much like the rest of her outfit, were black. I never actually saw Juliette wear anything other than converses which was pretty cute actually. She followed me out as I dug into my pockets in search for my car keys. She eyed my car.
"Nice car" She said
"Thanks, It's a-" I began saying, explaining to her what kind of car it was. I, however, was cut off mid sentence by Juliette who just seemed as if she wasn't willing to hear what I would say.
"I'm really not trying to be rude or anything" she beg and, very cautious to talk, I think in hopes of not being rude or offending me. "But I know nothing about cars, so explaining the model and everything would be pointless" she ended. She paused for a moment before sending me a wide innocent grin, she looked childish and cute and I couldn't get over how perfect she was.
I chuckled. "I'll save the explanation for somebody who does know about cars. All I'm going to tell you is to pretend to be impressed, other people would" I said jokingly as she nodded.
She began her charade by gasping frantically "Wow, Levi. This car, it's just...amazing. It's making me fall in love with you. Marry me" she sad, both hands placed over her chest and a grin of amusement over taking her facial features "Was that good enough?" She added after a moment.
"It was brilliant thank you" I chuckled. "Oh and thank you for that declaration of your love, I always knew you had a thing for me" I teased her, watching her scoff.
She rolled her eyes but the smile remained on her face which was cute. "Whatever"
I opened the car door for her, watched her roll her eyes but not say anything, I knew immediately the gesture did not make her happy. I smirked, wanting to know why.
"Where are we off to?" She asked me, as she pulled out her phone and began typing. I think she was texting Eliza but I wasn't too sure.
"First we are off to the little breakfast diner downtown, and then to the nearest Barnes and Noble" I replied to her, hoping she knew where Barnes and Nobles was.
Juliette was so different to the girls I knew it was pretty strange. In hindsight however, most of the girls I did talk to were all Katherine's friends who were pretty obsessed with me. They were all the same types of people. They all wanted to be like Katherine, dying their hair in order to appear just like her. Acting like her, wearing their makeup like hers. At first it really creeped me out, but then I just assumed all girls were like that. I was wrong. Katherine had changed from when we first starting dating. And yes, I knew that it was middle school and she want going to be fourteen forever, but it was just strange to think about it. She was nice, sweet, innocent and kind. As soon as she hit high school she was not. She met her friends and she turned manipulative, bitchy, rude. But I thought I loved her, so I put up with her.
I realised that we had made it to the diner which was surprisingly fast. "We're here" I said to her, but she continued to rest her head on the window and look out. "Juliette" I said as she turned to me in surprise. "You were daydreaming" I noted.
She laughed, but a blush covered her cheeks. "Sorry" she smiled
"It's fine, come on" I smiled at her. I quickly un buckled my seatbelt and went around to the other side, determined on knowing why she didn't like it when I opened the door for her. I pulled it open as she grabbed her purse, looking up at me in surprise.
She smiled "Look at you being all gentleman-ly" she said teasingly
"I live to serve" I smirked in retaliation.
"Just so you know" she noted, getting up from her seat "I have the capability to open my own door"
"Except" I decided to correct "It's my door, therefore I can open it for you." She shrugged, and it was clear she disagreed with me but decided against commenting. "Other girls would have loved it." I added as an afterthought just to see her reaction.
She shrugged once again.
"Isn't this the part where you say 'I'm not like most girls'?" I said, just to see her reaction.
"Do you know who else said I'm not like most girls?" She asked me. I turned to her, wondering if it were some philosophic answer and shrugged. "The girl from Orphan" She responded "but she was actually thirty three years old, so I'd like to say I'm pretty normal"
I burst out laughing. That was not philosophical at all. "do you always have comebacks like this?"
"Pretty much" She shrugged. "But no seriously, all girls are different"
"I really don't see it" I continued teasingly, walking her to the diner and opening the door for her.
"Maybe you shouldn't hang around with the same type of girls" she suggested as I smiled.
"And that, Juliette, is exactly what you are here for" I smirked.
She gasped dramatically. "I feel so used!" she exclaimed jokingly
"Ha ha" I chided before we actually got to the counter where we would ask for the food.
"How may I help you?" The person at the counter had asked us both.
"What would you like?" I asked her first as she bit her lip.
She stepped back, raising her head at the menu, she was so short that she had to tiptoe and it was the cutest thing ever. "A sugar waffle and a latte please?" She asked, adding an innocent smile at the end, the same one she gave me when we spoke about my car.
"Of course, and for the gentleman?" He asked turning towards me.
She snorted at the word gentleman
I rolled my eyes at her, deciding to ignore her and order what I wanted "a stack of pancakes and a black coffee"
The cashier clicked his little buttons on the cash machine before coming to a conclusion of "$8.78"
I dug into my back pocket before holding out a ten dollar bill, the cashier looked confused and when I turned to the side I knew why. Juliette was doing the exact same thing as me.
"You do realise, I'm not letting you pay, right?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.
"You do realise, I don't care, right?" She retaliated childishly.
The server looked extremely amused at both of our actions, and if it weren't for the situation, I would have been amused as well. Before Juliette could get a word out, the man took the money out of my hand as Juliette groaned. I looked at her and smirked as she rolled her eyes.
"On dates, the gentleman always pays" The cashier chided to her
I went with the obvious response, going with a "we're not on a date". Juliette, however, decided to go with "that's kind of sexist" at the same exact time as me which was overall pretty amusing.
I made sure to thank the server, leading her all the way to the back corner which was pretty much the only doubles table which wasn't taken up. I could hear Juliette phone ringing but she wasn't picking it up. I was going to ask her about it but decided against it.
"That's sexist?" I questioned her, a smirk overtaking my facial features. "That's the first thing that comes to your mind when he assumes we're on a date?" Of course I wasn't surprised at all, I had only known Juliette for a bit but knew immediately that it was something she would do.
A smile was printed on her face, as she shrugged slightly. "I have my priorities"
"That" I started, wanting to see her reaction to a little bit more teasing "or you would secretly love to be out on a date with me"
She scoffed, but her cheeks were tinted a slight pink. "You wish. The only reason we're doing this is because you made me miss breakfast" she replied, crossing her arms over her chest, looking defiantly at me.
"Exactly" I replied, finding my angle of arguments. "which is why I should pay for your food"
"You're wrong" She smirked.
I knew she had a thing for debating and arguing, I also knew that she was almost never wrong. Looking back, I probably should have just let her pay half considering she was so set on doing it, but it was cute knowing that she was so stubborn on paying. Katherine was always make me pay, I didn't mind, but it was funny seeing Juliette's completely opposite reaction.
"Do you have this thing about always being right?" I asked her, knowing fully well that she did.
"Yes" She agreed. At least she admits it. "But that's besides the point. The food goes in my mouth, therefore I should pay for it" she shrugged which was cute.
"I'm taking you out, therefore I should pay for it" I said stubbornly, I wasn't going to leave it alone.
"There is no logic behind that!" She exclaimed.
"Of course there is!" I defended myself "You just it free food, go with it" I added
She huffed "fine"
"Great" I grinned
"You're still wrong" She whispered quietly
"What?" I asked quickly.
"Nothing." She responded.
Written: 30/10/15
Posted: 22/11/15
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