Chapter 3
"Alex, come on, get to work. We're not gonna let Dad down this time." Alex smirked and threw the Teddy bear cam into the trash can.
"Well, then maybe Dad shouldn't see anything that would let him down." Justin gasped.
"You can't do that."
"Oh, sure she can." A new voice shot back. Alex and Justin turned to the door to see Ronnie walking in. "She is Alex Russo after al."
"Ron!" Alex and Justin shouted and ran towards her. You see after Mason disappeared Ronnie had taken a trip to London. She explained she needed some time to get over Mason. Of course they understood but to see her back like this, they were very glad. She looked better too. Her skin had a little bit more colour and her eyes shone again.
Justin released Ronnie.
"Why didn't you call us?" Ronnie shrugged.
"And miss the chance to see you, no way. How are you doing?" She asked carefully.
"Better" Justin smiled.
"You?" Ronnie nodded.
"Good. Been better but you know, coping" Alex walked back to the counter. Justin took Ronnie to counter as well just as Zeke walked into the store.
"Invite." He handed a random person a invite. "Invite. Invite for you." He beamed and walked towards the counter.
"Hey, guys, guess what?" he stopped and handed Ronnie a invite. "The crossing guard accepted my friend request. I finally have enough friends to throw a party." He did a strange dance. Harper laughed.
"Congratulations, Zeke." Zeke nodded.
"Oh, thanks! Justin, can I start planning some party hors d'oeuvres in your kitchen?" Justin nodded.
"Yes, Zeke, but we're dudes. We don't say "hors d'oeuvres." Zeke frowned.
"Munchie-wunchies?"Justin shook his head.
"Just say "hors d'oeuvres." Zeke nodded and ran into the kitchen. Harper beamed and walked to Alex and Ronnie.
"So, Alex, what are you gonna wear to the party?" Alex smirked.
"I'm thinking my slippers, my gray sweats with holes in them, and my dad's old concert T-shirt from the band called Oingo Boingo."
"Fred's coming as well right?" Ronnie nodded.
"I think so. Why?"Harper smirked and crossed her arms.
"Alex likes him." Ronnie smiled.
"Really? Now that I think about it. You would make a great couple" Alex groaned and decided to ignore them. Instead she turned to the TV. Her eyes widen.
"Oh, my gosh!" Ronnie and Harper turned to the TV as well.
"The owners of this unbelievably talented dog say that he's been painting unusual pieces ever since they found him here in the Pocono Mountain"
"That's him. That's Mason." Ronnie remained silent and kept her eyes glued to the screen. Her other hand subconsciously went to her necklace. Still the same heart necklace Mason gave her and surprise surprise, it was still glowing.
"He loved to paint." Harper shook her head.
"I don't think so, Alex. Every time you see a dog in a human interest story you think it's Mason." Ronnie glanced at her.
"I just want to see Ronnie happy."
"Shhhh" Ronnie suddenly shushed them. They turned back to the screen to see over 10 paintings of Ronnie.
"Most puzzling is the picture of this girl he paints over and over. Some would say she's a representation of mother nature."
"Ronnie, you don't even know that's Mason." Justin tried but Ronnie was already halfway to the door. She send him a sad smile.
"That's why I have to go. To find out."
"The last time you saw him he was running off into the Transylvania woods. He's a wolf now. You can't change that." Ronnie shook her head.
"Justin, if you had a chance to be with Juliet for just one more minute, even though she's old now, would you take it?" He remained silent. "Look, I'll be fine."
"But all you know is that he's somewhere in the Pocono Mountains." Ronnie bit her lip before she smiled and turned to the stairway.
"Max, how's your howling?" He smiled and ran down. He howled very loudly.
"Never better." Ronnie nodded and walked to the door.
"Good, Let's go."Max nodded and walked out with Ronnie.
Eventually Justin had joined Ronnie and Max. They appeared on the farm form the TV. Ronnie suggested they would look there first before searching the woods.
"Do it again, Max." Max threw his head back and howled loudly. Ronnie slipped her wand away and waited. Another howl came in reply.
"Knock on the door and see if they know anything."
Ronnie walked to the door and knocked. Instead of the door opening it fell into the house, out of its hinges.
"Come on in, it's open." The woman inside called. Ronnie gasped.
"I'm so sorry." She apologized. Justin and Alex turned to her. Instead of her usual English accent she used a convincing American one.
"Oh, don't you mind that. Pa is gonna fix it as soon as it's our turn for the town screwdriver." The woman walked to them and placed the door aside. "Well, just don't stand there collecting dust. Come on in." The four teens walked inside the small cottage. "Pa, put your knittin' down. Junior we got company. Put your shoe on."
"I'm sorry, we don't mean to bother you, we just wanted to come by and talk to you about your wolf Dog! Painting dog." Justin asked them politely.
"Why? We don't need no city folk looky-loos, gawking at Doug." Ronnie stepped up.
"Uh, sir, we're not looky-loos. We are from the museum."The woman frowned.
"Museum? Which museum?" Ronnie smiled politely.
"The museum of national history, ma'm"
"I heard of that." The man called.
"You have?"
"You callin' me a liar?"
"Of course not. We would like to have an exhibit of Doug's artwork for the museum."
"Why sure, Mr. Museum Feller." The woman turned to her son.
"Junior, go fetch Doug." The man nodded and ran to the other room. "Pa, why don't you heat up some of your squirrel stew for these nice folks?"
The man nodded and stood up
"Excuse me, I can't eat that."Ronnie send him a, 'really' look but he ignored her. "I hate stew. Can you put the squirrel in something else, possibly?" The man shrugged.
"A squirrel kabob?" Max smirked.
"Keep 'em coming!" He and Max walked to what looked like the kitchen. Just than did the son return with the wolf. Ronnie stared at him while he stared back.
"That dog looks just like Mason." Justin whispered.
"I need to know for sure. Keep them busy." Justin nodded.
"Junior, can I have a take Doug to the corn? I need to take a picture" Doug nodded blankly. Ronnie took the leach from him and walked to the large corn plant in the corner.
"So, you guys, this is a a lovely home you have. Can you show me around a little bit? Can you Ho-ho! Can you tell me a little bit about this here chair?" Justin stalled. Ronnie pushed one of her curls out of her eyes and crouch down next to 'Doug'.
"Mason, is that you?" She asked in her normal accent. Getting no reply she took off her necklace. "There's only one way to find out." She gently placed it onto the wolf. She released it and the necklace lit up. Ronnie smiled sadly.
"I've missed you so much." She hugged Mason around his neck. The farm people and the Russo's had placed themselves at the table and were eating squirrel kebabs. At least Max and the farm people. Ronnie was still in the corner hugging Mason.
"Mm-mm! Now that is some yummy-licious squirrel, Pa." The woman called. She looked past him to Ronnie.
"You sure you don't want some, Nice museum Lady?" Ronnie looked up and shook her head. The woman looked at her husband and nodded. "Well, why don't I fix some possum pie after we do some music entertaining'?"Max nodded
"Squirrel kabobs and a show? I love me the country life." The farm people handed the Russo's basic instruments. Justin looked down at his rack.
"Am I holding this thing upside down, or should I" he noticed the look he got and smiled. "'Cause It doesn't matter." The woman nodded and stomped her foot.
"All right, boys, girl follow along now. A one and a two, and a one, two" Ronnie smiled at the idiotic music they made. Suddenly Mason turned back to his normal self. He stood up and turned to Ronnie.
"Ronnie?" Ronnie stood up.
"Mason!" She flew into his arms, liking the feeling of him wrapping his arms around her waist.
"You changed me back. Thank you." Ronnie pulled away and shook her head.
"I didn't do it."
Junior smiled and held up a painting of Ronnie. "You was right, Ma. That news story snagged us some wiz-ards. They're just like us." Justin shook his head and turned to Mason, who still had his arm around Ronnie.
"Who changed you back?"
"We did."Junior smiled.
"How?" Ronnie shook her head and leaned into Mason.
"Who cares? I've got Mason back." Mason beamed and wound his other arm around Ronnie as well.
"Yep, Junior. They's wizards like us." The man took Max kebab and turned it into a wand.
"No, they ain't. We're country wizards." Justin took a step back.
"Oh my gosh, country wizard wands." Ronnie rolled her eyes, pissed everyone tried ruining her moment with Mason. She took out her own wand.
"So what, I've got a fourteen inch, willow with unicorn hair" Mason smirked and wrapped his arm around her again. "How did you get Mason?" Mason pulled her back
"Hold your horses, Ronnie. They got hairpin triggers. Don't get them riled up."Ronnie rolled her eyes at Mason but smiled when she felt his arms tighten around her. "Sorry, I guess some of their quaint country colloquialisms have rubbed off on me." He ended in his usual accent.
"We went through our portal to check the squirrel traps in the Transylvania woods. We found Mason, took him in, had ourselves a new huntin' dog, so Junior here don't have to fetch the game in his mouth no more." Junior nodded.
"When we weren't huntin', we kept Mason in the shed where he commenced to paintin' pictures of a pretty girl." Junior smiled cheekishly at Ronnie making Mason give him a warning growl.
"Since we found him in the Transylvania woods, we figured she was a wizard girl."Justin raised his finger.
"Ah-ha! Then you convinced the people from the television program to do a piece on an "artistic dog" to attract another wizard family to you." The man shook his head.
"No. We got the folks in the TV box to do a movin' picture show on a fancy drawin' dog to lure another wizard clan to us." Justin smirked.
"OK, So we're here. Now what?"
"We want your portal."
"What?! You see that?"
"To the world, it's an outhouse. To us, it's our Lair with our portal inside. By the way, I stitched that." The man motioned to the quilted piece at the wall saying 'lair sweet lair'
"The dang county lawman told us we had to build an indoor bathroom, and then they bulldozed our Outhouse Lair."
"Dad would have really liked sitting in an Outhouse Lair."
"Every wizard family only gets one portal. So you guys have no way back into the wizard world." The woman nodded.
"Here's what I'm proposin': You give us your portal and we let wolf-boy here go home with Missy." Ronnie closed her eyes. She wanted to say deal so badly but she knew what that would mean.
"No deal!" Max walked closer to the farm people.
"You country wizards is e-vil. See, now you got me gesticulatin' and figgerin' like yous do. That's e-vil." Justin frowned and turned to Ronnie.
"Look, I know how much you and Mason care for each other, but I'm sorry. There's no way we can give up our portal. I hope you can that." Ronnie stepped past Justin, out of Mason's arms.
"Ma, Pa, please let Mason go with me. I love him. I have searched for him since he left and I am not leaving without him"
"If you ain't gonna make a deal, you best get." The farm people walked closer causing them to back away. Ronnie tried standing up to them but Justin grabbed her by her waist and pulled her over his shoulder. She slapped his back.
"Let me go!" It was no use though. Justin carried her out of the house, Mason tried to follow them but was stopped by the farm people. Finally outside Justin released Ronnie. She send him an angry glare.
"Justin! We can't leave Mason!" Justin stared at her, sadly.
"There's nothing we can do, Ronnie. We've got to get out of here. These guys mean business." The door opened and the farm people walked out.
"You still here? Get off our land!" Justin tried tugging Ronnie with him but she shook him off.
"I have to say goodbye to Mason."Just then did Junior walk out of the home with Mason back as a wolf on the leach. Ronnie fell to her knees, not caring if she scraped them. "They changed you back." She hugged him again. She thought for a moment and looked up.
"I'll trade you our portal for Mason. Wait for me to apparite you into our Lair." Ma smirked and nodded. Junior grinned and walked over to her.
"Here Pretty Girly" He handed her, her heart necklace but It didn't wasn't glowing anymore. She send him a fake smile and quickly left with the others.
Half an hour later, Ronnie had finally dumped the Russo's and walked into her own family lair. It was decorated like the house itself. It reminded her a lot of their other home, the burrow. She moved her wand and the farm people appeared with Mason. He pulled away from the farm people and moved towards her.
"Ronnie!" Ma smirked.
"We are pleased as punch you decided to make the swap, Missy." Ronnie nodded.
"I'd swap anything for Mason." Mason shook his head.
"Giving up your portal is an enormous sacrifice. Are you sure you won't ever regret this?" Ronnie shook her head.
"Just like I said, I would give up everything for you" She sighed and smiled. "You don't know how scared I am to feel this" Mason smiled.
"That's my Ronnie" Ronnie smiled and looked down at her feet. She gave Mason a small wink and turned back to the farm people.
"Well, let's get this show on the road." They nodded happily and walked to the door. Ronnie opened it for them and they walked in.
"Sure is dark." Ronnie nodded
"It's the energy-saver model." Junior laughed.
"Oh, they're goin' green, Ma." Ronnie pointed to the side.
"Uh, the light switch is there over to the left." They walked. "Further. Further. A little bit further. Little bit yeah." She smirked and closed the door and turned over the lock.
"You tricked us! We got no powers in here! It's locked."
"I hope that teaches you to not steal from other wizards" Ronnie took out her wand and moved it across the door, igniting it. The door went up in smoke but behind them was another door but this one was very huge with brown engravings on it. Ronnie placed her wand back in her pocked and turned to Mason.
"That was amazing!" Ronnie grinned and ran into his warm arms.
"I believe Alex is rubbing off on me" Mason laughed and squeezed her.
"Where did you send them?"Ronnie pulled away and looked at the door.
"The ministry of magic. I explained the situation to my dad so they should now be in prison, never to been seen again." She turned back to Mason and placed her hand on his cheek. "I missed you so much" Mason smiled and leaned into her touch before he started to glow and shrink. He was back in his wolf form. "No! What happened?" Ronnie fell down to her knees again. "My true love is a wolf again." She muttered and rubbed the wolf's head. "I'm going to call Justin" Ronnie stood up and turned to the wall next to the portal. She used her wand and before she knew it Justin appeared on the screen.
"Hey Ronnie, how are you holding up" Ronnie smiled guilty-ish and scratched the back of her neck.
"Well..." She stepped out of the way, showing Justin, wolf Mason.
"You have him?" Ronnie nodded. Justin sighed. "I'll be right over"
Indeed, Justin was inside her house in less than 4 minutes with Alex and Max.
"What happened?" Alex asked crouching down to pet Mason. Ronnie sighed and slumped down into the couch.
"I tricked the country wizards. I told them they could have my portal. They brought human Mason and walked into the portal. I locked them up and send them to the ministry. Nothing happened until well..." She sighed. Alex stood up and clapped her hands.
"All right, we just gotta find a way to turn him human again. Does anyone have any ideas on how we can do that?" Max's hand shot up. "Does anyone else have any ideas on how we can do that?" Max lowered his hand. Mason howled.
"He's trying to tell us something." Ronnie walked over to Mason and sat down in front of him. Alex gasped.
"Wait, oh my gosh, you love him so much, you'll probably know what he's saying." Ronnie rolled her eyes but stayed in front of Mason. He stared deep into her eyes with his wolf eyes.
I am in love with you, Ronnie Weasley. Ronnie's eyes widen and looked back at the other wizards.
"Did you guys hear that?" They shook their heads. Ronnie turned back to Mason. "Did you just tell me you loved me?" The wolf sat down.
"Did you hear what he said?" Ronnie nodded blankly. Justin's eyes widen and crouch down next to Ronnie. "That's amazing" Ronnie stared into Mason's eyes again.
"What were you trying to tell us?"
We need to go back to the country wizards' trailer, I believe their charmed jug band instruments had something to do with turning me human. Ronny nodded and stood up.
"We need to go back to the trailer.
"It looks like we're going back to that old trailer in the middle of nowhere to find something that'll turn your boyfriend human again." Justin frowned. "Our lives are really messed up"
"OK, quick. Everybody look around." Justin ordered as they reached the trailer. Ronnie nodded and started searching through the cabinets. The Russo's started searching as well.
The charmed jug band instruments are in this chest. Ronnie winched as Mason's voice sounded in her head. Sorry love
Ronnie send the wolf a smile and walked to the chest. She opened it and took the guitar out.
"Found them!" Justin took the Banjo, Max the spoons and Alex the Jug
"So if we just play these, maybe it'll turn Mason into human again?" Justin nodded.
"All right, let's do this."
"All right, OK."
"A-one, a-two, a-one, two, three." They started the play the instruments but that only made Mason walk away. It sounded completely awful.
"Why isn't this working?" Ronnie rolled her eyes.
"Because we don't sound good. Do you even know how to play the banjo?" Justin send her a glare.
"Excuse me, your wolf boyfriend is terrible at the washboard." There was a rumble
"What's going on?" Max asked. Justin frowned and walked to the small window.
"Trailer's being towed! Their trailer! Grab an instrument! Everyone grab an instrument and run!" Alex smirked.
"Wait! I've got a better idea." She held up her wand.
"Is magic really a better idea?" She shrugged.
"Probably not. But it involves a lot less running than your plan." She flicked her wand and teleported them away.
"This was your bright idea?"Justin screeched seeing where they were. "To replace the sub car with the trailer?" Ronnie coughed and waved the dust away.
"Well, hey, it got us out of carrying all these instruments back home, didn't it?" Zeke and Harper ran down the stairs. "What's going on? How did this old trailer get in here?"
"Oh, my gosh. He's relentless. I have to tell him." Alex grabbed Max and pulled him back
"Ah! Nope, nope! Zeke, this trailer has been here for like a few days, man. I mean, isn't that right, Harper?" Harper shook her head.
"Please skip me."
"No, it hasn't. It's always the subway car, for sub sandwiches." Alex laughed.
"This is a trailer." Zeke snorted.
"What do you sell now? Trail mix?!" Ronnie nodded.
"Um Actually, it's um it's a new hillbilly theme that we're testing out for the restaurant. We play jug band music and everything." She motioned to the instruments before she held out her hand. "I am Ronnie by the way" Zeke smiled and shook her hand.
"Come on everybody, let's play him something to show him how true this story that we are telling him is." They nodded and started playing. This time though Ronnie had the Banjo and Justin the wash board. They didn't even sound that bad this time.
"Hey, that's a classic clogging tune. A Mule in the Hen House." Zeke frowned. "I think it's missing an instrument or two, but I could probably still dance to it." He started dancing around. "Oh, yeah! Yeah, I can still dance to this! Shoulda brought my clogs!" Ronnie smiled and moved closer to Justin.
"That was close." There was a sound behind them, making them stop. There stood Mason. Kind of. Still half wolf. Zeke saw him first and screamed. Ronnie smiled.
"Mason, you're back!" She ran towards him and hugged him, dropping the banjo. He beamed as well.
"Hello, love." He whispered. Ronnie pulled away and kissed him, not even caring how he looked. Mason closed his eyes and pulled her even closer to him. They broke away breathless and turned to the others. Zeke freaked out.
"Hang on! Wait a second! Did you guys see that? Did you see that?! He was all, "Hello, love" and then she kissed him and!!! What is going on?!" Justin sighed.
"Zeke, I totally understand the confusion with but, I got- Max?" Max smirked.
"Oh, now you want my help?" Zeke looked between them.
"Would someone please tell me what's going on? Because I just saw your pet sled dog from Greenland, who lives in your veggie cooler, turn into a half-human, half-bear-hairy-creature-thing! What is going on?! I deserve some answers!" He shouted. Harper, having heard enough stopped towards him, grabbed his face and kissed him. They broke apart and Zeke fainted. Ronnie giggled. Mason turned to her and raised an eyebrow.
"Did you just giggle?" She smirked and stepped closer to him.
"Maybe" After a moment or two Zeke started to wake up. Alex, Justin and Harper crowded around him while Ronnie and Mason sat in the kitchen. Ronnie tore her eyes away from the small group and glanced at Mason.
"How could I hear you when you were, you know?" Mason sighed and took her hands.
"Every werewolf has one person in the world who he can call his. His soul mate or mate and I think that's you" Ronnie frowned.
"That can't be right. I have no experience with love, I haven't even dated someone before you" Mason smiled.
"Ronnie, you are the one for me, I know it" Ronnie blushed and looked down. She frowned when she noticed the necklace. Mason noticed it as well and reached over to touch it. The gem lid up. Ronnie beamed and grabbed his hands again, just holding them.
"You can come out now!" Alex called. Ronnie and Mason shared a look before they walked out of the kitchen. Zeke and Harper were gone but Mister and Miss Russo were back. Their eyes widen at the sight of the two.
"Well you were just gone when Ronnie came back. Than, than we found Mason. As a wolf, he was living in this trailer, with a family who tried to take our portal, but then, but then, Ronnie tricked those country wizards. Yeah!" Justin jumped up.
"And their wands were sticks with leaves" Miss Russo cut them off.
"All right, all right, I do care. Gimme the short version." Ronnie smiled and hugged Mason's arm.
"The short version is, we found Mason and we will never let each other go again" Mason grinned and wound his arms around her.
"I don't know if I'm just swept up by the romance of our anniversary weekend, but I'm getting the sense that Ronnie loves Mason and wanted to get him back."
"That's because she just said that, Mr. Russo." Mason tried
"No. I don't think so. I think I'm coming to that realization on my own, in the moment." He croaked and stood up. "Oh, boy. This is more romantichan the time you guys were kissing in the rain." They stared at him "What? I love a happy ending." Mason shook it off and grinned.
"I'm so glad your feelings for me haven't changed, even though I may look like this for the rest of my life." Ronnie nodded and snuggled into his arms. Alex's eyes widen.
"What? No, no. You're not gonna look like this for the rest of your life, right? Tell him, Justin." Justin shrugged.
"Well I mean, obviously, the instruments didn't work. And until I can figure out why, I believe that Mason will be stuck in this "in-between stage," we'll call it." Mister Russo smiled.
"It's OK. No one's gonna suspect a thing. Lots of kids have beards these days."Ronnie frowned.
"I don't care guys. At least we're together." Mason grinned.
"And Ronnie still loves me." Ronnie nodded.
"Yes, I do."
Ronnie and Mason walked hand in hand down Waverly Place. People stared at him but they ignored them. Alex jogged up to them.
"Hey guys. I thought you were watching a movie, inside?" Ronnie send her a look.
"It's beautiful outside. We wanted to go for a stroll."Mason nodded in unison. They walked past the subway station. Alex took Ronnie's arm and tugged her to the entry.
"All right. Let's get inside." Ronnie shook her head and pulled away.
"I'll rather stay outside" Alex send her a look before she noticed the newspaper and handed them one.
"Look! Let's read newspapers and sit outside." She pushed Ronnie and Mason to the bench. They shrugged and started reading. Mason grinned and lowered his newspaper.
"You know, I'm really looking forward to going to Zeke's party with you tonight." Ronnie opened her mouth to say something when Alex pushed his newspaper back up.
"Don't be silly Mason, that was yesterday" Ronnie send Alex a glare.
"No, its tonight and I look forward to it as well" Mason smiled. Alex thought for a moment before she smiled.
"Well, these newspapers could do the trick. Bet you if we cut some eyeholes it could work." Ronnie rested her head against the bench, catching on to Alex. Mason turned to her.
"I don't understand. Is this a game?" Harper ran towards them.
"Oh, my goodness! You guys won't believe what just happened! OK. Zeke kissed me hello and then he fainted again! What if he kisses me at the party and faints there? We're gonna be the second most embarrassing couple at the party." Ronnie frowned.
"Well, who's first?" Harper eyed them.
"I don't know." Alex smiled.
"Well, it sounds like it would be best if you didn't go to the party, either." Harper frowned.
"Wait, you're not going to the party? But you have to go to the party."
"I don't know." Mason smiled.
"You know, it would be fun to go to a party, Alex. I mean, I'd love to meet Ronnie's friends, mingle, get to know" Alex cut him off.
"Oh, She doesn't have any friends." Harper frowned at Alex's rudeness.
"Well, I'm her friend and I want her to go." Ronnie clenched her jaw and glared at Alex.
"You see? My only friend wants me to go." Alex eyed them.
"Now I'm beginning to understand why Justin has robot friends" Ronnie exhaled angrily and stood up.
"I think we should leave" Alex quickly stood up as well.
"No! I mean you should sit down"
"Sit down or I'll hex you into oblivion" Alex's eyes widen and quickly sat down. Ronnie turned to Harper.
"Don't worry, we'll be there" Harper nodded, scared. Ronnie nodded and stalked away. Mason quickly followed her.
"Ronnie, Love. What's wrong?" He asked as he finally caught up to her. Ronnie stopped and turned to him.
"Alex doesn't want us to been seen in public because of how you look " Mason looked back at the girls before he glanced at Ronnie.
"Do you?" Ronnie quickly shook her head.
"Of course not" Mason smiled.
"Well, than I don't care" Ronnie beamed and had to stand on her tippy toes but kissed him. Mason smiled and kissed back. They pulled away and Ronnie looked down at her watch.
"It's nearly 12, fancy some thee?" Mason grinned and nodded. They interlocked their hands again and went to their regular cafe.
"Before Transylvania you told me you nearly died. I never got the time to ask you about that" Ronnie placed her cup back down and sighed. "Only if you want to of course" Ronnie looked at him and send him a small smile.
"No you deserve to know. But if I tell you I need to begin at the beginning." Mason nodded. "Alright. First my full name is Ronald Bilius Weasly since my parents expected a son. I have 5 older brothers and one younger sister. I'm a pureblood wizard and I graduated at Hogwarts last year." She sighed and got to the hard part. "A long time ago there was a wizard who had gone bad. He tried to kill everyone. Then he met my friend Harry Potter. Even as a infant he couldn't kill him. V-" Ronnie swallowed hard. "Voldemort disappeared and only reappeared when Harry and Hermione, another friend, and me were in the first grade. He kept coming back every year until finally at our last year he attacked with his army" She took another sip of her thee. "Me, my family and friend did everything to hold them back and we did. Many died, many nearly died but in the end we won. Voldemort died and Harry came out victorious" Mason stared at her wide eyed. Ronnie quickly took her cup and took a large gulp.
"Isn't that a movie?" Ronnie sighed and placed her cup down.
"A muggle found out about our existence, yes. She wrote about it and made it into books" Mason stared at her before he slid his chair towards her.
"I promise you that I will keep you safe for as long as I am standing" Ronnie smiled and him and nodded.
"But know I can defend myself pretty well" Mason chuckled.
"I wouldn't doubt it"
Mason knocked on the door of the Weasly household. Ronnie had told him she needed to change before they would go to the party so he told her he would pick her up at 7. The door opened and the elder face of Arthur Weasly appeared at the door opening.
"Ah Mason come In" he smiled kindly. Mason followed him inside the warm home. Strangely though the house seemed to have a whole new vibe to it. Much more magic.
"Mum, I need to go" Ronnie stepped into the hallway. Mason's jaw fell. Ronnie wore a lavender dress with her hair done up in a fancy braid. Of course she wore her white boots. Mason smiled, seeing her wearing his heart necklace, still glowing peacefully. Ronnie gasped, seeing him. "Mason" She jumped forwards an hugged him. Mason spun her around before placing her back on the ground. He took a step back and admired her for a second.
"You look stunning" Ronnie blushed and looked down.
"She would if she let me finish her hair!" Molly called, stomping into the hallway, a hairdryer floating after her. Ronnie looked up and rolled her eyes.
"Mum..." Molly stopped and eyed the two.
"My little girl's growing up" She sniffed. Ronnie rolled her eyes and tried to tug Mason to the door. "Wait let me take a picture of you two!" Ronnie's eyes widen.
"No,we need to leave, or we'll be late" Mason smiled, seeing the interaction between mother and daughter. Ronnie, having enough took out her wand. "Hold on"
There was a sucking noise and both of them were gone. Molly groaned and lowered her camera. "Just once I will make a picture of that girl"
The elevator dinged and Mason and Ronnie got out.
"Wow. Look at this place." Ronnie beamed eying the apartment
"This elevator goes right up into it." Ronnie nodded and turned to him not even noticing the odd glances that were thrown their way.
"I know." Mason chuckled and held out his hand.
"Would you like to dance?" Ronnie smiled and bowed.
"Of course" Mason grinned and together they walked onto the dance floor. They had just started to slow dance when Alex pulled them away from the dance floor and handed Mason a map, told him to figure out a route to Pennsylvania.
"Alex what are you doing?" Alex huffed.
"Why do you think I did something?" Ronnie send her a look. Ronnie reached out and took a piece of cucumber just as a boy joined them.
"I heard there's this crazy, hairy kid at the party. I came as soon as I got the text."Mason lowered his map.
"Where? I've gotta see this." Alex rolled her eyes.
"He's talking about you. Why'd you put your map down?" Alex groaned.
"I get it, Alex. You're worried about what other people think of the way I look." She shook her head.
"Well, I What? No! Who? You mean them?" The kid took out his phone and snapped a picture. "Oh, my gosh. Everybody sees you." She grabbed Mason's arm and dragged him away. Ronnie's eyes widen and followed them. Mason frowned.
"You're ashamed of me, aren't you?" Alex sighed
"Maybe" Mason looked at Ronnie
"Are you?" Ronnie immediately shook her head.
"No." Alex frowned and turned to her friend.
"You should be. He has hair on his forehead." Alex snapped her fingers. "And you walk in a circle like ten times before you sit." Mason shook his head.
"I'm sorry you feel that way. I guess I'll leave you alone so I won't have to embarrass you anymore." He pushed past the two girls and stepped into the elevator.
"Mason wait!" Ronnie shot forward but the elevator was already going down. She stared at the retrieving elevator for a moment before she turned to Alex.
"Alex, what did you do?" She asked, stone cold. Alex froze.
"I don't know. People were pointing and laughing." Ronnie frowned.
"He is not even your boyfriend. He is mine and I don't care how he looks. I am not that selfish. I hoped you could understand that but I guess you can't."
"Ronnie" Ronnie ignored her and waved her hand, disappearing. She reappeared in the elevator with Mason.
"Mason, I need to talk to you." Mason frowned.
"Oh? Are you sure? The doorman might see us together." Ronnie frowned.
"Why do you care what Alex told you?" Mason looked up. "I already told you, I don't care how you look: half wolf, full wolf. I love you Mason."
"I don't know if I can believe you." He told her stubbornly while from the inside he was screaming. She loved him? Of course she did, the necklace told him that but for her to tell him. Ronnie smirked and held out her hand.
"Then let me prove it." Mason smiled down at her. The elevator opened and they got out. People pointed and stared at them but they ignored them completely. Ronnie led Mason to the middle of the floor and laid her hands on his shoulders. Mason placed his on her waist and slowly they began to move.
The sky looks pissed
The wind talks back
My bones are shifting in my skin
And you, my love, are gone
My room feels wrong
The bed won't fit
I cannot seem to operate
And you, my love, are gone
So glide away on soapy heels
And promise not to promise anymore
And if you come around again
Then I will take, then I will take the chain from off the door
I'll never say that I'll never love
But I don't say a lot of things
And you, my love, are gone
Ronnie moved closer to Mason so her head was resting on his chest. The fast beating of his heart soothing her harsh thoughts. Mason wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes. More and more couples went home until only Ronnie and Mason were left. Zeke and Harper were out cold on the couch.
"Ronnie!" Justin ran into the room. "I found it! The last piece to complete Mason's transformation, the mouth harp!" Ronnie turned her head towards Justin.
"Oh, Justin, thank you." Justin handed her the piece. Ronnie pulled away from Mason. "You ready?" Mason nodded. Ronnie played a couple of tunes until Mason changed back. She stopped and beamed at him. Mason turned to her.
"Did it work? Do I look handsome?" Ronnie nodded and kissed his nose.
"Yes, it worked. But you always look handsome." Mason sneezed and grinned. Mason smiled at the two. Ronnie remembered him and turned to him. "Thank you, Justin."
Justin nodded and saluted before he left. Ronnie and Mason smiled at each other before they resumed their dance.
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