Chapter 2
"Why do we have to eat this whole plate of pasta before we kiss?" Mason asked as they ate. Ronnie wiped her mouth with her napkin and smiled.
"I saw it in a movie. I thought it'd be romantic, the moment our lips when we eat the same strand" Mason smiled.
"While our lips are covered in tomato sauce" Ronnie frowned and eyed the plate.
"Oh, you're right. That's nasty." Mason laughed at her pouting face and grabbed her hand.
"I'm gonna leave the romantic moments up to you." They smiled at each other before Harper walked in, kinda ruining the moment.
"How was the pasta?" She asked in a fake Italian accent. Ronnie put on a fake smile and nodded.
"Great, thnx." Harper grinned. Mason smiled, taking a small box out of his pocket.
"How's this for a romantic moment?" He opened it, catching their attention. Ronnie's eyes widen, seeing the beautiful heart necklace.
"Oh, my gosh." She breathed. Mason beamed and helped her put it on. He watched her carefully as she picked it up before it lid up, very brightly. "It glows?" She looked up at Mason.
"Yes. Quite unusual, really. It runs on batteries." Ronnie smiled and looked down at the necklace. She looked up again and moved closer to Mason, about to kiss him, without the gross tomato sauce.
"They're kissing!" Harper shouted, once again ruining their moment. Ronnie send her retrieving form a glare. Miss Russo walked up to them.
"Hi, Mason! I didn't know you two were in the middle of a date." Ronnie smiled.
"Yes, you did, Miss Russo. You're the one who made this fancy screen" Miss Russo smiled apologetic.
"Well, listen, I'm sorry, but we need the tables for the evening rush. Jerry handed out fliers without the word "imitation" in front of "ham"." Mason suddenly looked very afraid.
"It's evening?" Miss Russo looked down at her watch and nodded.
"Yes. Although most people would have keyed off the fact that we use fake meat here." Mason hurriedly stood up.
"Oh, boy, it's getting late. I better get going." He took his jacked and hurried to the door. Ronnie stood up.
"What's wrong?" Mason turned to her looking sad.
"I lost track of time. In your eyes." Ronnie gave him a look.
"Cheesy but don't try to change the subject."
"I'm sorry, I need to go" Mason gave her a quick kiss and ran away.
"Wait! Mason." Ronnie tried. Mason stopped and turned to her. "My mom invited you to the family dinner tomorrow.
"What time do you eat?" Mason asked. Ronnie shrugged.
"We like to eat early. It gives us time for the food to settle before my brothers started fighting over what to watch on TV." Mason nodded hurriedly.
"Great. Thank you. Goodbye!" he ran away but Ronnie noticed his backpack on the chair.
"Oh, wait, your backpack." She called after him but he was already gone. Ronnie watched him go and sighed. This was the second time this had happened and she was getting worried. She tore her eyes away from the door and glanced at Miss Russo. "I think I'm going home, thank you for the table" Miss Russo nodded with a sad smile before Ronnie walked out of the restaurant with the bag.
The West Family and Mason sat the table eating a classic English roast. Ronnie's mom Molly had cooked it specially for Mason. Currently only 2 of Ronnie's brothers were home and her sister Ginny. They laughed.
"Seriously, Ronnie bowled a 17. And one time, she didn't even bowl in the right direction." Ronnie rolled her eyes.
"I was trying to knock down the people in the snack bar line. It was too long."
"How about another piece of roast, Mason?" Molly asked. Mason nodded with a huge smile.
"Oh, thank you. I would love another piece. This roast is much better than the ones I catch." The West's eyes widen.
"You catch cows?" Mason realised his mistake and nodded.
"Uhhh yes at the grocery store. In my family we say "catch" instead of shop." The family, minus Ronnie nodded. "Toodle-oo, I'm off to go Catching." Molly laughed.
"Your family sounds so nice."
"Mason, the heart you gave Ronnie is beautiful. Where'd you get it?" Ginny asked. Ronnie smirked.
"To give to Justin?" Ginny blushed fiercely and turned to her food. Percy smiled.
"Really Ginny's kind of junk." Ronnie frowned.
"Junk?" Percy froze.
"I didn't say junk." Mason jumped in.
"I know why you called it junk, because it's never quite as beautiful as the ladies we buy it for. Wouldn't you agree?" Percy nodded quickly, grateful for the help, his sister could be scary at times.
"Yes. It's never quite as beautiful." Molly send her son a look.
"Eat your roast" Percy nodded and turned to his food as well. Ronnie frowned.
"Excuse me Mason? Did you say "ladies"? Who are all these ladies you're buying jewellery for?" Mason smiled.
"I was just making conversation to cover your brothers faux pas." Ronnie nodded but didn't leave it. Mason noticed the window and paled.
"Oh, my! It's getting dark. I'm afraid I'm late." He shot up and ran towards the door. Ronnie shot after him.
"Wait, wait! Late for what?" Mason turned around.
"I just have to go. Thank you for the splendid dinner, Mr. and Mrs. West." He stepped forward and kissed Ronnie's cheek. "Bye, love! I'll see you tomorrow." Ronnie nodded, no trace of a smile left on her face. The heart necklace stopped glowing, not that any of them noticed. Mason send them another smile before he left. Ronnie closed her eyes.
"Okay. I know what you're all thinking. That every time he's with me he suddenly leaves without a good explanation. And now he says he buys a lot of jewellery." She ended with a crack in her voice. That's when she broke down. Her first ever real boyfriend and the first boy she ever kissed was probably cheating on her with another girl. Molly wrapped her arms around her daughter, trying to sooth the harsh sops coming out of her.
Alex walked into the restaurant. She hadn't seen Ronnie the whole day but she knew what Mason had done to her so when she saw him sitting there, happily drinking a milkshake, she walked over to him.
"You're so lucky that you found Ronnie, aren't you?" Mason looked up from his milkshake and nodded.
"I prefer to call it destiny." Alex nodded and sat down in front of him.
"You know, some guys, or girls, have to keep dating around, sometimes even behind the other person's back Just because they're too dumb to see that the right girl, or guy, is sitting right in front of them." She smirked. Mason smiled.
"Well, I feel very sorry for those people." Alex frowned.
"Do you? That's interesting."
"This is a delicious shake. What's your secret?" Alex placed her elbows on the table.
"Why don't you tell me yours first?" Mason frowned.
"I beg your pardon?" Alex shook her head.
"Nothing, nothing. Nothing. You know, I was just thinking that maybe you could take Ronnie to the movies tonight. There's this new coming-of-age horror film Entitled I know what you did last night, and you're not fooling me at all, you dirty cheater." Mason frowned.
"That's a rather long title for a movie."
"Well, it's a sequel." She reached out and grabbed his milkshake. "Sequel titles are always longer. The first one was called what's her name, dirty cheater?" Mason licked his lips and shook his head.
"I'd love to, but I can't. I gotta go!" Ronnie ran out of the kitchen.
"Wait! Mason!" Mason froze and turned to her. "There you go leaving again. Why are you always in such a hurry?" She whispered the last part knowing if she would speak it in a normal volume she would cry again.
"I'm sorry." He stepped forewords trying to kiss her cheek but she stepped back, tears brimming in her eyes. "Please don't be angry with me." Ronnie shook her head.
"I'm not. I just want to know why you're always leaving so suddenly. I mean, is there something that I should know?" Mason send her a small smile.
"No! I just have to go." He turned and ran away. Ronnie pursed her lips thinking before she ran out of the restaurant, after Mason. When she finally reached him, Harper had him cornered.
"Aha! Not so fast, you two-timing Brit! Who is she?" Mason tried breaking free but he was stuck.
"What? Let me go!" Alex ran towards them.
"Harper, what are you doing? The plan was to follow him, not to wrestle him." Harper frowned but let Mason go.
"I know, but I ran a lot in gym today, so I'm tired." Mason frowned and stepped away.
"Ronnie, please, go away." Ronnie glanced between Alex and Harper before she made her decision and followed Mason.
"I'm sorry, Mason, but their thinking that you're seeing another girl. Please tell them that their wrong." Ronnie asked him, tears burning in her eyes. Mason shook his head, looking absolutely frightened.
"Just go away, please!" He looked up at the sky and screamed. Ronnie's eyes widen, knowing what was happening. Alex pointed at Mason.
"So this is a painful question for you." Ronnie rolled her eyes and stepped closer to Mason.
"Get out of here!" He barked before he turned around, growling. Alex and Harper backed away while Ronnie stared at him in concern. Mason turned back to them, completely furry. Alex and Harper yelped while Ronnie remained strong. She took a deep breath and stared him deep in the eyes. Mason started breathing heavily so Alex and Harper screamed.
Before their eyes Mason turned back to a more normal stage of wolf.
"Sorry. Sometimes I go more wolf than I need to." He apologized.
"I don't think he has another girlfriend. Maybe another dog." Harper tried behind Ronnie. Ronnie was to captivated to comment. Her eyes were fixed to Mason's. Mason finally broke eye contact and started to howl very loudly.
"Shhhh" Ronnie shushed him, stepping closer. Mason smiled.
"Sorry, I can't help it. Now, based on the fact neither of you ran off, I'd say you also have a secret. What are you, an elf? A wizard? A genie?" He stepped past Ronnie and started to sniff Alex. She stepped back.
"I'm a wizard." Harper held up her hand.
"And I'm not and right now I'm kind of glad." Mason nodded and turned around to face Ronnie.
"And you?" He whisper, afraid. She gave him a small smile.
"Wizard." Mason smiled and stepped closer, taking her hands.
"I knew there was something about you. I apologize for rushing off all the time, but now you can see what the moon does to me." He looked down and his smile widened. "Your necklace is still glowing." Alex frowned.
"So? Must be the batteries." Ronnie shook her head.
"It's a magic necklace." Mason looked back at her and nodded.
"It only glows when you're in love with the person who put it on you." Ronnie smiled and looked down.
"Well, I guess it works. And very convenient, too, because now I don't have to tell you, which is something I have never done before"
"Usually when girls find out I'm a werewolf, they run off, which can only be taken as a breakup." Ronnie shook her head and looked up.
"Well, does this look like I'm running off?" She stepped closer and hugged him. Her being so freakishly small, could easily fit underneath his chin.
"Awww It's so freaky and romantic at the same time."Harper awed, but this time she couldn't ruin the moment.
Now Mason and Ronnie were back at the West residence. Percy, George, Ginny and Ronnie's parents sat around them.
"So, the first time I turned, I was in London stuck behind a lorry at Piccadilly Circus as the moon rose" The family laughed. "What can I do but dash into a building, where I found myself in the middle of a dog competition. I jumped through hoops, walked in circles, and accidentally won best in show." Ronnie moved closer.
"You'd be best in any show." Molly smiled at the young couple.
"Well, Mason, you seem like a fine young man-wolf who respects and cares for Ronnie ." That's when Arthur jumped in.
"And if you don't, I'll hunt you down like a dog and well, you get the picture."
"I won't forget that, sir." Arthur nodded grateful. They, as wizards knew of course that when a werewolf was in love he would never hurt his love, he would more likely hurt himself. Mason turned to Ronnie, scared.
"Does he like me?" Ronnie nodded with a smile. Mason smiled as well and grabbed her hand. That's when Justin and Max walked into the room. It happened a lot in their house. Percy must have helped Justin with something because Justin came down from the stairs.
"I have looked everywhere for Juliet, Percy. She's gone" Ronnie turned to him.
"Can we help Justin? I want you to be happy like I am with Mason." Mason nodded.
"You know, as a werewolf I have keen dog-sniffing abilities." They stood up an faced Justin. "If I can have a sample of her scent, I might be able to track the target." Max shook his head.
"No, Mason. We need to find Justin's girlfriend, not a girl named target." Justin nodded, new found hope in his eyes.
"I have some of her dental floss, right here!" He opened his monster vest an took out a long piece of yarn. "Check that out." Justin handed him the yarn.
"Let me have a sniff." He started to sniff it. After a moment he nodded. "Okay, I've got it!"
"Now go get my shnoogly-boo-boo mccuteykins. Ronnie, thank you for not letting me give up on Juliet." Ronnie nodded with a huge smile. "Feels good to have hope again."
After a short magical taxi ride while Mason held his head out of the window, they reached the place Mason smelt Juliet. It really looked like a castle.
They walked onto the drawbridge when Mason stopped and turned to Ronnie. He smiled and kissed her. She smiled and kissed him again, not liking just one kiss.
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something." Alex asked, causing them to pull away. "I thought when a werewolf kisses a non-werewolf. They turn into a werewolf." Mason opened his mouth to answer when Ronnie beat him to it.
"That's only with mutts. He's a pureblood."
"How did you know that?" Ronnie blushed, realising what she had said.
"I- learned it at my old school in England plus one of my old teachers was a werewolf." Mason grinned and nodded. That kind of explained why she wasn't afraid of him when she saw him change. The group entered the castle. Mason started sniffing again while the other looked around.
"Juliet! Juliet!" Justin called. "Are you sure we're in the right place?" Mason nodded.
"Hard to confuse vampire breath with another scent." He gagged and threw away the floss. Ronnie jumped upon hearing the main gate lower, successfully trapping them.
"The young fool has finally come." A loud and scratchy voice announced. They turned around to see the in linen wrapped mummy.
"The mummy!" Justin screamed and turned around. "Whatever you guys do, do not look into his eyes or else he'll shoot these red beams and turn you into his minion." They quickly hid behind the old fountain.
"Thank you for that, Mr. Over-explainer. Only an idiot would look into the mummy's eyes." Alex hissed back. Max stood up.
"Hey, mummy, I think your kid's looking for you." Ronnie reached over and pulled him back down.
"We've come for Juliet!" The mummy rolled his red glowing eyes.
"I know. Your undying love for Juliet made me expect your arrival." Ronnie started digging through her pockets, alerting Mason.
"Actually, no. It was Juliet's constant yammering. "My boyfriend's gonna come for me!" "My boyfriend's coming for me."
"Dude, that's actually a really good impression." Ronnie took her hand out of her pocket. Mirror sunglasses. She grinned and handed a pair to Mason before slipping on one herself. Ronnie stood up and faced the mummy.
"Release Juliet so she can be with Justin!" The mummy smirked.
"Juliet? Someone's here to see you!" He stepped away, showing the wall engraving of two people. One unknown Egyptian dude and Juliet.
"Juliet!" Justin shot forwards and ran past the mummy to the painting. "What did you do to my beautiful sweet vampire girlfriend?"
"It's a way to keep her frozen until I need her to do stuff for me." Max walked towards Justin but stepped into something.
"Oh, man! These are my church shoes." He tried scraping it off with something he found. The mummy took it from him.
"Hey, give me that! That's not a shoe scraper. This scarab beetle is the key to reanimating the girl in the hieroglyph." The teens looked at him "I talk too much. Forget what I just said!" Max frowned.
"I need to clean my shoes with something." He stepped towards the mummy and took something of the ground. "Oh, how about this? This'll work." He started pulling it. Ronnie smiled.
"Good thinking, Max!" She, Alex and Justin stepped to the mummy and took parts of his bandages. They pulled and pulled until the mummy's head was completely exposed.
"Oh, this is not good" His face started to turn to dust before the remaining bandages fell to the floor, the mummy was defeated. Justin turned back to the wall. Ronnie and Mason took off their glasses.
"How does this work?" Alex crouched down and grabbed the scarab.
"Here use this" She handed it to Justin. He tried placing the scarab onto Juliet's hand before he noticed the hole with the text. 'Enter Scarab here'. He inserted the scarab and the wall slid open. There was Juliet in all her vampire glory. She smiled upon seeing Justin.
"You found me!" She hugged him and he spun her around.
"I promised you I would." Ronnie stepped closer to Mason and kissed his cheek. He breathed and turned back to his normal, non werewolf self.
"That was for helping Justin." Mason grinned and spun her around like Justin had done with Juliet. Ronnie squealed and hid her face in his shoulder. Justin and Juliet walked towards them. Justin turned to Mason.
"Mason. Thanks. I owe you one."Juliet looked up.
"Mason?" Mason smiled.
"Hello, Juliet. It's been a long time." Juliet nodded.
"Well, yeah. 300 years. You haven't changed." Ronnie watched the conversation like a tennis match. Did they know each other?
"Actually, I change all the time, remember?" Juliet laughed.
"Oh, my gosh, yeah." She threw an imaginary stick. "Ready? Fetch! Fetch, boy. Fetch! Go on!" She and Mason ran into the courtyard. They ran around the fountain before they sat down on the wall. Justin frowned at Ronnie and together they walked towards them.
"What's going on?"
"Do- Do you guys know each other?" Juliet nodded
"Yeah. We used to go out."Mason's smile faded a little bit seeing what was happening.
"Juliet was my girlfriend." Justin held up his finger and pulled Ronnie towards the side.
"Wait a minute. So your boyfriend and my girlfriend - used to be boyfriend and girlfriend." Ronnie bit her lip and nodded.
"That would explain why she's scratching him behind the ear."Justin turned the two to see that Juliet was scratching Mason behind his ear.
"Oh, my gosh!"Justin marched over to the two and painted at Mason. "I let you help me find my girlfriend, who used to be your girlfriend? That thank you I said earlier? I cancel that. Thank you very much. Wait. I cancel that, too." Ronnie sighed and walked closer, hugging herself.
"Mason, you haven't stopped staring at Juliet since we found her." Mason stood up and turned to Juliet.
"Juliet, I didn't know we were looking for you." He fell to his knees and held his head. "I never stopped looking for you!" Ronnie stepped back like she had been hit.
"Oh, my gosh!" Alex gasped. "What are you doing?" She shouted, seeing her friend on the brink of crying again over him.
"I don't know!"
"Can't you see how she feels about you?" Mason shook his head.
"Ronnie, I'm sorry. Something just came over me." Ronnie took another step back as the first tear slid down her cheek. She took off the heart necklace and let it fall on the ground.
"I'm sorry" She grabbed her wand and moved it in a circle. There was a vacuum sound before she was gone.
"Ronnie, honey? Open the door."Ronnie's mom, Molly called through her bedroom door. "Open the door." Ronnie sniffed and waved her wand. The door opened and Molly walked in, holding a steaming cup of coco. She gasped at the sight of her daughter looking so heartbroken. "Oh, my sweetie! Oh, I know how much it hurts when your heart gets broken." She sat down next to her and pulled the blanked tighter around her. "But time will heal it.
"Mason told Juliet that he never stopped searching for her" Ronnie sniffed and whipped a tear away. "Right in front of me."
"Listen, you're gonna fall in love so many times before you find the one you'll be with forever. So think of it this way. You're just one broken heart closer to happily ever after." Ronnie rolled her eyes and sunk down her bed.
"Mom, that's just fairy tale talk." Molly smiled sadly.
"I know. But my parenting guide doesn't have a chapter on what to do when your wizard daughter's werewolf boyfriend has been in love-" Ronnie cut her off.
"Sometimes hugs work." Molly smiled and hugged her "And sometimes they don't." Ronnie croaked and broke down again.
"Come on, Hun" Ronnie groaned but her mom had already pulled her out of bed and downstairs. She wasn't even down there for more than 3 seconds when Mason walked in, Percy hot on his tail.
"Mason, I don't think Ronnie wants to see you."Percy tried. Molly pulled her daughter towards her, feeling her starting to shake.
"I came to fix things."
"Mason you need to leave" Molly warned. Mason took a step forwards.
"Ronnie, I didn't mean what I said earlier. I was in shock from seeing Juliet, but I want to be with you." Ronnie pulled away from her mom and stepped closer. She looker really terrible. Her skin was pale, there were tear stains on her cheeks and her hair looked like it had exploded.
"Look, Mason I've been in shock before, too. Like when my best friend died, or when I nearly died myself and still, I've never accidentally told someone I loved them when I didn't." Mason shook his head, still in shock about the things she had just told him.
"Ronnie, I know it's hard to believe, but if you let me explain-" Ronnie shook her head and stepped back to her mom.
"I think you've said enough." Arthur nodded.
"It's time for you to go, Mason." Mason stared at Ronnie for a moment before he nodded.
"Yes, sir. I'll be on my way, then and I'll regret my mistake for the rest of my life." Ronnie sniffed as Mason finally left.
"It took everything I had not to take him back. I'm just gonna go." She grabbed her blanked and walked back up the stairs to her room.
Eventually Alex and Harper had dragged Ronnie out of her room and to Alex's house. There they crashed on the couch. Alex picked the movie and Harper made popcorn.
"Or worse expelled!" The female witch screeched. Alex smirked and Harper placed down the bowl of popcorn.
"Were gonna watch a wizard movie?" Alex nodded.
"Yes, no werewolves just wizards and a huge fluffy dog" Harper shrugged and sat down next t Ronnie. Ronnie groaned.
"Can we watch a different movie?" Alex frowned.
"I thought you liked this movie" Ronnie shook her head.
"Long story" Harper turned off the TV, assuming she had watched the movie with Mason, just in time for Max and Mason to walk into the room.
"Ron, look who I brought, your werewolf boyfriend." Ronnie shot up, facing Mason.
"Max! How could you do this?" Alex screeched.
"Well, let me tell you, it wasn't easy finding the key to the door I never use 'cause it was inside when we needed it, that's how." He smiled and walked past her.
"Ronnie, I'm over Juliet, you've got to believe me." Mason tried, walking closer.
"I can't. Just because she didn't want you, Mason, I'm your second choice."
"Listen to me, I can prove it. All we have to do is go back to Transylvania and find the true love necklace. If you put it on me and it glows, then you'll know how I truly feel about you." Ronnie shook her head.
"No, I'm never going back there. You can go get it." Mason smiled slightly.
"No! You have to go with me, because that's where it all went bad, and that's where I'm gonna make it all go good." Ronnie bit her lip, like she did when she thought and nodded.
"Okay. I have to know the truth." She threw off her blanked and took out her wand. "Let's go." Alex shook her head.
"No, you can't go!" Ronnie ignored her and waved her wand. There was another vacuum sound before she and Mason were gone.
Mason and Ronnie were busy searching for the necklace when Justin, Max and Juliet beamed in.
"Hey! There you are."Justin called. Ronnie frowned.
"How did you guys find us?"
"Don't tell her it was me." Max whispered before he walked closer to Mason "Mason! It's good to see you, buddy." Mason smiled.
"Yeah, you too." He looked at Justin. "I wish you were cool with me like your little brother." Justin stepped closer.
"That's where you're right. You and I are not cool. Now back away from my little sister." Ronnie looked at him and gave him a small smile.
"Justin, it's ok. He's gonna prove his feelings for me with the true love necklace. As long as you guys are here, could you please help look for it?" Justin sighed but nodded.
"Yeah, I'll help you find it. But listen, ringo, you gotta stop toying with my sister's feelings, because the last time we were together, you were messing with my girlfriend. Not that I'd want you to do that again." He corrected. "I'd rather you mess with my sister rather than my girlfriend"
"Justin!" Ronnie shouted offended. Justin turned back to Mason
"Let me take this again. Listen, ringo" Juliet stepped up.
"Okay, his point is you need to leave all of us alone." Justin nodded.
"Exactly! Come on, Ronnie, you're coming with me." Justin tried pulling her with him but Mason grabbed her other arm.
"No, she's not going anywhere!" Ronnie hissed, feeling a painful tug in her arm.
"All right, now that's my wand arm." Justin shook his head.
"I'm not leaving without her!"
"I said she's not going anywhere!"Mason growled and released Ronnie. He growled louder and turned full wolf.
"Look! Look, Mason's a werewolf." Max beamed and jumped and down. "Awesome! Especially since I know I'm not in danger 'cause we're buddies, right, Mason? Mason? Mason, you didn't answer my question." Mason growled at him. Ronnie tried stepping closer to him, to try and calm him down but Justin kept a tight grip on her arm.
"Look, I'll admit it, I'm a little scared right now, But I'm not backing down. Come on, Ronnie, I'm bringing you home." Mason growled.
"No! I have to find the necklace." Ronnie shouted and pulled free from Justin. She send him a angry glare and ran away to search again.
"I'm not going anywhere." Justin challenged. Ronnie zoned out of the conversation, searching for the necklace. She searched the castle until her eyes were drawn up.
"I found it!" she called and took out her wand.
"Accio Necklace!" The necklace lid up and flew towards her. She caught it and turned around just in time for Justin to push her to the ground. Mason had tried jumped towards her but Justin couldn't risk him hurting her. Mason tried clawing at them but Juliet pulled him off them. She started fighting them but he scratched her, making her wings disappear.
"My wings!" Ronnie quickly pulled the necklace around her neck and ran towards Mason. She jumped on his back and pulled him towards her. He, unable to stop, clawed at her. Ignoring the stinging pain in her arm, Ronnie pointed her wand at him.
"Expiliarmus!" Mason fell back but growled and tackled her to the ground. He growled in face. "Get off her!" Juliet shouted and pulled Mason off Ronnie. She flipped him and moved closer. He screeched and pushed her off. He fell down onto his back.
"No! You bit me." He growled and turned back to half wolf. "How could you do this?" Juliet gave him a sad look.
"I didn't have a choice. You were attacking my friends." Ronnie scrambled up from the ground and sat next to Mason, inspecting his bite wound.
"What's going on?" Max asked, walking closer.
"When a vampire bites a werewolf, they turn into a wolf." Ronnie explained, tears in her eyes.
"You mean a werewolf?" Mason shook his head and moved to wipe a lone tear that rolled down Ronnie's cheek away.
"No, a wolf" Juliet nodded.
"Yeah, and when a werewolf scratches a vampire. I lose my vampire powers." Justin grinned and stepped closer.
"Well, that's not so bad." Juliet smiled sadly at him.
"Justin, I'm gonna look my real age."
"I'm not so shallow that I would let something like an age difference come in between us."
"I'm 2193 years old."
"That's a lot of years."Ronnie smiled sadly and sniffed.
"I got the necklace." She whispered with a sad smile. She took it off and carefully slid it over Mason's head. The heart immediately lid up in the same red light.
"You do love me." She croaked. Mason nodded.
"I do. But it's too late for us." He stood up. "You could never have a normal life with me now." Ronnie stood up as well.
"But I'm a wizard. My life has never been normal" Mason shook his head.
"When I turn into a wolf, I can't control myself. It won't be safe for you. At least you know I truly love you." Salty tears that had tried to hide themselves rolled down Ronnie's cheeks. Mason immediately closed the gap between them and pulled her in a tight hug. After a moment he pulled away and took off the necklace. He wiped Ronnie's cheek and carefully placed the necklace on her. Just like with him, the necklace lid up. He smiled and kissed her cheek. Ronnie closer her eyes, not wanting this moment to end. Mason finally pulled away and turned around. He sighed and crouched down, turning into a large brown wolf. Wolf Mason ran out of the castle and howled.
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