I nervously paced around the living room, waiting for Louis to pick me up. He called me around 10am after he was done recording. He said he'd be here around 2:30. I had curled my hair and put it in a ponytail. I was wearing a red faded t-shirt with football numbers on it and some just-above-mid-thigh-sorta-short-shorts and red TOMS to match my shirt. I clutched my phone in one hand and bit my nails on the other. The doorbell rang and I jumped. I ran to the door and waited a couple seconds before opening it. Not wanting to seem like I was waiting at the door. I pulled it open and saw Louis standing there, cute as ever in a grey sweater with a white button up underneath and the collar showing over the sweater and a pair of skinny jeans. I smiled.

"Hi," I gushed.

"Hey, ready to go?" I nodded and locked my arm with his and we walked to his car. He opened the door for me and I blushed. We drove to Aviva Stadium.


"Oh my fucking god are you kidding me?!" I screamed. One o the players had a easy pass and didnt take it and the ball got stolen. A roar of anger erupted out of the crowd. Louis looked at me and smirked.

"Someone's got a mouth,"

"We'll he should have passed it," I grumbled plopping back down I'm my seat. When we pulled into the parking lot I said hello to all of the boys and we walked into the Stadium and took our seats very close to the field. Louis chuckled and the players left the field. The game was over and we lost.

"I could have easily scored that goal," Louis bragged.

"Oh really?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Yeah and ill prove it too,"

"How?" I challenged.

"Like this," Louis tan down the isle and on to the field. I chased after him and he grabbed a ball and dribbled it into a goal. He put his arms up and ran towards me, sweeping me off my feet. I laughed and pressed my lips to his and we both smiled into the kiss.

"So now that you won the big game what are you going to do now?" I asked after he put me down.

"I'm going to take a pretty girl to Nandos," he smiled grabbing my hand.

"HEY YOU TWO, GET OFF THE FIELD!" A security guard yelled from the crowd. We laughed and ran back up in the stands. The boys were waiting outside in the parking lot.

"I'll catch you guys later, yeah? We're going to Nandos," Louis told them.

"Did somebody say Nandos?!" Niall yelled from inside the car. "Lets go!"

"Sounds good to me!" Harry said.

"Guys I actually wanted it to be just me and-"

Louis was interrupted by Zayn, "Yay! Last one there has to pay!"

"Hurry!" Liam squealed and they all got in their cars.

"I'm sorry," Louis frowned.

"It's okay, wanna go back to my place? We can order a pizza," I suggested brushing a piece of hair out of his eyes.

"What about the lads?"

"I'm sure they'll be fine," I smiled getting into the passenger seat. "Anyways thanks for taking me here I had fun,"

"No problem I had fun too. How about a third date?"

"Okay where?"

"You could come to my place. I could make Harry leave and we could make brownies."

"I love brownies," I moaned

"Good then it's a date. Is tomorrow okay with you?"

"Perfect," I blushed.


We ordered a large pepperoni pizza and currently, we were siting on my bed, an empty pizza box with only the crusts in it, between us.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked, twisting piece of hair around. An old habit I did when I was bored.

"What was that show you mentioned last night?"


"Yeah, wanna watch it?"

Moments later we were snuggled up, laying on the length of the couch. A soft blanket spread over both of us, Louis arm was around me and my laptop was half on my leg and half on his. The first episode of Supernatural was playing.

Louis' POV

I liked the show for the first few minutes I watched it. The rest of the time I watched Katelyn giggle at Deans sarcasticness. And gasp when the ghost popped up and crashed Deans car through the house. We finished the episode and it was about 6.

"Wanna have that third date now?" I asked.

"Lets go! Do you have the ingredients?" Katelyn asked.

"I think so,"

(At Louis' flat)

"Harry leave!" I growled trying to push Harry out the door while Katelyn waited in the kitchen laughing at us.

"Fine but you owe me," he mumbled sliding on his shoes and exiting.

I walked into the kitchen to see Katelyn getting the ingredients humming "One Way or Another"

"One way or another I'm gonna meet ya," she quietly sang as she swayed back and fourth.

"Whatcha singing?" I asked

"Ah!" She screamed. Her face was red as she turned around.

"You have a nice voice,"

"Yeah right," she laughed hoisting herself onto the counter. Her legs swung back and fourth as the red color slowly left her face. "First," she says "We need sugar,"

"Sweet," I say placing a bag of sugar on the counter "Just like you," she giggles and continues

"Next we need to preheat the oven,"

"Hot," I say with a cheeky smile, "just like you," I rush over to the oven an turn the knob.

Katelyns POV

I rolled my eyes and we mixed all the ingredients together. We poured the batter into a cake pan and I took the spoon and was about to lick it.

"I wanna lick!" Louis whined.

"One lick," I warned before he stuck the whole spoon in his mouth. I crossed my arms and pouted. "Don't pout you can have this," Louis reached into the pan and scooped batter into his hands.

"You do that and ill fucking kill you," I hissed taking a step away from his slowly advancing figure. He smirked scooping another handful of brownie batter into his hands.

"You're very threatening," were his final words before the cold batter was splattered across my chest and neck. I screamed loudly, wiping at my now ruined shirt

"You idiot!" Shrugged backing me up against the wall before attaching his lips to my neck.

"We'll I think you taste very sweet now," I giggled and Louis leaned in slowly and placed his lips against mine. He kissed me gently, his movements savoring each moment.

He pulled away unhurriedly, leaving a lingering feeling on my lips. I had to force myself to breath again when Louis smiled sheepishly.

"Can I do that again?" I nodded before leaning in once more.

"Ya know, I should probably go home and get cleaned up." I murmured.

"Or you could let me clean you," he smirked swiping his finger over some batter that was on my face and licking it. I giggled.

"Where did you make Harry go?" I wondered pulling myself up on the kitchen counter.

"He probably went to Liam and Niall's,"

"Mmmm," I shrugged in response.

"You could always take a shower here," Louis said quietly looking at the floor.

"Okay but I don't have a shirt,"

"That's okay," he joked.

"Yeah right," I giggled tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I have some shirts that shrunk in the drier that you can wear."

"Okay," I smiled, "Where are your towels?" I followed Louis down the hall and he handed me two towels and showed me to the bathroom. "Thanks," I smiled as Louis handed me a white shirt with blue stripes that looked like it would fit me perfectly. I shut the bathroom door behind me and tied my hair in a bun. It wasn't dirty and had no batter in so there was no need to wash it. I striped of my clothes and folded them nicely and sat them on the counter. I turned the water on and stepped into the hot rays rinsing off my torso. The batter was starting to dry so it took a few minutes. I turned off the water and dried off putting on my clothes from earlier accept I changed into Louis' shirt. It fit nice and smelled like him. I took my hair out of the bun and opened the bathroom door. Louis was siting on the couch.

"What do you want me to do with my towels?"

"Throw them in the hamper in my room," he motioned to the door behind me. I saw the hamper and placed the towels in it. I joined Louis on the couch and the room smelt like heaven.

"Did you put the brownies in the oven?" I asked.

"Yes they should be done soon,"

"Yay!" I sighed contently and moved closer to Louis.

"Do you have any tattoos?" He asked me.

"No but I want one, but I don't know what I should get,"

"I could give you one,"


"With a sharpie," he chuckled.

"Okay but I get to give you one," I smirked as he got up to get the markers.

"Where do you want it?" He asked, returning with a bag of colored markers.

"On my back where no one can see it," I lifted up the back of my shirt and felt the marker start gliding across my back. "Wait don't I get total you what I want?!"

"No it's a surprise now sit still!"

*minutes later*

"Okay I'm done but don't movie I want a picture," I stood up once I heated a click and Louis was typing on his phone. I went into the bathroom and turned around to look at my "tattoo".

"I love Louis" was spelled across my back in big box letters with little hearts and smiley faces around it. He even signed it.

"Oh my god," I walked out of the bathroom to see Louis laughing his ass off.

"Like it?"

"So much," I sarcastically said taking the markers from him. "Your turn," I motioned for him to sit down. "Where do you want it?" And then it happened. He took off his shirt. HE FUCKING TOOK OFF HIS SHIRT. All the pictures and magazines don't compare. He is gorgeous.

"Somewhere on my upper back," I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. He knew what he was doing much to well. I scrawled the letters across his back and underlined them. I filled in the heart with red and wrote "especially Harry" underneath so the whole thing said:

I <3 One Direction

especially Harry

I giggled, "Go look," Louis walked into the bathroom.

"Oh my god!"

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