"B-but I-I miss hi-im," I blubbered wiping the tears.

"I know," she whispered pulling me closer, "I know,"

----------( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -----------

Every day for a week the boys came over and made me feel better. They brought movies and food and chocolate, Rachel tried getting me out and she extended my Netflix trial for me. On Sunday Harry called me.

I picked up the phone and answered with a grunt.

"We'll hello to you to," he joked. I smiled a bit.

"Sorry I'm just...."

"It's alright. I just wanted to check in."

"I'm..... not horrible. I mean I'm not dying."

"That's good."

"Have you uh, seen..." I lowered my voice,"Louis?"

"Yeah,no uh yeah he came back late last night. I tried to talk to him but he evaded my questions. He didnt leave the house all day today. I don't even think he left his room,"

"Oh," I said quietly.

"Are you going to New York?"

"I-I don't know, listen Harry thanks for checking in but I really need to go;"

"Yeah yeah, uh ill talk to you soon then,"

"Bye," I mumbled before hanging up.

On Monday I slept in till noon and and watched horror movies all day. On Tuesday, Rachel took me shopping. Wednesday, I went to the recording studio, Thursday I lazyed around all day and cried a lot and on Friday the boys made me go out with them to a restaurant. It's now Saturday and I have two days to decide if I'm leaving to New York. I packed some more and looked at the apartment that the recording studio would pay for. I just had to buy food, they paid the bills and rent. It was the chance of a lifetime. I sighed and made a can of soup. I slurped it up while scrolling through tumblr on my phone then watched a couple YouTube videos. I dragged myself into the shower and thought about where I went wrong.


I stood up at the table and cleared my throat. I looked around at everyone. Rachel and Zayn giggling, Rachel blushed and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Harry and Liam were talking and Niall was stuffing his face with food Liam started laughing at Harry. Kelsie took a bite of her food. The air was warm from everyone in the restaurant talking and it smelt like food and leather. I smoothed out my dress and took a deep breath, ready to tell everyone my decision. I would leave for New York tomorrow night. Kelsie caught my eye and nudged Zayn who stopped talking and looked at me, Rachel noticed and shushed Harry and Liam and Niall turned towards me and quieted his chewing.

"So everyone," I blushed, I tried my hardest to look good tonight even if I felt terrible. I applied extra makeup to make my skin look not-as-deathly-pale as it is. I worked extra hard to conceal the bags under my eyes, I curled my hair and put on a nice bra and even plucked my eyebrows. "I have made a decision," everyone leaned in. I spoke a bit louder, trying to compete with the other patrons of the restaurant. "I am.." I paused to tease everyone a little bit, "going to accept the job!" I squealed and everyone erupted with smiled and congratulations. One by one everyone hugged me and told me how great this was and what not. I felt happy, more then I have in a while.


I heard Harry come inside the flat and I went to question him. He was taking off his shoes. He smelled like a mix of alcohol and Katelyns house.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"I went to dinner with some friends," he murmured.

"Like who?"

"Rachel, Kelsie, Liam, Niall, Zayn," he quoted down and mumbled another name I couldn't hear.


"Katelyn! Okay we went out to dinner and then back to Katelyn's and had some drinks and watched a movie." He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry,"

"Why? Y-you didn't do anything," I said quietly. "Did she say if she was going to New York?" He shoved himself towards me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "She's going," I nodded and pulled apart.

"I'm going to go pack," I swallowed

back tears and walked into my room.


After everyone left Rachel and I sat on the couch an we started crying. She was my best friend and I was leaving. She would have to get another roommate and we would only all on the phone unless I could fly out here.


I woke up to Rachel n the couch the next morning. I picked myself up and walked up to my room, covering Rachel back up. I looked at my room, everything was packed in boxes. Rachel would ship them to New York tonight a few hours after I left. I sighed and looked around I would miss this place. I loved London. I sat on my suitcase and pulled my phone out of my sweatshirt pocket. My finger hovered over Louis contact. I contemplated if I should call him or not. I locked my phone and got in the shower trying not to cry.

_____________________( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Later that night I invited everyone over for a going away party. The boys all gave me one last hug and left because they had to catch their plane. They helped my load up my bags into my car and I wished them good luck. I hugged Rachel and Kelsie once more.

"You'll do great," she smiled, wiping tears.

"Thanks." I laughed, my eyes becoming blurry,"Dont let your new roommate mess with my DVDs."

"Bye Katelyn," Kelsie whispered.

"Bye," I gave her a hug and stepped into my car.


I waited at the airport and finally saw the boys. They smiled at me, approaching the gate.

"Hi," Niall sadly glanced at me, walking through the gate onto the plane.

"Are you gonna be okay mate?" Zayn asked patting my shoulder. I nodded slowly as he entered the gate. Liam walked through next and Harry stopped next to me.

"Is she really gone?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah I think so." He paused, "ya know Louis, if you would have asked her to stay, she probably would have,"he shrugged at me and boarded the private plane. He's right. I should have said something. I should have told her I wanted her to stay and I needed her. I miss her. I miss her smile. I miss everything about her. I feel like half of me is gone. Why didn't I stop her from leaving? Why did I let her slip through my fingers. These are the questions I keep repeating to myself trying to find out the reason I didn't stop her. I completely blame myself. Anyone stupid enough to let her leave doesn't deserve another chance. She's probably moving on while I'm stuck here regretting her leave.


I rolled my suitcases up to the boarding gate. All I could think about was Louis. The attendant smiled at me, waiting for me to give her my ticket. I stopped and took a deep breath. I don't want to leave. And at that moment I finally understood what true love really meant. That love meant that you care for another persons happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be. I turned around and ran out of the airport, ignoring the stares. I crammed my suitcases in to backseat of my car and started driving to the other airport all the way across London. Tears blurred in my eyes and I felt very anxious. What's going to happen? Will Louis be angry? Will he even be there? What time is their flight? I pressed on the gas a little more and headed for the airport.

-----( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)-------

I ran in the building feeling like I was going to throw up. My stomach was in knots. I asked what gate was boarding for a flight to Seattle. Harry told me that was their first stop. The woman pointed and I ran in that direction. I looked out the big glass windows and saw a plane a few hundred yards away from the airport. It was small. It could be a private plane.

Please don't be it, please don't be it. I thought, crossing my fingers. I saw the door that led to the boarding gate for their plane. My heart jumped into my throat. I ran to the gate when a security guard stopped me.

"You can't go in there," he gruffly said.

"But you don't understand. I need to talk to someone on that plane," I demanded, tears coming back.

"Maim I'm sorry but that plane," he stopped and looked out the window as the plane started rolling down the runway. "I'm sorry," he said again. No this can't be happening. I sunk down in a chair across from some people waiting for a plane. The tears streamed down my face. I should have called, I should have done something.

"Please I need the next flight to New York!" Someone yelled. I looked up and Louis was standing at the counter. I couldn't breath. He looked different. His hair was messy and it looked like he just threw on a t-shirt and jeans. I stood up and walked over to him.

"Louis?" I weakly asked. He turned towards me and his eyes got wide, he looked tired and stressed out. Then, he stepped forwards and crashed his lips to mine. He wrapped his arms around my back as pulled me in close, I grabbed his face and smiled.

"What are you doing?" He whispered, pressing his forehead to mine.

"Looking for you," I blushed. He swiped his thumb over my cheek, wiping the tears.

"Why are you crying,"

"I thought you left." I sighed, kissing him again.

"Are you....still going to New York?" His voice cracked, he avoided my eyes.

"No," I breathed and his face softened. "I'm staying right here. What about you?"

"I mean I have to go on tour. But as soon as I come back..."

"I'll be here," I smiled wiping my face. I knew I wouldn't see him for a long time. "I'm," I took a deep breath choking back sobs, "I'm really gonna miss you," I whimpered.

"Don't cry, it's okay! Ill call you and as soon as I get back ill come to your house. It'll be okay. It's only....six months."


"Mr. Tomlinson?" The gaurs interrupted. "The public plane for Seattle is taking off shortly,"

"Go," I whispered, "I'll wait for you." He kissed my lips again, how I would miss his lips.

"I'll see you soon okay? Don't cry. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I felt and," he sucked in a shaky breath, "I'm sorry you're not going to New York and I was a dick for fighting with you-" I cut him off by kissing him.

"I would rather be here then New York." He smiled and pushed his hair out of his face. "I may not given you a lot to remember but please don't forget me." I whispered.

"Are you kidding me? You're all I ever think about. You've given me everything to remember," he pulled me in and kissed me.

"Mr. Tomlinson," the guard interjected. Louis rolled his eyes.

"I have to go,"


I was so happy and sad at the same time. I was happy that we made up but so devastated that I had to wave for tour. I hesitated telling Katelyn I love her. I kissed her one last time before saying goodbye and walking through the door.


"I-" I cut myself off he was already gone.

"What?" He asked peaking his head around the door.

"Good luck," I whispered wiping the tears of my face. He smiled,

"I'll call you as soon as I land." And with that he walk off.

".....love you," I whispered finishing my sentence. I let out a small sob and started to walk back out of the airport but not before I watched his plane take off.

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