Katelyns POV
I took in a breath and let the sobs out. A few seconds later Rachel came and cradled me.
"I heard shouting so I ran to the top of the stairs, when I realized it was Louis and you I waited. I heard everything." She led me to the couch and just held my while I cried.
I couldn't take in a full breath and started hyper-ventalating. Rachel and I walked upstairs and she flipped on a movie to calm me down. Eventually I fell asleep.
I woke up to a bunch of missed alls ad messages from Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn and a message from Rachel. I pressed play.
"Hey Katelyn, I hope you're okay. I got called into work this morning and I won't be back for a while. If you're having a hard time call Kelsie. Call if you need me. Love ya."
I sighed and got up, walking into the bathroom. My eyes were puffy and my face was still red. I grumbled and put Final Destination 3 into my DVD player and decided to call the boys back. The first call was from Harry so I pushed his name and put the phone up to my ear.
"Hello?" He asked, sounding tired.
"Hi," I mumbled, curling back up under the blankets.
"Katelyn? Are you okay," he perked up, probably just waking up, "Louis came home last night. I saw he was crying but he didn't answer and locked himself into his room. I uh," he paused ,"I don't think he's here. Did something happen?"
"Yeah, something.....something did....happen,"
"Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?"
"He came over and was mad because I didn't tell him I was going to New York. We got into a fight and he left,"
"God Katelyn, I'm sorry. I hope everything works out, do you want some company?"
"I don't know maybe later, I kinda want to be alone right now. Ill call you later okay,"
"Okay bye," I hung up and took a deep breath. Then, clicked the next number on my missed calls list.
"Hey Katelyn," Niall answered.
"Hi, what's up?" I tried to sound happier then I was leading on.
"Louis called me, tole me you guys had a fight." I stayed silent. "Are you okay?"
"No," I said quietly, biting the inside of my cheek, trying not to cry."
"Do you need anything?"
"I would love a big bag of Maltesers."
"I'll be over in a few,"
"Thanks Niall," I breathed and we hung up.
I pushed Liam's number and after a few rings he answered.
"Harry called me and said something was up with Louis last night and now he's not there, did something happen?"
"We had a fight,"
"Oh is everything okay?"
"I really don't know anymore."
"Look ill be over at your place in a few minutes with some Nandos okay?"
"You're great. Niall's coming over too and I'm going to see if Harry wants to come and well watch some movies."
"That sounds lovely," I smiled and pushed the "end call" button. I called Zayn and Harry and they both agreed to come over. A few minutes the doorbell rang and they were all standing there. I felt so great full for friends like them who would drop everything to come and help me, I pulled them all into a hug.
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