I bought my things and left the mall without another sign of Louis. I drove home and grabbed all my bags and tried to get inside. I'd rather break my arms than make two trips. I quickly trotted inside, dropping all my bags as soon as I entered the door. I took a deep breath and picked them up again and ran up to my room. I hung up my clothes and put the others away. I usually cut the tags off the day a wear them. I tried on a couple shirts I was unsure of just to make sure I like them. My roommate Rachel was off visiting her family in America. I stared at my phone that was sitting on my bed, wondering if I should call Louis. I decided not to be clingy and changed into some sweats and a tshirt and went downstairs. I sat on the couch and pulled a blanket over my lap and turned on a re-run of Supernatural I had in my DVR. I grabbed my laptop off the floor and pulled it into my lap. I went on tumblr and saw a picture of "hot dog legs" I decided that was too funny not to share so I posted it on twitter. I got a bunch of re-tweets and favorites and a couple follows but one stook out. Louis. I smiled and saw a had a DM (direct message) from him.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Hey

(I don't have a twitter so I'm just going to use my wattpad name)

@PhenomiNIALL_kat: Hi

@Louis_Tomlinson: So would you like to go out tonight?

@PhenomiNIALL_kat: I don't know...I'm not one for first dates. Want to come to my place and watch some movies.

@Louis_Tomlinson: That sounds perfect. What's your address?

@PhenomiNIALL_kat: 8370 Calzmere Rd.

@Louis_Tomlinson: What time?

I looked at he clock. 3:47

@PhenomiNIALL_kat: 5ish?

@Louis_Tomlinson: Perfect. Ill see you then. Btw I love your username ;)

I giggled and shut my laptop. I went over to the tv stand and opened one of the drawers. It was one of many that was filled with movies. I had been collecting them since I was 13. I picked out a few scary ones like The Exorcist, The Grudge, The Ring, Saw, and Children of the Corn. I put them on the end table and walked upstairs into the bathroom to take a quick shower.i undressed and stepped in.

"Maybe it's the way she walked," I belted out. "Straight into my heart and stole it, through the doors and past the guards," I put my face under the hot rays , "Just like she already owned it, I said can you give it back to me she said never in your wildest dreams, and we danced all night to the best song ever I knew every line, now I can't remember," I quickly washed up and got out, wrapping my hair in a towel and putting on (bra of course) the shirt I changed into earlier and a new pair of undies. I looked at the clock and saw my shower wasn't as short as I thought. It was 4:40. I didn't want to be stuffing myself when Louis was here so I made myself a sandwich and scarfed it down. I ran upstairs and dried my hair. My hair is very thick so it takes a while to dry. I was picking out a shirt when the doorbell rang. I threw on a shirt a bought today and ran down stairs and opened the door.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Uhh," Louis muttered. I screamed realizing I was still in my fucking underwear and jumped behind the door. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Umm....I'm going to go get dressed, you...make yourself at home," I ran upstairs and jumped into a pair of skinny jeans. I could just die right now. That was the stupidest thing I could have done. I slowly walked back downstairs and saw Louis on the couch.

"Nice underwear," he smirked.

"Shut up, that never happened,"

"Fine, fine. What movie do you want to watch?" I handed him the DVDs I picked out before and he looked through them.

"Which one do you think is the scariest?" He asked.

"Defiantly The Grudge,"

"Okay then lets watch that." I agreed and put it into the DVD player. (I've never seen it sorry)

We were both sitting on the couch, one blanket spread over the both of us. Both our legs were crossed and our knees were touching. I didn't pay much attention to the beginning I was too busy staring at Louis. The way his hair was perfect and how he could wear skinny jeans, I LOVED his suspenders. I looked at the screen and he glanced over at me.

"Do you want anything?" I asked.


"Sounds good." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of popcorn from the cupboard and put it in the microwave. "Want anything to drink?"

"What do you have?" I walked over to the doorway that looked into the living room.

"Uh water, milk, beer, juice..."

"I'll take a beer please,"

"Alright," I smiled and grabbed the popcorn bag out of the microwave and emptied it into a big bowl. I grabbed two beers out of the fridge and walked back into the living room. I handed Louis his beer and sat down next to him.


"No problem," I sat the popcorn bowl in between us and grabbed a few pieces. We watched the movie for a while before it started to get creepy. (I haven't seen it so these parts will be made up sorry)

As the girl was hiding from the grudge it was dark and suspenseful when the grudge popped up I jumped and grabbed Louis' forearm. He giggled and looked at me. "Uh, Katelyn, that's a part of my body that needs circulation."

"S-sorry," I muttered loosing my grip.

We watched the movie for a while and I set the empty popcorn bowl on the floor. The movie was getting creepy again and I slowly and quietly scooted closer to Louis, hoping he didn't notice.

"Erm, where is your bathroom?" Louis asked.

"Down the hall, first door on the left." Louis nodded and walked into the bathroom. I quickly scooched over closer to where Louis was sitting. He came back and sat closer to me too. I smiled to myself and turned my attention towards the movie. The grudge popped up I gasped and grabbed Louis hand. I looked at him and he smiled, squeezing my hand. It was nice. His hand was warm. Something happened on the tv and I flinched and turned my head towards

Louis. Our faces were very close now. He did the trick when he pointed to something on my shirt and when I looked down my chin was lifted right back up again.

"Made ya look," he whispered his breath tickling my face. We looked I to each others eyes enjoying the view. "You have something on your lip,"he said with a cheeky smile. "We'll then get it off," I replied just as cheekily. He kissed me slowly and sweetly. I moved my hand over to his shoulder. He slowly pulled away leaving a lingering feeling on my lips. We both smiled and I grabbed his hand again.

"So...tomorrow, do you wanna maybe do something?"

"Sure, like what?"

"Umm well my friends and I are going to a football (soccer) game. Do you want to come?"

"Like as a date?"

"Yeah," he smiled, "As a date,"

"I would love that,"


I glanced over at the clock and Louis followed my gaze. "Oh my...It's 10 already! I-I'm really sorry but I have to record tomorrow I should be getting home."


"I-Ill call you tomorrow okay?"

"Sounds good," I followed him through the kitchen and to the door. He opened it and walked out. I leaned against the doorframe.

"Goodnight Katelyn,"

I smirked, "Goodnight Louis," I closed the door as he walked to his car. I turned around and started walking away to go call Rachel when I geared a knock on the door. I opened it, confused. Louis was standing there.

"I forgot this," he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. I smiled. "I had a great time tonight,"

"Me too," I blushed.


"Night," I shut the door and smiled to myself. I ran up to my room and opened the balcony doors. I walked out into the balcony and watched Louis leave.

"YES!" He screamed and pumped his fist. I giggled and ducked down so he couldn't see me. I ran back inside and pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Rachel.


"Hi! Guess what?"

"It's like 3 am in California," she mumbled.

"I'm sorry but guess what?!"

"What?" She groaned.

"I just got done with an amazing date!"

"With who?"

"Some guy name Louis I met at the mall,"


"It doesn't matter!"

"Are you talking about Louis Tomlinson?!"


"Holy shit!"

"Don't make a big deal out of it! I want to get to know him for him. When ou get back don't freak out. Oh I gotta go I need to take my posters down incase he comes over again!"

"Wait you need to tell me about the da-" I hung up and threw my phone on my bed. Rachel would understand. I carefully started peeling the corners if my One Direction posters off my wall. I gently slid them under my bed and closed my closet where I cut out their bodies from any magazines I had. I ran downstairs and grabbed my laptop and shit off the tv. I trudged back upstairs and flopped in my bed, pulling up couchtuner.com on my laptop and watching and episode of Supernatural while I played on my phone. I opened a new tab on my computer and pulled up tumblr and started scrolling through my dash.


I glanced at my clock and it was almost 3am. I closed down my laptop and set it on the floor. I grabbed my phone and started to get on YouTube before I got a call. From Louis.

"Hello?" I answered.


"Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Yeah sorry but I couldn't sleep."

"It's fine I wasn't going to bed any time soon. What time do you have to get up?"


"Holy crap! You need to be sleeping like 5 hours ago!"

"But I was at your house 5 hours ago,"

"We could have rescheduled,"

"I know but I wanted to see you as soon as possible," I smiled and I'm sure my face was red.

"How many of your friends are coming tomorrow?"

"Four. Niall, Zayn, Harry, And Liam."

What. "Oh...okay," I tried to stay calm.


"And we have really close seats."

"Yay I-" I got cut off by my own yawn. "Sorry I'm just really tired."

"It's fine I only got two hours of sleep last night,"

"Louis! That terrible."

"I know. "

"Wanna hear a terrible joke?"

"Yes," Louis laughed.

"What do you call a deer with no eyes?"


"No ideer."

"Hahahah that was pretty terrible. So I heard you like bad boys,"

"Yeah...maybe," I smirked.

"Well I don't mean to impress you or anything, but I go on Disney Channel.com and don't ask my parents permission." He said in a serious tone.

I burst out laughing uncontrollably which caused Louis to laugh. "You're defiantly the baddest bad-boy I ever met," I giggled.

"Yeah well also, I never have parental guidance when I watch Goosebumps."

I giggled again. "Wow you might be too hardcore,"

I heard someone talking to Louis on the other end of the phone.

"My roommate told me to be quiet." He whispered. "So where do you work?"

"I work at a recording studio. I went to uni for Music Engineering. Where do you work? Oh right your in a band." I joked. "What's it called?"

"One Direction,"

"What? Really?"

"Yeah," he laughed.

"When do you guys go on tour?"

"In a few months. We're away for 6 months."

"Wow that's a long time. Is it hard?"

"Yeah kinda. Sometimes I have nights where I don't sleep at all."


"Do you," he yawned and finished his sentence, "Do you like Nandos?"

"Yes that's my favorite place ever!"

"Do you want to go there tomorrow after the game? Just you and me?"

"I would love that," I smiled.

"Great, s'really great," he mumbled.

"Are you tired? Do you want to go to sleep?"

"No no no! I really want to talk to you,"

"Hehe okay," I giggled, "Have you even seen the show Supernatural?"


"Oh my god you need to come over and watch it with me!"

"Sounds like a plan."

"Good because it's an amazing show,"

Louis and I talked for two hours. It was almost 5am.

"Louis you need to go to sleep," I mumbled.

"But I'm not-" he yawned. "Tired."

"Yes I think you are, and I'm tired too. Call me tomorrow when you're done recording okay?"




I set me phone down next to me and fell asleep.

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