
(Y/n) pov.

It's been a few weeks since the pool incident... and the weekend lessons from undyne have been going well, you learned a few strokes like the freestyle, and some others that you forgot the name of.

I was sitting on the sofa in the skelebro's house watching MTT's cooking show. Papyrus was training with undyne, and sans....well... god knows where he is. I started dozing off until the door opened snapping me out of my daze. It was sans, he had a few papers in his hands, at first, I didn't question it to much thinking that it was something that would confuse the crap out of me just by looking at it. Sans greeted with a "heya kitty, sup", me being the sarcastic person I am, answered "the ceiling, duh" as I pointed up. Sans just chuckled and responded "heh, I walked into that one", "yeah, yeah you did" I giggled. After the giggle fest was over, sans' tone got more serious, which scared and intrigued me at the same time. He then started "so... with the holidays coming up, I knew that kids would be around because of Christmas break... well, first, how old are you?", I responded "uhh, 14", "ok, I was thinking about enrolling you in school" he says calmly. Honestly, I don't know if I should be happy, or mad that he is sending me to school. Before I would complain, I needed details "umm, what's the name of the school?", "Hybrid High, this is a school that accepts humans and monsters kid, so don't worry about it" sans kinda seemed harsh without trying to be, so I shrugged it off. Sans then handed me some papers and said "you need to pick your electives kid", "great" I responded sounding quite sarcastic in the process. And with that, I chose concert band and freshman trans. Because I suck at getting homework done and I am pretty good at symbols and mallets. And for the next semester, I picked gym and kept concert band. I then put the papers back in a pile for sans to most likely turn in to the school. He looked over and asked "did you sign it?", yup, the one thing I forgot. So I said "nope, where do I sign?", "the back page kitty". So I flipped to the back and read the whole thing about the rules they have and whatnot, once I signed my name where it said 'student signature', I put the papers in a stack for sans to take to the school.

~~~~~(time skip cause I'm lazy)~~~

After getting up at 6:00 am. And having breakfast, sans teleported me to the school. Once I got inside and sans teleported home, I started receiving glares from people that I didn't know. I put on my new headphones and pulled out my new phone (that I received for Christmas) and started listening to some of my favorite songs. I made sure to keep one of the headphones off of my right ear so that I could hear someone if they needed me. Apparently, everyone had approximately 20 minutes when they arrive to mingle, have breakfast (if you didn't have any before hand), and whatever. (The principal had already given me a tour of the school so you know where most of the stuff is) so I sat down in the cafeteria and started to tap on the table in time to the music. After about 5 songs, there was still around 15-20 minutes because I was really early. Then a group of guys that tried to look intimidating by flexing a little, came up to me and said "hey b**** face, this is our table, move", I stayed silent for a second and then said "last time I checked, this table belonged to the school..." I then inspected the table and continued "and I don't see a name anywhere" I could tell he was getting frustrated, and it looked like bystanders wanted to see a fight. One of the guys then made a threat "we already asked you once and we ain't gonna ask again, move or we'll make ya". I was not about to let someone tell me what to do, so I responded "how about, no" at this point, we have the whole cafeteria watching us. I saw one of the guys throw a punch at me, and before it could land, I felt my eye flare (f/c) and at that moment, a(n) (f/c) aura surrounded the guy who threw the punch. I then lifted my finger and he started floating. "Now, here's how it's gonna go down. You can leave me alone and we can move on, OR you could continue to boss me around and pay the consequences... pick your poison, and remember, your decision, includes your friends, if you wanna pick on me, you and your gang gets it, if you wanna stop now, then I'll let you go and all of us can resume our lives and pretend none of this happened". Now the guy looked petrified, and so did his gang. Once he found his nerves, he studdered "n-no n-no, y-you don't need t-to go t-there we'll leave you a-alone", with that I let go of him and they fled. After that, there was whispering and a lot of starring at me. I sighed and mumbled to myself "so much for a good first impression, now kids are gonna be scared of me" you looked at the clock and saw that class was in a few minuets. So I gathered my belongings and made my way to class. My first class was world history... the subject I suck at. When I got in the classroom, I sat down in the back in attempt to survive the class. When the bell rang, I put my music away and put my head down. When the class started, the teacher announced "class, today we have a new student. (Y/n) will you please come up and introduce yourself?" Pushing my nerves aside, I walked up to the front and looked at the class, once I got a good look at everyone, I said "heya, my name is (y/n)" the teacher then told me "tell us something interesting about you (y/n)", so I continued " uhh... well, I'm a monster, human hybrid... uhh, I used live at an..." I clutched my handplate remembering all of the things that happened there, when I touched it though, it clicked against the bolts that held it in place, and I hoped no one heard it. "A what?" The teacher asked. "An orphanage" I answered pulling myself together. "Well alrighty then, does anyone have any questions for (y/n) here" the teacher asked the class and a few hands shot up. "Yes Ben?" The teacher said while pointing at the person known as 'ben'. He stood up and asked "what's on your hand? I heard a click when you grabbed your hand", my eyes widened. I didn't want to show them, so I responded "that is private..." and crossed my arms so no one could pull up the part of my shirt that was covering my hands like fingerless gloves. The teacher starred at me for a second before asking if there was any more questions. One kid asked me me what my favorite subject was, so I answered 'math' because it was my strong point (don't judge me).

(Time skip brought to you by sans' puns 😂)

Lunch time rolled around and I got 2 snacks and a chocolate milk because I wasn't that hungry. As I ate, I could see people starring at me and whispering, so I knew that they were talking about me. I really didn't care about it, so I slipped on my headphones and turned on my music keeping one ear free to hear if someone started talking to me. I guess people thought it was weird that I could sit at a table all by myself and have people stare at me. But for whatever reason, I'm used to it.

(Time skip to the end of school)

The bell rang and I was the last to get out of the class because I had to pack up and get out in a short amount of time. When I got out, There was a blur as I felt myself get hit across the head multiple times making me dizzy, while getting pinned to the wall. I saw my vision go black... but I was still conscious. It occurred to me that I was blind! And apparently, they managed to stop the magic flow to my eye, so I was defenseless. I heard a male voice say "think she's had enough?", then there was another male voice reply "eh, bruise her arms a bit more and crack her ribs if you want to, then we'll go" after that there were whacks on both my arms, bruising them, and straight after that, there was a jab to my core cracking my ribs and knocking the wind out of me. After the wind was knocked out of me, I heard their footsteps fade, they had left me laying on the floor unable to breathe, and bruised. Once my vision came back, I slowly and carefully stood up and weakly walked away.

Sans pov.

It had been 15 minuets since school ended, and (y/n) still hadn't come home. My worry was getting the best of me and to calm it, I teleported to the school to see if she was still there, after getting to the cafeteria, I saw her walking really slowly toward me. She looked hurt... both mentally and physically. She collapsed as I ran to her catching her before she hit the ground. After examining her injuries, I took her home and set her on the couch. I decided that it would be best to get some rest (rhyme not intended) so I headed to my room and plopped onto my bed and decided to sleep.

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