Parkour skills revealed
your pov
After laughing on the floor with sans for a solid 5 minuets, I calm down enough to think straight. I remembered that I still haven't showed them that I could free run and do some parkour. my face lit up at the idea. I quickly get off of the floor and see that I am in loose enough clothing to go to the park and jump around flip. I then randomly said "oh guys, I need to show you something! sans, you already know what it is so do't spoil it. follow me", and ran out the door dragging gaster and papyrus by their wrist. once we got to the park, I let go of them and looked at the area that I have to work with. I quickly put in my ear buds and turned on one of my favorite songs, we are giants by Linsey sterling. once it started, I ran towards the monkey bars and started doing flips and making really long jumps. out of the corner of my eye, I saw papyrus and gaster staring at me in awe. I got an idea that seemed good. I started flipping on the monkey bars eventually gaining a good amount of momentum. then, I shot myself into the air and began doing many flips. I was way to high to land which was perfect. once I found an opening, I spread my wings and began flying. I did a few barrel rolls before flying straight up. once I felt I was high enough (meaning that I was having a hard time breathing), I began to free fall. I felt the open air hit me as I fell from a skyscraper height. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of the crisp air moving around my body. when I opened them, I saw that it was about time that I should extend my wings again (meaning that I was getting close to the ground). once I did extent my wings, my decent very slowly stopped as I glided close to the ground. I saw that I was approaching an open pole and decided to use that as my brake. I flew closer to it and stretched out my arms retracting my wings at the last second to grip onto the metal pole and spin around a total of around 5-10 times. I land on a lower pole that was made of brick and saw a whole row of similar brick poles that led to a spot relatively close to where paps and gaster were standing. I start free running on the poles until I reach the last one. once my foot hit the last pole, I did a front flip and landed perfectly right in front of papyrus, gaster, and (suprisingly) sans. sans must've walked in while I was spinning on the big pole. they were all staring at me with priceless expressions. I let out a shakey breath I didn't know I was holding. I was pretty proud of myself for the pole stunt that I pulled off. I started panting because doing parkour like that takes a lot of energy to do. I saw that pap, gaster, and sans were still staring at me in shock. Between breaths, I ask "uhh.... are, you guys, ok?". Once I wave my hand in front of their faces, they snap out of their trance. Gaster asks me "where did you learn how to do that?", I tell him "I took parkour lessons when I was little, I took the lessons until I was around 10 years old". Gaster nodded, papyrus said "THAT, WAS, AWESOME". Sans walked up to me and asked "you ok? You look like you just ran a marathon", I give him a look that says "really.... what do you think I was just doing?". Sans chuckled at my expression, I walked over to a public bench and sat down letting my legs relax. Pap, Gaster, and sans followed me, but didn't sit down. I felt my legs practically go limb, I said "I don't think I'll be able to walk home.... my legs are dead".
Gasters pov
I follow (y/n) to a bench where she sits down and catches her breath. She says "I don't think I'll be able to walk home.... my legs are dead". Diamond says "that just means that her legs are really sore and weak, one time jade had to carry her home because she collapsed off of the bench. She was ok, but we all knew that she couldn't get up", diamond giggled a little bit. Papyrus yelled "HUMAN (Y/n), What DO YOU MEAN WHEN YOU SAY 'YOUR LEGS ARE DEAD'?". (Y/n) says "I mean 'my legs won't be able to sustain my own weight". Sans says "well, can't you fly?", (y/n) says "it's really tiering to fly straight up, so, no". Sans looks at (y/n) in a weird way and then looks down at the ground. He looks like he's trying to think of ways to get out of being the one to carry her (Makes sense because it would be awkward carrying your crush home because they are to exhausted to walk). Sans doesn't seem to come up with anything, so he stays silent. (Y/n) says "if it makes it easier, I do have enough energy left to turn into a cat. I am easier to carry that way", she does make a point. I nod and say "yes, that would be more convenient". With that being said, she turned into a light (f/c) and silver cat-with wings of course- and stares at sans with intent. Diamond says "aww, (y/n) wants to be held by sans". I snort at the comment and say "hey sans? Can you please carry (y/n) home?", he turns to me and says "why do I have to do it?" While fake pouting. (Y/n) meows and stretches a paw out in sans' direction moving her claws like she's grabbing something. Sans chuckles and rolls his 'eye-sockets', he walks over to (y/n) and picks her up. His arms are basically a cradle to (y/n), she shifts a little to get comfortable and we all start walking home. Around halfway home, I see sans' face start to glow a light shade of blue. Once I walk up closer to sans, I see why he's blushing. (Y/n) had fallen asleep in his arms. I hear diamond and jade 'aww' and chuckle at the sight. I give sans a gentle but giddy smile. I may not be a huge anime fan, but I definitely ship those two hard. I told papyrus that (y/n) fell asleep in sans' arms and we both were silently fan-girling over them. We eventually got home. Once we were inside, sans set (y/n) on his lap and watched tv. Jade snapped me out of my trance and told me "just a heads up, (y/n) is going to be hungry when she wakes up. When she does parkour regularly, she needs to consume around 8,000 calories a day. And I don't think that papyrus' spaghetti will do the trick". In my head, I asked "well, is there a restaurant other than grillbys that will 'do the trick'?", Jade responds "there's this restaurant called Culver's on the surface (my personal favorite restaurant, they have the best frozen custard ever), she really likes their ice cream and grilled cheese there", "actually, its frozen custard, not ice cream" diamond corrects. Jade says a simple "whatever" and doesn't even bother to argue. Eventually, everyone went to bed (with the exception of sans sleeping on the couch with (y/n)).
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