Sans pov
After the call I had with (y/n) ended, I instantly felt bad for her. I remember parts of the dream that I had about her childhood. While I was thinking about her, I didn't realize how fast the time flew and she entered through the door. She looked happy, she then asked me "hey sans?", "yeah kiddo" I responded, "do you wanna come to the park with me? I wanna show you something". This perked my curiosity, so I agreed to go with her to the park.
(Y/n) pov
As sans and I walked to the park, I was looking around to see if I could find the playground or ramp that I do parkour on. Sans gave me a confused look and asked "so, what do you wanna show me kid", I replied "you'll see", I could tell sans was getting desperate, so I decided to take a short cut. When I announced "here we are", sans gave me the most dumbfounded look I'd ever seen. I told him to sit on the bench and watch me. He did as he was told and sat down. (You did most of the parkour shown in this video)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
At some points sans did have to follow me for free running. He seemed shocked and impressed. I started free running and then climbed a tree like a pro before sitting on a branch to take a breather. I saw sans run up to the base of the tree and once he caught his breath, he asked me "where did you learn to do that", I replied "years and years of training buddy, years and years of training..." I trailed off remembering all of the times I was free running for my life and doing parkour off of rooftops. My (fur color) tail swayed gently in the light breeze that helped cool me off. After enjoying nature, I flipped off of the branch and said "I'm wiped, wanna get something to eat?", sans replied with a "sure" and we started walking. After about 5 minuets of walking, I asked "sans, where are we going?", he said "Grillby opened a new restaurant in town, so I thought I would treat you there". "Oh" was all I said as I kept quiet. I was starting to feel like I was being either followed or watched. I turned around making myself walk backward for a second to see if anyone was following me, I didn't see anyone. I turn back around to see that sans was gone! This time, I stopped in my tracks. My ears began to twitch as I thought about what happened to sans, one of a few things could be the case. One, sans is pranking me. two, sans took a short cut without me. Or three, sans is in serious trouble and I need to help him. I started to call out for sans. "Sans.....sans.....where are you sans?.....sans if this is a joke it isn't funny", no response. Now it's either scenario 2 or 3. I knew sans wouldn't ditch me so it had to be 3! Now I was worried. I started looking in alleys and around corners until I heard footsteps coming from an alley. I rushed to the alley and said "who's there", I saw an outline of a person definitely taller than me. I let my eye flare (f/c) causing my hand to do the same. "Show yourself... come out if you know what's good for you" I warned. All I got in response was an evil sounding chuckle. I then grabbed his soul and dragged him forward, once I got a good look at him, he started cursing me out. Once he was done, I walked forward and sternly asked "where is sans". He stuttered "y-you m-m-mean the s-skeleton r-right?", I replied "yeah, where is he". He replied "b-behind the dumpster" as he pointed at a dumpster. I walked over dragging him with me to see a beat up looking, passed out sans. My eyes widened as I saw him in this state. I quickly healed him until I saw that he was stable, but still unconscious. With a sigh, I turned toward him and said "now for your punishment", once I said that he began to squirm. "Don't worry, I won't kill you" I reassured, "I'm just gonna teach you a lesson" I turned his soul (f/c) as I flung him into the walls of the alley. Once he had enough, I said "let this be a warning to you, next time you mess with me, sans, or anyone else... Y O U' R E G O N N A H A V E A B A D T I M E" after that, I let him go. He fell to the ground and scrambled around before running away surprisingly crying. I went over to sans with a worried expression on my face, to see that he was waking up! When he opened his eyes, I sighed in relief. Sans was starring at me blankly and said "(y/n)?... wh-" I cut him off saying "we're in a alley, some thug tried to beat you up but I took care of it... don't worry, I didn't kill him". Sans looked relieved too, I was glad he was ok. I asked him "can you walk?", he nodded and I helped him up. As we walked home, sans said "let's not tell papyrus about this". I agreed with him saying "yeah, we don't want paps to worry to much".
~~~~~~~(time skip brought to you by pure laziness)~~~(many days later)~~~~~
I woke up on a Monday, and looked at the time. it read 6:15 am. I quietly yelled "crap! I'm gonna be late!" as I rushed through my daily routine. Once I got to the school, I started receiving weird looks from other people. I felt my stomach turn knowing that they were staring at me while judging me in any way possible. My focus turned away from them when I heard a yelp. I followed the sound only to find a group of guys bullying a little girl! One of them pulled out a pocket knife and stared at her evilly. I couldn't let an innocent person get hurt on my watch again, I wasn't gonna make the same mistake twice. Before the attack could hit, I stood in front of her protecting her as I received a stab to my shoulder. The girl looked at me shocked, once I got one of the guys off of me, I turned to her and said "run", once she got a clear path, she ran like the devil was after her. I smiled a little knowing that she escaped before getting slugged across the face giving me a bruise on my jaw. Blood started to drip from my mouth as I prepared my magic. I pulled them into a fight, seeing the options fight, act, item, and mercy. I hit the fight button grabbing all of their souls and flinging them in different directions, sometimes making them hit each other which made me snicker a bit before continuing. Once they had enough, I set them down and walked away like nothing happened.
~~~~~~~(tem skip cause I'm lazy)~~~
As I walked out of the building I saw a little girl run up to me. I realized that she was the one I rescued from those bullies. once she reached me she said "hey, you're the girl who saved me from the jerks right?", "yeah" was my reply before she continued "thanks for saving me, so, what's your name?", "(y/n), and yours?", "I'm Color! nice to meet you (y/n)" color chirped. I looked at the time and saw that I needed to go before sans and paps begin to worry. "welp, I have to get going, see you later, maybe we can hang out some more" I said before walking home. Color waved at as I left, I waved back and put on my headphones and played daft punk by pentatonix
(play the vid now)
as the song played, I made my steps matched the base while I bobbed my head to the beat. I felt my tail say to the beat as I walked home.
~~~~~~(time skip until after the song)~~~
as the song ended, I found myself standing in front of sans and papyrus's house. grinning at the convenient song timing, I walked up to the door and opened it hitting the nice warm air as I step inside and yelling "I'm home" as I set my stuff down near the door and continued to walk into the living room. papyrus peered in from the kitchen and yelled "HELLO HUM- I MEAN (Y/N), HOW WAS SCHOOL", I replied "it was good" and headed to the bathroom for some bandages. I didn't want to be a burden to their-already busy- lives. once I bandaged up my shoulder, I headed back down stairs. it seemed oddly quiet, to quiet. then I realized that sans wasn't here. "hey pap, where's sans?" I asked, paps replied "OH, WELL HE'S EITHER AT WORK, OR AT GRILLBYS... SOMETIMES I'M NEVER SURE... ALTHOUGH EARLIER HE WAS TALKING TO ME ABOUT HOW HE'S CONCERNED ABOUT HOW YOU GE TREATED AT SCHOOL, SO HE MAY BE THERE..." paps trailed off. thinking about is location and what pap told me made me think that he was at the school. "well in that case, I might as well go to the school then. seeing that it's the place that he would most likely be... welp, I'm gonna go look for sans, be back in a bit" i said heading to the door. I got a "GOODBYE (Y/N)" as I left the house to go look for sans. once I got to the school, I said to myself "it may be a good idea to get a birds eye view for sans. time to fly" as I spread my wings taking flight. as I soared above the school looking for sans, I saw the football team practicing. I noticed that there were still some cars in the parking lot. I saw some people , and I saw some monsters too, but no sans. Then it occurred to me that he might be inside the building! I mentally slapped myself now looking for a good place to land. I ended up landing at the front of the school. I looked through the window to see sans talking to the principal. Then I teleport outside the door and knock on it a few times and ask "can I come in?". The principal said "yes" and I opened the door to see the principal and a very angry looking sans. The principal told me to have a seat, so I did as I was told and sat down next to sans, then I asked "what's going on?", the principal replied "well, we were talking about the students behavior towards you", "what about it" I ask a little confused. The principal continues "well, from what we've seen, students don't really like you here at this-", "yeah yeah yeah, cause of how I look, and what my abilities are people think I'm a freak. So why are you acting like this is news to me?" You cut him off. "I know that I'm a hybrid, I know I'm a freak, I know other people hate me for it... because apparently people like to judge a book by its cover before even thinking of reading it. And I get the fact that you're concerned for my well being and all, but this is no different than the orphanage..." I was now on the verge of tears but refused to let any fall. Sans was now staring at me with pity and worry in his eyes.
Sans pov
I stared at (y/n) with worry and a bit of pity in my eyes. I could tell that she was close to crying, and it hurt to see her like this.
(Time skip after the meeting)
As we walked home, (y/n) was completely silent. My eyes widened when I saw a tear stream down her face. Once she knew that I saw the tear, she ran for a few seconds before flying off, leaving a trail of water droplets that were most likely tears.
A/n note~
I included my best friend _-Baka-_
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