Our first slumber party

Y/n pov

Undyne shouted "Lets Party punks!", sans asked "ok, what do we do as a party activity?". Mettaton said "how about some karaoke darling", everyone else agreed to it accept me. Ruby came over to me and said "c'mon, it's only a small crowd. You can do it", I said "ok, but we're doing it together". Ruby nodded in agreement and said "ok then, let's start". Everyone gathered in the living room, sitting in a circle. We then decided the order of which people would be singing. It was mettaton first, followed by toriel, frisk and asriel, asgore, undyne and alphys, papyrus and sans, and ruby and I go last. I had no problem with it, besides, I kinda wanted to hear how the others sing anyway. Mettaton sang Bad Blood by Taylor Swift. Toriel sang Scars to You're Beautiful. Frisk and asriel sang Let Her Go by Passenger. Asgore sang Something Just Like This. Undyne and alphys sang a weird song called Fishy Love. And Papyrus and sans sang Drop Pop Candy (which was absolutely amazing). I turn to ruby and whisper in his ear "we're doing evening chase", he nodded and mentally prepared himself. Evening chase was the last song we sang until we were found by sans and pap, so I guess it would be nice to sing that. I then walk up to the "stage" (the area in front of the tv where no one was sitting) with ruby by my side. We pulled up the song instrumental again, and played it. (Play song now)
(Bold is ruby)
(Italics is you)
(Underlined is both)

"Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover"

"Hey sister, know the water's sweet but blood is thicker"

And oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do.

Hey brother, do you still believe in one another?

Hey sister, do you still believe in love I wonder

And oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

What if I'm far from home?

Oh brother I will hear you call. What if I lose it all?

Oh sister I will help you out

Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover

Hey sister, do you still believe in love I wonder?

And oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do.

What if I'm far from home?

Oh brother I will hear you call. What if I lose it all?

Oh sister I will help you out

And oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't... do

(End song)
I stopped staring at ruby and looked at how everyone reacted. Everyone started clapping and standing up. Mettaton walked up to me and said "you two need to be on my show sometime", I shook my head no. I saw sans was blushing a dark blue, I then started blushing f/c. In my mind I said "I may or may not have a crush on this skeleton". My blush darkened when I realized what I was thinking, I look over to ruby to see him giving me a knowing grin. I pushed him and said "don't even think about it", ruby chuckled and dropped the subject. Then, he walked back over to me carrying a small case that said "Tetris Party" on it. I could tell ruby wanted to play it because his tail was wagging, and his eyes were wide with excitement. Almost everyone noticed this and agreed to teach ruby and I how to play Tetris. Not surprising to me, ruby is actually really, and I mean REALLY good, at the game. He then got to level 17, and the pieces were falling down fast. His fingers were moving extremely fast on the controller. So fast that he messed up so many times that he lost. He made a new record at level 17. I tried it out too, but I only got to level 14 before losing. Ruby said I did good, but when sans, frisk, and undyne got higher scores I immediately knew that ruby was just saying that so I wouldn't be upset. I just sat there enjoying the music that was playing in the background. I later found out that it was the Teri's Theme A. I just kinda sat there enjoying any music I got to hear. I overheard sans say to ruby "it seems that y/n really likes music huh", then I heard ruby reply "yeah, once she snuck into a band room and started playing some of the instruments. Some of what she played was actually pretty good, she usually played the percussion instruments like marimbas, shakers, tambourine, bongos, and some others". I blush from embarrassment, remembering how ruby had to literally drag me out of the band room that day. Sans chuckled a little as he watched me. It was then that I noticed that I was drumming on the floor. I blushed and stopped drumming and walked over before saying "says the one who stole a guitar from a music store, and left $80 on the table", ruby was now the one to blush of embarrassment. Sans started laughing really hard now, ruby yawned. I tilted my head to the side in confusion, then I looked at everyone. I could see that they were getting tired, but I wasn't tired at all. Eventually, everyone got out their sleeping bags that they brought and started to go to sleep. I decided that since I knew I wasn't gonna be able to sleep, I was gonna watch over the house like a loyal cat (it's funny because cats aren't known to be loyal). Once everyone was asleep, and I was in my cat form, I hopped up onto the windowsill and looked out the window. I stared at people at they walked by, and eventually stopped for some food every few hours. It was around 3 am when I saw a man with a crow bar and gun approach the house. I saw this and got town off the windowsill and started jumping on everyone and meowing loudly. I was lucky enough to wake up undyne and show her the threatening man outside. He told me to fend him off while he wakes everyone else up without letting the man know everyone was awake. I teleported outside and approached the man who was now trying to break the door open with a crow bar, hissing, and making my eyes glow a threatening f/c. He put his hands out and said "sssssshhhhhhh kitty" as if trying to calm me. I then bit his hand hard and started scratching his arms. The man yelped and threw me at the floor. I landed on my feet and continued hissing at him, my paws also glowing f/c. The man backed up, now cursing under his breath, he then pulled out his crow bar and started to swing at me. I activated my shield and approached him, he hit the shield many times before I turned his soul blue and flung him away from the house. The man then yelled "go back underground where you belong!", I yelled "nope" and started throwing bones at him. By now sans and ruby were watching through the window, keeping everyone updated as to how this is going. The man threw his crow bar at me, and I just stepped to the side and caught it. I then threw it far away from the man. Then, I decided to take this seriously. I summoned white and blue bones, along with some Gaster blasters and started moving them around me to seem threatening. The man took out his pocket knife and flipped open the blade before charging at me. I fired my attacks at him, and he dodged. Then I hit him with my f/c Gaster blaster. He then just stood there, under my control. He walked toward me, like I told him to. But then, he broke free and threw me against the wall of the house. I landed on my feet, but my head hurt, and now I was feeling dizzy, unable to walk in a straight line. Then, there were red and blue flashing lights. I saw two men get out of the flashing car and arrest the man, then everyone came out of the house and I collapsed, the last thing I heard were sans and Ruby's voices saying "Y/N?!" Before I blacked out.

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