I Was Tagged To Do This

I was tagged by: @Amnesiaxo
Thank you for the wonderful tag

1. Six songs I listen to the most...

Downtown by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft.

Downtown/ Uptown Funk/ Fancy Mash-Up

Hallelujah by Panic! At the Disco

Dumb Dumb by Red Velvet

Jenny by Studio Killers

Eros and Apollo by Studio Killers

Berlin by New Politics

2. If you could meet anyone on Earth, who would it be?

Rick Riordan because I really want to strangle him yet praise him at the same time for TKC, PJO, HoO, and MCGA. And every online friend I have because I would all give you a hug for many reasons :)

3. Grab a book, turn to page 23, and read line 17...

"I'd ridden in a car."

Lol this was from Magnus Chase XD

4. Last message sent?

Moooooooon gtfo.

5. Last time you played the guitar?

That was... Four years ago? I had two days of guitar lessons then my cousin didn't want to do it anymore and I ended up not having lessons too because of him. (I'm really sad about that TnT

6. What is your religion?

Roman Catholic

7. If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?

Hanging out with my best friends, at school, hanging out with my mom, or taking my violin and piano lessons.

8. What sounds do you love and what sounds do you hate?

I love the sound of bat when it hits the ball hard whenever I play softball or when it lands on my mit. I hate the sounds of the rain when it rains hard while I'm in class. I like the sound of rain, but since my classroom in in the basement and when it rains we couldn't hear our teacher.

9. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?


10. Do you take the shampoo or conditioner in hotels?

No, but my relatives do.

11. Do you have freckles?


12. Biggest pet peeve?

My addiction towards Tumblr and Pinterest.

13. Are you lazy?

I procrastinate a lot so yeah.

14. How many languages can you speak?

English, Tagalog with bad grammar, Hiligaynon a Tagalog accent, and bits of Chinese. (I can speak others too, but bits only.)

15. Occupations you wanted?

Chef lol.

16. Can you curl your tongue?


17. Tea or coffee.

I tea because I don't like coffee. (sorry to those coffee lovers out there!)

18. Are you patient?

Depends on the situation.

19. Do you want to get married?


20. Do you want to have kids?

I like kids so why not.

21. Favorite color(s)?

Any shade of blue, orange, white, black, gold, and silver.

22. Who's your celebrity crush?

Chandler Riggs.

23. Ever gone skinny dipping?


24. How do you vent your anger?

I tend to cuss a lot, but that's my regular routine everyday even though I'm not angry.

25. Do you have a collection of anything?

I have a collection of dolls (yes I collect dolls deal with it), old and foreign coins.

26. Do you prefer calling on the phone or video chatting with people?

Calling on the phone since I can be awkward at times and start talking about shit that doesn't make any sense.

27. Are you happy with the person you've become?

There's a part of me that says yes, but there's a part of me that says no.

28. What is your biggest "what if..."?

What if I was never born l? What if I never knew English? What if I went to my mom's school? What if I never knew about social media shit? What if I never asked for gadgets?

29. Smell air. What do you smell?

The air freshener on the air condition.

30. Stick your right arm out. What is the first thing you touch? Same with your left.

Right: comforter

Left: Wall

31. Worst place you've been to?

Honestly none.

32. Define 'art'.

Art hmm... Art is the symbol of a person's inspiration with a deeper meaning where they express their feelings and ideas.

33. Do you believe in "luck"?


34. How's the weather right now?

It's cold in the early hours of the morning here and, I want to go out and smell the air outside, but it's dark as fuck out there.

35. What timw is it right now?

4:52 a.m. I woke up at 3:50 and couldn't go back to sleep.

36. What was the last book you've read?

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer

[insert squeals here]

37. Do you like the smell of gasoline?

Not really.

38. Do you have any nicknames?

A lot and that includes Pumpkin.

39. Last movie you saw?

HENERAL LUNA!!!!! And I might go see Felix Manalo :D

40. Worst injury you ever had?

I think I was six or seven that when I opened the door. The glass of the window on it fell on my right arm making a really deep cut. I didn't have any stitches since my mom used malungay and the wound left a visible scar. It's still on my arm today.

41. Have you ever caught a butterfly?

A moth when I was younger because I couldn't tell the difference back then.

42. Any current obsessions?

The Heneral Luna Fandom, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Norse Mythology, Wattpad, Hetalia (still), horror games, and highlighting history books.

43. Sexual orientation?

Not confirmed yet. I'm taking my orientation online because my school doesn't have that.

44. Ever had a rumor spread about you?

I can't remember anything, but maybe? I don't know.

45. Do you tend to hold grudges against people?


46. Zodiac sign?

Astrological: Scorpio

Chinese: Snake

47. Do you save money or spend it?

Usually I save it for somethings I want to buy and then spend it.

48. Last thing you purchased?

Baked cheesy potatoes.

49. Love or lust?


50. Are you in a relationship?


51. How many relationships have you had?


52. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

I can.

53. Where were you yesterday?


54. Anything pink within ten feet?

I have a pink pillow.

55. Are you wearing socks right now?


56. Favorite animal?

Dogs and I used to be scared of them.

57. What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?

I will seduce you with my awkwardness.

58. Where is your best friend at the moment?

At her house.

59. Top five blogs on Tumblr?

1. ask-emilz-de-philz
2. ask-swedish-hitman
3. viria
4. joventilador
5. asking-connie

60. What is your heritage?

1/4 Chinese and the rest Filipino.

61. What do you think Satan's last name is?

Dunno... Banghol maybe?

62. Have you ever gotten yourself off?

Is this supposed to be inappropriate?

63. Are you the kind of friend you would like as a friend?

I think? I cuss a lot.

64. Doctor told you that you only had one moth to live. What would you do with the remaining days? Would you be afraid? Would you tell anyone?

I would spend time with the real world you know. Get out and have fun with life more. I would be afraid because I don't know what comes next after death and I wouldn't tell anyone so they wouldn't worry.

65. A puppy is drowning in the canal. You see him, but you are on your way to work and your boss warned younot to be late or else you'd be fired. What do you do?

Fuck my shitty boss, the poor animal needs help!

66. You can only have one of these things: Love or trust?

Trust since love without trust makes a misunderstanding in a relationship.

67. What song makes you happy when you hear it?

Berlin by New Politics since it makes me feel nostalgic for some reason amd feeling nostalgic makes me smile.

68. Last four digits of your phone number?


69. In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?

When both are happy with each other. Dysfunctional or not all that matters is that if you're happy together and you would go through anything together.

70. How can I win your heart?

Write a fanfic with a message about us.

71. What is your shoe size?

9 and still growing.

72. Favorite words?

Shit, puñeta, dammit, and many more curse words.

73. First thing that comes into your mind when you hear the word "heart"?

My favorite pillow when I was younger because it was a shape of a heart.

74. Last song/piece you heard?

Downtown/ Uptown Funk/ Fancy Mash-Up

75. Current desktop picture?

My laptop is gone so phone.... My background is a moving milky way from the Sony backgrounds.

76. One nigh you wake up when you hear a noise. You turn on your lights to see that mummies are around your bed. They do not attack you or anything. What do you do?

Finally my own army.

77. You accidentally ate a radioactive veggie. They were good and even cooler, you're endowed with superpowers of your choice. What would it be?

The Scarlet Witch's powers because she can read and manipulate minds.

78. You can re-live a moment in your life, but it would only last half an hour. What would it be?

When I was in my pre-school's Halloween Party. I really enjoyed dressing up as Storm from X-men even though I wanted to be Sam from Totally Spies.

79. You can erase any horrible experience in life, what would it be?

That moment where I told the guys who had a crush on me back in first grade that I don't like him in a very angry manner. I didn't know what was crush back then so I really felt bad about when I grow up knowing what a crush was right after that.

80. You have an opportunity to sleep with any musician/ celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?

I'm 13 goddammit.

81. You have a plane ticket to go anywhere. Where would you go?

Norway or Sweden during Christmas because I want to experience winter since there's no winter in my country.

82. Do you have any relatives in jail?

I don't know. I don't really keep in touch with my other relatives.

83. Have you ever been on a plane?

Every summer going to Manila.

84. If the whole world was listening to you right now, what would you say?

Stop sharing posts with those "You love Jesus if you oike this, and blah blah blah.". I'm Christian and I don't share them. My reason: "Stop sharing them, go to chruch dammit."
I'm sorry if that offended anyone.

And I tag anyone who sees this XD

Auf Wiedersehen for now!


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