Chapter 19: Complex Feelings
~Author's POV~
You were currently sitting on the porch of Soul and Maka's house with the both of them, staying in complete utter silence. As Soul and Maka conversed, waiting for the others to come back with the necessary supplies, your mind wandered off to it's own place. As it did so, you couldn't help but subconsciously flip through the contents of the notebook that Jennicah had left behind.
"(..n)... H..y.... (Y....)....(Y/N)!!"
You jumped up, wide eyed and slamming the book shut in your hands. "Y-Yeah..?" You sputtered out, glancing towards the voice.
Soul sighed and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Maka went inside to call the others and ask if they're on their ways or not. You were dozing off again... are you sure you're okay?"
You heaved a breath, looking down sadly at your feet. "Yeah, Soul... I'm fine... Just concerned, is all..." You replied, then running and hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair in anguish.
"I figured..." He huffed, turning to face towards you, moving a bit closer. "Look, I said we'd find her, and I mean it. I'm not going back on my word." He promised, looking you directly in the eyes.
"Thank you, Soul..." You lightly smiled, tears pricking at the edges of your eyes again. "I appreciate it—" You were about to continue your sentence when you felt a pair of lips against yours.
Your eyes widened and cheeks heated up when you realized Soul had kissed you. It didn't last for very long, as he pulled away, placing his hands on top of yours, which still rested in your lap. "No need to thank me or anything, got it? Just know that I'll keep my word." He insisted, a small smile painting itself onto his face.
Still blushing severely, you looked at him with a blank expression, bobbing your head to signal that you heard and understood him. "O...Okay..." You muttered, in shock at Soul's sudden expression of feeling.
Thankfully, being the oddest at timing, Maka walked back out of their house and stood next to Soul, arms crossed with a generous smile. "They said they were all on their way, they just got caught up with Professor Stein giving them last-minute advise on Soul Resonance Linking." She explained matter-of-factually.
"Thank you, Maka." You gestured, returning the smile before turning away from both her and Soul, staring down at your feet once again.
Maka placed both her hands onto her hips, grinning. "Don't mention it!" Upon the saying, she raised an eyebrow at yours and Soul's hands being intertwined. She smirked, a gleam in her eyes, giggling.
Soul, realizing what his Meister saw, instantly removed his hands and turned away from you, a light pink tint on his face. Maka laughed even more, ruffling his hair, but didn't say a word.
The rest of the waiting was in complete silence.
— —
"(Y/n), wake up."
You grumbled and opened your eyes tiredly, yawning in the process. You didn't realize that you had fallen asleep; and not only that, but your head was rested against Soul's shoulder as you were latched onto his arm.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" You squeaked out, jumping back and releasing him from your embrace.
He chuckled and waved it off. "It's totally fine. I know you didn't get much sleep last night, so I just kinda let it happen." He admitted, shrugging, then nodding his head to the people in front of you. "But anyway, look. Everyone just got here, so we're officially ready to head out."
"Ah, r-right. Thanks." You then hopped up from the spot you were sitting, and dusted yourself off. You had been mentally preparing yourself for this moment, and you weren't about to let the plan fail. Not now, when you were so close to getting Jennicah back.
Soul stood as well, smirking at both BlackStar and Kid's deadly glances. Though, you didn't notice, as you had been focused on discussing the overall plans with Maka, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Crona, and Ragnarok. You all were discussing plans as to if you would have to engage in combat. Considering the situation, and Melaina being the main issue, there would be a high chance of combat.
"BlackStar isn't the quietest assassin, but he'll make for a good frontal barrage. Kid will deal with a cover base, using Liz and Patty in their Soul Resonance forms. Then, Maka and Soul will deal with final blows, considering they're probably the strongest pair in our group." Tsubaki explained, making hand motions as she did so, so everyone would understand. "Does that sound okay?"
"Wh-What will Ragnorok and I be d-doing, If I may ask..." Crona questioned quietly, looking somewhat intently at Tsubaki.
"Oh! I was hoping you would stay with (Y/n) just in case Jennicah tries to escape while the rest of us are holding off Melaina. Does that sound alright to you, Crona?"
He nodded. "Yes. I-I'd be happy to assist (Y/n)." He smiled sincerely.
Ragnarok then appeared from behind Crona's back, like he normally did, and gave a groaning-like sound. "You only agreed to help because you like her, don't you?" He mocked.
Crona's face then turned a solid hue of bright pink. "I-I do not! Y-You know that! I told you, I-I like Je—" He slapped his hands over his mouth before saying another word.
All of us laughed, as we already knew who he was going to say. It was obvious, to say the least. "Don't worry Crona, we're all friends here, you don't have to be so nervous." Tsubaki giggled.
"Yeah! Besides, honestly, it was pretty obvious." Maka snickered, placing a gentle hand onto his shoulder to reassure him.
"I-It is..?" He asked, looking a bit dumbfounded, blush dying down just a smidge.
"It totally is, Crona, and that's okay. It's cute. But we'll worry about that later, okay? We're getting off track." Liz commented, folding her arms across her chest. "We've got our plan, now we need to put it into action. Are we splitting up so search the city, or no?"
"I say we should stick together on this one, Liz." Tsubaki replied, seriousness clouding her eyes. "We already know which direction Jennicah's headed, so we should just all group up to go get her."
"Yeah, and besides, Melaina is a high-class Witch. We're gonna need all the man-power we can get to stop her, let alone hold her off." Maka piped up, adding her just opinion.
Patty giggled and hugged your arm, bright-smiled. "Hehe, what do you think we should do, (Nickname)?"
You laughed a bit, using your free hand to gentle pat her head. "I agree with Maka and Tsubaki. Melaina will stop at nothing until she gets her way; it's better to be prepared rather than take a risk and regret it later." You explained, looking towards Tsubaki and Maka for a nod.
In which they gave as they bowed their heads in agreement. "Right." They said in sync, justifying their opinions.
"Okay, then it's off to retrieve Jennicah!" Liz shouted, pumping a fist into the air.
"Yeah! Yeah!" Patty added, doing the same as her sister, while detaching herself from your arm.
You smiled at their enthusiasm and kindness to help you save your friend:
You couldn't ask for better friends.
Hey, would you look at that, a new update! Sorry it's so short, and I hope to be updating more frequently. I am trying to get this book finished up for you guys, because I appreciate your kindness and (much thankful) patience towards my lack of updates. I'm currently trying to balance out school and many other life-crisis', so I'm... busy. But hopefully you can forgive me, and wait for the (hopefully soon) next update! Biee!
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