42. Plain and S I M P L E

"The strongest drug that exists

for a human is another
human being."


I smirked as I slowly went through Renee's feed, I wasn't exactly stalking my little wolf I just had sometime before the show and I would have liked to be killing sometime with her but she was doing one of the millions of shit she did backstage and I had just finished my entrance rehearsal to make sure the sounding suited my needs.

"You better treat her right!" I heard behind me before seeing one of her friends, well she had many friends, but I suppose one of her closest, Naomi. I was sure she was the reason Renee had been crawling into our room two nights ago considering she was now Women's Champion but I guess it was my fault for ditching her at the arena.

I raised my eyebrow, not sure how I had drawn her attention when my back was to the wrestlers practicing in the ring with my feet resting on the barricade.

"I see y'all. Y'all think you be undercover but she's sneaking in and out of that locker room of yours." She slowly folded her arms with a smug smile and I sighed sitting up and setting my phone down.

"She's my travelling partner and I was kind enough to give her a place in my locker room."

"A place on your dick yeah" She chuckled and I was about to respond but she continued. "It ain't none of my business but all I'm saying is don't be hurting Ney Ney, she's loved"

"I don't really like warnings cause it only provokes me and if the answer is 'I break her heart, the locker room turns against me.' Then well, I guess there won't be any difference.." She opened her mouth but I cut her off. "Any difference for everyone back here who doesn't like me, but there will be for me. I won't hurt Renee because..."

"What is going on here?" I heard her voice echo and glanced over my shoulder to see Renee move past the ring, our way.

"Oh don't be getting all worried. I ain't terrorizing your 'travelling buddy'" She smiled as they shared a greeting while I rolled my eyes and lift my phone up again.

I felt arms around me causing me to tense briefly but of course remembered my Blondie. You'd think I would be used to her affectionate ways even when we were really just travelling buddies; forcing herself onto my lap getting too fucking close, our spooning.

"I'm so annoyed they didn't book us seats on the flight together this morning and then I had to leave." She groaned into my neck before kissing me and removing my cap.

"Hey!" I called after her, watching her slip it on and lean back against the announce table.

"I pull it off better than you, Corbin" She smirked but then moved in front of me, resting her knee on my thigh and slipping it on for me again.

"If you're trying to make me squirm, I won't hesitate in pulling you onto my lap in front of all your friends"

"Then do it" She whispered and I glanced over my shoulder and did just that but as I did the lights went off for Naomi's entrance and she giggled and I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see.

"I got you so.."

I gripped her face as soon as the strobe lights made it slightly clear and kissed her. The music blasted throughout the arena while she slowly rocked onto my lap. My hand gripped her behind and pulled her firmly onto my lap as I pushed up against her. I bit her tongue to let her know to fucking stop when she knew how I wasn't really good at controlling myself around her. She broke the kiss and felt her move off my lap and the lights soon went on while she hopped back onto the barricade.

"So..." She glanced around and the sound in her voice wasn't too good while I slowly wiped my lips.

"What's wrong?" I frowned.

She glanced behind me as I heard the slamming in the ring of several wrestlers going at it. "You've heard about the Shake-Up next week, Baron."

"Yeah and?" I sighed trying to search her eyes but all I found was her concerned look on me so I tried not to express anything.

"Yeah and what if you're taken to Raw or vice versa."

I shrugged not really sure what the problem would be. Or rather tried not to think about it, Shane had mentioned it earlier in the day to the Superstars, change was coming...

"So you'd be totally fine not being graced with my presence 24/7?" She tugged on the laces of my boots to avoid my eyes.

"I'm not. You're busy quite a lot."

"Okay you'd be fine not sharing a bed with me every night then?"

I glanced away because she already knew the fucking answer to that.

"Exactly. I just.. If you had been drafted to Raw last year maybe you'd be dating Charly right about now."

My eyes widened slightly not sure where that came from and well I couldn't exactly remember which one Charly was, there were so many new brunette's around.

"Again with the brunettes? Renee I..."

"That's not what I meant, you'd be you and they'd probably have shacked you up with her to make sure that you're a good wolf. You would have fallen for her and bam I'm still over here all by my lonesome." She sent me a small smile before clapping her hands together.

"You're saying it like I just wanted you because I was stuck with you." I smiled leaning back in the seat slowly gliding it back and forth, wheeling myself closer to her.

"You did."

"Yeah but I wouldn't have gone fucking anyone. I've known you ever since I got here, not well but I know you. Most times you'd be the only one acknowledging me, before we spoke more than two words I'd get a smile and a wave from you. I didn't return it much but I did appreciate it because you'd do it regardless and now I get annoyed when I think about every fucking guy on the roster who gets waved at by you but there isn't any other Renee Young and there isn't any other woman who could make me.." I stopped myself because I hadn't intended on rambling especially with what I had been told over the last few days.

My brain was in overdrive and I wasn't used to thinking too much about one thing, all my emotions tended to be temporary or I made sure they were. But when they involved her, I was forced to deal with them and right now I found it hard to, especially since I didn't want to put too much on her.

I had let her know my feelings about Sunday, it wasn't some cover even though I had neglected to let her know some things. Everything I told her had been true and most I hadn't even told Corey. It felt good speaking about it, good because she made me smile as always when it was the hardest thing to do.

"Make you?" She said a bit loudly after punching my thigh, letting me know she had been trying to get my attention.

I sighed, "Weak. Because you're the only one who fucking punches me and gets away with it. You're my biggest annoyance but I wouldn't change it."

She smiled and traced her fingers over the skull ring I had gotten her. I had been fucking nervous about how to give it to her, I wasn't a gift kinda guy and she forced it out of me. She hadn't left it behind since I placed it on her finger...

"And I don't want it to, but this time its not controlled by Shane and Stephanie. Its Vince's call for what he wants to see and he consults with the shareholders. There are many people influencing this and you may be picked to go to Raw."

My eyes found hers and I realized she was hinting towards something, "You know I went to see Joe and you think I did something that would make him want to separate us?"

"You can do as you please. But yes, he called me up to let me know you saw him and I could care less about it inconveniencing him I just don't understand what need there would be to go to see him."

I slowly knocked on the door knowing Renee was busy for the day.

As soon as he saw me his face filled with confusion before a small smirk formed, "To what do I owe the pleasure? A punch to the face to defend her honour or a warning to stay away from her?"

He walked back into his house not seeming to care which led to me frowning, "I've had both. A punch to the face courtesy of Ambrose and I gave the idea for the Shield break-up. A smack from Stephanie McMahon and I suggested to Vince that he propose to Shane to come back. A warning from Corey and I made sure he landed up on Raw, so please what do you want so I can make your life miserable"

My jaw clenched, I didn't have a group of friends I could care less if someone was brought up to the main roster but being separated from Renee was something I didn't want. Especially since she refused to move in with me, this past week had been the first time having her in my home and I wanted to make it constant. But she was all over the place and she'd been hurt...

"I'd like to do all of those things. While they were singular, mine would be plural. I wouldn't be the lunatic punching you for hurting my girlfriend's best friend, I'd break your face for hurting MY girlfriend. I wouldn't smack you for cheating with the woman who least deserved to be considered a homewrecker, I'd wrap my hand around your neck until you'd feel the life slip away before I dropped you to the ground. Because that's how Renee felt, her life was taken away by you and I'm not sitting here telling you shit you don't already know. You know everything I am saying but you could care less, right?"

"I don't owe anyone explanations for my actions, let alone a man who works for me. Renee loves power, you fight for a living. I know you, Thomas Pestock former footballer, Golden Glove Champion. Violent, angry wolf, a man who hates the world who has now fallen for the bubbly Renee Young. I don't blame you, her charisma and cheery personality is what drew me to her but it becomes stale after awhile."

"I guess it does when she finds out you're a big fat liar and she's been made the other woman. I didn't come here to sit and let you make her less in front of me. I'm very violent and the only reason I'm restrained is because despite us both being drawn to what she is I'm the only one here who really cares about her."

He sighed, "You've been together for what? A few months? Give it a year and come and talk to me. I met her when she was starting out, she was and always has been a dedicated worker. I was with her because I was lonely on the road but when she found out I realized it wouldn't work out."

"Your wife divorced you but you just ignored Renee and left her alone to play a fucking guessing game."

"I did ignore her for awhile, but we work for the same company and she's Renee. Do you honestly think she allowed me to ignore her? She came running after me, begged me to take her back and I told her no."

"You expect me to believe that?"

"You do, don't you? Because you know how much she loves me. How much she would like to have a man like me but because I hurt her she settles for a guy who will forever be grateful that she chose him to love."

I glanced away.

"She didn't tell you she loved you? Well I guess she has slowed down. She was moaning that out after the second week of me fucking her."

I quickly grabbed his neck and he chuckled, "She goes for everything I am not, everything she never wanted. A man like you, a man who hates the world so that she can be the center of it. She wants everything, she wants power and she wants a man who will let her do it. She's like John Cena, I figured they'd end up together but I guess he was too clean cut, she sure waited for you and look at you. She knows you'll always kiss the ground she walks on because when was your last relationship Tommy? She pities you, she likes her little experiments, she starts little shows and brings success. You're just a project to her and once someone more worthy makes an offer do you really think she'll settle for a man whose only good thing is beating people up?"

I shook my head and let him go, "I might beat people up but I would never do what you did. I guess I ain't skilled enough to pull off your master affair but you think throwing your authority in my fucking face will make me doubt Renee? I'm happy I'm not a prick in a fucking suit who could so easily go from 'loving someone' to destroying her entire world. I'm a lot of fucking things, I may be as good to you as the dirt underneath those Italian fucking shoes but this angry fucking wolf would never hurt her like you did."

"That's what every new man says, I wish you all the luck but the closer she pulls you. The more you'll realize what I mean, she's been single for years. She's lonely now and you're a lone wolf but only one of you really needs someone. And I doubt its the woman loved by many..."

I slowly stood up and shook my head, "I need to go change."

She stared up at me as she held my arm, "Baron, the last thing I want to do is talk about him. But did you hurt him?"

I breath in deeply before glancing around the arena, "Why? Because I'm fucking violent so of course I went to beat your ex to a pulp."

"You know that's not."

"Renee, you're needed before they let the people in."

She nodded while I stared at the blank screen above us before seeing her hands on my arms as she stood on the barricade. "I just don't want to be without you, Corbin."

"You're acting like I'd have the balls to dump you, Renee. I have a hockey stick waiting on me so even if I'm not feeling it I will stick it out."

"Oh the things you say Baron Corbin" She rolled her eyes with a small giggle and attempted to hop off but I caught her and pulled her tightly against me. "I have to go"

"I know." I smiled and she did as well.

Her fingers tugged on my collar and she traced over the caged heart and kissed it causing me to tense as her lips found their way to my neck. She grazed her teeth over it and I immediately let her go with a glare and she laughed out. "You're too easy, wolf"

I rolled my eyes and sunk back into my seat, "only for you, Blondie." I mumbled and felt a kiss on my cheek when I thought she had left already.

I smirked and pulled out my phone, "You going to post it?"

"Can I?"

She shrugged and grabbed my cap and slipped it on before taking off and I spun in my chair and looked at her, running up the ramp.

"Someone's got it hard huh"

I frowned glancing behind me and saw Ambrose behind the barricade.

"Just because your girlfriend is her best friend doesn't mean we have to be buddies." I stood up with a small stretch.

"Now why would we have to unless Renee's your girlfriend?" He smirked and apart of me knew he had me,  I glanced at the ramp in the distance not sure what she would want me to say.

"I guess you have your answer then."


"Hey there, partner!" I heard Bryan and smiled his way knowing he was counting down the days till little Birdie Joe would be welcomed into the world.

"Hey! You really should be taking sometime off, Brie could be popping any minute" I playfully shoved his shoulder before sipping from my coffee once more.

"Oh you're sounding like Nikki now, between you and me I think she wants to get rid of me." He chuckled playfully as she had not been successful at Wrestlemania, but I knew she wasn't too bothered about it. We were all rooting for Trinity and it was her hometown glory.

"Just shut it, why aren't you hanging with Shane somewhere?"

"Why? Don't want me to catch you in the act?" He nudged me and briefly glanced at the screen due to me frowning. I smiled having forgotten why I was seated here alone, it was Baron's match against Nikki's companion.

"Catching me in the act would mean it were wrong to be doing what I am doing. And it is not, as my fellow colleague he needs to know that I support him. I mean we have to have something to talk about on the road." I rambled while focusing my eyes on the screen.

"With all the updates he has of you, I'd say you two don't lack much to talk about on the road."

I frowned until he lifted his phone and my eyes fell on something posted almost two hours ago.

@baroncorbinwwe: Smackdown with this Blondie @reneeyoungwwe, she's going to miss this wolf, if I'm sent to crush some dreams on Raw!

I simply shrugged trying to containing the "aww" wanting to escape from my mouth. I hadn't taken the initiative to share anything with him yet, mostly because I wasn't sure I wanted to be exposed. Baron could care less about what was said out in the world and I loved that he didn't hesitate in posting pictures together. "There are only a few, I think after the Miz and his big mouth, making everyone realize we are indeed travelling partners is quite the good idea."

"I'm sure that's exactly why he did it. To put the fan's mind at ease..." He smirked and I groaned.

"I have no idea what you are trying to insinuate. Urgh where's your wife when I need her!"

"My wife is the reason I'm asking, she misses the road and being lost in what's happening. You're using her old draw the least you can do is let her know what's happening in your life." He mocked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You do know I have caught you guys kissing at work, right?" He sighed.

"You believed what you want to believe." I smiled.

"Which is true. I mean he isn't exactly the most conventional guy for Renee Young but look at Brie and I."

"I'm not ashamed of my wolf at all. I just don't need to draw attention, I'm here to work and follow out my dreams not give the world more shit to obsess over. And so is he"

"I can understand that I guess" He nodded before being pulled away by a crew member while I watched the rest of the match.

The "This is Awesome" chants radiated throughout the arena and I squealed as I watched him execute the EOD on Jon. I was sure Nikki would not be impressed but I made my way to his locker room, it avoided the awkward what to do if I had to be waiting at the gorilla.

He soon entered and seemed slightly surprised by my presence but I didn't bother to lecture him on not being happy to see me after I left him awhile ago. I hopped onto him and felt his arm wrap around me, he smiled as I pulled away.

"You redeemed yourself, wolf. "

"Maybe all I needed was to get out of my head for a bit."

"And what's going on in that head?"

"Besides doing things that we'd probably get fired for if we got caught in here." He smirked and I shook my head before I was reeled into temptation, "I have to go, I'll see you soon?"

He nodded and kissed my forehead before heading to the shower. I frowned having expected a gloating from him or something but nothing...


"What did you mean by we are the worst?" I snapped as Corey came into the locker room I was warming up in. Maybe it was a bit early but I knew Renee would be on a break soon and wanted to hang out with her before my match.

"Tommy I just..."

"No I want to hear it!" I snapped as his words earlier stuck with me and I knew by the look on his face when he found me I was in for a fucking lecture.

"You're already attached, you haven't had anyone all this time and now you're with her. You work with her, Tommy. If things turn sour, then what? You're going to quit this too to get away from the reminders."

I chuckled, "You're comparing a break-up with Renee to my dad? So what if I'm fucking attached, she's my girlfriend of course I'm attached. You wanted me to fucking find someone and I found your other best fucking friend, that should please you. You don't have to interrogate her cause you know she's fucking perfect and maybe not for me because I know, look at me and look at her, but I'd think you'd not be the one to let me know how out of her fucking league I am when I know it."

"I'm not saying that Tommy I.."

I shook my head and tossed my band onto the bed, "First you tell me to not show Baron to her and then I fucking show her Tommy and you're mad."

"You two are emotionally unstable, you've been grieving and shut yourself off, she's been heartbroken. You're right I don't need to interrogate her to know what she is for you because I know her. It won't work I know both of you so I can see, she can't deal with the sides of you Tommy. She wants you because she sees this tough guy persona you put in"

"I am fucking tough"

"Yeah if you were you wouldn't be so interested in my opinion or so nervous about this match because you want to impress her."

I walked to the back of the room.

"Tommy, Baron is the wolf, not you. You're a fucking ass but when you care you're 50/50 and she expects 100 wolf. She can't fix you while she's in denial about herself"

"I don't fucking need to be fixed! I'm not fucking broken, I can take care of myself. "

"Then why haven't you been with anyone?"

"Because maybe I was waiting for her okay?" I shrugged focusing my eyes on him so he knew to some extent I meant it.

"Tommy it won't work, trust me. Just get out before its too serious..."

"Its too late for that. I am serious about Renee and I don't see that changing, so I don't give a fuck about what ANYONE says. I didn't think that would include my best friend but I don't need my best friend being just like everyone else around here. So you don't think I'm good enough for her? That's okay. " I didn't need to stand around listening to him after dealing with her ex, a couple days before.

"That's not what I'm.."

"Get out, Corey. The last thing I need is Amy biting my head off for punching your ass."


"Does it look like I'm in the mood? Just get out, drop Xander off at Danny's place."

"You're gonna ignore everything. I have always been here to keep you on the right track, who was there since the beginning making sure that temper of yours didn't fuck what you have here up?"

"I never asked for it! Just like I didn't ask for you to think that I wasn't good enough for Renee. So I'm making it easy for you, get the fuck out so if it blows up she can get your couch and I'll be on my own." I shrugged.

"So... I'm really beginning to take you ditching me at arena's personally and.. What's wrong?" She whispered as she set her bags down and I stood up and quickly moved over to her.

"Bar.." I gripped her hair and lift her up against the wall. "You can't just fuck me and expect me to be okay with being ditched twice in three days."

"I know. I'll settle for a spoon" I sighed briefly closing my eyes.

"Mmmm that sounds like a plan"

I let her go and moved over to the bed as she stripped and I took off the shirt I was wearing as she moved to my lap.

I handed her the shirt and she smiled but leaned forward and kissed me. "I don't mind you ditching me but promise if you get sick of me, you'll set me straight and not just treat me like you treat everyone else."

"What do you mean?"

"Act like I don't exist. I can imagine that's how it will happen, I'll be all "hey wolf, the one who makes my existence greater" and you just looking at me like I'm crazy and walking on." She shrugged slipping on my t-shirt and moving beside me, allowing her leg to drape over me as she held onto me.

I frowned and moved to my side so I could stare down at her, "you've thought about the end?"

"Aren't you the one always thinking about the end? Its better to be prepared for things..." She shrugged.

"I guess, I picture it more me tearing everything down and bringing the end to any place I can't have you in. I hate to break it to you, Blondie but you're stuck with me."
I grumbled to hide just how much I meant it.

"Urgh I'm stuck with you, why?" She groaned but then giggled. "We're stuck with each other, I'll get us some handcuffs, swallow the keys to make sure of it"

I chuckled and pulled her closer, "Mmmm I'm pretty sure Matt has found a better hiding place for his handcuffs after I stole it the last time."

"How did you manage to explain you having it to him?" She traced her finger over the clocks on my arm as I briefly stared at the headboard before her.

"Someone needed to be tamed"

"Wolves aren't meant to be tamed though, and I must say I enjoy being a wild animal." She leaned forward causing me to fall back.

"Maybe I should make you howl loud enough so they know you can't be tamed" I sighed as her face was buried in my neck.

"I didn't say I couldn't be tamed. You tame me in every good way, I go from obsessing over every detail in my life and I just see you and I don't give a fuck. Maybe its bad, but I like not thinking with you, Corbin. I like knowing that even though we both have so many thoughts in our heads, have been through shit. I can be lying here in your arms and be so fucking happy to be yours."

I frowned at her words but knew my face was on fire, I wasn't sure why Corey figured we weren't good for each other but Renee was the only happiness I wanted. "You'll always be my little wolf, if we're split up.."

"If we're split up, we'll be what we were before. Lonely fucking people, you push the world away to declare yourself alone and I pull them in to reassure myself that I'm not. In the end it doesn't matter because at night, none of them can keep me warm. So I guess if we split, I'll have to settle for all your t-shirts."

"You're going to cuddle up to my t-shirts" I smirked and she nodded before resting her head on my chest with a yawn.

"Yeah, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. You're not the only one who hates sleeping alone." She mumbled into my chest as she drifted off while I stared up at the ceiling, holding her securely on top of me.

I didn't mind getting attached to someone, I never really steered away from it purposely so when I realized just how much she meant to me. It scared me because I wasn't used to having anyone, and if she was taken away then I'd be fucked. "I just hate being without you, Blondie. Plain and simple."






Oh wolf  tb😄😄

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