ptx; a holly jolly pentatonix christmas!
*All of the Pentatonix members and their friends all celebrate Christmas together at their annual Christmas party! Send suggestions! Love • Bree ❤️🎅🏻🎄💚*
Today is the annual Pentatonix Holiday Party!
This year, the Pentatonix holiday party is being held at Kirstie and Blaine's house!
Kirstie and Blaine are both extremely excited to have a party in their brand new home that they moved into a few months ago! Kirstie and Blaine decided to move so they could be closer to Blaine's daughter Madison and also be closer to Jeremy and Ashlea. It makes it easier for all of the kids.
Kirstie and Blaine are also both very excited to announce to everyone that they are expecting their first child together! Everybody has been wanting them to have a baby for a long time now, and it is finally happening!
Kirstie and Blaine are just finishing up last minute decorations and food preparations before everyone starts arriving at the Lewis-Rogers house in a little bit!
"Everything looks really really good, Kirs! You did a really great job decorating and setting up all of the food too!" Blaine says with a big cheeky smile at Kirstie.
"Aww, thank you so much, Blainey! Thank you for putting up with me too! I know I am acting more hormonal and mean since being pregnant!" Kirstie says as she hugs Blaine tightly.
"It is okay, love! You are growing our little baby in there." Blaine says as he kisses Kirstie's tiny baby bump, making Kirstie blush and smile.
"Mommy! Blaine! Maddi is here! Maddi is here!" Jett says with lots of excitement on his face
"Let her in, buddy! Let her in!" Kirstie says happily to Jett.
"Okay, Mommy!" Jett says with a big smile on his face.
Jett then happily opens up the front door and let's Madison, her mom Elise and stepbrother Kayden inside the house!
Blaine and Kirstie both happily talk with Madison's mom Elise while Madison, her stepbrother Kayden, Jett, Jude, Reed, Harper and Piper all happily play for a little bit!
Once Elise and Kayden leave the house, Blaine and Kirstie talk with Madison and see what she got for Christmas from her mom's side of the family!
*Lewis-Rogers' kids: Jude, Jett, Madison, Reed, Harper and Piper's Christmas outfits*
"Wow! You got a lot of fun presents from your Mommy's family huh?" Kirstie asks Madison with a big smile on her face.
"Yeah, Miss Kirstie! I got a lot of really fun and cool stuff for Christmas!" Madison says with a big cheeky smile at Kirstie.
"Aww, I am so glad you had a really great Christmas with your mom, Maddi!" Blaine says to Madison with a big cheeky grin.
"I really did, Daddy!" Madison says as she happily hugs Blaine tightly and Blaine kisses Madison's cheek a few times.
"I can't wait for you to have a fun Christmas with all of us and your Pentatonix cousins today!" Blaine says to Madison.
"Yay! I am so so excited, Daddy!" Madison says with lots of excitement.
Jett, Jude, Reed, Harper and Piper all happily run over to Madison, Blaine and Kirstie.
"When is everyone coming over to our house, Mommy and Blaine?" Reed asks Kirstie and Blaine as he dances around.
"Yeah! When is everyone coming over for the Christmas party?" Jett asks Kirstie and Blaine happily.
"Everyone should be coming over our house very very soon! Blaine and I are just finishing up getting everything ready for the party!" Kirstie says to Jett and Reed.
"Are we telling them about baby too?" Harper asks Kirstie and Blaine as she giggles and smiles.
"YEAH, THE BABY! THE BABY!" Piper asks Kirstie and Blaine with a big cheeky smile on her face as she jumps up and down.
"Yes! We will tell everyone about the new baby today!" Blaine says to the kids happily.
"YAY!" Jude, Jett, Madison, Reed, Harper and Piper all say in unison with lots excitement.
"But don't spill the surprise! Let Blaine and I tell everyone, okay?" Kirstie says to Jude, Jett, Madison, Reed, Harper and Piper.
"Okay!" Jude, Jett, Madison, Reed, Harper and Piper all say in unison to Kirstie with big grins.
Kirstie, Blaine, Jude, Jett, Madison, Reed, Harper and Piper all wait for all of the Christmas party guests to arrive!
Matt, Grace, Lilianna, Elianna, Kellen and Isaiah have all arrived first!
"DOGGIES!" Kellen and Isaiah say in unison with big cheeky smiles.
"Hi, Pascal, Floof and Olaf!" Elianna and Lilianna say in unison as they both pet Pascal, Floof and Olaf.
"Aww! There is Olaf, Floof and Pascal! So sweet!" Grace says as she smiles at Pascal, Floof and Olaf.
"Hey, Floof! Hey, Olaf and Pascal!" Matt says to Pascal, Floof and Olaf happily as he pets them.
"Boys! Don't jump! Let Matt, Grace and the kids come in! Sorry about the dogs!" Blaine says to Grace and Matt.
"It's okay! They are very sweet and loving!" Grace says with a big smile.
"Hello, Sallee fam! Welcome welcome!" Kirstie says to Matt and Grace as she hugs both of them.
"Welcome guys!" Blaine says as he hugs both Matt and Grace.
"Thank you, Kirs! Oh my goodness your new house looks absolutely AMAZING!" Grace says with a cheeky smile.
"Thank you so much! We really love it here and so do the kids! Fresh start!" Kirstie says to Grace.
"We love being closer to Madison and Jeremy for all the kids!" Blaine says to Grace and Matt.
*Lilianna, Elianna, Kellen and Isaiah's Christmas outfits*
"Aw, that is great! It will be easier for all of the kids too!" Grace says as she smiles at Kirstie and Blaine.
"This house is so Christmasy, I love it!" Matt says with a giggle and smile at Blaine and Kirstie.
"Kirstie really decorated our house for the Christmas party today!" Blaine says making Matt, Grace and Kirstie all chuckle.
"It is so cute!" Grace says as she fixes her necklace and smiles at Kirstie and Blaine.
"Thank you so much!" Kirstie says to Grace and Matt with a big grin.
"Make yourselves at home! We have a lot of food, alcohol and other drinks!" Blaine says with a cheeky smile at Matt and Grace.
"Hey! Let's play!" Jett and Jude both say in unison happily to Kellen and Isaiah.
"Yeah!" Kellen and Isaiah both say in unison happily to Jett and Jude.
"Lili and Elli! Let's play with the big doll house!" Madison says with a big smile at Lilianna and Elianna.
"YES!" Lilianna and Elianna say in unison happily to Madison.
Jett, Jude, Madison, Reed, Harper, Piper, Lilianna, Elianna, Kellen and Isaiah all play together while Kirstie, Blaine, Matt and Grace talk with each other!
Mitch, Scott, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia and Joel have all arrived next!
"Hello, Grassi-Hoying fam!" Kirstie says as she hugs Scott and Mitch happily.
"Hey!" Mitch and Scott say in unison happily to Kirstie as they both hug her back.
"Hello, Mitch and Scott!" Blaine says as he hugs Mitch and Scott.
"Hey, Blaine!" Mitch and Scott say in unison as they both hug Blaine back.
"Daddy! Can we go play?" Isabella asks Mitch as she hugs him.
"Yeah! Can we play?" Sawyer asks Mitch as he jumps up and down.
"Sure! All of you can go play! Just don't make a big mess!" Mitch says to Sawyer, Isabella and the rest of the kids.
"Yay!" Isabella and Sawyer say in unison as they, Sophia, Hudson and Amelia all run over to the other kids and they begin to play!
*Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia and Joel's Christmas outfits*
Scott holds Joel in his arms and Joel looks around the house happily.
"Look at all of the decorations, buddy! Wow!" Scott says in a babyfied voice at Joel.
"Ba ba ba ba!" Joel says out loud as he smiles at everyone.
"Hi, Joel! Oh my goodness! You are talking!" Kirstie says as smiles at Joel.
"He has been babbling for a few days now and I love it!" Mitch says with a big grin.
"Look at that baby boy! He has gotten so big!" Grace says as she awes at Joel.
"He is getting tall too!" Matt says as he smiles at Joel.
"He has grown so so much! He is a skinny little guy but he is tall." Scott says as he giggles and smiles at Matt, Grace, Kirstie and Blaine.
"Just like his Daddy!" Kirstie says as she chuckles and smiles at Scott and Mitch.
"Ba ba ba ba!" Joel says to Mitch, making everybody awe.
"What baby! Do you want your toy? Here you go!" Mitch says as he hands Joel his small Piglet stuffed animal and Joel holds it.
"YAS! You have some wine!" Scott says as he pours a glass of wine.
"I want some too please, Scotty!" Mitch says as Scott gives Mitch a thumbs up.
Jett, Jude, Madison, Reed, Harper, Piper, Lilianna, Elianna, Kellen, Isaiah, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia all play together!
Alex, Jake, Scarlett, Aurora, Levi, Avery and baby Ruby have all arrived next!
"Hey, everyone!" Alex and Jake say in unison happily to everyone as they walk in the house.
"Hey!" Kirstie, Blaine, Matt, Grace, Mitch and Scott all happily say in unison to Alex and Jake.
*Scarlett, Aurora, Levi, Avery and Ruby's Christmas outfits*
"You all can play! Be sure to share and be nice!" Alex says to Scarlett, Aurora, Levi and Avery.
"Okay, Papa!" Scarlett, Aurora, Levi and Avery all say in unison as they walk over to where the other kids are playing!
"You look really great, Jake!" Kirstie says to Jake with a big smile.
"You sure do! And Ruby looks absolutely precious!" Grace says good Jake.
"Thank you!" Jake says to everyone as he slowly sits down on the couch.
"Aww, Ruby! She is so so precious!" Mitch says as Joel sits on his lap.
"Ruby looks just like her Daddy!" Scott says as he awes at her.
"Doesn't she? I love that too!" Alex says as he sets Ruby's car seat down.
"Ruby is such a sweet baby girl. We love her so so much." Jake says to everyone with a big smile.
"Aww!" Kirstie, Blaine, Mitch, Scott, Grace and Matt all say in unison with big grins.
Jett, Jude, Madison, Reed, Harper, Piper, Lilianna, Elianna, Kellen, Isaiah, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Scarlett, Aurora, Levi and Avery all play together!
Beau, Gage, Benson, Owen and Aria have arrived next!
"Hey guys! Welcome! Welcome!" Kirstie says as she happily hugs Beau and Gage.
"Hey! Thank you for inviting us, Kirs!" Gage says with a big cheeky smile.
"Of course! We love you guys so so much! You all are family!" Kirstie says to Gage.
"Hey, girly! We are so excited to be here!" Beau says happily to Kirstie and Blaine.
Benson and Owen happily run over to the other kids and they both begin to play with them!
"Say hi, Aria!" Beau says in a babyfied voice as Aria giggles and smiles at everyone.
"Hiii!" Aria says happily to all of the adults making all of them awe and smile at her.
*Benson, Gage and Aria's Christmas outfits*
"Aww! She is getting so big!" Grace says happily as she smiles at Aria.
"She is! I can't believe it!" Beau says with a slight frown knowing his baby girl is getting big.
"Her first birthday is coming up!" Kirstie says with excitement.
"Aw! She is almost one already? I can't believe it!" Jake says as he frowns a little.
"It is! We are having a winter themed first birthday party for her!" Gage says with a big smile.
"Oooo! Really fun!" Mitch says with a cheeky grin.
"We can't wait for that!" Scott says as Joel babbles and smiles.
"Da da! Pa pa!" Aria says to Beau and Gage.
"Yes, baby?" Beau and Gage both ask Aria.
"Wuv you!" Aria says as she points to Beau and Gage making them both smile.
"Aww!" Grace, Matt, Mitch, Scott, Alex, Jake, Blaine and Kirstie all say in unison happily.
Jett, Jude, Madison, Reed, Harper, Piper, Lilianna, Elianna, Kellen, Isaiah, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Scarlett, Aurora, Levi, Avery, Benson and Owen all play together!
Avi, Kate, Dakota, Tobias, Israel, Abigail, Ezra, Kaiya, Wren, Jasper and Micah have arrived next!
"Happy holidays, everyone!" Avi says to everyone as he kisses Jasper's cheek.
"Hey everyone!" Kate says as she holds a happy Micah in her arms.
"Hey! Welcome!" Kirstie says as she hugs Avi and Kate.
"Hey guys! Welcome!" Blaine says as he also hugs Avi and Kate.
Dakota, Tobias, Israel, Abigail, Ezra, Kaiya Wren and Jasper all happily find the other kids and they all begin to play!
*Dakota, Tobias, Israel, Abigail, Ezra, Kaiya, Wren, Jasper and Micah's Christmas outfits*
"Look, Joel! There is your buddy, Micah!" Scott says in a babyfied voice at Joel and Joel smiles at Micah.
"Look, Micah! There is Joel!" Avi says as Micah looks at Joel.
"Micah looks so so good! Oh my gosh!" Mitch says as he smiles at Micah.
"Look at Micah! He is so alert and happy!" Tara says to Kate and Avi.
"Micah is doing very well! He is growing well and his heart is great!" Kate says proudly.
"Micah is such a blessing!" Grace says to Kate with a grin.
"He truly is!" Kate says as Micah coos at everyone.
"I love the elf outfits!" Matt says with a chuckle.
"Thank you! Kate and I thought it would be fun!" Avi says to Matt.
"Micah is such the perfect mixture of Avi and Kate!" Beau says with a smile.
"Aww yes!" Jake says with a big cheeky grin.
"Micah looks so big!" Gage says as he giggles.
"He is eating a lot! He loves his bottles!" Avi says with a chuckle.
"I love Micah's hair! So so precious!" Kirstie says to Avi and Kate.
"It never stays down!" Kate says as she giggles
"Micah is going to be a big boy!" Blaine says happily to Kate and Avi.
Jett, Jude, Madison, Reed, Harper, Piper, Lilianna, Elianna, Kellen, Isaiah, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Scarlett, Aurora, Levi, Avery, Benson, Owen, Dakota, Tobias, Israel, Abigail, Ezra, Kaiya, Wren and Jasper all play together!
Kevin, Tara, Hayden, Laila, Henry and Mallory have all arrived next!
"Hey, Olusolas! Welcome! Welcome!" Kirstie says happily as she hugs Kevin and Tara tightly.
"Hey!" Kevin and Tara both say in unison with big cheeky smiles on their faces.
"Hey guys!" Blaine says as he also hugs Kevin and Tara.
"Mama! I take shoes off!" Mallory says to Tara as she takes off her flats.
"You can take them off, baby! That's fine!" Tara says as Mallory hands Tara her flats.
"Mama! I take my shoes off too!" Henry says as he giggles and smiles at Tara.
"That's fine, baby!" Tara says as everyone giggles and smiles at Henry and Mallory.
*Hayden, Laila, Henry and Mallory's Christmas outfits*
"Mallory is talking a lot now!" Grace says with a big grin.
"Awww!" Jake, Mitch and Beau all say in unison happily.
"She is! It is so sweet to hear her speak more!" Kate says with a smile.
"Her speech has really blossomed! She loves her speech therapist very much too!" Tara says with a cheeky grin.
"Mallory has the cutest little voice ever!" Kirstie says as she awes.
"She does! It is so sweet!" Kevin says as he chuckles.
"Hayden! Let's play Pokémon Go!" Hudson says happily to Hayden as he holds his new iPhone.
"Yes! I got a few Pokémon today!" Hayden says with a big smile at Hudson.
"Hey, Laila! Laila! Come here! We are playing Uno!" Sawyer and Reed day in unison to Laila.
"Yay! I LOVE. Uno!" Laila says with lots of excitement.
Jett, Jude, Madison, Reed, Harper, Piper, Lilianna, Elianna, Kellen, Isaiah, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Scarlett, Aurora, Levi, Avery, Benson, Owen, Dakota, Tobias, Israel, Abigail, Ezra, Kaiya, Wren, Jasper, Hayden, Laila, Henry and Mallory all play together!
Mark, Mason, Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn have all arrived next!
"We made it! Sorry we are late!" Mark and Mason both say in unison to Kirstie and Blaine.
"Aw, you two aren't late! Don't worry! We have just been hanging out!" Kirstie says to both Mark and Mason.
"Aw, good! The twins didn't wanna get dressed this morning!" Mason says as he chuckles.
"Yeah, Oaklyn and Oliver wanted to stay in pajamas all day!" Mark says as he smiles and giggles.
*Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn's Christmas outfits*
Oaklyn stands up next to the couch before falling down and giggles. Oliver happily crawls around happily.
"Look at these cuties!" Kate says as she smiles at Oliver and Oaklyn.
"Look at Oaklyn standing on the couch! Oh my gosh!" Scott says as he watches Oaklyn.
"Look at her go!" Mitch says happily as he smiles at Oaklyn and Oliver.
"Oaklyn is almost walking actually! Oliver is right behind her in walking too!" Mason says proudly.
"Aria took a first few steps the other day! But she likes to be carried around everywhere." Gage says as he giggles, making everybody giggle.
"Oaklyn and Oliver are the same way! Spoiled babies!" Mark says as he giggles.
Jett, Jude, Madison, Reed, Harper, Piper, Lilianna, Elianna, Kellen, Isaiah, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Scarlett, Aurora, Levi, Avery, Benson, Owen, Dakota, Tobias, Israel, Abigail, Ezra, Kaiya, Wren, Jasper, Hayden, Laila, Henry, Mallory, Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all play together!
And finally, Esther, Darien, Evalina, Gabriel, Noah, Sadie, Hana, Asher and Annabelle have all arrived to the Lewis-Rogers house!
"Welcome, Koop fam! Welcome!" Kirstie says as she opens up the front door.
"Thank you!" Esther and Darien say in unison to Kirstie and Blaine with big smiles.
"Welcome! Thank you all for coming!" Darien says with a big smile at Esther and Darien.
"Sorry we are late!" Esther says to Kirstie and Blaine
"It's okay! We haven't started anything just yet! We are all just hanging out!" Kirstie says to Esther.
"Aww good!" Esther says as she picks up Asher and Asher yawns.
Kirstie and Blaine then both see Asher and they both get very excited and happy for Esther and Darien.
Everyone has known for a while that Esther and Darien have been adopting Asher for about a few months now and finally Asher is officially home!
"Gather everyone in the living room, Kirs!" Blaine says, making Esther and Darien giggle and smile.
Kirstie happily walks over to the living room to try to get Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Beau, Gage, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex and Jake's attention!
"Hey everyone! Esther and Darien have something to show all of us!" Kirstie says happily as Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Beau, Gage, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex and Jake all gather in the living room together.
*Evalina, Gabriel, Noah, Sadie, Hana, Asher and Annabelle's Christmas outfits*
"Everyone, this is Asher Benjamin Koop! He has been home for two weeks now! So, this is one of the reasons why Darien and I haven't been talking to any of you! We have just been getting settled in with him!" Esther says proudly to everyone as Asher happily waves at everyone.
"ASHER IS HOME! OH HOW EXCITING!" Grace yells in lots of excitement.
"This is amazing!" Matt says as she laughs and smiles.
"Congratulations!" Beau and Gage both say in unison with big smiles on their faces.
"YAY! He is home for Christmas! What a perfect Christmas present!" Jake says happily and gets excited.
"I am so happy for you, Darien and Esther! Congratulations!" Kirstie says as claps her hands in happiness.
"Congratulations, Dar and Es!" Blaine says to Esther and Darien with a cheeky grin.
"Oh my goodness! What a little cutie pie Asher is!" Tara says as she awes at Asher.
"He sure is! He loves his Mama and Daddy!" Kevin says to Esther and Darien.
"Oh, he definitely does!" Darien says as he playfully pinches Asher's cheek and Asher giggles loudly.
"Welcome to our big family, Asher!" Mitch says to Asher happily.
"Aww! He looks just like Sadie!" Alex says as he giggles and smiles at Asher.
"He sure does! They look identical!" Esther says as Darien tickles Asher, making Asher giggle.
"Two blondes! That is so fun!" Mark says with a chuckle.
"Yes! We have black hair, brown hair, red hair and now blonde hair!" Esther says with a giggle.
"I bet Gabriel and Noah are happy to have a brother!" Mason says with a grin.
"Oh, they are definitely excited!" Darien says with a chuckle.
"Hi, Asher! Welcome home! Welcome to the Pentatonix family!" Scott says with a cheeky smile at Asher.
Asher giggles and smiles at everyone but doesn't talk.
"He is being really shy! Don't be shy, buddy! It's okay! These are all of your aunties and uncles!" Darien says to Asher.
"Aw! That's okay! This is a lot! He will talk when he is ready! I'm Auntie Kate!" Kate says with a big smile on Asher.
"And I am Uncle Avi!" Avi says as he happily waves at Asher.
"Hiiii!" Asher says as he waves at everyone.
"Hi, Asher!" Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Beau, Gage, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex and Jake all say in unison happily to Asher.
Once everybody gets settled in, Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Beau, Gage, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex, Jake, Esther and Darien all sit together!
Liam, Hayden, Dakota, Hudson, Evalina, Jude, Jett, Tobias, Sophia, Lilianna, Elianna, Madison, Israel, Brinley, Scarlett, Isabella, Abigail, Ezra, Laila, Milo, Gabriel, Noah, Aurora, Reed, Kellen, Sawyer, Sadie, Kaiya, Farryn, Benson, Amelia, Harper, Hana, Owen, Wren, Levi, Henry, Isaiah, Westley, Piper, Asher, Mallory, Avery, Annabelle, Jasper all happily play together while Aria, Oaklyn, Oliver, Joel, Micah and Ruby sit with the adults!
Aria, Oaklyn and Oliver are all happily playing on the floor together while Joel sits on Scott's lap, Micah is sitting on Kate's lap and Ruby is sleeping on Alex's chest.
"Everyone, Kirstie and I have a very special announcement to make!" Blaine says happily.
"Oh my gosh! Is it what we think it is?" Esther says playfully as she sits down on Darien's lap.
"Yes! We are having a baby!" Kirstie says happily to everyone as she rubs her baby bump.
"YAY!" Mitch, Jake, Tara, Mark, Grace, Beau, Kate, and Esther all say in unison happily as they cheer and get excited.
Scott, Kevin, Mason, Matt, Gage, Avi, Alex, and Darien all clap and cheer for Blaine and Kirstie.
"Thank you so much guys!" Kirstie says with a cheeky smile.
"We knew all of you would be excited and saying "FINALLY!"" Blaine says as he chuckles at everyone, as he hugs Kirstie and kisses Kirstie's cheek, making Kirstie smile.
"Everyone, Matt and I have an announcement to make as well!" Grace says as she chuckles and smiles at everyone and then at Matt.
"YAY!" Kirstie says as she cheers and Blaine smiles.
"More announcements! Yay! The more the merrier! This is fun!" Kate says as she giggles and smiles.
"Grace and I have a little surprise in the oven too! We are having a baby!" Matt says with a big smile on his face and Grace rubs her baby bump proudly.
"OH MY GOSH!" Mitch, Jake, Tara, Mark, Kirstie, Beau, Kate, and Esther say in unison.
"AWESOME!" Scott, Kevin, Mason, Gage, Avi, Blaine, Alex, and Darien say in unison with cheeky grins.
"Aww! I am so freaking happy for you guys! I know how badly you two wanted a baby!" Kirstie says as she tears up and hugs Grace.
"Thank you! We are so so happy! Matt and I are expecting a baby girl! We are naming her Zoey Alexandra Sallee!" Grace says proudly as she runs her baby bump.
"Awww!" Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Beau, Gage, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex, Jake, Esther and Darien all say in unison happily.
"That is such a pretty name!" Kate says with a big smile.
"I LOVE it!" Tara and Grace both say in unison with big smiles happily.
"Me too!" Jake, Mitch and Mark all say in unison.
"Thank you!" Matt and Grace say in unison as they smile at everyone before they kiss each other.
"Are there going to be anymore babies for our family?" Kate asks out loud playfully.
Beau and Gage both happily raise their hands with big smiles on their faces.
"REALLY?" Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Esther, Darien, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex and Jake all say in unison with excitement at Beau and Gage.
"Yes! Beau and I are having a little boy in June!" Gage says proudly as he
"YAY!" Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Esther, Darien, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex and Jake all scream in unison happily.
"His name is going to be Nolan Grey!" Beau says as he rubs his small baby bump.
"AWE!" Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Esther, Darien, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex and Jake all say in unison with big smiles and they all get very excited.
"Hey everyone! Kevin and I are adopting a baby!" Tara says proudly to everyone and Kevin smiles at everyone.
"WHAT!" Kirstie, Kate, Grace, and Esther all say in unison with lots of excitement.
"AW!" Scott, Mitch, Mark, Mason, Beau, Gage, Matt, Darien, Avi, Blaine, Alex and Jake all say in unison happily.
"Yes! We were just matched with a birth mom and she is amazing!" Tara says with a big smile.
"Congratulations!" Mitch, Scott, Beau, Gage, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Esther, Darien, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex and Jake all say in unison with big smiles on their faces.
"Oh my goodness! Four babies that are coming into our big family this new year!" Mark says happily to everyone.
"More babies means more spoiling!" Jake says making everybody giggle and smile.
"YAS!" Scott, Mason and Alex say in unison.
"YAY!" Mitch, Beau, Mark, Grace, Esther, Kate, Kirstie and Jake all happily say in unison.
"Asher isn't the only surprise we have to share today!" Darien says to everyone as he smiles at everyone and then Esther.
"Really?" Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Beau, Gage, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex and Jake all say in unison as they all look at Esther and Darien.
"Darien and I are having twins!" Esther says to everyone as she stands up and shows off her tiny but noticeable baby bump.
"WHAT!" Kate, Kirstie and Mitch all say in unison with big cheeky smiles.
"OH MY GOSH!" Mark, Beau and Jake say in unison happily as they get excited.
"YAY!" Grace and Tara say in unison as they cheer.
"Was this planned?" Kate asks Esther playfully.
"No! Not at all! But Darien and I feel blessed to have twins again and to be blessed to have more biological children! I actually found out I was pregnant the day we brought Asher home!" Esther says with a big smile.
"Aww!" Mitch, Jake, Grace, Tara, Mark, Kirstie, Beau and Kate all say in unison to Esther.
"You will have nine kids just like Kate and I have!" Avi says as he chuckles at his older sister.
"I didn't think we would have the same amount of kids but here we are!" Esther says as he chuckles at Avi and smiles at him.
Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Beau, Gage, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex, Jake, Esther and Darien all hug each other and get very excited for each other!
Pentaonix posts a picture of Grace, Tara, Kirstie and Esther all standing together. Grace is holding her baby bump, Tara is holding a sign that says "We Are Adopting Again!", Kirstie is holding her baby bump and Esther is holding her baby bump and she is holding a sign that says "It Is Twins AGAIN!" on it's Instagram Stories: They write: "Five More PTX babies joining the family in 2020!"
"SIX MORE BABIES! This is so freaking exciting!" Kirstie says as she cheers.
"Aww! This is so exciting! Congrats everyone!" Scott says as he smiles at Matt, Grace, Esther, Darien, Kirstie, Blaine, Tara, Kevin, Beau and Gage.
"Congrats everyone!" Mitch, Alex, Jake, Avi, Kate, Mark and Mason all say in unison happily!
"Thank you!" Kirstie, Blaine, Darien, Esther, Beau, Gage, Tara and Kevin say in unison with big smiles!
Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Beau, Gage, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex, Jake, Esther and Darien all continue to talk with each other while all of the kids play!
Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Beau, Gage, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex, Jake, Esther and Darien all continue to sit and talk with each other for a little bit!
"Okay kids! It is time to eat! Let's all line up and get your plates filled!" Kirstie says to all of the kids happily.
One by one, all of the kids get in line to get food on their plates before they all sit at their seats.
After all of the kids get their food, Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Beau, Gage, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex, Jake, Esther and Darien all fill their plates up with a lot food!
*Adult Table*
*Kid Tables*
Mitch, Scott, Tara, Kevin, Mark, Mason, Grace, Matt, Beau, Gage, Kate, Avi, Kirstie, Blaine, Alex, Jake, Esther and Darien all sit together at the adult table with Aria, Oaklyn, Oliver, Joel, Micah and Ruby with them!
And at the few kids tables, Liam, Hayden, Dakota, Hudson, Evalina, Jude, Jett, Tobias, Sophia, Lilianna, Elianna, Madison, Israel, Brinley, Scarlett, Isabella, Abigail, Ezra, Laila, Milo, Gabriel, Noah, Aurora, Reed, Kellen, Sawyer, Sadie, Kaiya, Farryn, Benson, Amelia, Harper, Hana, Owen, Wren, Levi, Henry, Isaiah, Westley, Piper, Asher, Mallory, Avery, Annabelle and Jasper all sit together!
All of the adults and all of the kids happily eat their lunch together at their designated tables!
After everybody eats, it is time for the Secret Santa! All of the kids begin to give their person their Christmas present!
"Okay everyone! It is Secret Santa time! Give your gift to your person!" Kirstie says to all of the kids happily
"Make sure you say thank you to your Secret Santa as well!" Mitch says to all of the kids.
Since Asher was adopted after the Secret Santa drawing, Asher's name wasn't in the draw.
"Asher, we have presents for you since your name wasn't in the kid Secret Santa draw! But next year you will be in the Secret Santa, okay!" Esther explains to Asher.
"Otay, Mama! I get gifts though! Yay!" Asher says as he gets very excited to get gifts anyway.
"You do! That's right, buddy!" Esther says to Asher and Darien smiles at Asher.
One by one, the kids give each other the gifts they bought for each other during the Secret Santa draw!
Liam - Israel
Hayden - Lilianna
Dakota - Henry
Hudson - Aurora
Evalina - Liam
Jude - Laila
Jett - Sawyer
Tobias - Sophia
Sophia - Jude
Lilianna - Abigail
Elianna - Levi
Madison - Owen
Israel - Madison
Brinley - Micah
Scarlett - Wren
Isabella - Kellen
Abigail - Mallory
Ezra - Piper
Laila - Reed
Milo - Joel
Gabriel - Aria
Noah - Isabella
Aurora - Jett
Reed - Elianna
Kellen - Dakota
Sawyer - Farryn
Sadie - Annabelle
Kaiya - Oliver
Farryn - Ruby
Benson - Avery
Amelia - Benson
Harper - Evalina
Hana - Hudson
Owen - Sadie
Wren - Hayden
Levi - Tobias
Henry - Brinley
Isaiah - Milo
Westley - Ezra
Piper - Scarlett
Mallory - Noah
Avery - Kaiya
Annabelle - Jasper
Jasper - Gabriel
Aria - Amelia
Oaklyn - Hana
Oliver - Isaiah
Joel - Harper
Micah - Westley
Ruby - Oaklyn
"Fank you, Amelia!" Benson says as he smiles at Amelia.
"Yay!" Amelia says as she hugs Benson happily.
"Thank you, Joel! I really wanted this!" Gabriel says to Mitch.
"Aww! Joel says you're welcome!" Mitch says happily to Gabriel.
"Thank you, Israel! I love this Barbie!" Madison says to Israel.
"You're welcome, Madi!" Israel says to Madison with a big cheeky grin.
"Thank you, Noah!" Isabella says to Noah.
"You're welcome, Issy!" Noah says happily to Isabella.
"Ruby says thank you Farryn! She loves her new socks and her elephant stuffed animal!" Jake says to Farryn.
"You're welcome!" Farryn says as she claps her hands in excitement.
"Thank you, Jude!" Laila says as she hugs her new bear happily.
"You're welcome!" Jude says as he hugs Laila.
Once all of the kids receive their presents and happily begin to play with their new things, it is time for the adults to do their Secret Santa!
Mitch - Gage
Scott - Jake
Tara - Scott
Kevin - Mason
Mark - Kevin
Mason - Grace
Grace - Darien
Matt - Blaine
Beau - Avi
Gage - Kirstie
Kate - Matt
Avi - Tara
Kirstie - Mark
Blaine - Beau
Alex - Mitch
Jake - Esther
Esther - Kate
Darien - Alex
For the rest of the afternoon, everyone hung out and had lots of fun together!
Kirstie, Blaine, Jude, Jett, Madison, Reed, Harper, Piper, Mitch, Scott, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel, Esther, Darien, Evalina, Gabriel, Noah, Sadie, Hana, Asher, Annabelle, Avi, Kate, Dakota, Tobias, Israel, Abigail, Ezra, Kaiya, Wren, Jasper, Micah, Kevin, Tara, Hayden, Laila, Henry, Mallory, Matt, Grace, Lilianna, Elianna, Kellen, Isaiah, Alex, Jake, Scarlett, Aurora, Levi, Avery, Ruby, Mason, Mark, Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oaklyn, Oliver, Beau, Gage, Benson, Owen and Aria all had a wonderful Christmas party together! :)
Mitch posts a picture of Sophia, himself, Joel, Hudson, Isabella, Sawyer, Scott, Amelia and Liam all standing together. Mitch is holding joel and Scott is holding Amelia. He writes the caption as: "Christmas is the one of the few days where we all get dressed up as a family! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! 🎄🎅🏻❤️💚"
Scott posts a picture of Liam, Sawyer, Scott, Amelia, Isabella, Hudson, Sophia, Mitch and Joel. Scott is holding Sawyer and Amelia and Mitch is holding Joel. He writes the caption as: "Merry Christmas everyone! We hope all of you have a wonderful day with family and friends! We sure are!🎄🎄🎄"
Esther posts a picture of Annabelle, Esther, Gabriel, Noah, Sadie, Hana, Darien, Asher and Evalina. Esther is holding Annabelle and Darien is holding Asher. She writes the caption as: "Happy Holidays from the Koop Troop! 💙🕎🎄❤️"
Esther posts another picture of herself and Darien rubbing her small baby bump. She writes the caption as: "Darien and I are very excited to announce that we are expecting twins again! 💚💚 This was a very unexpected blessing but we are so thankful to have two more babies into our family! Evalina, Gabriel, Noah, Sadie, Hana, Asher and Annabelle are all very excited as well! 😇"
Darien posts a picture of Asher, himself, Annabelle, Gabriel, Evalina, Sadie, Noah, Esther and Hana. Asher and Annabelle are both sitting on Darien's lap and Hana sitting on Esther's lap. He writes the caption as: "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our family to all of yours! 🎄🕎"
Kirstie posts a picture of herself, Reed, Jett, Jude, Madison, Harper, Blaine and Piper all sitting together. Reed is sitting on Kirstie's lap and Harper and Piper are sitting on Blaine's lap. She writes the caption as: "Merry Christmas from our family to all of yours! We have a lot to be blessed about this year! 🤰🏻🧒🏼👦🏻👦🏻👧🏼👱🏻♂️👧🏻👧🏼"
Kirstie posts a picture of herself and Blaine kissing each other in front of the Christmas tree. Blaine and Kirstie are holding Kirstie's small baby bump. She writes the caption as: "Baby Rogers' first ever Christmas 😇💚🤰🏻"
Blaine posts a picture of Jett, Jude, Madison, Reed, Harper and Piper all happily standing together. He writes the caption as: "Merry Christmas from Jett, Jude, Madison, Reed, Harper and Piper! 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄"
Matt posts a picture himself, Kellen, Elianna, Lilianna, Grace and Isaiah. Grace is holding her baby bump. He writes the caption as: "Merry Christmas everyone! 🎅🏻🎄"
Grace posts a picture of herself holding her baby bump, Lilianna, Kellen, Elianna, Matt and Isaiah all sitting together. She writes the caption as: "Merry CHRISTmas and Happy birthday to the son of God! 🎄✝️🎅🏻"
Grace posts another picture of her small baby bump. Grace has a red gift bow on her baby bump. She writes the caption as: "Zoey's first Christmas ❤️🎀"
Kevin posts a picture of himself, Mallory, Hayden, Laila, Tara and Henry all sitting together happily. He writes the caption as: "Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄 This will be our last Christmas as a family of 6! 🥰"
Tara posts a picture of herself, Henry, Laila, Hayden, Kevin and Mallory all sitting together. Mallory is sitting on Kevin's lap and Henry is sitting on Tara's lap. She writes the caption as: "Merry CHRISTmas everyone! Love, Tara, Kevin, Hayden, Laila, Henry and Mallory 🎄🎅🏻✝️"
Tara posts another picture of herself and Kevin both holding a sign that says "We Are Adopting!" She writes the caption as: "We are adopting again! @kolusola and I are very excited to welcome another child into our family! We can't wait to be a family of 7! 💚"
Avi posts a picture of Jasper, Avi, Wren, Abigail, Kaiya, Dakota, Ezra, Israel, Tobias, Micah and Kate all standing together. Avi is holding Jasper and Wren while Kate is holding Micah. He writes the caption as: "Happy Holidays from the Kaplan's! 😊🎅🏻🕎🎄"
Kate posts a picture of herself, Avi and Micah. Micah is happily sitting on Kate's lap. She writes the caption as: "Micah's first ever Christmas! 👶🏻❤️We are so blessed for this miracle baby boy and that he is healthy and thriving!"
Kate posts another picture of herself, Micah, Tobias, Israel, Ezra, Dakota, Kaiya, Abigail, Wren, Avi and Jasper all sitting together on the couch. She writes the caption as: "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🎄🎅🏻🕎✡️"
Beau posts a picture of himself, Aria, Benson, Gage and Owen. Aria is sitting on Beau's lap and Benson and Owen are sitting on Gage's lap. He writes the caption as: "merry christmas from the sloane-robinson family! 🎄🎅🏻🎄"
Beau posts another picture of himself and Gage both rubbing Beau's tiny baby bump. He writes the caption as: "Nolan Grey Sloane-Robinson due in June! @gagerobinson and I can't wait for welcome this baby boy into our family! 😇"
Gage posts a picture of Benson, himself, Owen, Beau and Aria. Gage is holding Owen and Benson's hands while Beau is holding Aria. He writes the caption as: "Merry Christmas from Beau, baby Nolan, Aria, Benson, Owen and I! 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄"
Mason posts a picture of Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oaklyn and Oliver all sitting on the couch together and all of them are smiling. He writes the caption as: "Merry Christmas from Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oaklyn and Oliver! 🎄👧🏻👦🏻👧🏻🧒🏻👶🏻👶🏻🎄"
Mark posts a picture of Oaklyn, himself, Westley, Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Mason and Oliver all sitting together. Oaklyn and Westley are sitting on Mark's lap and Farryn and Oliver are sitting on Mason's lap. He writes the caption as: "Maligayang Pasko! (Merry Christmas in Filipino) 😇🎄"
Jake posts a picture of himself, Ruby, Scarlett, Aurora, Levi, Alex and Avery all standing together. Jake is holding Ruby, Scarlett and Aurora are holding each other's hands and Alex is holding Levi and Avery. He writes the caption as: "Merry Christmas from the Kirk's! Love • Jake, Ruby, Scarlett, Aurora, Levi, Alex and Avery! ❤️💚"
Jake posts another picture of himself, Ruby and Alex. Ruby is yawning and Jake and Alex are smiling. He writes the caption as: "Ruby's first Christmas ever ❤️🎄🎅🏻💚"
Alex posts a picture of himself, Ruby, Aurora, Levi, Scarlett, Jake and Avery all sitting together. He writes the caption as: "Merry Christmas from the Kirk's! 🎄"
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