mark & mason; 3 kittens in a box need a home

*Mason and the kids find a box of kittens outside! I know have been on an animal kick lately 😂 I love animals so so much! Honestly I have no ideas right now so please send some ideas! Enjoy! Love • Bree ❤️*

Today is Monday in the Manio-Catt house!

Both Mark and Mason have had a pretty relaxing day so far with their six kids - Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn and their dog Roxy.

Mason hasn't had much work to do today for his job and what he did have to do was simple, fast and easy!

Mark has also had a pretty easy day as well! He just finished homeschooling Brinley, Milo and Farryn for the day and all three of them didn't fuss or anything!

Brinley, Milo and Farryn all Zoom called with their teachers and they finished all of their assignments for the day!

Right now, Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley are all playing with LEGOS together while Oliver and Oaklyn are taking their afternoon nap!

*Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn's outfits*

"I am so tired, babe." Mark says as he yawns and rubs his eyes, making Mason smile.

"Aww, why don't you take a nap with the twins? I'll take the older four kids on a walk with Roxy to get them out of the house." Mason says to Mark.

"Are you sure? I just feel really bad. You have been working all day, Mase." Mark says to Mason.

"No! Don't feel bad, Marky! I didn't have much work to do today and you have been busy non-stop with the kids today. Let me take the older kids out so you can nap with the twins." Mason say to Mark.

"You are the absolute best, babe. Thank you so much." Mark says as he hugs Mason tightly and kisses him a few times.

"No, you are the best! I love you." Mason says as he kisses Mark again and squeezes him tight.

"I love you too!" Mark says with a big smile at Mason.

"Brin! Milo! Farryn! Wes! Let's all take Roxy on a walk!" Mason says out loud with a big smile.

"YAY!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all say in unison to Mason with big cheeky smiles on their faces.

Roxy then happily runs over to Mason and jumps up and down on him.

"Get down, Roxy! Get down, baby." Mason says to Roxy happily.

"Have fun you guys!" Mark says as he hugs Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley one by one.

"Bye, Ina!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all say in unison to Mark with smiles.

"Have fun, Roxy!" Mark says as he pets Roxy's head.

Mason, Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley and Roxy the dog all leave the house together to go on a walk!

Mason, Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley and Roxy the dog are all happily walking together!

Farryn and Westley hold hands while Mason is holding Roxy on her leash! Brinley and Milo are walking next to each other.

"Are you guys having fun?" Mason asks Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley.

"YES!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all say in unison to Mason with big cheeky smiles.

"Daddy! There is a box over there!" Farryn says to Mason.

"I see it, Far!" Mason says as he sees a box by the dumpster.

"Yeah! The box is moving too!" Westley says to Mason.

"Let's go see what is inside of the box!" Mason says as he, Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley.

Mason, Roxy, Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all walk over to the dumpster where the box is.

Mason, Roxy, Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all walk over to the box and they all make a huge discovery!

The huge discovery is three small, scared, hungry and dirty little kittens.

*Imagine the kittens being in a small box*

"Kittens! Kittens! Kittens!" Westley says as he jumps up and down with a big cheeky smile.

"Aww, kittens!" Brinley and Milo both say in unison with huge smiles.

"The kittens are soooo cute, Daddy!" Farryn says to Mason as she tries to touch the kittens.

"They are cute! Don't touch them, okay? The kittens have to be cleaned first before we touch them." Mason says to Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley.

"Are we bringing them home, Daddy?" Brinley asks Mason.

"We are! Let's see what gender the kittens are!" Mason says to Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley.

Mason picks up the kittens and looks too see what their genders are.

"The black kitten is a girl and the white and orange kittens are boys!" Mason says with a big smile at Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley.

"YAY!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all say in unison with big smiles

"Aww!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all say in unison with big cheeky smiles.

"Let's all walk back home and bring the kittens home. I'll carry the kitten box and Brinley can you hold Roxy's leash?" Mason says to Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley.

"Yes, Daddy!" Brinley says as she happily holds Roxy's leash while Mason holds the kitten box.

The kittens meow loudly in the box, making Milo frown.

"It is okay, kittens! It is okay!" Milo says to the kittens in a soft voice.

"They are okay, Milo! They are just confused on what is going on right well! They will calm down when we head home!" Mason says to Milo with a big smile.

"Can we keep them, Daddy?" Farryn asks Mason with a big cheeky smile.

"Yeah, Daddy! Can we?" Westley asks Mason with a cheeky smile.

"Maybe! We will see! We have to ask Ina first!" Mason says to Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley.

"YAY!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all say in unison with excitement.

Mason, Mark, Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley and Roxy the dog all bring the kittens home!

Once back at home from their walk, Mason sets them kitten box on the kitchen floor while Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all giggle and smile at them as they watch the kittens wiggling around and meowing at each other.

"What's going on in here?" Mark asks Mason, Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley as he is half awake.

"KITTENS!" Farryn says she jumps up and down.

"We found kitties!" Westley says with a big cheeky smile.

"Kittens? What?" Mark says in disbelief as he walks over to the kitchen where Mason, Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley are all standing around a box with kittens inside.

"Yeah! We found some kitties in a box, babe!" Mason says with a chuckle.

"Awww oh my goodness! They are so cute!

"The black one is a girl!" Brinley says with a big cheeky smile.

"And the white and orange one are boys!" Milo says with a humungous smile.

"They are so little! Where did you find them?" Mark asks Mason as he smiles.

"Near the dumpsters. Poor little kittens are dirty and hungry I think." Mason says to Mark and Mark frowns.

"Let's give them a bath and feed them something!" Mark says to Mason as he pouts

"Let's do it!" Mason says happily to Mark.

"YAY!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all say in unison to Mason and Mark happily.

Mason and Mark both give the three little kittens a nice bath and then they fed them some food before they both let all of the kids play with them!

After the kittens had their baths and ate something, Mason puts the three of them on a soft pillow on the living room floor, so they are more comfortable.

"Can we touch all of the kittens now, Ina and Daddy?" Brinley asks Mark and Mason with a big cheeky smile.

"Yes, you guys can! Please be gentle with them!" Mark says to Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn.

Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn all cheer and get very excited at Mark and Mason.

Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn all happily walk over to the kittens and they all sit on the living room floor next to them!

Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn all sit and begin to pet the three kittens softly and all of them are very excited!

"Aww, all of you are being so soft and sweet with the kittens!" Mark says with a big cheeky smile at Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn.

"You guys are doing great with them! Great job!" Mason says to Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn.

Roxy the dog then walks over and looks at the kittens happily.

"Who are they, Roxy? Are they your new brothers and sister?" Mason asks Roxy in a babyfied voice playfully at Roxy.

Roxy happily wags her tail at the kittens and she smiles up at Mark and Mason. Roxy then begins to sniff the three kittens and gets very happy and excited!

"Good girl, Roxy! You are a good girl with the kittens!" Mason says as he pets Roxy.

"Good girl, Roxy! Good girl!" Mark says as he also pets Roxy.

"Are we keeping the kittens, Ina and Daddy?" Milo asks Mark and Mason.

"Yeah! Are we keeping them?" Farryn asks Mark and Mason.

"Pwease! Pwease!" Pwease! Pwease!" Westley says as he happily jumps up and down with excitement.

"Please, Ina and Daddy!" Brinley says as she pouts her lips, really wanting the kittens to stay.

Mark and Mason both smile at each other, already knowing they are going to say yes.

"Yes, we are!" Mark says to Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn.

"YAY!" Brinley, Milo, Farryn and Westley all say in unison as they all get very excited.

Oliver and Oaklyn both get excited and they both cheer loudly.

"What should we name the kittens, guys? Have any name suggestions?" Mason asks Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn.

"This one Tigger because he's orange, Daddy!" Farryn says as she hugs Tigger and pets him.

"Yeah! Tigger! Tigger! Tigger!" Westley says as he happily claps his hands.

"Tigger is a perfect name for this one!" Mark says with a big cheeky smile.

"What about the white kitten? What should his name be?" Mason asks the kids.

"Boo! Like Boo the ghost from the Mario games!" Brinley says with a humungous smile.

"Yes! Boo! I like that name a lot!" Milo says with excitement.

"Boo is a perfect name for him!" Mark says with a big cheeky grin.

"Now, what should we name our baby girl?" Mason asks the kids as he pets her.

"Oreo!" Westley says with a big cheeky grin.

"YES! Oreo! Oreo! Oreo!" Farryn and Westley both say in unison happily.

"Oreo is a CUTE name!" Brinley says as she giggles and smiles.

"I love that name!" Milo says as he gets very excited.

"Oreo, Boo and Tigger it is!" Mason says happily to Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn.

"Oreo, Boo and Tigger! Welcome to our family!" Mark says in a babyfied voice at the three kittens.

For the rest of the day, Mark, Mason, Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver and Oaklyn all pet and get to know Oreo, Boo and Tigger.

Mark, Mason, Brinley, Milo, Farryn, Westley, Oliver, Oaklyn and Roxie the dog are all very excited to have three new kittens in the family! :)

Mark posts a picture of three kittens laying in a box all looking up at him. He writes the caption as: "@masoncatt, Brin, Milo, Farryn and Wes found these three cuties all alone in a box by a dumpster while they took a walk 🥺 We just cleaned them up and just fed them some soft food! I can't let these cuties go! The black kitten is a girl while the white and orange kittens are boys 🖤🤍🧡"

Mark posts another picture of Oreo, Boo and Tigger all cuddling together on the couch together. He writes the caption as: "Meet Oreo, Boo and Tigger Manio-Catt! All of us are so excited to have these cuties into our family 🖤🤍🧡"

Mason posts a picture of the kittens sitting together in the box and they are all looking up at Mason. He writes the caption as: "Found these three kittens all cuddled and very scared in a box outside by a dumpster! The four older kids wanted to bring them home so of course I said yes! I think @markmanio and I are going to keep them all 🥺🖤🤍🧡"

Mason posts another picture of Oreo, Boo and Tigger all laying on the floor together. He writes the caption as: "Our new fur babies have names! Meet Oreo 🖤 Boo 🤍 and Tigger 🧡 Welcome to the family! 🐱🐱🐱"

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