Part One
The couple sitting in front of me stared, the young woman teary eyed, and the man with a blank expression and dark bags under his eyes. They had their hands stretched out on the dark wooden table between us, reaching out for mine. As my fingers touched their cold skin, a shock of electricity ran through my veins that only I felt.
So much energy ran through me at the touch that the lights a round us flickered and went dead. I understood why they looked around the library room skeptically, it looked like a stunt straight from a movie set, but it wasn't.
"No matter what you hear, do not let go of my hands. I need to keep contact with you if you want me to find your son," I told them quietly.
"We won't," the woman replied.
I gave her a smile to let her know it was going to be okay. Once she returned it, I began to let their emotions and memories flow through me, our entwined hands being the bridge of that information.
They were in so much unbearable pain. The death of their ten year old son was too much for them to handle. Their relationship became rocky, unstable, past the point of happiness and forgiveness. But I could see that they still loved each other and wanted peace, a way to heal so that no matter what they had gone through, they could still come out on the other side of the dark tunnel to find the light.
Their son was killed in a robbery. He was shot, but accidentally. Some stupid teenager tried to steal his parent's belongings, while pointing a loaded gun at them. Since the teenager was just that . . .a teenager, the parents tried to fight back thinking they had greater strength but the gun accidentally fired when they pushed the teenager, killing the young boy instantly, not even a chance to fight for his life.
"I need his name," I asked.
"Noah," the man said.
"Noah," I called out.
My voice sent an echo of whispers that bounced off the four walls of the large study room. As my soothing voice traveled, it changed my world and flipped it upside down. My library was drained of color, instead it looked ashy and burnt, like a fire had swept through my home, destroying any sign of life.
The couple was still in front of me, but they were also colorless,pale and gray looking. They did not belong to this world, so their bodies were transparent. I on the other hand, was full of life and warmth. My brown skin, black hair, and even dark clothes were untouched by the ominous atmosphere.
I stood up from my chair and left a mirrored image of my body behind. It wasn't an illusion, it was me on the human world. But now my conscious was here, in the realm of the dead. I paced around the room, looking for my voice. This plane wasn't like our reality, sound here didn't travel unless there was a human.
And for this moment, I was that human. My voice calling out to the child was the key to finding him. When my hands connected with the parents, I was able to reach out to the child, but only when I called his name could he hear me and find me.
Suddenly, like a cold breeze, I sensed my voice. I quickly ran through my home and found the child in my bedroom, staring out of the open window.
"I found him," I said. "He's here, with me."
"Does he look happy?" the mother almost immediately replied, a hint of hope in her voice.
"Noah, your parents are here, they want to speak with you."The boy turned around and looked up at me. The bullet wound on his neck was still fresh, as if it had happened only a few seconds ago. He, like everything, was pale, colorless and dead. He looked at me curiously, and smiled. "He's smiling." I felt the woman hold my hand harder.
"Ask him if he's okay."
I walked closer to the boy and knelt in front of him. "Your parents miss you, they want to know if you're okay."
"I'm lost," the boy said.
"He . . . he said he's lost," I told the parents,"but I wouldn't worry about that. The dead are lost until they find what they are looking for, that's when they move on. It's like your own personal mission. I cannot contact him once he's moved on, so anything you need to say say it now."
"He had a toy that he always took with him, what kind of animal was the toy?" the father asked me, he was doubtful about my abilities.
"Hey, Noah." I smiled and got as close as I could to the boy, but giving him enough space to not look threatening. "You had a toy that you always took with you, can you show me what it was?"
The boy pulled out a stuffed toy out of thin air and held it up for me to see. It wasn't an animal, it was a cute one-eyed alien. I couldn't tell what color it was but the shade it was lead me to believe blue.
"It's an alien, with one eye. I think it's blue, but I don't see color wher-- No, NO!" I screamed suddenly as I felt the man release my hand. My subconscious was pulled back to the table, but I was still in the realm for just a few more seconds. I quickly tried to grab the woman's hand hoping it could be enough to let me stay but it was too late.
As my mind and body connected once more, air whooshed all around us, knocking down books and papers. I breathed heavily, my heart beating fast. I looked at the man who wasn't looking at me or his wife, he was looking down, disappointed almost.
"Why . . . why did you let go? I had your son right in front of me! You could have talked to him!" I shouted as I slowly stood up to look down at him.
My husband, Nickolas, quickly bolted into the room and grabbed my shoulders, trying to calm me down. He forced me to look into his eyes as I became emotionally unstable. His blue eyes were so calm and peaceful, a natural remedy for me.
"It's okay, Aimee. You're okay, you're with me now," he said,his hands shaking around my face.
Once my breathing went back to normal I sat down. I wasn't in a shouting mood anymore, but I felt incredibly angry at the man. He still looked down, and his poor wife was confused with tears in her eyes. I knew exactly what was going on, and that was why I felt pure anger.
Nick left the room once he saw I was okay and closed the double doors behind him. He was always ready for anything to happen,especially people not listening to me.
"I didn't mean to scare you," I told the woman, "but when your husband withdrew his hand, everything became unbalanced, and when that happens . . . it's difficult to explain, but my mind and body snapped back together like a rubber band that was stretched too far and broke. I didn't necessarily break, but it did cause my emotions to erupt uncontrollably for just a moment."
"Why would you do this?" the man finally spoke, but he was looking at his wife. "You told her that so what? So I could find some kind of peace through a psychic telling us that she's talking to our dead son?"
"I haven't done anything," she said, trying to keep her cool by holding back tears. "How dare you think I would do something like that."
"Because you're weak minded," I said with the man. He quickly turned to look at me, a furious look on his face. I parted my lips to softly say what he was about to say as he did, "What? Are you mocking me?"
I stood up once more, my eyes going to the doors, hoping Nick wasn't hearing the conversation that was happening, I didn't want him to stop me. Once I knew he wasn't going to show up, I looked down at the man.
"Your wife is not the one who is weak minded, you are. I don't need to touch your palm to know exactly how you feel about the situation. Even before your son, things were never okay. You're a disgusting human being for what you did to your wife, and before you try to question me, I can see everything you have ever done in your life."
"You're just a liar who scammed a grieving family out of thousands of dollars. I should report you to the authorities."
"And I should report you for what you did to Ella while your wife was visiting her parents," I retorted, crossing my arms, still looking down at him.
"How do you know about Ella?" the woman asked.
I realized my mistake too late. I was so angry at the man for his accusations that I forgot she was there. How could I be so stupid to let a man drop my guard like that? This wasn't professional, it was reckless, careless, and I could get in so much trouble.
"I am sorry for what was said, ma'am," I said sincerely,looking only into her big brown eyes. "I did not mean to intrude your personal life to get back at your husband, I shouldn't have done it. But he's a bad person who has done bad things. I am not telling you this so I could cause more pain, but so you can free yourself from what he is doing to you."
"I don't understand."
"Why are you even listening to her?" the man said, clearly spooked by me.
"I'm going to give you my number and I want you to call me if you need help." I walked towards the black desk in front of the row of books against the wall and retrieved a business card specially made for this moment. "I also want you to come back another time. Your husband destroyed any chances of us having a conversation with your son when he decided to break the connection. Your son ran, scared,believed that I was some bad entity trying to rob him of his mission and keep him from moving on. But I can try to contact him another time just us two, you can ask him anything you want for as long as you want."
Nick walked in and took the couple away, informing them that the session was over and I needed to rest. When he came back after escorting them out of the house, I was still standing on the same spot. I couldn't stop thinking about the woman and the abuse she was going through. Most of the time, I avoided looking into their lives and just did my job but sometimes I couldn't help myself, especially when there was a young child involved, dead or alive.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, but I'm feeling myself getting emotionally attached."
He brushed his fingers through his blonde hair, sighing. This wasn't the first time where I went overboard with the psychic abilities, it never ended well, but I promised him I would try to be professional next time, for our sake and everyone's.
Author's message: Thank you guys so much for reading my very short horror story! Please don't forget to leave a comment and like if you are intrigued so far, it helps me out a lot. <3
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