❤️ Chapter 26 ❤️

After a long and exhausting night of erotic events—not to mention the hurricane blasting through the house, causing dozens of objects to rattle and bump into the walls, and some even flying away—Lucian was finally able to sleep in peace. He'd thought that once their penetration session was over that they'd be done, but they had given each other time to recharge only to go back to touching each other, sucking each other, drawing more orgasms as the night went by, until his body collapsed and he could do no more.

The other two boys did not join him, as the hurricane was still alive and furious. Elijah took turns making sure the generator worked and Cedric walked around the house checking to see that no glass walls had been shattered. Most of the house had survived the hurricane, as it was built to withstand most reasonable categories. They couldn't say the same for the pool and surrounding nature. Everything had been ripped from the earth, broken and split in two, but they were safe and that was all that mattered.

When the sun came out, they weren't even aware of it until the hurricane began to slowly wither on land. Their power had been out for a few hours, but the generator kept them secure—until Elijah realized he had forgotten to get more gas and they were about to run out.

"It should be okay to drive soon," Elijah said, checking his watch.

"Are you sure anything is going to be open?" Cedric whispered back, eyeing a sleeping Lucian on the couch, wrapped up in blankets.

"Yeah," Elijah responded. "People rush to the gas stations to get gas right after the hurricane passes. If we don't get there early, the line will be hours long."

"Why do you need me to come along?" Cedric asked, feeling unsure about leaving Lucian alone.

"He'll be fine," Elijah said, reading his expression clearly. "It's better to do this with others. Plus, I need you to go inside to get some things. I don't know how long it will be until we get power back on and I don't know what the damage is so far."

Elijah moved to the far side of the room, away from Lucian, and took his guitar from the corner stand and began playing softly while he waited for time to pass.

Cedric took a drink from the bar next to the kitchen area and sat on one of the stools. He was quietly thinking about Lucian while listening to the gentle sounds of the guitar with the occasional thunder. He was surprised at how talented Elijah was.

When the time came to go, Elijah and Cedric locked up the whole house, and left a note by Lucian in case he woke up. It explained where they were and about how long they were going to take before returning.

Outside by the car, there were a few trees that had been knocked down by the wind. They weren't big or thick, so Cedric was able to easily move them out of the way while Elijah grabbed a couple of gas cans and put them in the back of the car. Cedric volunteered to drive, which Elijah happily accepted and they got in the car and drove through the aftermath of the hurricane.

Cedric had never been in a hurricane before and seeing the destruction left him speechless. He drove carefully, avoiding street poles and more palm trees that laid on the road. Most houses around Elijah's were empty, as people were smart to evacuate living so close to the ocean. When they were further into normal society, they began to see more people outside their homes, inspecting the damage.

"I need to call my people tomorrow so we can start the clean up process," Elijah said as he stared at his phone. "I don't like having my house looking like that. And I want you guys to use the pool before we go back."

"You want us to use the pool or you want us to fuck in the pool? Big difference," Cedric said.

Elijah looked up, a brow raised. "Is there?"

They fought a smirk from appearing as they looked at one another, but failed miserably.

"I guess there's no difference," Cedric said.

"Sorry for the surprise threesome," Elijah said sincerely.

"Sorry? Why are you apologizing?"

"I'm sure a threesome wasn't on your calendar after everything that's happening."

Cedric shrugged his shoulders and made a gesture with his hand on the wheel. "People have sex all the time. No need to apologize."

"I know you really like Lucian. I hope I didn't make you feel worse."

"Elijah, you're fine. I'm a grown man."

"Doesn't mean you don't have feelings."

"My feelings are fine," he reassured.

"I would have given you the same energy I gave Lucian, but you seem to shut yourself off."

Cedric gave him a side eye. "What does that even mean?"

"Take a left here and keep going straight." Elijah pointed at a road, directing Cedric towards the gas station. "And it means I found you as hot and intriguing as Lucian, but he was more open and inviting than you were."

"Like I said before, I'm struggling to come to terms with my sexuality. I can be normal about it in private, but when it's out in the world, I feel the fear I felt when I was younger and I realized I was different."

"I really had no idea what was happening when Lucian got us together for the first time, but the second I laid my eyes on you, I thought he was going to ask for the threesome himself. I think I was off."

"Just a little."

"I don't like stereotypes, but I can't believe you're gay."

Cedric once again gave him another side eye, but this time it lingered a few seconds longer as he tried to read Elijah's expression. "Why?"

"You're just so . . . masculine, and rough, and manly, and strong . . . should I go on?"

"I can't believe you're letting stereotypes make judgements for you. Tsk."

"Take that tsk back, right now."


"I guess I'll have no other choice but to punish you when we get home," Elijah teased, crossing his arms over his chest.

Cedric swallowed, the memories of the night coming back. The memories of Elijah's big cock. Lucian had a beautiful big cock as well, but it was above average. Elijah's was above big.

"So . . . what are we, exactly?" Cedric asked.


"Are we boyfriends now?"

"I honestly think you should just consider us boyfriends. Sure, we'll go on dates like normal people and keep getting to know each other, but I'm not letting go of either of you. Might as well train your brain to accept that we're gonna be together."


"As long as we don't propose to Lucian, he won't break up with us."


Elijah stood up on his seat to watch the road as he talked. "Yeah, that's why he broke up with his ex. They dated for like three months and then he proposed to Lucian."

"Aren't we also kind of moving fast?"

"That's why we shouldn't propose to him," Elijah whispered, as if people were listening in. "I think he was mostly scared of hurting either of us, which is why he felt pressured to tell us how he felt. We were stressing him out."

Cedric sighed. "I tried not to."

"I am definitely a stressful person."

"My last relationship was years ago. With a woman. And I couldn't feel anything for her, so instead of accepting who I really was, I decided to just be single for the rest of my life."

"That's so sad. You have us now. You don't need to worry or be scared anymore."


"Should we kiss?"

Another side eye from Cedric as he tried to keep his attention on the road. Elijah watched him, waiting for a response, but he did not get one until they were at a red light.

"What? You really want to kiss?" Cedric asked nervously.

Without another word spoken, they leaned into each other and let their lips do the talking. Immediately Elijah was the one to take control of the kiss, forcing Cedric to open his mouth to let Elijah's tongue in. The kiss was not timid in any way whatsoever. It was desperate, needy, and sensual. Their lips moved together, mouths parted together, and tongues touched simultaneously as if their minds were connected and knew what they wanted. They only pulled apart once a honk behind them brought them back to reality, but not without one final suck of their lips to get each other's taste.

"I just got so hard," Elijah said when Cedric drove forward, passing the green light.

Cedric related, but said nothing as he felt his pants get tighter.

"It's so weird having to remind myself I have two boyfriends now," Cedric said.

"You'll get used to it."


"So did you enjoy last night? Anything scary? Did you expect to bottom?" Elijah taunted playfully.

"I enjoyed it. It wasn't scary. And no I did not think coming to Florida I was going to be fucked in the ass."

"How was it?"

"It felt strange, but good."

"Do you want Lucian to top you more?"

"I don't really have a preference, honestly. I know it's not easy for me to fuck someone, so I can enjoy mostly anything if I'm with a person I like."

Elijah's eyes dropped to Cedric's crotch. "Yeah. It's really fat. I know a girl that would love to get destroyed by you."


"We'll prepare Lucian, don't worry. Then you'll be able to fuck him easily."

"What about you? Don't like bottoming?" Cedric wondered.

"It's not that. It's just . . . I feel like I'd have a mental breakdown if a cock came near my hole. I was fully abused in that place, Cedric. Mentally, physically, sexually, and I just have a hard time thinking about being fucked without thinking about that moment."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Maybe one day I'll be okay with it, but right now I can't . . ." Elijah stared away sadly, fighting the flashbacks from reminding him.

"Don't worry about it. I think despite us being dangerous people for Lucian, we're still weirdly respectful of each other's boundaries. You don't ever have to do that."

"The thought of you roughing me up and fucking me has once slipped through my mind, and it would be a great fucking time, but if I'm ever to do that, I'll need a lot of time before my body can trust itself to be that vulnerable again."

Cedric laid a hand on Elijah's shoulder and squeezed. "You don't have to."

"I'm honestly surprised you guys weren't freaked out by me having one leg," Elijah said as he stared at his left leg. "You've never even mentioned it, not even last night."

"You're still a person. Just because you're missing a leg, an arm, or whatever disability you have, doesn't mean you should be called out and be shamed. There's nothing wrong with you. Something unfortunate happened, but you're still a human being."

"Thanks. I try not to talk about it because I think people are gonna feel weird about it."

"You can talk about it if you want. And if it's more comfortable for you, you don't have to use your prosthetic all the time. I know Lucian will feel the same way."

Elijah placed his hands around his face like he couldn't believe how cute Cedric was. "You are so nice. You're way scarier looking."

"I'm only going to be nice to you and Lucian, everyone else will get regular Cedric."

"I want to fuck you so hard," Elijah said, dropping his hands to grab the end of his shirt to fan it as he lusted over Cedric.

"I'm sure you will," Cedric muttered.

"I'll be gentle, I promise."

"I don't believe that."

Elijah smirked at him. "Depends if you've been a good boy or a bad boy."

"I'm always a bad boy."

"Then rough is what you're gonna get."

Before they could continue flirting, a long line of cars caught their attention, and they both groaned. The line was for the gas station and it barely moved.

"We even came here early."

"It's normal after a hurricane. If it makes you feel better, it's not as long as it could be. Give it a few minutes and the line will be longer."

Cedric drove across the street to join the line of cars parked on the side of the road. Just a few seconds later four more cars joined behind them.

"This is gonna take some time."

"Wanna fool around while we wait?"

Cedric was unsure if that was a joke or not, so he waited for the punchline that never came.


Elijah shrugged, eyes scanning their surroundings. "Yeah, why not? It's not like we're gonna fuck, they're not gonna see anything."

"What do you want to do?" Cedric asked slowly.

Elijah was wearing shorts and a tank top. All he had to do was tug the shorts by the waistband and his cock was out. Cedric stared at it in quiet disbelief. He kept his thoughts to himself, but his mouth was salivating as he watched Elijah jerk his cock till it was rock hard.

"Suck it," Elijah said.

Cedric looked around, wondering if anyone could catch them. The streets were mostly empty with some cars passing by, but there were seven other lanes and none of the cars were close enough that they could spot them as they drove by. The cars behind them wouldn't be able to see anything through the windows. The only risk was if someone walked by them on the sidewalk, but judging by how many broken trees and signs there were, he knew that would be impossible.

Elijah waited, his brows raised, dick waving up and down while waiting for a warm mouth. Cedric caved in, unbuckled his seat belt and bent over to take the long cock into his mouth. Elijah relaxed into his seat, letting his body sink into it as Cedric's lips took him to another world.

"How . . . long is it?" Cedric wondered, unable to take it all with his inexperience.

"Nine? Give or take."

Cedric blinked hard. "That's . . . quite long. I don't think I'll be able to deep throat it."

"That's okay." Elijah shrugged, but mesmerized by Cedric's willingness. "How about yours?"

"Six? Give or take."

"And it's so deliciously thick." Elijah's eyes quickly glanced at Cedric's visible bulge.

"Thank you. I think."

Elijah's hand flew to the back of Cedric's head, he pulled him back down over his cock and Cedric eagerly went back to wrapping his lips around the glistening cock. His sucking methods tightened as he tried to make Elijah feel good. As he bobbed his head, he remembered things he had seen in videos, and gave the man full of tattoos the best head he could possibly give with his current skills.

It didn't take long for Elijah to start cumming. It was actually a surprise to him when it happened, as he still felt rather numb after it happened so many times just a couple of hours ago. But something about this particular time just being one on one with Cedric heightened his sensitivity.

Cedric slurped up the dick, and even though it wasn't a lot that Elijah had shot into his mouth, he still swallowed it after passing it around in his mouth. He felt incredibly dirty for doing that, but in a good way.

Elijah returned the favor, getting Cedric's coke can out and sucking it like it was the tastiest popsicle on a hot summer day. While it wasn't as long as his, Elijah still struggled to make love to it with his mouth. He could only stretch his lips so far before it became painful, but he managed and ended up giving Cedric an insane orgasm that had him moaning deeply in his car.

Their little moment lasted a few minutes, and in that time the cars hadn't moved an inch. When they tucked their dicks back in their pants, they turned the air on and listened to the radio on low volume. Elijah got so bored of waiting that he grabbed Cedric's strong arm and hugged it, resting his head on his bicep and closing his eyes as the sun hit him through the windshield. Cedric was wearing a hat with sunglasses, so he was unaffected. The two just sat in comfortable silence, waiting for the cars to move, excited to return home to Lucian.


[Author's Message]: I hope you guys don't mind a few short chapters every now and then. After the last 50 page chapter, I felt extremely drained. Not motivated, not inspired, I am TIRED. LMAO. It's all still part of the plot, so no worries. I've planned the next like ten chapters already and some of them have to be short or I will die. I cannot upload weekly, as my brain takes too long to plan things out and write. If only this was my actual job then I'd upload weekly smh. I really wanted this smol chapter to be in third person, away from Lucian because Cedric and Elijah are also equally important together and they need their moments so they can blossom as well. I think I did an ok job writing in 3rd person, I'm not really comfortable with it. Hope you guys liked it. <3

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