❤️💚💙 Chapter 25 💙💚❤️

Elijah gave us a lecture about what would happen when people tried to cross us. It was a colorful talk . . . if you counted different shades of red. Not once did he hesitate when describing the lengths he'd go to protect us. He even promised he was going to take care of his boss, saying that he was going too far and doing too much just because he felt suspicious of me, when I really gave no one any reason to be.

To be quite honest, I was afraid for Elijah. His voice was a thousand percent serious. To kill some random stranger who had nothing to do with his gang was one thing, but killing your boss must have terrible consequences . . . if he was caught.

I was afraid to speak out. This environment left me feeling like I had no place to voice any opinions. And honestly? Good. Being a part of someone's murder made me want to dissociate permanently, but some of these people have been doing this for years. Not liking murder didn't mean they were going to stop just to be nice. But I wasn't going to pretend that it wasn't driving me a little insane. I had to keep mentally checking myself to make sure I didn't say stupid things. They were the professionals and I was just in the way if I opened my mouth.

That being said . . . If Elijah had to kill his boss in order to stop him from one day killing me, then go for it, bud. Kill away!

The car ride back to society was quiet. Elijah was behind the wheel, tapping it with his fingers, looking at the street signs all around us. Cedric was in the passenger seat, elbow on the door as he stared through the open window. And then there was me, sitting in the back, watching them both.

We hadn't talked much after the deed was done. Were they angry with each other for the little fight they had? It certainly didn't feel like it. It would've been nice if they said anything to me since I was currently the one terrified.

You know . . . reassure me. Boys? Come on. Even Dorian was a better boyfriend at this point.

When Elijah's phone rang out of nowhere, it made me jump. Negative thoughts flooded my brain. I held on to my seatbelt for dear life as I watched him pick up the phone and answer without looking at it. What if it was his boss? What if he found out his little spy had been killed and somehow knew he was next? What if the spy managed to install a chip somewhere before he died?

"Sup, bitch," he answered.

My mouth dropped. Cedric wasn't even paying attention. Am I just a pussy?

Apparently it was his housekeeper. She was checking in on him to see if he needed anything else done before we arrived, but he sent her home instead. Before they hung up, he asked her a few questions about what he was missing in preparation for the hurricane. He wrote down a list in his phone, while driving, after they were done talking.

Half an hour had gone by. I had been very close to causing a fight on purpose, but Elijah parked the car and the uncomfortable silence was finally over. We were at another strip mall, only this time it was bigger, accompanied by a large grocery store called Publix.

"Okay, boys," Elijah said, turning off the car. "We are late at preparing for the hurricane, so we need to be fast before all the white old people take everything."

"Is it safe to stay at a beach house during a hurricane?" I asked.

"I already told you, it's not literally on the beach. I just like calling it a beach house because it's near one. I would never buy a house on a beach in Florida. I'm smart."

"No offense, but I've seen videos of hurricanes flooding the coast of Florida for what looks like miles," Cedric said, on the same page with me.

Elijah sighed, rolling his eyes. "It's a category three, if it was any more then we wouldn't stay there. Can you guys trust me? Can you not swim or something?"


"Anyway, we just need food," he said, cutting me off before I could question that last part. "I have plenty of water to last a month. I have batteries, candles, flashlights, fleshlights, and I even have two generators in case the power goes out. We really just need food. I'm going to send you both to the grocery store to pick up whatever while I go to the pharmacy to get some medicine and refill my prescriptions."

"Pick up whatever?" I repeated.

"Yeah. I don't know what you guys eat, so get whatever." As he said that, he opened his wallet, multiple cards flashing in our faces, and pulled one out.

Cedric eyed him. "Was that a black card?"

"If you behave I'll let you use it one of these days," he sang teasingly.

"Wh—" Cedric started, but got cut off, too.

"You guys can get out now," Elijah said impatiently, handing Cedric the card he picked out.

Cedric and I jumped out of the car, a little confused, a little hungry, and a little annoyed. Elijah told us to meet him back here in less than thirty minutes and drove off.

"Do you think he's actually going to the pharmacy?" I wondered as we watched him until he was no longer in sight.

"He better."

"Let's go do groceries and pray he's here when we come out."

"Are you scared he's going to abandon us?" Cedric asked as we walked together. "You don't have to be scared when you're with me, you know that. I will always try my hardest to keep you safe, no matter what."

"I'm more scared for him than anything."

"Cause he's a little weird?"

"Something like that."

"I think he'll come back," he said reassuringly.

We entered the grocery store and immediately got slapped by freezing cold air, which felt incredible after being outside for quite some time. Although Florida's temperatures were wild, my experience so far was low because the hurricane was bringing lots of clouds and stormy weather. It hadn't felt too hot since we arrived. Maybe it was luck, but I wasn't going to stop a Floridian to ask them about the weather.

Cedric took a cart and we started from the right side of the store where all of the cold vegetables and fruits were displayed perfectly and pretty, stacked on top of each other.

"I don't really know what we're supposed to get," Cedric said.

"I'm going to let you take full control. You're the chef after all."

Cedric muttered to himself, eyeing the vegetables like they owed him money. He picked up a few and moved along, taking some fruits and placing them next to the vegetables in the cart. We tried to be smart about the things we picked out — neither of us had been in a hurricane so we were more than underprepared. Like, was it mandatory to grab a bunch of canned food and live like it was the apocalypse?

"Bread is probably smart," Cedric said thoughtfully to himself. "Elijah has generators, so if we lose power we'll probably still keep the refrigerators running. We'll also need condiments. Snacks are also smart, and fun."

I just let him talk to himself. He kind of reminded me of a dad shopping without his wife — a lot of confusion. I know that was stereotypical of me, but it was the first thought that crossed my mind as I watched him rub his chin while looking at different brands of ketchup. He was slow at picking everything, but maybe that was the reason he was such a good cook. Attention to detail.

He sent me out to fetch some snacks. I grabbed a basket and filled it with lots of chips and dips, chocolates and candy, and more random things I could fit in that wouldn't be so bad in a hurricane. A thirty year old son who lived in his mom's basement would go crazy for this basket.

When I returned to Cedric, the cart was almost all the way filled. There was no way I was gone that long. It took him like three minutes to pick out a bottle of ketchup. Was I holding him back? Was he grocery shy? The fuck.

The fact that a hurricane was racing towards us was more obvious when we passed by a few aisles that were completely empty. Luckily, Elijah said we had water — If we didn't we'd be fucked. We trusted him when he said we had everything but water, so we avoided a few of the aisles and finished as soon as possible.

It was a little scary being in this situation, but I couldn't lie, there was a bit of excitement in the pit of my stomach for my first hurricane experience. I allowed myself to have that feeling only because Elijah reassured me it would be alright. I'd guess if it was stronger than a category three, I wouldn't be having those thoughts.

We finished doing groceries and took the cart outside and waited for Elijah. People paid us no mind as we stood by the edge of the sidewalk as everyone was too busy rushing in and out of the store to get last minute supplies. While waiting, I looked through my phone and found a few articles on the hurricane. Some of them mentioned that it would turn into a category two as soon as it touched land, and that it was a good hurricane to start the season, but it might not be so lucky for the rest of the summer in the current predicted heat.

"Well . . . thirty minutes exactly have passed," Cedric said as he looked at his watch.

At that moment, it started raining and a flash appeared, followed by a late rumbling in the sky. It was only light rain, but it was only the beginning of what was to come.

Neither of us had umbrellas, so we had to step back towards the building and shelter ourselves and the cart from the rain. We kept glancing at each other every minute that passed. It didn't feel like he was worried like I was, in fact, he might have been glancing at me from the awkward silence between us.

"So . . ." I said, trying to test the waters.


"You've been kinda quiet lately, is everything okay?"

He took a deep breath through his nose and pressed his lips together. When it felt like he wasn't going to say anything, I dropped it and lowered my gaze to stare at the bright concrete sidewalk turning gray. The light rain showered in front of us, only stopping a few feet away.

"I just . . ."

His voice caught me off guard, making my heart jump.

"It was only a few weeks ago where we had that day at my place. It was the first real time I had done anything with another guy. It meant a lot to me, and maybe it's not fair to put that kind of weight on someone, but I thought we had something."

I wanted to reply immediately, but I wasn't going to interrupt him. I wanted to listen to him talk, no matter what it was about.

"Too much has happened since then, and I still feel extremely responsible about everything, and a million sorry's won't make it better. But here we are, and it seems like all I'm doing is chasing something I can't catch. Elijah came out of nowhere and now things feel different. When it was just us, I actually felt hopeful that something might happen between us, and I got addicted to the feeling because I've never had it. It felt . . . appropriate to have them with a person like you. You're trustworthy, you're kind, I'm not afraid to like you and I'm not afraid to dream around you."

My stomach was doing a billion flips and twists. No one had ever said anything like that to me before. It had reawakened emotions that I had buried deep because Chance had no emotional intelligence and I got used to the lack of empathy.

I was not prepared to be hit by this, but it was what I was looking for.

"Cedric, I—"

"I don't hate Elijah. I'm not mad at him. I'm disappointed in myself because it feels like I let you slip away. I didn't . . . fight hard enough. I wish I had been honest from the start, then maybe we wouldn't be here."

This was hitting my body like an assault rifle filled with emotional bullets. My eyes were burning, the pressure was building, it was getting harder to breathe, and having normal thoughts was near impossible.

Just before I could gather my thoughts and maybe have a response, a loud honk startled us as the familiar car slowed down in front of us.

Incredible timing.

Cedric pushed the cart to the back of the car and loaded it up with the groceries. It happened so fast, as if he had expected no answer, or maybe he just wanted to express his feelings and he knew it was a difficult discussion to have outside a grocery store.

I jumped into the back of the car and buckled up. Elijah was on the phone. When Cedric got in next to Elijah, we drove off, hearing only Elijah's voice with the quiet sound of rain splashing on the windows.

My skin shivered at the cold air flowing through the car. It sort of helped numb everything as my mind shut off the world and pulled down the curtains, removing all of the distractions. Now my focus was on the two silhouettes in front of me.

This wasn't a normal situation. It wasn't a problem most people had to deal with, and if they did, it wasn't as complicated as this. The unfortunate reality was that we were forced together by a series of unfortunate events. Before that, they showed interest in me, and like a regular person who wanted something real and serious, I let them in, hoping to find someone worth my time and my love. The problem was that I didn't get to do it the normal way. My life was in danger and it got really messy. Things had to happen, others had to be on hold, and all of that just created such unnecessary problems, but I couldn't keep going knowing I was hurting people.

I never spoke up, I never shared my true feelings, because I was afraid to choose. I was afraid to lose one of them. It was selfish, it was immature, and it was making me feel like shit and I wanted it to end. I'd become so close to them both, and even if it was forced out of fear for my life, I didn't care. Everything happened for a reason, but I was tired of leaving it up to fate to decide. I couldn't wait for a sign or for things to unfold naturally.

I kept my mouth shut all the way until we reached our destination. And even if my mouth hadn't been shut, it would've been at the sight of Elijah's home.

It was rich looking. It was white with the trims of the doors and windows and even the roof being this striking dark navy blue. The front door was in the middle on the second floor, with a beautiful staircase separating two garages on the first floor. The windows were long. And if my math was correct, it had four floors, except the one at the top was centered and smaller than the rest of the floors, so did it count as a full floor?

"Welcome to my home, boys," Elijah said as the bigger garage opened up.

"Did you seriously afford this because you lost a leg?" Cedric blurted out.

"I also got tortured," Elijah added.

"I make good money from Devilian, but it will never be this much."

"Am I gonna get two paychecks because I'm in both?" I joked with a serious tone. They both turned to look at me and I sunk back into my seat.

"Not to burst your precious bubble," Elijah started, "but you're in Lords as my wife, otherwise we'd be in a lot more trouble than we are right now. So no pay for you, but I'm your daddy so don't worry about a thing darling."

I caught Cedric eyeing Elijah, but not in a jealous or hateful way, more like a concerned citizen.

We got out at the same time as the garage doors closed. All three of us took turns grabbing grocery bags until there were none left, then we followed Elijah inside and he took us up the stairs to the main entrance on the second floor.

"So right here by the foyer there's a sitting area with the big windows showing you the backyard," Elijah explained, and I was not going to interrupt him despite my weak arms shaking at the heavy bags. "It's really nice, but I never use it. This floor has all of the bedrooms. There's four of them and I will assign you both a room later. Now follow me to the next floor."

We went up, stepping carefully over the floating stairs. They were cool. I really had no better words, just that everything was beautiful, open, and cool.

"The kitchen is over here," Elijah said as we reached the third floor.

"Woah," I said without meaning to.

The third floor had the kitchen, dining area and the living room. That was the whole entire floor. It was big, it was spacious, and the best part was the view through the wall to wall, floor to ceiling, sliding doors that led to a crazy deck overlooking the backyard. There was a grill and table under a roof, while the other half of the deck had lounge chairs to sit and soak up the sun. But back inside, the kitchen was stupidly gorgeous with two islands and two massive fridges. It was all white, but the green plants all over the place gave it such a magical warm feeling.

"And of course, the living room to the right," he said as he carried his bags to the kitchen.

There was a rectangular table in the dining area, which was in the center of everything. To the right of me was the living room, and yeah, it was also cool. It had a big TV mounted over a fireplace, and the wall was dark gray, which was also cool.

"If the power goes off, I'll turn the generator on," Elijah said as he quickly put things away with Cedric. "It's outside, but please don't mess with it, I don't want anyone getting hurt."

I dropped my bags with the rest and roamed around, staring at every piece of furniture and wondering how much everything cost. I pressed my nose against the back glass, seeing the ocean in the distance. It was pretty far, but the fact that you could see the ocean from here was . . . cool. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes of walking, less if you had a bicycle.

The pool was large, moon shaped, and had a pretty waterfall with a slide. The backyard had tall hedges that surrounded the property, giving it incredible privacy. I couldn't wait till Elijah made a snarky comment about me getting in the pool naked for his amusement.

After all of the groceries were put away, Elijah gathered us by the living room. I sat down on one of the sofas, still staring at everything, still thinking everything was cool.

"You guys are allowed to go wherever you want," he said, sitting on the arm rest next to me and crossing his arms. "Bedrooms are downstairs. You can pick your own, I don't care. My bedroom is upstairs. It's not an attic, it's just the main bedroom, so only go up one more floor if you're okay with accidentally seeing me jerking off."

"Noted," Cedric said.

"You're welcome to stay in my room, though," Elijah said to me with his stupid sexy smirk.

"Oh, really? I would love to," Cedric replied sarcastically.

"You do look warm," Elijah said, immune to Cedric's attempt.

Cedric walked away. I knew he was bottling up a lot of his thoughts around Elijah, but I didn't want him to do it anymore. I just had no idea how to do this. This was new to me. I was afraid to say or do the wrong things.

"Are you guys hungry?" Cedric said from the kitchen.

Elijah raised his brows. "You're gonna cook?"



A lightning bolt caught my eye and I leaned my head back on the sofa and watched the sky for a few minutes while listening to the sounds of Cedric going through the kitchen. I wondered if this was going to be the last moments of peace until the hurricane passed.

Elijah reached for the remote on the coffee table and turned the TV on. The silence was filled with a random movie on low volume. It was kind of cozy.

"Want me to show you the rooms?" Elijah asked me.

"Sure, let me just get my stuff from the car."

I met back with Elijah on the second floor after grabbing my backpack from his car. I admired the way he had decorated his house as we walked down the hall.

"I think you should have this room all the way down here," he said, opening the door.

It felt like stepping into a hotel room. The bed was big and fluffy, the bathroom was insanely big with everything you could imagine. It had a walk-in closet, and a big sliding door that led to the shared deck. It was the same size as the one above, but obviously this one didn't have an open roof for you to get a tan if you wanted. It was more relaxing with the way the couches were set up. I could read a book out here and take a nap.

Not right now, though.

"Yeah, the decks are huge," Elijah said, reading my mind. "I love it. Gives you many reasons to be outside. Even if you don't want to be by the pool or even the pool house with the grill and everything, you can just be out on the decks, they have everything."

"Yeah, it's cute."

"Y-Yeah, it's . . . it's gr-great," Elijah stammered, his face going blank and his eyes wandering.

I dropped my backpack on the floor and ran to him, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him gently. His eyes refused to focus on me, they just kept lazily staring around.

"Elijah? What's wrong?" I asked.

"The night will be long, and they're here," he replied, his eyes glistening as tears dropped down his face.

I let go of him for a moment to turn off all the lights in the room, including the bathroom. Elijah dropped on the floor and sat against the bed, facing the sliding doors, staring up at the dark sky.

"Nothing's gonna get you," I said, joining him on the floor and sitting in front of him, blocking the darkness outside so he had to look at me. "I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

"A ghost has been following me ever since I was rescued," he said, gaining control of his voice again. He even tried to look me in the eyes, sometimes breaking the contact due to the tears, but he fought to keep them on me. "Eventually it's going to catch up to me and take me. This is why I sometimes act the way I do. I don't know how much time I have left on this planet and I want to make the best of it."

"I won't let you die," I said.

"I don't try to annoy you guys on purpose, I just don't want to waste any time. I do what I want and say what I want because if I don't . . . I'll regret it. And I don't want to die with regrets. I want to die knowing I was brave, even if I'm not inside. I don't want to hold anything in. I want all of my thoughts and feelings to be out. That way nobody will ever have to be sad that they didn't know how I felt or what I thought."

He wanted to cherish life as much as possible, because when he was in that place, being tortured endlessly for days, weeks, months, he never knew when it would be his final day. He brought back a lot of those feelings with him and now they were what drove him. He was still afraid that he was going to die at any moment, as if he was still in that dark place. The voices, the darkness, his emotions . . . his mind was still there.

"I don't know what to say that could help," I said, bringing up my hand to wipe his tears. I wanted to hug him, but all I could do was watch him, so he could never leave my sight. It was easy to focus on his beautiful face — his tattoos covered his neck and traveled up to his face, stopping there. "All I can say is that I will always be here. You've never bothered me or annoyed me. I'm actually surprised you haven't, you crazy bitch."

He chuckled lightly.

Was it wrong that in this moment, with his eyes sparkling, his sudden smile at something I said, and the emotions, made me want to kiss his lips? Was it wrong to view him as beautiful in his sadness? Even though that sadness was rooted in something extremely dark and twisted?

I was about to lean in, but then he shuffled and surprised me by removing his prosthetic leg and throwing it aside.

"Sorry, uncomfy," he said, not noticing my intentions.

I didn't know whether to laugh or not. "It's okay."

He took my hand in his and warmed it up by rubbing them together. "I'm sorry about everything I put you through."

"It's okay."

"I'm sorry that you've had to see me murder people."

"It's okay."

"I'm sorry I sexually assaulted you on the bus."

I was about to repeat myself, when I had to process that line a few times, and then try to remember what he was talking about, but then I remembered, because how could I really forget?

"It was a little scary, but I forgive you," I said, pressing my lips into an awkward smile.

"No, I was a creep. Also off my meds. Not that it's an excuse, but yeah . . ."

"I forgive you."

He scratched the back of his head. "I shouldn't use up all my apologies, I'll definitely be pissing you off a lot more in the future."

My brows shot up. "You're planning on doing something?"

"No, no! I just mean . . . I won't always be this normal to talk to. I will have my moments where I don't really feel like myself and I'll act in certain ways that may scare you."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't have to worry about that. You're not gonna scare me away. As long as I'm not the one getting thrown into shark-infested waters."

"I would chop off my other leg than let something happen to you."

"You don't have to do that, save your leg," I said, petting his knee like it was a puppy.

He laughed, and I noticed his cheeks were drying up, so no more tears.

"Can you pet my other leg?" he said, smirking.

"How about I take that prosthetic leg and beat you with it?"

He made an O with his mouth.
We hung out for a little white longer, talking about random things. I wanted to make sure he was going to be okay. He talked about hearing the voices still, but whenever I talked they would get quieter. He said I was good at distracting, but that it wouldn't always work. Sometimes they were bad enough that he had to be hospitalized, but he hoped I wouldn't have to see that.

He also continued his attempts at making me touch his dick, but I smiled and waved.

The dumbass wanted to keep looking at the dark sky, even though it could literally trigger something. But he had me hold him from behind, so we cuddled that way, staring at the stormy sky. It wasn't even night yet, but the clouds were so gray that they blocked the sun. Soon it would be night, and that was what he meant by a longer night. And because hurricanes were scary.

It was nice holding him, though. I enjoyed being his source of warmth.

Eventually we transitioned to the bed, where it was more comfortable as we kept talking. I left the television on, playing some Pokemon movie, to make everything feel more safe and less scary for Elijah.

"I just don't understand why anyone would give you so much money that you can even afford a house like this," I said.

Elijah sighed and pretended to be dead. I nudged him, threatening to push him off the bed.

"And I don't understand why you and Cedric don't understand."

"Because people get hurt all the time. They go missing. They get tortured. Isn't this what this life is about? Aren't there a lot of people in Lords? Are they gonna give everyone who goes missing an insane reward?"

"No, I was close with the old leader," he said. "That's it. That's the only reason it's only going to be me."

"How were you close with him?"

"I met him on the day I was going to join," he said, smiling at the memory and looking down at his fingers. "I was freshly eighteen and was waiting eagerly for the guy who was going to talk to me about joining. And that was when I saw him walk through the doors. He was an old, short man. He had this amazing energy. Like a kind father, or a kind grandfather. His bodyguards stepped between us, as I was not supposed to be there, but he waved them off and walked up to me and asked me what I was doing there. Once I told him, he asked me if I wanted to play an American board game. I still had no idea who he was, just that he was important. I agreed, we moved on to a different room, and we played Chess and Battleship. While we played, he kept asking me questions. I think he might have liked every answer I gave him."

"I think so, too," I said, laughing with him as we motioned at the house we were in.

"I've been in Lords for almost eight years. He visited me countless times. In my third year, I was put on a plane and shipped to Japan where I met him and his entire family. Let me tell you, if you think Lords is crazy here, it's a different playground over there."

"Does he have a lot of children?"

"Two sons, three daughters. But the family overall is quite big and close."

"Is his oldest son in charge?"

He shook his head. "No, he's not. His oldest son is like . . . an outcast, in a way. Too weird, too unreliable, possibly the shame of the family. I didn't want to ask too many things, it wasn't my business. His name is Hikari."

"Hikari," I repeated, hoping I pronounced it correctly.

"Akio is the one in charge now. He's kind of cold and doesn't really visit the U.S. often. He's one year younger than me."

"Was Japan cool?"

"Yeah, it was. I actually stayed for a year before I went back to the states."

I sat up and pressed my back against the headboard and looked down at him.

"I wish I could do that. It would be awesome to go to another country. But why did you go for so long?"

He shrugged his shoulders and rolled on the bed, facing me but laying on his stomach with his head on the pillow.

"The old man wanted me to stay, so I stayed. They helped me be better at everything and I even learned Japanese. But I am not fluent, and I wouldn't be confident speaking it now because of how long it's been."

I crossed my arms, deep in thought. "So . . . how did you get kidnapped? Like what happened?"

"I'm sure you know how kidnapping works, but the reason? I don't know. Probably because I was close to him and I wasn't anyone important. Maybe they thought I was an easy target because of that. I wasn't in charge of any area in California, I wasn't the boss of anyone, I was just kind of there. Disposable."

"That makes me sad."

"What's sad is that the reason I met him in Japan is because he wanted to tell all of his foreign friends that he only had a few years to live. He died while they were looking for me, so I never got to say a final goodbye."

"And it took them two years to find you?"

"Yeah. His people never stopped looking even after he died."

"That's so shitty," I said, feeling a little heat rising at the thought of Elijah suffering for so long.

I felt his hand tap my leg reassuringly, with a little squeeze in the end.

"Everything happens for a reason, young Lucian."

"Doesn't mean I have to like it."

"If I had been rescued any other time, we would not have met."

I smiled at that. It was . . . cute. Like fate.

"Hello?" Cedric's voice echoed down the hall.

"IN HERE!" Elijah screamed, startling me and my poor heart.

We heard footsteps, and then the door opened. A curious Cedric walked in, taking in the gorgeous bedroom view.

"Nice," he said.

"You can use the room next to Lucian," Elijah said. "There are also two other rooms on the other side if you want more privacy."


"You need help?" I asked, realizing he had been cooking for the last hour.

"No, I just wanted to let you guys know that food is ready."

Elijah bolted out of bed so fast that I was left questioning if he was even a human or not. By the time I had finished blinking, he was gone. That boy was hungry hungry. Damn.

"You guys okay?" Cedric asked.

I rolled out of bed, but remained seated at the edge, facing Cedric.

"Yeah, he just had a moment . . . with the voices. Was helping him through it."

"Is he going to be okay during the . . ." Cedric paused and waved his fingers up in the air.

"I don't know. But if anything happens, we're here for him."

He nodded. "Ready to eat?"

We walked back to the kitchen and found Elijah at the dining table, already eating. Cedric had not only cooked and prepared the meal, but set up the table.

Upon entering the area, my nose was hit with the most incredible smells. None of which I could name because when it came to cooking, I was mostly disappointing.

Elijah sat at the end of the long table, taking the plate in the center.

"The flavors! This is incredible, Cedric."

Cedric smiled at that. "Thanks."

I took the seat closest to the windows and Cedric the one opposite of me. I sat down and took in the presentation of what appeared to be chicken parmesan. It laid perfectly on a pile of spaghetti. The chicken dripped with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese over the noodles, and it was made fancy and pretty with the basil leaves. The chicken looked full of flavors and was perfectly crispy.

"I've never tasted noodles with so much flavor," Elijah moaned as he slurped.

Cedric served us some red wine in a glass, but he also left out a jug of water in the middle of the table.

"I don't know what everyone likes, so I prepared something most people enjoy," he said as he sat down. "And easy to prepare."

"Mmm!" Elijah whirled the red wine in the cup, sipping it. "Everything is delicious, Cedric."

Everyone ate with smiles on their faces while thunder and lightning mixed in the sky. I was a little worried about the hurricane, but after pondering on it for a moment, I realized it was the smartest decision because why would anyone want to come looking for us out here? It relaxed me for a while, but then the sinking feeling hit me as I watched them happily talking.

It hurt to swallow. The nerves and anxiety were slowly building up, ready to explode like a bomb. A gentle tear snuck its way out my eye, but I wiped it before anyone had the chance to notice it. My fingers were suddenly intensely cold and I couldn't close my hands.

What was I supposed to do? What was I supposed to say? How could anyone be prepared for this? How did people out there do this without crumbling to dust?

I looked at them both while they were distracted by each other. Cedric's green eyes always made my heart beat faster, and his energy and presence always made me feel safe no matter the cause. Elijah also had beautiful brown eyes, and whenever he looked at me I felt like I had purpose, like my life wasn't meaningless. His energy was inviting, comforting and new. They were constantly snapping me back to reality, accepting that maybe I was special, even if just to them. How could I let either of them go?

"I-I want you both," I started, saying my words clearly.

They stopped talking and stared at me.

Like a hurricane, was I about to selfishly destroy everything in my path?

"What's wrong?" Cedric asked.

"Nobody wants to talk about it, I know," I said, closing my eyes so I could feel like I was alone in the room with no piercing eyes on me. "It's awkward and the truth leads to pain. But I don't want it to be like that, I want you both. I don't want to make a single choice, so I've decided to tell you both how I feel."

"Uh oh," Elijah said.

"Sorry that I'm doing it now, but I can't take it anymore."

Elijah sighed. "It's okay, just go on and say what you feel."

"It's selfish, but I really really like you both a lot. I never said anything because I felt like I had to make a choice and stick with one person like everybody else in the world, but I don't want to be like everybody else. I don't want to hurt either of you, but I feel like no matter what I do, I'll be hurting someone. And I'm tired of waiting around, because it only gets worse. It would be great if we could all be together, but I know that's pushing it."

The silence hurt more than anything. Was I hurting them? Did I want to open my eyes and see their displeased faces staring back? I tried to avoid this moment for so long, but I couldn't go any longer.

"Have you been thinking about what that man said?" Cedric asked.

My eyes opened, and they were both still staring at me.

"I've been thinking about everything," I replied.

Elijah raised his hand. "If it helps you be a little less sad, I'd date you both."

Cedric made a face. "I get what you're saying, but being gay is new to me. I don't know if I can jump into a relationship with two guys, especially when I don't really know one of them."

Elijah scoffed when Cedric eyed him. "You know me well enough."

"Do I?"

"It's called dating, not marriage."

"Yeah, but what if it doesn't work out?"

Elijah shrugged, leaning back against his chair. "I don't like thinking about what could go wrong. It's not living if you're holding yourself back because you're scared. What's worse? Knowing you did it and tried it or living with regret because you didn't do it? I don't think I could live for the rest of my life wondering what could have been."

"Like I said, I don't have any experience in this," Cedric said.

"So? That's the fun part. And besides, what's better than having two incredibly attractive boyfriends being there for you while you come to terms with your sexuality?"

I was speechless at how much support Elijah was throwing. I expected Cedric to be hesitant because of his past and inexperienced, but weren't we all inexperienced in one way or another?

"You're in Lords . . ."

Elijah rolled his eyes and sat up straight, crossing his arms on the table.

"Don't worry . . . both of you," he said, giving us a pair of reassuring eyes. "I'm going to take care of it. Nobody will bother us again, I promise. And yeah, it's a bit scuffed that I'm in Lords and you're in Devilian, and you're in . . . both. But I'm down to try it for Lucian. We don't have to tell anyone we're all together. Maybe one day we'd be able to. But this way, no one has to be sad or hurt and we'll be able to protect each other."

I gave them a weak, apologetic smile. Mostly because it wasn't my fault, but I still felt some type of responsibility.

"Have you thought about this already?" Cedric questioned Elijah.

"After I saw how good your ass looks in your pants, oh yeah." Once again, he was leaning back against his chair, his arms behind his back.

"I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted," I told him.

"If I agree to this, how would it work?"

My heart was beating faster. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but I knew Elijah would be into it. Cedric on the other hand . . . he would be the toughest to convince.

"I think I want to make it official, if it's okay with you two," I said with full honesty. "I'd rather tell people I'm in a relationship than stare stupidly because I don't know how to answer. We don't have to say we're a trio, we just say we're taken, we have a boyfriend, whatever the fuck you want to come up with, until one day it's safe to be open about it."

"I agree," Elijah said, close to tilting the chair back and falling. "I don't think it's anyone's business what we're up to."

"I'm just worried," Cedric said.

"We'll be smart about it," Elijah promised him, extending a fist and waiting for Cedric. A moment passed before Cedric slowly brought up his fist and connected it with Elijah.

A snort escaped me involuntarily. "Why do you guys look like two bros?"

"Not bros. We're boyfriends. Jealous?" Elijah smirked.

"Really? Just like that?" Cedric said.

"Why not? We're adults. We can't have a school dance moment."

I took the deep breath I really needed, and released it with all of my nerves. It felt good to be able to feel right. I did it. It's done. It's over. No more hiding our feelings and wondering what we were.

"I just never thought I'd be dating you," Cedric said, raising a brow at Elijah.

He gasped. "Why? Are you not attracted to me?"

"Wouldn't have agreed if I weren't," he muttered.

"So now that we've made it official over a lovely dinner, I need to tell you both something about myself."

My nerves shot back up. What could it be? I thought I knew most things about him, but then again it wasn't like we'd known each other for a year. There were still so many things to learn about each other, and that was the fun part of dating.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I am a very horny person."

My jaw, shoulders, and spirit, all dropped at once. "Really? I couldn't tell."

"I'd like to ask everyone what their preferred roles in bed are."

I took another breath. "I don't care."

"I don't care either," Cedric said with skeptical eyes.

"Two switches? I am one lucky guy."

"What . . . are you?" Cedric said slowly, almost as if afraid to ask.

"Not a vampire. I am a top. Not really interested in bottoming," he replied.

"If we're really gonna talk about this, then I've never bottomed and I don't really know how to," I admitted.

Elijah's hand flew to his chest. "Aw. It's okay, I'm here to teach you the ways. It's not that hard, you just have to prepare correctly so that it goes smoothly for everyone involved. But not to worry, today while I was out, I fetched a couple of things that I knew we would need for this moment."

"You knew . . . what?" It was my turn with the skeptical eyes.

"That we were gonna fuck."

"Hm. Interesting," Cedric said, not too thrilled.

"Don't be scared, Cedric. It's a good way to test our compatibility. Of course, sex is one thing. There are many other things we still need to play around with, but sex is the easy part."

Cedric squinted his eyes. "I'm not scared. I'm just not sure I want to have sex with two guys right now."

"Not literally right now. In a few hours." Elijah smiled.

"What did you prepare?" I asked.

Elijah stood up and took his plate to the kitchen. He fumbled around looking for dish soap, and when found it, he began cleaning the dirty dishes that had been used to prepare this meal.

"I thought about it for a while, but I prepared ahead just in case we wanted to fool around. I'm just glad it's more than that."

"Okay, but what did you do?" I repeated.

"You will both go to your rooms and I will bring you each a basket of important necessities for bottoming. There will be a guide book and everything you need. I'll give you a maximum of three hours to do whatever you want. If you want to take a nap, watch a movie, call your friends, take cute selfies, whatever you want. But I will call you both when it's time to have some fun."

"I think he just asked us to douche," I whispered to Cedric.

"Do you really want to do this?" he mouthed.

I took a moment to think about it, but ultimately I didn't see a problem with it. We were adults, we could do whatever we wanted to do.

I nodded.

Cedric cleared his throat. "So, if it's us three, then who is fucking who?"

"It's better to not plan that far out. Just go with the flow."

Cedric buried his face in his hand as if he couldn't believe what he'd just signed up for.

I reached over the table and touched his arm. He unveiled his face again and watched me. He dropped his hands and I took them in mine.

"I'm sorry," I said.

He shook his head. "It'll be fun. And I still get to be with you in the end."

"Oh, just kiss you two," Elijah said from the kitchen, his back to us while he scrubbed pans in the sink.

I knew how much Cedric liked me, and of course the feeling was mutual. I planned on giving them both equal attention, but I knew how much easier it was for Elijah to like Cedric than vice versa. In the back of my mind I needed to remember this so that when I did give Cedric attention, it was a little extra special, until he liked Elijah just as much.

So with that in mind, I stood up from my chair, walked over to Cedric, and straddled his lap while facing him. With no time wasted, I pressed my lips against his and forced them to open. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing his lips tenderly and with so much burning passion that our lips became hot quite fast. I felt his arms squeeze my hips and they held me in place so that I couldn't move. We took turns giving each other dominance over the kiss, but it was equally satisfying for both of us how our lips devoured each other and our tongues played together. It was hard to taste him through the meal, as it was still fresh on both of our tongues, but I managed to get Cedric's flavor after a minute. When I felt our cocks get hard, I pulled away in fear of embarrassing myself by cumming in my pants. I kissed his cheek, feeling his scratchy stubble, and got up before we ruined the night.

Cedric and I went our separate ways when it was time to return to our rooms. He took the one next to mine, and despite being so close to me, I never heard a sound from him till hours later.

I wasn't sure what to do with all that time alone, so I laid in bed, watched TV with the soothing thunder in the background, and waited until Elijah entered my room randomly and dropped a basket on my bed. He left without saying a word, but I sat up, crossed legged, and curiously searched through the basket. There was a pamphlet on top of everything and it was the first thing I picked up.

The pamphlet had a title in a large, bold, font: A Guide To Bottoming, 101.


I opened it up slowly, as if the secrets of the universe would explode onto me if I revealed the mysteries within. The introduction had a cute anime character depicting every possible bottoming scenario and how to handle every situation with top notch methods provided by bottom experts.

What the fuck?

I flipped through the pages and read every explicit paragraph until I felt like I could conquer the world. Besides being hilariously weird, it gave some solid advice that I'd be remembering for the rest of my gay life. This was the first time I felt like I was being taken care of by my community. I had no one to teach or guide me back in my hometown, but this pamphlet just became my master.

It was a fact that topping someone was easier. You could argue that lasting was a problem on its own, and you had your own responsibilities like making sure the person you were fucking was also enjoying it — unless you were a selfish asshole that only cared about getting off. I was not that kind of person. Bottoming on the other hand had a lot of steps.

First, I needed to make sure my insides were clean. That was where the rest of the basket came in. It had tools that I'd never seen, and some I heard of. There were bottles of liquid, packets of mysteries, and even bottles of pills if you had a fiber problem. The scary tool was the one that looked like a metallic hose.

The pamphlet offered perfect explanations for each of the items. The scary extraterrestrial hose was a shower enema. It was horrifying that people stuck it up their ass, but the pamphlet described it as a common tool used for many things, not just booty related. And as long as you handled it carefully, it was extremely safe.

I took a nap before doing anything. It only lasted around an hour or so because the thunder was getting louder and it made my heart race too fast to be able to stay asleep. I was thankful I was still able to sleep a little before I needed to prepare my ass.

There were a lot of things in the basket, which also made me question Elijah's motives if he already had these ready to go before we even decided to date. Was he one step ahead or was this always his plan? Couldn't know for sure with him.

I didn't shave — mostly because there wasn't much to shave. I was not hairless whatsoever, but the hair I had on my body I liked. It was light, visible, but not in the way of anything. I showered before I started doing anything, and then came the terrifying part of this journey. I spent over an hour in the bathroom using some of the tools and following every instruction so that I didn't hurt myself in the process.

Douching was an interesting feeling. I was incredibly thankful for the pamphlet. Without it I'd be lost. But I knew I had to get used to doing this, especially if I was going to have two boyfriends who carried large packages.

At one point I sat on the floor and sighed dramatically knowing my hole was going to be permanently destroyed by these two. Elijah wasn't a fan of bottoming, which I respected, but it left me and Cedric as the ones who were going to take it, and between us, I could only imagine what they truly desired.

But no fucking way I was going to let them double penetrate me, ever. It was physically impossible and I wasn't going to go down as the testing dummy for this science experiment. I wasn't even positive Cedric could fit. I only saw it once, but come on.

That being said, I wasn't afraid of a little pain. I could have fun, but I also knew my limits. For them, I was going to keep my insides clean and ready to go for most days, but they needed to reassure me that they were going to treat me like the princess I was or I was going to die a painful death.

More than two hours had passed. I showered twice, douched, brushed my teeth twice, and almost accidentally swallowed mouthwash. If I was a Pokemon, I'd be a shiny from how clean and fresh I was. Even my hole felt like a blizzard had swept through, leaving it icy fresh.

At the bottom of the basket there were some clothes. Dark blue pajama pants, long sleeved shirt and a pair of socks. It was what I wore when I left my room in search of the boys.

I bumped into Elijah who was coming up the stairs.

"You look adorable," he said, eyeing me like a piece of candy.

He was also wearing pajamas, but his were dark green.

"Thanks, you as well."

"Ready to come downstairs?"


I was confused when we went down, but he led the way to the basement and all of my questions were answered.

The basement was an entertainment space full of everything you could imagine. It had the biggest TV I had ever seen, with the biggest couch. It had a mini-kitchen, a pool table, and a few arcade games. The lighting was dark and cozy, with lit candles everywhere. My favorite part was the couch. It was one of those couches that were a bunch of squares connected to each other. It was four squares long and three squares wide. Perfect for sleeping, watching movies, or fucking, I guessed.

"This is normally where I am at night when I'm not sleeping in my bedroom," Elijah explained. "Everything we need is down here, and if the power goes out I'll turn the generator on."

Cedric appeared out of nowhere, wearing a dark red pajama set.

"Are we the powerpuff guys or something?" I asked.

Elijah's face lit up. "Yes! That's exactly what I was going for! I'm so happy you noticed."

"I feel stupid," Cedric muttered.

"It's okay, you won't be wearing it much longer." Elijah winked at him.

"So . . . we're really doing this?" he said with a little hesitation in his voice.

"I have friends who have fucked multiple people in one night. We'll be fine."

Cedric made a face. "That's not really . . . okay."

I went ahead and brushed past them, jumping on the couch and rolling over the many blankets. They were soft, warm, and smelled clean. Thank you, Elijah's housekeeper.

I laid back in the middle of the couch and looked up at the TV that was playing one of the Spiderman movies. With the size of the screen, I felt like I was in a movie theater.

Cedric walked around the couch like a boring pedestrian and sat on the left side of the couch, by the corners, as if scared of being near me. Elijah disappeared for a moment to get some water from the mini-kitchen, when he came back, he stood in front of the TV and took off his shirt. We watched him, appalled, as he drank the water bottle in one go with some of it spilling onto his chest and slowly dripping down his body.

"That's a lot of tattoos," Cedric pointed out.

Elijah took a deep breath after swallowing the water. "Yeah, do you like them?"

"They're cool."

"How many do you have?" Elijah asked, still standing between me and my Spiderman.

"A couple."

"Well, take it off, let me see."

How I wish I had popcorn right now. I'd use a whole genie wish.

Cedric stood up with no hesitation this time. He lifted his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. I began to eat invisible popcorn as Elijah ogled Cedric's muscular body. When Elijah touched Cedric's chest to admire the tattoo, I ate the fake popcorn faster, clearly more interested in this storyline.

"This is a nice tattoo," Elijah told him. "If I didn't have my current occupation, I would've been a tattoo artist. I can still do it if I want to, but it's a bit hard with how busy you get doing . . . certain things."

"Your hand is still on my chest," Cedric said.

"You have really nice pecs," he replied, squeezing them.


My invisible popcorn flew out of my hands when Elijah leaned down and swirled his tongue around a nipple, kissing and sucking it. Cedric seemed like he wasn't sure what to do, but he didn't stop it. He watched Elijah with intense eyes until he pulled away with a proud smirk.

"Damn, you really do like tits," I murmured.

"Huh? What was that? You jealous?" Elijah retorted.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Nope."

"Hey, Cedric. You see this? He's still wearing a shirt. I think we should change that."

"We should," Cedric agreed.

They both dove for me and pulled me away from the center of the couch, where I had been comfortably seated watching from a safe distance. Cedric held my legs together as I squirmed to break free, but it was impossible once Elijah sat on my lap, weighing me down. Elijah ripped my shirt off with ease and I felt an immediate cold breeze.

"Much better," Elijah said, tapping my stomach.

"UGH!" Once they let go of me, I rolled to one of the blankets and wrapped my body, shivering.

"It's not even that cold," Cedric said.

"Yes, it is."

"Then I guess we should do our job and warm you up," Elijah said, jumping next to me on the couch.

"How are you gonna warm me up?" I wondered, playing stupid.

Elijah beckoned Cedric to join on the other side of me. Once Cedric sank beside me, Elijah pulled my face and brought his lips to mine. Our kiss was passionate, but full of so much lust. It was hot, it was wet, and it made my dick slowly start growing. Elijah then grabbed my jaw and moved my face to meet Cedric's face. As Cedric kissed me, Elijah sucked my nipple. I never knew how sensitive they were until Elijah's mouth. I had my eyes closed when Cedric pulled away and joined Elijah, taking over my other nipple. My dick grew painfully hard in my pajama pants. I felt one of their hands caress it and unintelligible words and moans came out of my mouth.

"If you guys don't stop, I will cum," I warned them.

"Then we'll make you cum again," Elijah said.

Cedric pulled away first, but Elijah had to get a good last suck of my hardened little bead before taking a break from my chest. Everyone leaned back on the couch, taking a break to breathe and calm down. Elijah put his hands behind his head and moved his attention to the movie.

While they had their eyes glued on the movie, I saw that they were laying so close to me that my hands could easily reach for their crotch. And that was what I did. As they watched the movie, I slowly slid my hands down their bodies and dug under the waistband of their pants. My hands found both of their cocks immediately and their differences were unique.

Elijah's cock was big and long, that was obvious. Even when it was soft it laid over his balls like a sleeping snake. But Cedric felt like holding one of those heavy sausages you cooked with it. The thickness was insane, and terrifying for me. If my assumptions were correct, Cedric was right in the middle of average, but the thickness was what made it stand out.

As they hardened, they also became warmer, and I stroked them both, enjoying how different they were. I was somewhere in the middle with my own cock, bigger than average but suitable for all. It wasn't as intimidating as these two.

Since we wanted to go easy, I massaged them to make them feel good, not to get them off. They enjoyed my hands and relaxed their muscles while leaning their heads back on the pillows.

"I wanna see them," I said quietly.

Elijah went first and pulled down his pants to his knees, enough to free his monster cock. Cedric followed, but didn't pull down his pants as far as Elijah. His cock made Elijah full on gasp loudly.

"I am so glad I'm a top," he said, admiring the cock. "The head all the way down to the base is the same width. How is that gonna fit in anyone?"

I sighed.

"It's the main reason I've rarely had sex in my life," he said. "Mostly because I knew I was gay, but because no girl I ever met wanted it in them."

"Do you want it in you?" Elijah asked me, a little seduction in his voice. "We're going to have to stretch you before you can take it."

My eyes went to the beast. It was a beautiful one, it truly was. The tough part to grasp was the fact that the head barely had a pointed tip, it was the same size as the rest of it, which meant that it wasn't going to be an easy task to get it inside me. My hole was the size of a tic-tac. And of course I wanted Cedric to fuck me, but I was the only one. Elijah was strictly a top. It was all up to me.

"I do."

"We'll have to use our fingers to stretch you, maybe some toys," Elijah said. "It's gonna take some time before he can put it in you."

I looked at Cedric's face. "Guess I'll have to fuck him until then."

He tried hiding a smile, but his lips curled a little in a sexy way. He liked the idea of me fucking him, just didn't say it. He wasn't used to expressing his gay feelings, but I was here to translate.

"Lucky for me, I'm not carrying a coke can," Elijah said, planting a kiss on my neck.

"It's . . . still big," I told him.

"What? Are you scared?"

I scoffed. "No."

"Okay, take off your pants," he ordered as he magically pulled out a bottle of lube.

Cedric helped me remove my pants and tossed them on the floor. Now it was just me who was pretty much naked.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked.

"Have you ever been fingered?"


"Lay back completely and spread your legs for me," he said, sliding next to me. "Cedric, hold one of his legs."

My heart started to beat fast. I felt extremely exposed with my ass almost sticking out and my legs spread all the way, letting my dick bounce back on me. But no matter what happened, I trusted them and wanted this.

Elijah's slicked fingers played with my hole. The fingers massaged my entrance with different motions, spreading the wetness in a circular rhythm. Without warning, he let his index finger slide in, but only just a peak. He pulled out, used more lube, and dipped back in, sliding a finger halfway. It didn't hurt, but it felt strange. Not in a bad way, though.

"How does it feel?" he asked.

"It's good," I said as my breathing became heavier.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of him as he pulled out his finger and pushed it back in until it hit his knuckles. My dick grew very hard at this, especially when he started twisting and gently wiggling his finger. The tingling sensation that my ass was feeling was a new experience I'd never felt before.

As a virgin bottom, this was shockingly incredible. I suddenly remembered how their mouths felt on my nipples and they hardered. My hole, although relaxed like the guide had recommended, tightened around his finger in a good way. I almost let out a cry when he pulled out.

"Wanna try?" Elijah asked Cedric.

They exchanged the bottle of lube and Cedric lathered his two main fingers. He took his two fingers and pressed them against my hole, playing with it and causing me to physically shake when he refused to slide it in. As Cedric teased me, Elijah got on his knees next to me and pushed his hard cock in front of my face. I pressed my lips to it and dragged them back and forth. When Cedric finally pushed a finger in, I used Elijah's cock to muffle my cries of joy. His fingers felt slightly thicker, so when he let a second one join, I winced from the first jolt of pain. The feeling did not last long, because he was gentle and careful, so my hole easily relaxed around his two fingers as he tried to push in.

I moaned and moaned, and each one was suppressed as Elijah stuffed his cock in my mouth, rubbing it against the inside of my cheeks. There was barely enough room to breathe, and when he pulled out, a line of saliva connected from my mouth to the head of his cock.

"You have the most perfect lips I've ever seen on a guy," Elijah said, sighing as he slapped his heavy long cock on my lips. "How lucky are we, Cedric?"


Cedric pulled out his fingers completely, and I did not like that. It was an odd feeling and I almost begged him to put them back in.

"I think it's Cedric's turn with that mouth," Elijah said, wiping my lips with a finger.

All clothes were removed and piled in the corner by the couch. Cedric crawled behind me, as instructed by Elijah, and I laid my head near his crotch as Elijah then stood between my legs in front of me. Elijah continued to play with my hole, working to get me prepared for his cock. While a third finger struggled to slide in, and eventually failed, Cedric's cock jumped near my face, crying for my attention.

I turned my face and reached around, grabbing Cedric's thick cock and pressing it to my lips. It smelled so good that I waited no longer and pushed the head into my mouth. It wasn't all the way erect, so I had a minute or so of freedom to suck that tip until it was red and pulsing. I had never seen a tip like this, so juicy and big, so incredibly smooth and tasty that all I wanted was to suck on it. The taste of his warm skin on my tongue made me moan deliciously. When it fully hardened all the way, it became a problem. My jaw hurt trying to keep it in my mouth, and when he pushed in deeper, I actually felt like I might choke and die, so the fear kept forcing me to pull it out with a loud slurp.

"It's so fucking fat, Cedric," I said, not really a complaint, but more of a warning since I couldn't deep throat it.

He chuckled and caressed my face with his hand. "It's okay. You're doing good."

Elijah surprised me by sticking his tongue in my hole. I had been so preoccupied with not dying from Cedric's beer can that I didn't pay attention to what Elijah was doing to me.

His tongue stuck out, licking my tight hole that tightened more from the alarming wave of overstimulation. Cedric rubbed the head of his cock on my tongue, rubbed my nipples with his hands, Elijah licked and fingered my hole, and my dick leaked precum like crazy from the overwhelming sensations.

I knew I was going to be the middle one in this relationship, but damn.

Elijah's tongue circled around the rim, dipping in and out of the entrance, and my hole slowly relaxed and opened up for him. It was a bit embarrassing, but judging by the look on his face, this was the best day of his life. His wet tongue stretched me further than his fingers couldn't achieve. As this happened, he managed to slip in a third finger while my hole was the most inviting. He pushed all the way in and tried to separate his fingers.

"Fuck!" I cried out as the intense burning feeling of the stretching ripped through me. This was the most exposed I had ever felt.

"Save the screaming for when I fuck you," Elijah said, pulling out his fingers like they hadn't just been stabbing me a second ago.

And then he waved his hard, lubed up cock between my legs and my breathing stopped with a quiet gasp.

He was going to do it? Now? Was I even ready? Sure, it wasn't the hole destroyer that Cedric had, but I had never been fucked before.

Elijah positioned himself between my legs, kneeling on the end of the couch. He guided his cock to my hole and pressed gently, but didn't go in. He must have seen the terrified look on my face, because he paused and jerked me off. He stared intensely at my body with so much lust in his eyes that they appeared to be black.

"You are so pretty," he said, his voice deep and dark.

He leaned down and wrapped his lips around my tip. My back arched immediately at the touch, and the tingle traveled all the way down to my hole, where I still felt his dick resting. He squeezed the tip and sucked my foreskin, earning a couple of sluggish moans from me. He gave it a kiss before going back to the main course.

"Don't fuck me like a pornstar, please," I begged him.

He snorted with a half smile. "I'll go slow, I promise."

As Elijah lined up his cock, I grabbed Cedric's arm and squeezed it. Cedric kept massaging my body, trying to keep me relaxed and comfortable.

The tip of Elijah's cock pushed through my tight ring, and the slow burning came back, bringing a new pressure sensation that was always there so long he was inside me. Little by little, Elijah thrusted in, and with the help of the lube, he got halfway in before I couldn't accept anymore. The stretching was fine, I expected it, but he was possibly more than eight inches long and I just wasn't used to something like that. All I could do was grunt with shut eyes.

"It's okay, I won't go deeper," he promised as he watched me wince every time he moved.

As he slowly pulled out, he poured more lube before pushing back in. This became the routine for a minute as my body adjusted to having a cock inside me. I fought hard to stay calm and relaxed, but the pain could not be ignored.

"It hurts," I said, breathing heavily.

"Look at me," he said.

My eyes popped open, and my vision was blurry from the tears threatening to come out. I looked at his beautiful face and lowered my eyes to his tattoos, studying each one to distract myself. He was sexy with the way he towered over me. And then I started thinking about how good he was probably feeling being in me. My hole was making him feel that, and somehow that helped.

"Fuck me faster," I told him.

His dick was slightly fatter towards the middle, so whenever he thrusted in and out, he made sure to not pass that line. Slowly, the burning stopped hurting. The pressure was what I fought now, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was different.

"Holy fuck, you're so tight," he moaned.

Maybe in a different position he could go all the way in, but being on my back didn't give me that feeling. I craved deeply to pull him closer to me, but I was afraid he'd accidentally push it all the way in and I'd die on the spot. The urge was too strong, so I let go of Cedric and tried to pull Elijah closer to me. He leaned down, giving into my needs, and pressed his body against mine without sliding all the way in. His chest was warm against mine and his arms felt loving and gentle around me. We kissed, and it was a deep and sloppy one. We moaned into it, and he panted heavily, having to breathe through our kiss while he fucked me. Feeling his cock slide in and out, the pressure pushing deeper and deeper into me was a curious bliss.

Elijah moved his head back and motioned with a nod toward Cedric's hard cock. We reached our lips high and each took one side of Cedric's glistening tip. We sucked and licked, meeting every now and then with a passionate kiss, our tongues swirling with each other and around the head. Our wet tongues fought for the precum that dripped from his delicious slit. Cedric's head was tilted back, eyes closed, his mind probably foggy and in another world.

"Wait, I don't want him to cum yet," Elijah said, pushing himself back to kneel between my legs again.

Elijah pulled all the way out of me, and feeling that emptiness was wrong. After my body had become accustomed to him, not having him in me just didn't feel great. The way my hole throbbed from being stretched, slowly feeling it trying to close, did not add to the fun experience. I was pleasantly surprised by how well the pain was diminishing, but I was afraid that Elijah had awakened something in me by exposing my hole to the wonders of cock.

"What's wrong?" Cedric asked.

"I want to see Lucian fuck you before we stuff his mouth with our cum," Elijah responded.

I sat up with excitement at that. I agreed with Elijah's comment about Cedric's ass. I also wanted to bury my cock in it.

Cedric lifted himself and took my previous position on the couch, accepting his fate. Elijah wiped his cock with a towel, removing the old and dried up lube and lathering on fresh lube to continue jerking himself.

"Turn around," I ordered Cedric.

He gave me a puzzled look, but complied with no complaints. He rolled and got on all four, his ass on full display. I had lost my boner after being left empty, but with Cedric's ass, it was instantly rock hard again.

His muscular body was mostly smooth, and made me wonder if he had shaved his body before this. I remembered seeing some hair here and there when we had fooled around, but obviously I never got to see him this nude before so I could be wrong. I enjoyed hair or hairless, so neither bothered me. If he wanted to let his ass be hairy next time, I'd still dig in happily.

His ass was clearly the best one out of the three of us. Elijah and I were oddly similar, and ours were no joke, but we could not compare to the cheeks this man had. Was it because he was muscular or was he just naturally gifted?

I smacked my hands on his cheeks and spread them apart. His gorgeous hole stared back, virgin and tight like mine had been. I wanted to make him feel what he made me feel, but before I did that, I dove down and stuck my impatient tongue into his hole, swirling and twisting what I could. Cedric gasped, not expecting the alien sensation, but his hole relaxed easily and allowed me to go deeper, tasting his smooth skin. This went on for a minute or two, licking and dipping, letting his hole open up to me from how good I was making him feel, and he must have been feeling amazing from all the moaning and groaning.

Elijah just watched me, letting me work him up by myself while he watched with lust in his eyes and a hand on his lubed up cock.

I borrowed some of that lube and began to push a finger into Cedric. He accepted me much easier than I did, so maybe I was the only scared one here. Cedric never tensed up or tightened around my finger, he received one and then two with ease.

"I think he wants your cock," Elijah said.

As I wiped my messy hands on a towel, Elijah took some lube and jerked me off, standing right behind me with his cock between my legs. He positioned my tip right on Cedric's pretty pink hole and pushed his body against mine, which made my tip go in. Right away, the tight warmth made my jaw drop. I pushed, slowly struggling to enter deeper. Cedric's top half of his body dropped down on the couch while his ass stayed in the air, receiving me.

"How tight is he?" Elijah whispered near my ear.

"My dick barely fits," I breathed back, my chest rising and sinking rapidly.

"Then make it fit."

I pulled out and tapped Cedric to get his attention. I made him turn around and lay on his back. I wanted to watch his face when I thrusted into him. His cheeks and eyes were a little red, there was an emotion on his face that I couldn't read. He looked vulnerable, which I understood after being fucked by Elijah. A small tear rolled down the side of his face and I quickly kissed it, spreading the kiss to his cheek and then his lips.

I lined up my cock against his hole again and pushed in with a little more lube. I kept my eyes on Cedric, watching his face change the deeper I went. I felt that spot where it seemed like I couldn't push further, but my cock was not Elijah's and it was not Cedric's, so with a little more patience, I broke through the barrier and penetrated him, filling him with my entire length.

"Aah . . . Fuck . . . Fuck," Cedric groaned, his hands blindly searching for anything to hold on to, finding the blankets and gripping them with all of his strength.

I didn't feel like I had enough sex experience — one movement and I feared I'd cum on the spot. Seeing Cedric's Godly body in front of me, exposed, with my cock buried deep inside him, was not helpful whatsoever. Whenever his arms moved, his biceps flexed large and manly, and his pecs screamed to be played with — his hard cock, so thick and suckable laying lonely on his stomach, every part of this imagery was making it impossible not to explode.

Suddenly I felt something slippery press against my hole, and without warning, Elijah pressed his tip in, causing a small sting followed by that strange pressure. Elijah held my hips and fucked me, sliding in as deep as he could, and even though I enjoyed it, the sensation made my dick tense up and not feel like I wanted to cum. I used this opportunity, pulling back, and also at the same time pushing into Elijah, and then thrusted back in. I fucked Cedric, fast and without pause. The sound of our moans, pants, and sometimes cries, filled the basement, making the thunder outside seem minimal.

"Oh, fuck," I moaned, feeling my thoughts drift in and out of a dream-like state. I leaned down, copying what Elijah had done to me, and I embraced Cedric, holding him, kissing him.

"Feels so good," he moaned back into our kiss.

A few minutes into drilling Cedric, the pressure that kept me holding back was gone. It was all heaven from then. The feeling of Elijah in me, his cock sliding in and out, the tip hitting all of the right spots, and the tight sensation that was my cock all the way in Cedric, pumping in and out — I could no longer hold it.

It was exactly like sparks. My hole tightened harder than ever before as the head of my cock released blissful electricity, blasting that good tingling sensation throughout my body. Nine long and powerful cumshots filled Cedric up, each one making my dick throb and jerk uncontrollably. I could feel every part of me being drained at that moment. I fucked him through the entire orgasm and even some after, but then the zombie state weighed heavily on me and exhaustion hit quickly.

"Holy fucking shit damn," Cedric gasped as I pulled out.

"It's time we fill him with our cum." Elijah pulled out as well, and I winced a little, but I was forced on my knees before I could say anything.

The two stood in front of me, pumping their lengths near my face. I wished I could take them both in my mouth, but that was clearly impossible. I used my hands to bring them closer together, squeezing their cocks together. I lapped my tongue over their heads, dragging it back and forth, tasting their sweet glistening flesh.

"Ready?" Cedric asked.

"I'm ready," Elijah replied.

They watched over me, their eyes burning with hunger. They jerked their monster cocks over my lips and tongue, roughly trying to push inside my mouth and failing to do so. Their swollen heads suddenly started twitching in unison and then it was like hoses let loose. Deep low moans escaped their mouths as thick hot cum began to shoot directly into my mouth, some wildly missing and hitting my face. Most of it pooled in my mouth, and I tried swallowing some but more kept spurting out. The taste was slightly salty, but there was just so much from both of them that the best way to describe it was pleasant.

As their orgasms slowed down, their mouths parted, letting out satisfied groans. Their hips twitched as they squeezed the remaining cum from their slits, and I eagerly took every bit, swallowing as best as I could, but it was too much that some dripped down my lips and fell onto my chest. I felt dirty, used and abused, in all of the right ways.

Elijah collapsed first, throwing himself back on the couch, his dick hitting his stomach with a loud slap. Cedric sat down, his knees weak and wobbly. And I just stayed on my knees, breathing heavily, heart pounding.

A sudden lightning strike roared above us, followed by the power going off for a few seconds. When it returned, Elijah jumped back to his feet and ran around fetching towels for us. He helped clean me up, smiling as he dragged the towel over my chest, face, and ass.

"You okay?" he asked me.

"My hole hurts, but I'm okay," I said truthfully.

"My hole hurts, too," Cedric added.

"It will hurt more when I fuck it," Elijah told him, with the most sincere tone.

Once we were all wiped clean, we put on our pajamas, but Elijah and I begged Cedric to keep his shirt off so we could keep admiring his chest — it was quite arousing and sexy to look at. I needed some extra time since I was the one that almost choked on a gallon of cum. I had to run upstairs, drink some water, use mouthwash, and then brush my teeth again to make sure none of it was going to linger in my mouth.

I used this alone time to reflect on what had happened. We really just had a threesome. It actually happened and it wasn't a dream. I was happy we did it. I liked them both a lot and I wanted to be more with them, just never knew how to say it. There were so many factors in place — like we hadn't known each other for that long, and it was three of us, and the gang stuff . . . yeah, difficult thing to bring up. I had been afraid of being rejected, for moving too fast, for being weird or selfish for wanting the three of us together. And any wrong thing I said could have made things worse for everyone — what if I made one of them jealous and they went murderous on the other?

Luckily, Cedric looked mean and rough, but he was a himbo at heart. Outside, he was fighting hard against his false views on the world, but inside he was so ready and willing to live and be happy no matter what.

Elijah, another scary one, terrifying even, but he was a soft, broken guy with so much love to give and no fucks to give. Well —

And then there was me.


[Author's Message]: I want to scream guys. I want to SCREAM. I worked on this chapter all month. It was literally almost 50 pages. It was too much, too big (hehe), and TOO stressful. I do not have enough time to edit it, so there might be a lot of issues. If you spotted any, please let me know. This chapter took all of my energy and it was so bad because I've been sick for the last week, so it slowed me down by a lot. I still hope you enjoyed it. There were a lot of things I wanted to write for their first time, but I had to save a lot of them for future chapters. I was so mad cause I couldn't write everything I wanted and now I feel like it was all sloppy and rushed (hehe). It's so hard being a writer and having to post first drafts. I did have a moment where I had to scrap a lot of pages and start a scene all over again, but besides that, no editing. :'( I still hope I delivered, we are our own worst critics after all. I'm mostly scared for any grammar I messed up, because at one point I started writing in third person I was so out of it LMAOOOO.

Anyway, hope you guys leave me lots of love on this chapter, I NEED IT. <3

(Next few chapters will be shorter, I can't keep writing these long ones. Also the next one is a special one! Can't wait to write it!)

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