Chapter 11

   Something wasn't right—I wasn't tangled in someone's limbs, or squished against the wall in a small bed. My body instead floated on heavenly clouds, covered in more fluffiness that wrapped around me, keeping my naked body warm and cozy.

Cozy. Naked. Bed.

My eyes opened, immediately blinded by the four windows all around me. This was an unfamiliar scene, an alien space filled with strange things. This wasn't my home.

Oh fuck.

I bolted out of bed when my memory started coming back. The sleep had been so perfect that it literally numbed me to reality. I stayed over a place I'd never been to, hours away from where I really lived, and I let some man drain my soul through my dick.

Was this complaining or was embarrassment catching up to me? I could feel my dick. I was naked under my covers. No, not my covers, his covers. I was alone in his bed, where we slept together like a couple after a wild night. I remembered slight details, but I woke up at one point to shift to a better position, and found his arm laying over me, providing warmth on a cold night. Shortly, I feel back asleep without moving, not wanting to disturb him, or maybe I just liked the sneaky cuddling.

My eyes focused once they adjusted to the sunlight. Cedric was nowhere to be seen, and I could see the entire apartment from the bed. On the other hand, I smelled something that told me he had to be near—burgers.

I pushed the covers away, exposing myself momentarily as I rolled out of bed and reached for my clothes on the floor. As I finished dressing, Cedric came through the door, holding a plastic bag.

His eyes lit up when he saw me. "Hey! You're finally awake."

"What time is it?" I blinked at the sound of my raspy voice, as if being near Cedric caused some contagious disease that made your throat sound funny.

"Almost lunch time. You sleep a lot."

I rubbed the inner corner of my eyes, feeling rather loopy from everything that happened. My body had a full reset after last night. It used to be stiff and full of aches, but magically disappeared after some sexual relief and a good sleep.

"Can I use your bathroom?"

"You don't have to ask me for permission."

"Sor—thanks." I ran into the bathroom and shut the door before he could scowl at me from across the room. I picked up my toothbrush from where I left it yesterday and brushed my teeth. When I was done, I came back out, feeling overwhelmingly awkward.

"You hungry?" Cedric asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"Sit." He pulled out a chair from under the table and tapped it.

I grabbed the chair and plopped down, dragging it with my body so my chest was pressing against the rim of the table. I watched him take out something from the microwave and prepare it. Once again, I got lost staring at him, imagining what he did to me last night. Although I'd never forget it, what Cedric did to me was secured by the darkness of the night. Visualizing all of the things his mouth had done was practically impossible. If we had been in the light, I would probably be struggling to keep my dick down.

It was weird accepting it happened. I was heavily inexperienced, even though I had a sexual relationship with Chance. This was only my second time being with someone, and the way Cedric took charge and how he did it, was like a hundred times better than anything I had with Chance. And it was only a blowjob, but it was a super blowjob.

To be honest, it wasn't fair of me to be trash talking Chance when we were both lacking experience. Our first and only times were with each other. Cedric was thirty-three, he had plenty of exp—wait, no, he didn't. That was his first time touching another man.

What the fuck?

Maybe it was from his time with women? I'd never in my life been fingered, but the way Cedric did it told me he was a professional. If he had done it without touching anything else, I could have easily climaxed just from that alone. Not to mention he didn't even go all the way in.

I shuddered as my hole remembered his finger.

"You okay?" he asked. He had been watching me while I was spaced out.

"Oh, yeah." I tried laughing, but it barely came out as a breath.

After Elijah touched me in the bus that night, I jerked off so many times that I lost count. Now I had this to think about. My dick was going to fall off.

Cedric carried a square plate holding two burgers. He gently placed it on the table and pushed it closer to me.

"I had to guess what type of ingredients you liked, so I made two different kinds," he explained.

The two burgers were big and looked juicy. The first burger had bacon, eggs, ham, and cheese literally dripping down the sides of the buns, which weren't even buns, they were croissants. A breakfast burger. The second one was a more traditional burger. It had lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, a sauce covering all of the fresh ingredients, and finally two toasted buns.

"Cedric, this looks incredible." He smiled happily and went back to the kitchen and brought back the french fries. "I'm gonna die. You're trying to kill me, aren't you?"

"If I ever own a restaurant, I'm going to add these two to the menu and name them after you."


"I swear on my mother's grave."

The front door swung open and a Toto appeared. "What's this I hear about our slutty mom?" She was bent over, dragging a two liter bottle of soda inside, or trying to.

Cedric went to go help her and picked up the bottle with one hand. "What is wrong with you?"

"What? It's heavy," she complained.

"Hi, Toto," I said, smiling. "Are you hungry?"

"Oh! Look at you! You're so sweet!" Then she lightly punched her brother in the chest, getting his attention. "But does he taste sweet?"


She turned back to me. "Thanks for offering, but I already ate. Besides, you need to eat." She patted her stomach, indicating that I was too skinny.

"I'm not even that skinny," I said.

She scoffed loudly. "Oh. My. God! Imagine having the privilege to say, 'I'm not that skinny'. You know what, pal? Fuck your toxic masculinity!"

"Don't worry, she does that to everyone," Cedric said after she was gone. He brought me a glass filled with ice and placed the bottle of soda next to it on the table. He sat down and crossed his arms. "Let me know how it tastes."

"Only if you let me know how I tasted," I muttered.

"Okay, Toto is a horrible influence on you."

"Her mind is in the right place," I said, picking up the breakfast burger and taking the first bite.

"It is definitely not."

The burger was large and hard to fit in my mouth with all of the ingredients stacked on the already thick meat. And of course, my mind went straight to Cedric's dick. I pondered while I chewed—would it fit in my mouth? My mouth was decent size, but I wasn't too sure if it was decent in general or for dick sucking.

"This is seriously good," I told him. "The croissant is so different, but tastes sweet, and mixed with the salty bacon, and the eggs, it's actually perfect."

"Thank you. And to answer your question, you also tasted perfect."

"I don't know what I'm supposed to say to that, honestly."

"Was I good? Did you like it?"

"Yeah, you were really good for a straight guy who has never sucked a dick before. I'm surprised."

He made a face. "Like I said, I've watched a lot of videos."

"Maybe next time I can do it for you."

"When you're done eating, I'll drive you back," he said, dodging the indirect question.

There was something going on with Cedric. Last night, he refused to let me return the favor. He should have been rewarded a thousand times for how amazing he made me feel. Who in their minds wouldn't accept it back? If he really didn't want me to do anything sexual to him, then I'd accept it and respect his decision, but something told me it wasn't that. He wanted it, I could feel it, but he wasn't letting himself get it.

I ate quietly, only ever speaking when I wanted to tell him how delicious his food was. I gave him detailed information on how the burgers tasted, knowing he probably appreciated the feedback. And besides, I wanted him to know how skillful he was. I wanted him happy.

When it was time, I changed back to my clothes and returned his. He made me wait downstairs next to the store while he went out and got his car from a private garage, where he safely stored his expensive, yet vulnerable, truck.

I noticed a woman slowly walking up to me from inside the store. It was Toto. She didn't walk out to talk to me, instead used the glass walls to hide behind as she stared through a couple of stacked boxes and a display of chips. She squeezed between the two and pressed her ass against the glass, slowly dragging it down as her body rolled and danced exoticly. Her moans were suppressed by the glass, but still came through low and tiny.

When Cedric appeared in his big truck, I wasted no time and jumped in before Toto could think of something more explicit to do. Cedric rolled the windows down and turned up the radio, giving me no room to talk, especially when he started driving and the wind pushed up against my face, blowing my hair out of control.

His music choices were bizarre. They ranged from angry German metal, to bubblegum pop, and lastly, a wide selection of 80s music. This went on for two hours, and I sat quietly without objection, until he started playing Christian music.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice raised.

"Hm?" He wasn't even looking at me. Not once did he set his eyes on me, even on red lights.

It was wrong to touch his radio, however, he was using it as a way to not talk, but something was going on and I went in and turned it off anyway.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't said a word to me in over two hours."

"I'm fine."

"You haven't even looked at me," I said quietly as I began to feel the slow ache of rejection. I thought for two hours straight. There could only be one thing that was bothering him. "Did I do something wrong?"

The tone of my voice must have hit him, because he turned his head and looked directly into my eyes. "No, you haven't done anything wrong."

"Do you not like me?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer, but needing to.

"What? Why would you say that?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Something feels weird and it's making me uncomfortable."

He sighed and stuttered over his words, unable to find the right ones, and gave up for a minute, staring ahead at the empty road, preparing his words this time. "There's a lot on my mind. A lot of it is complicated. I can't . . . I don't know. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

"Is it my fault? Is it because of last night?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, okay?" he said, stretching out a hand, placing it on my leg in a reassuring manner. "But I've been thinking about something. It's an opportunity to make a lot of money, for you."

"Sounds . . . sketchy."

"It is. That's why I've been thinking about it."

"What do I have to do?"

"It's actually one of my jobs."

"One of your jobs?"

He retrieved his hand and placed it back on the wheel. "Yes, one of my jobs. I have many jobs. This one is the least dangerous for a person like you. It's a delivery job. I usually do it with a partner, but my current one isn't available for the next shipment. I have to call for another one, but I could also choose you."

"I'm assuming you don't deliver pizza."

He grinned. "It's better that you don't ask. You don't even have to do anything except be with me."

"When is it?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow? Is it close to where I live?"


"Why are you driving me back then?"

"You need to stop assuming I think before I act."

I gave out a quick chuckle. "Okay, what do I have to do then?"

"Do you want to do it? If you do, I'll tell you everything tomorrow."

"Another chance to be with you? Of course I want to do it."

"Oh my god," he whispered and looked away, hiding his face from me.


He cleared his throat and looked back. "Nothing."

Even after our talk, he remained quiet the rest of the way. When he dropped me off, he gave me a stupid smile that I was probably gonna think about for the rest of the day. The smile was so dorky and cute, but it also told me that everything was going to be okay with him.

As soon as I walked into my apartment, I got tackled by two bodies. We tripped and fell on the ground like a massive ball of limbs.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Dorian shouted in my ear.

"WE WERE SO WORRIED!" Sonam shrieked with him.



"GET . . . OFF!"


"Okay, whoa, we don't slut-shame in this house," Sonam said, letting go of my limbs and getting up.

"You didn't even text," Dorian said sadly, his lips quivering. "I thought you were dead."

I sighed as he stopped trying to hold me down and switched to hugging me, burying his head into my neck. I laid on my back, accepting the brotherly embrace. It was my fault, so I wasn't going to fight back.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I was on my phone while Cedric was . . . out, and I used up the battery. I didn't think I was going to stay over."

"Did he not have a fucking phone you could use?"

Actually, I didn't even think about that.

"Sorry! I am SORRY! I was distracted, okay? It won't happen again."

"Distracted?" he scoffed. "Please tell me he didn't give it to you. Please tell me you're still the dominant one. We are supposed to be the men who give, you know what I'm saying?"

"I'm about to start swinging."

Dorian pulled me up with him and gave me another hug. "I'm happy you're okay."

"Want to hang out and do something?" I asked, seeing as we were both free for the rest of the day.

"Sonam and I were going to watch a few movies, want to join?"

"Can I take a quick shower first?"

"Only if I can watch."

"Dorian, you don't help your gay rumors at all," I said, walking away.

"Those rumors are NOT real!" He pointed bitterly.

"The heterosexual followed me into our room, where we slept together, oftentimes waking up with hard-ons," I said out loud.


"Of course."

"Lucian, I'm going to beat your ass," he said through gritted teeth.

"That's pretty gay of you."

My laughter was drowned by his hopeless wailing. Sonam had to console him while I took a shower and remind him that it was okay to be straight. The two waited for me to get out of the shower, but by the time I was done, Sonam was back in the kitchen making a snack from scratch. She was a great cook and made me think of all the amazing things she and Cedric could create if they put their minds together.

Dorian and I were laying back on the couch, talking about unforgettable moments from high school, when all of a sudden there was a light knock on the front door. Dorian and I continued talking, not paying attention to it as Sonam rushed to answer it.

"But yeah, I think Ashley was the one who cut off my hair while I was passed out in detention," Dorian recalled, speaking of the time some girl tried to make a love potion with his hair.

"Lucian, your friend is here," I heard Sonam say as she went back to the kitchen.

I was confused by what friend, since my only friends were here in this apartment. I propped myself up on my elbows to look over the back of the couch and peak at who it could be, and as soon as my eyes landed on the tattooed boy, I screamed in a pitch I never thought I could reach.

Elijah stood by the door, tall and intimidating, gazing at me curiously. His eyes roamed the apartment as if he couldn't believe this was my home.

"Who is that?" Dorian asked.

I jumped to my feet and ran to Elijah like a rapid bullet. I swung the front door open and pushed him out, closing it again when we were both out of earshot.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I demanded in a hushed voice.

He crossed his bare arms over his chest, smiling down at me like I was an ant he could easily step on. "Visiting this cute guy I haven't stopped thinking about."

I stared at him in disbelief. I was taken aback by his sudden appearance, but couldn't deny that I was happy to see him. His skin was slowly changing over time, I noticed. I could tell that he was Arabic and his natural skin color was tan. The sickly pale skin that he had when I met him was almost gone, meaning he had actually been sick before.

"I don't want to be mean, but you can't just show up unexpected," I told him. "And how do you even know where I live?"

"I took your address before I erased all traces of you."

I hummed. "Maybe ask for permission next time."

"Does that mean I'm invited next time?" he asked, popping a sly smile.

"Ask before you show up where me and my friends live. Don't forget you kill people for a living. I don't want to put them in any danger."

He rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall near the door, still looking at me like I was a piece of candy. "I can't ask if I don't have your number."

"You took my address, but you couldn't take my phone number?" I muttered.

"I'm old school," he stated. "And besides, I wanted to see you in person. I haven't seen you for a few days."

I sighed, defeated by how smooth he was. "Elijah, do you want my number?"


We swapped numbers and he texted me immediately to test and see if it really was my number. I frowned hard at him.

"Was that necessary?" I said.

"It's happened before," he admitted sadly. "Just wanted to make sure you were being honest."

"I'm not like that."

"I know, but the voices make me feel otherwise."


His joyful smile that he practically had on permanently vanished. "Oh, um. Forget I said anything. How have you been lately?"

"Fine," I replied. I was curious, but I didn't press. "You? You look . . . healthier."

"Oh, you noticed?"

"I didn't think anything of it. Being pale is regular for me, but you looked . . . bad."

He laughed. "Yeah, I was sick. Getting better though."

"That's good. For a while I thought you were turning into a zombie."

He looked down at his skin and smoothed his hand over the dozens of tattoos. "I have my doctors to thank."

"Can I ask what happened?" My curiosity was building up. I wanted to know about him. His life seemed intriguing, but he was so unwilling to share that it felt like my brain might explode from assuming.

"It's a long story," he said, with no intention of wanting to talk about it.

"Does it have to do with . . ." My eyes trailed down to his prosthetic leg.

"Yes, it does." He sighed loudly and once again leaned back against the wall. "My dick is so fucking big that the rest of my body wasn't getting enough blood."

I choked on my own saliva and coughed violently. "Wait, what?"

"Joking." He chuckled, raising his hands in defense. "Your reactions are so cute."

"Thank you?" I answered while recovering.

"I know you have a lot of questions," he started, his eyes looking down the hall, "and I promise that I will tell you everything you want to know about me. It's hard to have a boyfriend when you don't know anything about him, right?"

"Wait . . . what?" At this point, I was basically a robot stuck on repeat.

"Anyway, I don't want to bother you, so I'll let you be." He winked and brushed his shoulders against mine as he walked past me. "Talk to you later, cutie."

With a twisted face of confusion, I opened the door of my apartment and two snooping bodies fell through.

"Wow, you two are a pair," I said, staring down at Dorian and Sonam, who had most likely been pressed up against the door trying to listen to my conversation with Elijah.

"Oh, frick." Sonam groaned, climbing over Dorian to get back up. "Who was that? And why are so many hot guys obsessed over you? No offence."

"To make it clear, I don't know why anyone is into me. It's probably the toxic California air."

"But Chance was into you, and he's pretty damn delicious," Dorian commented, still on the floor.

"Yeah, but Chance is crazy."


"Can we go back inside before the food gets cold?" Sonam complained. "We have a lot of movies to watch."

The three of us went back to the couch and started up the first movie. While I was happy to just be hanging out with friends, especially Dorian, my attention was seized by Elijah who began to text me halfway through a movie.

I was going to be a pretty busy boy from now on.


[Author's Message]: I just want to say, the support and love you guys left me on the last chapter was OVERWHELMING. It made me so freaking happy to see so many of you comment and be that excited for the story. LIKE, I AM SO HAPPY. I hope I don't disappoint you with the rest of the story and I pray to Ariana that I delivery a good ass friggin story. I love and appreciate all of you. Ty for reading and taking your time to write to me. <3 Next chapter is cray, be prepared!

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