
So this is the answer for your question...sorry because its take a long time to answer



Why did you tell Momo you are psycho guy

Because she is so slow to think that i am that psycho guy

P/s i am not a psycho;)


Why do you love Momo so much?

She is beautiful and fragile...i cant answer it short when you ask this so better i stop now or you will read an essay.

Momo's mom


Why did you believe some teenage boy instead of your daughter?

Woo Bin shows me the picture of she and that Tae guy hugging. I didnt teach her to cheat or become a slut that plays people heart.



Has Taehyung always liked Momo ot did he start liking her because she liked Woo Bin?or was for another reason?

Tae loves momo such a long time...not because of Woo Bin


Did Woo Bin date Momo to get Taehyung jealous??

You will know soon if you keep in touch with this story ;)


Why is he a friggin jerk?

You will know why he act like that if you read the next update which is i dont know when...

Thats all that i get since not many people want to ask question...and if want to ask more question just comment or you guys can pm me..

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