Chapter 34
"Hehehe you watching you little bitch?" sha asked as she started stripping herself naked. Yuzu trembled and clenched her fists tightly
"Stop that...please..." Yuzu said
"Hehe shut the hell up. Now Mei...I'll make you feel good" Isha said and sat on Mei's lap. Mei cried and looked away
"Awww don't give me that look" Isha said and grinded herself against her dick. Yuzu was shaking and trembling as her right side of her body was transforming. A black substance covered half of her body and half her teeth sharpened
"Pathetic humans..." Yuzu mumbled before roaring. The men trembled and started pulling the trigger. Isha's eyes widen and got off of Mei. Mei's eyes widen seeing Yuzu's right monstrous side. Yuzu stood up and looked at the two men with a smile
"M-mercy! We surrender!" The man exclaimed
"D-don't hurt us!" The other man cried. Yuzu looked at her right hand then touched her face
"Hehehe...amazing" Yuzu giggled
"Wh-what the hell? Th-that's impossible!" Isha exclaimed. Yuzu looked around and blinked a few times
"Hehe this feels amazing.." Yuzu said and stuck her tongue out. She walked up to the men and grabbed one by their throat
"Pl-please...don't h-hurt me" The man said
"Shut up" Yuzu said and opened her mouth as she tore of his head and gulped. The other man tried to run away but Yuzu grabbed his legs. She threw him against the wall and growled furiously
"Come back you asshole!" Yuzu shouted and attacked him. He pinned him against the ground and started eating his flesh
"AAAAAH! ST-STOP! PL-PLEASE!" The man cried. Yuzu growled and pulled out his guts out. She gulped his guts and bit down on his arm. Meanwhile Isha only grabbed her clothes as she ran away escaping. Mei struggled to escape and squirmed around on the chair. She froze as she heard heavy breathing in front of her. Mei lifted her head up and saw Yuzu. Yuzu looked at Mei and held her claw out. She tore the gag off and Mei shook her head
"Y-yuzu?" Mei asked
"Yuzuko..." Yuzu said and left
"H-huh? Yuzuko? Yuzuko! Where are you going?! Don't leave me please!" Mei cried
Don't leave me...please...I love you. Safe me! I'm scared!
Yuzuko started to sniff around and growled
Where are you...
Yuzuko snarled as she sensed Isha nearby
"Hey you little bitch...where the hell are you?" Yuzuko growled. She heard footsteps and immediately ran to the noise
"Aaaaah!" Isha shouted and Yuzuko pinned her down
" bitch...touching my beloved Mei with your filthy body" Yuzuko said and bit down on her leg
"AAAAH!" Isha cried as Yuzuko sunk her sharp teeth in her leg. She dragged Isha back to the spot and released her leg
"Y-yuzuko?" Mei asked. Yuzuko got to Mei and bit down on the ropes. Mei's wrists were released and Yuzuko helped her get rid of the ropes from her ankles
"Th-thanks" Mei said as she blushed. Yuzuko nodded and went back to Isha. Isha groaned in pain as she held her leg
"F-fuck...agh..." Isha cried and trembled. Yuzuko transformed herself back to normal. She grabbed Isha and dragged her body to the chair
"Your turn little bitch..." Yuzuko said and carried her body. Mei held out the ropes and tied Isha to the chair. Yuzuko looked at Isha and grabbed her hair. Isha trembled while tears rolled down her cheeks
"Eyes..." Yuzuko mumbled
"Wh-what?" Isha asked as she looked at her
"Your eyes...are pretty...very pretty. I want them...mine" Yuzuko giggled and smiled as her hand transformed into her monstrous hand
"Wh-what? Wait! No! Don't! Please!" Isha shouted and tried to pull away. She closed her eyes tightly which only pissed Yuzuko off
"Open your eyes!" Yuzuko said and forced her eye open. Yuzuko used her claw and went after her eye
"U-UWAAAAH! NOOOO!" Isha cried as Yuzuko grabbed her eyeball. Yuzuko couldn't help but laugh as she was pulling out her victims eye
It's fun...right? Hahaha! Mama! Are you proud!?
"I'm doing it just like you taught me Mama! Hahaha! You're proud of your daughter right!? Haha! Of course you are!" Yuzuko laughed and removed the eye completely
"N-NO! LET ME GO PLEASE! STOP!" Isha cried. Yuzuko giggled and stuck her tongue out. She licked her blood slowly and laughed
"I am Yuzuko Aoi!" Yuzuko laughed. Mei stood by and watched her beloved fiancee kill the bitch. Her heart began to race and blushed deeply. She smiled and held her chest love...she...she loves me! She is saving me!
"Hahahaha...Yuzuko...I love you!" Mei said and ran up to Yuzuko with open arms. Yuzuko looked at Mei and blushed
"Mei?" Yuzuko asked
"Thank you so much for saving me. I love you so much!" Mei said and smiled brightly. Yuzuko smiled and wrapped an arm around her
"Let's have fun" Yuzuko said and kissed her head softly. Mei blushed deeply and held her left hand
She is mine...all mine...
"Pl-please..." Isha mumbled as she kept her head down
"Hm? What was that bitch?" Yuzuko asked as she glared at her
"Pl-please! Let me go! I won't say anything to anyone! I-I'll leave you two alone! I will never bother you two ever again! Just please...please let me go!" Isha cried. Yuzuko tilted her head thinking for a moment. Soon a smile appeared on her face and laughed
"I don't give a fuck about you" Yuzu said and laughed a little. She looked at Mei and gave her one last kiss
"Hey Mei..." Yuzuko said
"Yes?" Mei asked
"Sit back and watch. I want to get rid of this stupid bitch" Yuzuko said
"Okay" Mei said as she smiled then stepped back. Mei sat down and Yuzuko grabbed Isha's chest. She sunk her claws into her chest and felt her heart
"UWAAAAAAH! AAAAAAH!" Isha cried in pain. Yuzuko giggled and removed her claws. She grabbed the piece of flesh and tore it off from her body
"Wow..." Mei whispered and smiled
She is perfect!
Yuzuko looked at the beating heart and drooled
"Mama...mama...mama...loves..." Yuzuko mumbled and grabbed her heart with her left human hand
"Just kill me! Kill me!" Isha cried. Yuzuko stuck her tongue out and bit down on her shoulder
"AAAAAAGGGGHHH! ARRRRRGGGHHH!" Isha cried as Yuzuko stabbed right through her stomach. Yuzuko tore off her arm and laughed. She grabbed Isha by her hair lifting her head up and reached towards her eye to grab it
"Pretty eyes..." Yuzuko giggled. She grabbed her eyeball and removed it from the eye socket. Isha cried in pain and breathed heavily
"" Isha cried. Yuzuko licked her lips as her right side transformed and bit down on her heart. She crushed it with her teeth and pulled it out of her chest. Yuzuko gulped down the heart and started tearing off her entire flesh
"Hahahaha...tasty blood..." Yuzuko giggled and lifted her head. Her eyes widen noticing Mei gone
"M-mei?" Yuzuko asked and looked around
Where the he-
"AGH!" Yuzuko cried out and trembled as someone stabbed her through her chest
"Yuzuko Aoi. Daughter of that pathetic Ume Aoi right?" A woman spoke. Yuzuko coughed blood and turned her head slightly seeing a pair of lavender eyes
"M-mei?" Yuzuko asked
"Oh? You've been fucking with my daughter too? Stupid slut!" Alyssa said and kicked her. Yuzuko was thrown against the hard concrete wall and trembled
"M-mei..." Yuzuko mumbled. She wobbled a bit and shook her head
"Hehehe...Alyssa Nishihara. A pleasure to meet you Aoi" Alyssa giggled. Yuzuko whimpered and trembled as darkness began to surround her
"Pr-pretty...eyes..." Yuzuko mumbled
Diane groaned as she moved a bit and blinked a few times
M-my head..agh...
Her eyes widen hearing a few voices and looked around
"D-does it hurt?~" Shai asked and kissed Himeko's ear softly
"A-ahh!~ N-not so much!~" Himeko moaned loudly. Shai blushed deeply and thrusted deep inside her ass
"A-ah shit!~" Shai moaned and pulled her body closer. She grabbed her by the hair tugging on it gently while pushing her dick further inside
"A-ahhh!~ Ahh!~ Shai!~ Haaah!~" Himeko moaned loudly. Shai moaned and kept thrusting inside her ass deeper and harder
"A-ah!~ I-I'm close!~" Himeko moaned and arched her back in pleasure
"Sh-shit!~ Me too Himeko!~" Shai moaned and trembled a bit. Himeko drooled and Shai thrusted harder and deeper inside
"O-oh fuck!~ I-I'm cumming!~" Shai moaned loudly as she came inside her ass
"A-ahhh!~ Sh-shai!~" Himeko moaned loudly as she came. Shai panted heavily and held Himeko closely. A smirk formed on her lips as she looked at Diane
"Oh you're finally awake" Shai said and pulled out of Himeko. Himeko panted heavily and blushed deeply
"Now let's get back to our fun" Shai said and grabbed her clothes
"H-huh? Can't we h-have another round?" Himeko asked
"No my princess. Besides I told you I was going to teach you right? Well now is the time" Shai said and grabbed her clothes then threw them at Himeko. Himeko whined a bit and grabbed her clothes
"Mmmph! Mmmph! Mmm!" Diane shouted
"Relax Diane. We haven't forgotten about you" Shai said and held out a kitchen knife. She looked at Diane's body and poked her stomach with the knife
"Perfect spot..." Shai giggled and used the knife to carve something on her stomach
"Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm!" Diane cried in pain. Shai watched the blood leak from the deep cuts and smiled. Diane had tears rolling down her cheeks and squirmed like a crazy worm
"Hey stop moving bitch!" Shai shouted and cut open her stomach. She groaned as she ran her fingers through her hair
"Hmmm...Himeko-chan. Come here" Shai said and held out her hand. Himeko looked at her and held out her hand. She grabbed onto Shai's arm and Shai held her closely. Himeko blushed deeply and looked at Shai. Shai gigged and handed the knife to Himeko
"Now Himeko...ple-" Shai's eyes widen as Himeko began stabbing the victim repeatedly. Blood splattered everywhere that it even got to Shai's face. Shai grabbed Himeko's shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze. Himeko stopped and turned to look at her
"Hehehe sorry Shai-chan" Himeko giggled. Shai only wiped the blood from her cheek and sighed deeply
"Well not bad. I'm proud" Shai said as she patted her head softly. Himeko blushed and smiled softly
"Thanks Shai" Himeko said. Diane's vision began to blur and trembled
I-I'll haunt...these...b-bitches
"Huh? Did this bitch actually die?" Shai said and poked her head
Weak little bitch...
Himeko looked at her chest and raised the knife stabbing the chest area. She cut it open and looked at the dead heart
"Shai...would you love me more...if I killed for you?" Himeko asked
"Hm? Dunno...I mean it'll take more than that to be my bitch but for now. I really like you...I'm surprised" Shai said
"Surprised?" Himeko asked
"After everything I did and how I treated you..." Shai paused and caressed her cheek softly
"You still love me..." Shai said. Himeko held her hand and smiled softly
"Of course I do. saved me" Himeko said and giggled softly. Shai blushed deeply and hugged her tightly
"Now that we got rid of the slut...can we have fun?" Himeko asked whispering the last part in her ear. Shai jumped and trembled as her dick hardened
Sh-shit...why does she turn me on th-this easily?
"W-well I guess so..." Shai said nervously. Himeko leaned closely towards her and Shai leaned in as well until the two stopped hearing the phone ring
"Agh! Who the hell is it?" Shai groaned and left the room. Himeko got on all fours and began to crawl her way out
I'm going to be sick...I want Shai to hold me
Shai got to her room and picked up her phone
Huh? Kang?
"What is it?" Shai asked
"That bastard is back..." Kang said as he trembled
"E-excuse me...?" Shai asked
"That bastard! He is here! You need t-"
"K-kang?" Shai said through the phone. She breathed heavily and dropped her phone as she grabbed her head
"Sh-shai?" Himeko asked
Knock knock!
Shai flinched and turned to look at the door
"Wh-who the hell is it!?" Shai exclaimed
"Shai Higashi...let us in" A girl spoke
"H-hahaha...hahaha...." Shai laughed and started banging her head against the wall
"Sh-shai?" Himeko asked
"Shut up! Hahaha! called them huh?! You told them where you were right?!" Shai shouted as she walked up to her with anger in her eyes
"N-no! No! I didn't!" Himeko said as she trembled
"Stop lying! Your love was a stupid lie! All a lie!" Shai shouted and kicked her across the face
"Pl-please! I do love you!" Himeko cried as she held her cheek
"Higashi!" Hana shouted knocking down the door. Shai panted heavily and looked at the two Mizusawas and Nagemine
"Princess...if you love me then..." Shai paused and held out the knife dropping it on the floor. Himeko trembled and looked at the knife
"Kill them..." Shai said
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