
[Eli's POV]

Reigen went first into the subway. The walls weren't clean. There were definitely cockroaches here and there, making Alex cling closer to me and me cling closer to Maria. Yes, I kinda have a phobia about cockroaches. I've never killed one large cockroach and will never have the nerve to. I even flinch when I see them portrayed in animes.

I'm currently walking beside Mob, who's beside Reigen. Not that I wanted to. I was the only light source they had. Who would even forget their flashlight when going to a subway?

There were also spiders hanging from webs everywhere. They don't shake me as much as cockroaches do. I sometimes even troll the shit out of them like blow their cobwebs with them on it huehuehue. Lets just say I was always lucky to not have them jump on me.

A rattle echoed from a deeper part of the subway and we all stopped in our tracks. Get it? Dammit, it's not the time to joke. I was never fond of 'ghosts' too.

"W-what was that..?"

Alex quivered.

"Probably just some spirits messing with us.."

I answered. This sounded like a cliche horror movie. My mother has watched like, a hundred movies and I was there with her while watching most of them.

I felt energy from around the tunnels, most of them generating angst and desperate for revenge. Must be restless spirits.

"I can sense restless spirits here.."

'You just read my mind, mommae.'

"Hmm.. They seem pretty weak to me."

Reigen hummed.

Mob then gaped at the sight from far away.

"Oh.. A group of spirits are over there, shishou.."

He pointed to a dark point in the tunnel. Lighting the spot up would be useless.

"We're going to head over there. It's our job."

Damn you Reigen, is what I think Alex woulda say.

"Ehh... Whatever you say.."


"It'll be fine Alex. You have powers."

I reassured her.

The five of us then approached the mob of spirits. Hehehe, another one.

"Why am I getting a feeling that somebody unintentionally made a pun...?"

Alex then slowly directed her gaze at me, then I look back at her innocently.


She squinted eyes at me.

"I have a feeling you did."

"The spirits are just making you uncomfortable."

'Nailed it'

Alex huffed and looks back to where we're approaching.

"Y0u dOn't B3lOng t0 tHis w0R1D! 1 d0! ThIs 1s uNf4Ir!! DIE!"

"OH MY GOD!!!"

A spirit appeared in front of Alex, making her scream so loud it almost gave me a heart attack. Alex then sent a psychic wave at the spirit, immediately exorcising it.


Maria shouted in worry.

I look back at Alex after calming myself down. She has the suprised pikachu face now. Out of nowhere, I grinned at her and clapped my hands.

"What... The HELL?!"

Alex yelled in shock, forgetting there are two adults with her and one boy that she likes.

"Hey, watch your mouth!"

"HOw AbOut yOu? yOu cOnfUckIng ArtIst?!"

A spirit behind Reigen wasted no time charging an energy beam at the said adult. My body moved on instinct and shielded Reigen. The charge got pointed at us, but it immediately disintegrated the moment it came in contact with my barrier.

"What the-"

"No and no. I'm not letting you hurt the greatest psychic in the world."

I sent a psychic wave to the spirit, ending its life's misery.

"My coffin better get carried..."

The spirit disintegrated. How did that spirit know about the coffin dance?

"Idiot. What coffin? He's a dang spirit."

'Normie alert!'

"Oh, that coffin dance meme."

Alex pointed out.

"Both of you are impressive! Nice moves, but don't use them on people."

'Getting praised by a nice man like Reigen, fills us with determination.'

Alex gave Reigen a look. A look of admiration.

"Pft. Protect the almighty psychic, Reigen Arataka-san!"


"Even though I know that shishou can protect himself, I agree..!"

A spirit dashed to attack Mob, but he made it disappear even when he agreed at my statement.

"Pshh you three don't have to say that..!"

[Reigen's POV]

'I might have to rethink about hiring these two for a part time job'


It took about an hour to get to the haunted subway with another train, so of course it'll take us an hour to get back to seasoning city too. The kids were sleeping along with Maria. I was dozing off too, unfortunately we already arrived back at our city.

"Hey guys. Wake up."

We all got out of the train station, looking like the five of us just woke up.

"Alright it's almost lunch time! Who wants some ramen?"

"Oh my god ME!"

Eli suddenly tuned up from her drowsiness until she went down realizing something.

"Dang it, I just realized I'm supposed to do homework with a pair at this time."

"But you haven't had lunch yet."

Maria chipped in.

"Oh, don't worry. The two of us will. I need to go, see ya!! It's definitely nice to see you again Maria-san!"

"Okay. Take care!"

"Alex, you have the spare keys if you're going home early okay?"


Eli left to do her business.

"Oh well, let's stuff our stomachs up! Who's hungry?? I am."


[Eli's POV]

I ran on the streets in hurry, heading to the location he said to meet. He said we were going to have ramen for lunch and I got excited, but that doesn't mean I wasn't looking forward to having Reigen's treat. I love ramen since I was very small so it wasn't unusual.

This homework was the reason why I have a pencil in my bag. Scratch that, I brought my whole pencil case. I also brought my Science notebook just in case we're confused, and my sketchbook which has my ideas for brainstorming.

I arrived at a park and leaned on a tree cause my introverted senses started to act up. Everyone here was with someone else, or they're occupied in their own business. I'm just here waiting for someone, specifically my partner in the science activity.

'Where's that damn boy?! I'm hungry!'


"There you are."

Teruki Hanazawa, appeared beside me using his powers. Making it look like he teleported. He was the one who wanted to be partners with me in the first place. Maybe it's because I'm a psychic, an artist, smart? or he's just trying to get touchy.

"I just arrived here from a trip with certain people. I'm hungry."

"Well c'mon. Then we can finish that damn homework and hang out after."

He grabbed my wrist and starts to head to a ramen restaurant while dragging me.

'This guy is definitely touchy. Well jeez, this is not a date. Calm your nips.'

He's wearing a striped blue and white shirt with a brown coat to top it off. He paired it with some baggy jeans and wore blue shoes.

'Okay his fashion sense isn't shit as they use to say. Why though?'

We sat down on a free booth and wrote down our orders. I like my ramen with extra garlic. Do you?

I'm not the type to initiate a conversation, especially when alone with a boy. Most other males I hang out are just silent in this situation, unlike Teruki.

"So, Eli-chan.."


"Do you like anyone?"

"If you're talking about crushes then, no."

I simply wasn't the type to immediately feast my eyes on a handsome guy, unlike some hoes. I find it useless at this age. You admire them, get teased because of them, and then you ended up being left with nothing. Useless, right?

"Really? I thought you've already fallen for me. If anything, you're the luckiest girl in the world right now since you're on a date with me~."

'Is this guy serious?'

"Bruh, who said this was a date to begin with?"

"Too bad, I actually thought this is a date.."

"Sucks for you, this isn't."

Teruki pouted playfully at my statement and chuckles.

"I'm just kidding~! I was just teasing you~."

"Didn't work."

"Aww c'mon.. Just give in once."

"I only give in to ramen."

Minutes after that conversation, our ramen arrived along with an order of pork katsu. I tied my hair lowly just to get my hair out of the way. I get a little messy even when eating ramen, but I'm still not holding back even if the shadow leader is seated in front of me.


Both of us said. I started to dig in my ramen. It tastes so gooooood~! It was obvious I was enjoying this cause the moment I opened my eyes again, Teruki was snickering at my behavior.


"Nothing, you're just being too adorable."

"Eat or I'll shove your bowl down your throat."


"Teru-kun, can you not?"


"That was so worth it."

"You really like ramen alot, don't you?"

"Yes I do. So what?"

"Can't believe a ramen beat me to it.."

"In yo dreams."

He ended up paying the bill after a while of me denying.

We then got up and head to a library to do our homework. We sat on some tables and brought out the stuff we needed.

"I have some ideas planned out already but you could add some stuff incase."

Teruki leaned his head on his hand clearly uninterested in the homework.

"Ugh.. Can't we just draw an apple falling from a tree to get this over with?"

"No, you boke. We're supposed to show what's the best representation of gravity and that's the teacher's example. We can't use it."

"Fine.. Let's see your plans."

We soon finished the homework, which was literally just to brainstorm about the poster we're going to create tomorrow in Science period.

"Finally we're done~. We have lots of time to hang out. So?"

"Yeah, wouldn't hurt to go somewhere else."

"Yatta~! You gave in~."

"Shush, we're still in the library. Also, that's because it's not about your intentions."

"Whatever you say~. Let's pack up and think of our next destination."

We both packed up like he said. We went out of the library and started planning on where to next. It was only 3pm and both of us needed something to relax to after all that thinking.

"What are you thinking about, Eli-chan?"

"Something like an arcade..But still, it would be too crowded."

"You want to play games?"


'Woah woah okay brain, calm down. You don't make Hardstop Lucas references out of nowhere like that.'

"Hm...I know exactly which place we're going."


"Holy carp, I never knew there was a branch of Secret Base here in Seasoning city!"

"So you know what's up ahead. Nice!"

"Teru-kun, we better hurry up or Tekken 7 might be taken already!"

Teruki ordered a medium pizza just for the two of us while I yeeted to the game selections and see the golden trophy. I immediately grab the game before anyone else could and carried both of our bags to a free station.

My friends and I used to go to a branch of Secret Base back at Sugar city. We hung out there alot and even celebrated there. Oh how I miss them. Majority of them are idiotic boys and that's whats fun about hanging out with them along with Alex and Claire.

I slumped on the violet bean bag and took in the softness. I then heard the bean bag next to me move and opened my eyes to see Teruki holding a receipt. The pizza was not here yet though.

We opened the station and immediately put in the disk of Tekken 7. I'm not a pro, but I know how to play. I would spam the controller and try some shit out of nowhere. Is that even called knowledge? No, it's being called an idiot, but I do know some moves that hit different.

"Okay, Eli-chan~. Show me what you got."


"Fcking shit!"

The screen was covered with the word K.O.! after replaying Teruki's character beat the shit out of mine.

"I was expecting more than that. C'mon, are you holding back?"

"We've got 3 more hours, Hanazawa-kun. Three. Hours."

•1 hour later•

I lost once again and a grunted in frustration. My hands are sweating from the heat of the controller and from the intensity of the game. I've thought about murdering Teruki. Fortunately, for the both of us, the pizza arrived.

I was craving for the pizza since the lose streak I had. We thanked the staff who brought the pizza to us and went back to minding our businesses. We both had half of the pizza and it tastes so good. The taste of the pizza was making me feel very nostalgic.

After that break, we conversed for awhile about random things then went back to gaming. It was better than doing homework anyways. But of course, all fun things have endings. We went past 6pm, the skies were starting to darken and we have no choice but to go home.

But of course, I wouldn't just give up.

"Oi, one more round!"

"Really? Then we should really hurry up, Eli-chan~."

"Don't take it that way. We don't have much time."

So we did have our last game. I picked a character that I always use to play and is comfortable with. I then used all my knowledge and actually used my brain during this match.

We eventually reached the third round that determines the winner of this match. I tried to make myself as relaxed as possible to focus on my movements, but seeing Teruki struggle a little made me have confidence in myself.

His health points were going lower, and lower. Until my character landed the last hit.


I almost strangled Teruki in happiness and in victory, but I composed myself. I laughed and pointed my finger at Teruki.

"I finally beat you!! YeEESSS!"

Teruki laughed in amusement, looking like he didn't lose at all.

"Let's go. I'll walk you home."

[3rd Person POV]

Teruki walked Eli back to her apartment and then to his own. He did not like to lose and never will to anyone. He is the chosen protagonist in this world, is what he thinks. He thought Eli was the only other psychic in this world and was fated to meet her, therefore wanting to make her feel like royalty, but she just wouldn't give in easily like any other girl.

Teruki Hanazawa purposely made himself lose in a match, in order to make Eli Sumire jump in joy.



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