Chapter Two: First Trial Is Always Easiest

Tristan opened his eyes, it was just beginning to be sunrise, although it was cloudy. Small bits of sunlight showed through the bolted in boards on the window. Right, he wasn't in his room, he was in a deadly game, a zero-sum game really. Price being life for only one of them and becoming a killer. Isn't that just nice... At that there was banging on the door, as he turned to the door, "Breakfast is going to be soon." The familiar voice of Masky said as Tristan sat up and rubbed his eyes. Tristan did not sleep well, because of his bouts of insomnia.

Getting to his feet, Tristan yawned a bit and got ready. Relaxed fitted jeans and a shirt, simple and comfortable to work out in. He wasn't fancy, so better to make an alright impression rather than a sloppy one. He walked downstairs, following Hoodie, and yawning lightly, he was not a morning person. "You d-don't look so g-good." Hoodie beside him said.

"Insomnia.... Yeah..." he grumbled back. Hoodie looked at him before shaking his head.

"I'll l-let Eyeless Jack k-know about this, h-he should be able t-to get you s-something." Tristan wanted to decline, but held his tongue, better not to, last thing he wanted was to be force feed pills like last time at the doctors.

He sat down in an empty chair as Hoodie left him alone. He ate something light, not really thinking or paying attention to anyone, he wasn't much of a talker as it was, very introverted as Dan put it. Took his roommate a good year to get him to even say to words to him. Some tried to talk to him, and just gave up, others were shaking too bad to even try.

Eventually, they are told they can do what they like, so long as they stay on the mansion or grounds. "If you want directions, ask those guys." EJ pointed to Masky and Hoodie. Tristan goes back to eating slowly so not to hurt himself. Most rush to ask questions, he can feel them seem slightly annoyed, but answer calmly. Tristan puts his bowl away and cleans it himself, he was used to doing this himself. Then making sure his area was clean and pushing in the chair he was using. It was routine by now, as he walked over to the two guys who had been watching him as some of the selected at left.

Masky speaks first, "Eyeless Jack wants to see you first, when we can take you outside if you like." He offered.

Tristan blinks at that, but nods, "Sure." He says shortly as he followed the two quietly to the medical wing. Which is on the east side of the mansion. Passing by some people, who give them looks, Tristan ignores them, soon they were alone for a moment. "Er... I guess you guys know my name, but just gonna say it to be nice. I'm Tristan." He tells them.

Masky looks at him, "You can call us Masky and Hoodie, just as said before. And yes, we know all the names of the selected, but thank you." He nods as Tristan walks with them.

"Does this how to do with my insomnia?" he asked them as Masky nods again.

"We want you guys to be in top shape, we'll admit, we forgot your pills. But, upon going back and inspecting them, we now EJ can give you a better set that won't muddle your senses." Masky tells him honestly.

The other blinked at this, wondering what exactly would be in this medication. But, by this point, he was desperate for anything to work. His normal pills make thinking too long hard, always made him tired, heated him up to fever tempts, not like he could feel that though, or sometimes didn't work at all. "Don't worry we aren't trying to kill you this way." Masky told him honestly as they walked.

"Well... can I ask a few questions?" he asked them.

At this, they paused and looked at each other, then nod to Tristan. "Right, so, is this a normal thing? Kidnapping people to have time compete?" he asked curiously.

Hoodie answers first, "Not normally, sometimes it's f-five years, to t-ten, sometimes i-it just depends." He tells him.

Tristan nodded to that, "And, just ten people? Any reason for that?"

Masky picks up here, "Yeah, some are chosen specifically. But, to find out who, you have to ask. Which, this early in the game, isn't wise." He warned him. "However, some are filler, just there to die."

A grimace at that, Tristan sighed at that, "Good to know I might be one of them..." he grumbled as the two shook their heads, but said nothing to that.

"Anything else?" Masky asked.

Tristan tilted his head, "Guess you can't tell me what the trials are." He said.

"S-Sadly not." Hoodie told him, "Just b-be in top p-physical and mental condition."

Soon after that they reached the medical wing. Eyeless Jack was cleaning his tools and looked up. Masky turned to Tristan, "EJ here will get you in good condition, we'll be back soon. So just wait if he finishes early."

Tristan nodded to that, then he felt it again as he went to speak, the numbness in his head. "T-Th-Tha-Thanks." He said as his left eye twitched lightly, and his neck cracked to that side. He shivered, as if shaking something off and took a breath. "Thanks I will." He said smoother now.

The two stared at him, "Ticks... doesn't happen much." Tristan said shortly as he walked inside as Eyeless Jack had him sit on the table.

Masky and Hoodie looked at each other and left down the hall. EJ didn't say much to him, which Tristan was more than happy not to talk other than when asked questions about his health. One about if he saw a regular doctor, what he was diagnosed with, and what he normally takes. "Well..." Eyeless Jack looked at him, "I should have something by the trial for you, but it'll be up to you if you take it not. Until then, your normal medication will be in your room." He promised shortly.

Tristan nodded his thanks to that, not looking at the other. "Don't talk much, huh?" EJ said to him, "That's fine, I am a believer in actions speak louder than words. Just as long as you answer any questions asked to you, or state when you don't want to, we'll have no problem."

"Alright, I can deal with that." Tristan said with a shrug as EJ nodded to him and finished up what he was doing. Just at that time, Masky came in alone.

The walk back wasn't much, until Tristan spoke up, "So... I don't' normally start the conversation, but, one last question... what does being a proxy mean?" he asked Masky.

The other didn't look at him, "Well, normally you are given missions by your mentor, being Slenderman's proxy Hoodie and I get a lot of those. And sometimes we help out in the killings they do."

Tristan nodded, he figured there was killing to be done, his stomach turned a bit at that. He always asked himself that question, he had shot his own father as a kid, but could he kill someone? He supposed humans asked that question a lot.

"Don't worry, it gets easier as you go through the trials." Masky said trying to comfort him, knowing that many possibly didn't like that notion.

Soon they got outside together, Masky looked at him, "Lunch is at twelve." With that, Tristan watched him leave.

Turning back, he looked around the area, it was bright out, though partly cloudy. The scent of rain hung in the horizon, but it was a way away from them. So, top mental and physical condition. This shouldn't be too hard, self defense training and meditation was two things he had done. Though, to kill someone, that wasn't in the training. This will be something else.

There was some shooting areas, obstacle course, knife area, some different weapons here and there. It was a nice set up for all of them here. Tristan found the woods to be interesting, maybe later he could explore. The woods near his house had always been something he easily connected to.

Deciding to try his hand at some weapons, he didn't feel like conversing with the others. Best not to gain attachments, keep up an emotional wall. Humming to himself as he decided to check out everything and the grounds around the mansion. He tested out different knives from time to time. He wasn't too worried about this, if he died, so what. Not like he had many that cared. His grandparents hit a senile age, where they stopped caring about him or what he did. And only saw the negative in what he did. His roommate never had a good connection with him. And his doctor couldn't be counted as a friend, just a guy he talked to because he had too.

So, not like with his going missing would raise any massive hunts, possibly missing posters for a few weeks, then a fake funeral. That'll be something to attend to, his won funeral. Well, if Tristan survived that was. Not like if he died, he'd care about this world or anything on it.

It was glum to think of, but Tristan found comfort in the fact he wouldn't be missed. And this thought made him impassive to the fact of dying being very real. After taking in his surroundings, Tristan takes to the obstacle course. However, he only does a few rounds, before setting back, and watching. All the other contestants, some are good, others are dismal at best. Competition seems to mostly be limited to just five of them. Tristan doesn't count himself in one of them, but he was curious about them all.

The kid with brown hair was rather good at balance but didn't seem to know how to run fast enough. A girl with red hair had a fiery temper and was great with a knife, however both seem to fail her when she got mad. Tristan's hearing perks for a moment, as he turned to see Masky walking over to them, however he could feel the proxy's gaze on him.

"Lunch is ready." Was all Masky said, Tristan noted that, they were keeping them in a schedule. He took to the back of the crowd leaving the weapon there at the table. The cool fall air blew again, Tristan paused at the door, then slowly went inside. He had a feeling they all were still being watched when they trained.

He sat down near a girl with long black hair. He didn't eat anything hard or heavy, mostly habit by this point. Tristan used to do track as a kid, and still carried over his habit of healthy eating with only drinking water or milk. One might look at him, and see just simple things, and he was fine with that. Average meant he wouldn't be targeted by anyone.

Why should someone try a cheer for him? No reason he could think of, unless they just wanted the nerd and jock both to lose to a simple guy. Tristan shrugged to himself at the girls look to him, "So, I'm Emily." She said to him trying to be friendly.

Tristan's eyes gazed at her for a long moment, she shifted under them, "Tristan." He said softly to her, as Emily then beams widely at that.

"Nice to meet you Tristan!" she said happily, as Tristan merely nods back. He didn't like small talk, he preferred to be quiet and barely seen. "Care to tell me anything about yourself?" she asked then tilted her head, "I can start, I am a senior in highschool."

Tristan felt like groaning, but better to be polite to people, didn't want to make enemies this early. "I'm a J-ju-junior in College." He told her, his head cracking to one side a bit, and a shiver goes through him. The numbness fades for a moment, his he can still feel it, looks like this will be a long fit.

Emily looked at him at that, but doesn't ask about his stutter, "You don't look it, no offense." She added quickly. Possibly afraid she offended him by saying that.

"I get that a lot, being shorter than average ma-males, I look like I'm 18, but really I'm 22." He told her honestly with another shrug, though the shrug was involuntary.

"Wow, you're the oldest one here then. Rest of us are 17 to 20." Emily tells him with a wide-eyed look. Tristan blinks at that, he was, that's something to think about. "Er, what are you studying then? I'm looking to go into mechanics." She flushes.

"I study computer engineering; I was looking to go into a field of making computers and phones. Or at lea-le-least, coming up with new ideas for them." Tristan looks at her calmly, then the numbness fully fades, "Mechanics are interesting though, near the same as me, just on a larger scale."

Emily beams again at that, her eyes shining. This wasn't so bad, at least she was a good conversationalist, and wasn't shaking in her boots every ten seconds like others. "What can you tell me about computers then?"

"Always put tap over your camera, someone is watching you from them, most of the time." Tristan said without missing a beat.

She stared at that, then started to giggle a bit at that, not nervous, but humorously. "Noted." She tells him with a smile on her face.

Tristan gives a small upturn of his lips to her at that. The rest of lunch passes with them just exchanging facts about each other, he found Emily had a decent sense of humor, and at least wasn't trying to make anything of this. Claiming that talking made things less tense, too which Tristan did agree to. He wasn't a complete asshole, and having some friend for a while, until things turned south, was alright. She did ask about the stuttering, he told her it was a tic of his he had since he was a child. Leaving it that.

Tristan cleaned up after himself again, and Emily followed his lead, "Why do this?" she asked.

He paused at that then shrugged, "I guess it's daily for me, I live with only my roommate, and often he's away most of the day. So, I keep the area clean." He told her, as they walked outside together after that.

"I still live with my parents." Emily said sheepishly.

Tristan was silent to that, not wanting to talk about his grandparents, much less his real parents. "Hey uh, you wanna spar. I learned self defense in college, I could teach you a bit." He offered, trying to get on another topic.

Emily looks at him then her face lights up again, "Yes please!" she said then started to drag him outside. Tristan allows her to, passing by Masky and Hoodie on the way there, and waves to them as he was pull again by her.

The rest of the day goes like this, along with the addition of another boy, Arron was his name. The one having been shaking at breakfast, he wanted to learn a bit also. But Tristan found the boy was way to nervous to do anything right, Emily noted it also, but she tried to remain nice to him. She took to Tristan's lessons easily and picked up on them after a few tries.

The next day passed like this also, Tristan knew better than to get attached, but sadly it was hard not to like the two's company. It was a good distraction to the trial tomorrow.


Groaning awake, Tristan found himself in his normal clothing that he wore yesterday. A dry taste was in his mouth, drugs, of course they drugged their food. He cursed himself for being careless, he looked around to see the others were coming too.

Tristan got to his feet, and dusted himself off, glad now he wore jeans and a long-sleeved shirt with his boots on. It was the forest they were in, a clearing to be precise. Some people are shaking, Emily gives him a smile, Tristan faintly returns it. She tries the same for Arron, but he is just shaking and wide eyed.

Then a static feels his mind, it hurts for a moment, but soon it fades, "Selected!" Slenderman's voice says, "Your task is to get out of the forest alive, this isn't about speed." He warns them evenly, "Begin."

With just those words, there is a heartbeat of silence, then panicked shrieks fill the air as everyone runs off, Tristan looks form left to right, as everyone runs off in different directions. He opens his mouth but closes it quickly to find he's now all alone in the clearing, "Well... that could have gone better." He mutters to himself.

He takes stock of his surroundings, he remembered before dinner, the wind blew toward the mansion, and had done so all day. Being, he had no other direction then that, Tristan too that direction, keeping the wind to his back.

He doesn't run, better to keep silent, however, he hears a crack below. And looks down, tilting his head he sees it, "Huh?" he bends down to see a bear trap, only, it's not as strong. Built just to cut into the skin to cause pain. Finding the switch, he tears off a cloth from his shirt and stops the blood flow, even though he couldn't feel it.

"There could be more traps." He muttered to himself, he frowns for a moment, that meant it wasn't safe on the ground. Tristan thinks for a moment, then gazes up at the trees. That might work.

He takes a moment to scale the tall trees, easily climbing them, he used to do this a lot at the woods in his grandparents house. He gets to stable branch, giving he great view. He saw the mansion a way away and moved back down. He judges each branch and jumps from branch to branch.

He slips a few times, but most of the trees are old, and thus are larger in their lower branches. 'If I keep this up, I'll be back soon.' He thinks to himself with a faint smile. But he keeps an eye out for traps, however, what he finds is some of the branches are marked with a strange symbol. A circle with an 'X' on it, and he finds they all lead in the direction of the mansion.

So, he takes to following them, finding the branches are very sturdy and some well worn, like they have been trekked on a lot. Tristan soon pauses when he sees someone and hides quickly. Holding back his labored breathing, she curses, but the tone isn't Emily's. Her leg is broken, possibly from some traps below, Tristan noted there was several pit falls, blades, and nooses for legs on his trek here.

He stays silent, as she moves away, going the wrong direction, before he's back at it. He wonders if she'll be able to find out she's on the wrong path, but Tristan pushes that from his mind. He couldn't worry about that now, soon, the trees thin out and he jumps down from the last one into the clearing of the mansion.


Tristan lands with a small thud, and looks around, then perks up when he sees Emily. "Hey!" she says happily, "You made it, that's great!" she looks very happy for him.

Behind her are the other mentors, Slenderman approaches him first, "Well done child, we had hoped someone would notice the trees weren't trapped." Emily looks at Tristan at that, the tall being continues, "How is your ankle?" he asks.

Tristan looks down, "Honestly, I can't really feel it enough to judge for myself." He says to him, Slender nods to this and motions to EJ.

"Best get yourself patched up then, and I can say you are among the only one to have not faced Laughing Jack today." Slender nods again and leaves.

Tristan gives EJ a look, "Who?" he asks.

EJ shrugs at him as they walked, the other helping support Tristan, stating that just because he couldn't feel it didn't mean he should risk it getting worse. "As for LJ, he was the one many of you were suppose to run into, but your thinking to use the trees to find your way had you avoid it, you, Emily, and another boy were the only ones to have done this."

Tristan looks at the other, but doesn't say anything, he just considers it dumb luck. EJ takes him to the infirmary, and easily patches up his leg. Again it's silent, for a moment, it was strange the first trial wasn't so hard for him.

"The first is always meant to be easy." EJ says, as if reading his mind, "It'll get harder as you go along."

"That's comforting." Tristan deadpan's, for a moment, he thought he heard the other snort a laughter out. But he didn't say anything to it as EJ turns back to him.

"Just don't overexert yourself, I know it must be hard not being able to feel pain." Tristan stares at him, but then remembers, they know everything about them, so of course they'd know he couldn't feel pain due to a childhood accident. "And the pills you need should be in your room."

Tristan nods to that, "Thanks." He mutters. For once happy there wasn't a tic, it was finicky that way. EJ nods to him again, and with that he was allowed to leave. Careful not to put too much pressure on his ankle.

Walking into the main area for dinner, he frowns to himself for a moment. Arron wasn't among the people there.

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