Imani Bio

Name: Imani Heller
Height: 6'3

Personality: Imani is a strong willed girl who hates being looked down on. She's a down to Earth girl who despises popular girls. Despite being a clone of James Heller, she acts like a normal girl her age. Imani likes doing things on her own but will ask for help if she knows she needs it. She's also kind to her friends, family, and boyfriend despite her intimidating exterior. Something most people don't know about her is that she's actually a sadomasochist. Her sadist tendencies aren't major, but she seems to enjoy punishing perverts, even claiming that their screams make her wanna fuck her boyfriend. Despite her dominant traits, she's a total masochist when Bek is involved.

Likes: Her family, Bek, Training, Drinking (to an extent), Guns, Action movies, Messing with Bek, Heavy Metal, Rock Music, Beating up perverts

Occupation: Supernatural Assassin

Baby- James and Colette
Big sis- Amaya
Ebony goddess and Thiccums- Bek
Warrior queen- Kuoh students
Lioness- Kuoh Academy staff
African Beauty- Random men in Kouh
Bushida- Supernatural

Fun facts
Her Vocational courses are Hairdressing and Business management
Her favorite colors are Red, Purple, and Hot pink
She prefers sweet things
Unlike her father, she prefers swords over knives
She's scarily good with a sniper rifle
Like her boyfriend, she's actually Pansexual
Her alcohol preference is wine and sweet liquor 
Her favorite subject Science
Her fetish is muscles and role play
Her kinks are being degraded, choked, spanked, and orgasm denial

Assassin outfit

James Heller: Father/Genetic template

Colette Heller: Mother

Amaya Heller: Younger Sister

Hand to Hand combat: Imani was trained by marines to combat James Heller. Her skill is polished and her style revolves around speed. She typically makes small amounts of damage quickly stack up,

Marksmanship: Imani is incredibly accurate with guns. She prefers to dual wield since it gives her a level of unpredictability.

Swordsmanship: Imani's best and favorite weapon is a sword. Her moves are swift enough to deflect bullets and strong enough to decapitate armored foes. She uses a sword as if it's another limb.

Spearmanship: Imani is a deadly opponent when given a polearm. Despite the fact she uses pole dancer like moves, Imani uses a polearm beautifully.

Fear masking: Even if Imani is scared of her opponents, she's capable of masking it. Only the most observant opponents or beasts can see if she's scared or not.

Stealth: Imani is an incredibly stealthy girl despite her build and height. Imani is capable of sneaking up on highly trained Taimanin and attacking them before they can react.

Assassination: Imani's job is an assassin in the supernatural world. Her skill level puts most Taimanin to shame. It's so great that the Taimanin organization, NOMAD, and the UFS actively seek her out to recruit her my any means necessary.

Throwing: Imani's secondary weapons are throwing knives. Similar to her swordsmanship, Imani attacks swiftly giving his opponents no chance to respond. 

Shapeshifting: Imani is capable of changing her appearance to anything she desires. Consuming organisms gives her more variety, so she mostly uses them for cosplay with Bek.

Superhuman strength: Imani is stronger than most Devil rooks. She has been seen throwing trees and boulder several times her size.

Superhuman speed and agility: Imani can perform athletic maneuvers like parkour, run up walls, outrun vehicles, and jump to impossible heights. She can even glide if she jumps off a high enough point.

Consumption: Imani is capable of consuming Biomass like her father. She gains the memories and DNA of those she consumes.

Superhuman endurance: Imani is an incredibly resistant and hard to kill. She can withstand being ripped limb from limb and not scream.

Regeneration: Imani can regenerate from life threatening wounds at a fast rate. She can heal from decapitation, having her head crushed, removal of her hears, and various other methods.

Superhuman senses: Imani's senses are far beyond that of a normal human and even some supernatural.
- Hunting: Imani can send out a pulse to help her locate her targets. 

Biobomb: Imani is able to implant a cluster of unstable biomass within an organism. After a certain amount of time, the organism explodes which makes tendrils erupt from them. These tendrils stick to anything and drags whatever they have attached to them back to the source.

Pack leader: Imani can command 2 infected monsters to attack for her.

Invisibility: Unlike her father, Imani is capable of turning invisible and incredibly silent. 

Poison: Imani can generate an incredibly potent poison which she has control over the effects.

Offensive mutations



Sacred gear: She Devil
She Devil is made from the souls of three women who were seen as threats to the supernatural. The sacred gear itself chooses its own wielder instead of God using the system to bestow it upon one.

Spirits: Trish, Lady, and Lucia

Demonic energy manipulation: Imani can make platforms to jumps off of or channel demonic energy into her attacks.

Electricity manipulation: Imani can create and control blue electricity. Said electricity has demonic properties and can be imbued into attacks.

Teleportation: Imani can use lightning to teleport to places she has been or short distances.

Devil trigger: Imani can enter a fully demonic form that boosts all of her parameters by a considerable amount. She can also use her feathers as projectiles while in this form.

Devil hearts: Imani can use special stones called Devil hearts which give her a boost in power and new abilities. In her Devil trigger, the stones' power are enhanced.
- Ariel Heart: Allows Imani to fly
- Quick Heart: Boosts Imani's speed
- Aqua Heart: Enhances Imani's mobility in water
- Flame Heart: Imbues Imani's attacks with fire magic
- Frost Heart: Imbues Imani's attacks with ice magic
- Electro Heart: Imbues Imani's attacks with lightning magic
- Chrono Heart: Slows down time when attacking
- Healing Heart: Allows Imani to heal others or herself
- Offense Heart: Boosts Imani's attack power


Luce & Ombra

Double Kalina Ann






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