]ERROR] \ [23[
Hundreds of agents were gathered outside the hotel. It's located out in the outback, with nothing in sight except for a barren wasteland and an apocalypse of cacti. The Uluru rock was so far away, but still clearly visible from here.
The hotel was owned by the Director, serving as not just the main Division headquarters, but also as a vacation retreat. Swimming pools were fit outside every room, providing an opportunity to cool down during the heatwaves.
Trinity walked past her allies. How many of them were still human? Was she the only one left? Clones for as far as the eye could see. Just an army of male operatives that all share similar distinct features. Sure, some of them had different hairstyles, colored skin, varied eyes, or anything that Kent was able to manipulate during the process; but they were all the same nevertheless.
They had no freedom. Since creation, all of these agents were developed to believe in the Division.
Unwilling to participate in the celebration, Trinity entered the fancy white hotel. There were more agents inside, some partying with beer and breakdancing. She wanted no part of it. Not while her mind was undergoing torment. There are questions she needs answers to, especially after her last encounter with the Pioneers.
She didn't see him back then in Japan, but she knew he was there.
"Oi, Trin!" Cuntfield ran in her direction, waving a bottle of Starward Whiskey in his hand, Australia's most popular alcohol beverage. "Ya made it!"
He tried to lean in for a hug, but she shoved him back. That was when the Director paid close attention to her eyes. They were painfully red. Almost as if she had spent the whole trip back home in tears.
"Trin?" He could tell she wanted to be left alone, but the truth was that he respected her too much to leave her alone. "We've won, what's the matter?"
She glared back at him, her lips slightly quivering. "He got away."
The Director let out a smile, attempting to pat her on the shoulder. "I told you this already, Ebony's got nothing. He's as good as dead."
"Not him." Her response made him raise an eyebrow, but he quickly laughed it off.
"I already finished reading Chapter 18, all the important characters are dead! Hot redhead chick got shot in the head, and that comedy relief guy had a roof collapse over him. There is absolutely no way in possible hell that they survived, otherwise that's bad writing. And I trust Cyber to write quality content after I finished reading his #1 bestseller, the Evolution of Time | Maalik's Path. Did you know he's turning that into a franchise? That's right, at least six more books featuring historical immortal characters are being planned as we speak! I personally cannot wait to see what new exciting adventures the very handsome author will be writ-"
"It's Roger." Trin never smiled or laughed back. A single tear rolled down her eye and dropped to the floor right beside her boots.
She said his name. The husband that betrayed her.
Director Cuntfield only smiled back, never saying a word. He slowly nodded his head, darting his eyes to the nearest table. Setting his bottle of whiskey atop the table, he looked back at Trin and continued to smile. "Follow me."
They both began to walk to the back of the hotel. Along the way, the Director continued to cheer alongside any agent that stood in his way. He kept his joyful look and laughed while shouting to keep the celebration going. Trin only kept her head low and followed behind, watching him give another agent a high-five.
Once they entered through a back door, they found themselves alone in a narrow corridor. Trin's patience was running thin, and she desperately needed a serious answer. So when she looked back at the Director, she was stunned but also somewhat relieved to see that his smile had faded away.
The look on his face said it all. It was the first time she's seen him this way since the fateful night Roger betrayed the Division. The look of defeat, regret, guilt and wrath.
"Where is he?" He immediately asked without further context. It was unusually rare to see the Director in this manner, fighting off his anxiety.
"Somewhere in Greenland, it's the only lead I was able to get. But he was there to rescue Ebony personally."
The Director folded his arms, cursing quietly in the process. "Greenland. Of course he'd pick someplace so high up. He never did appreciate the south, did he?"
Trin didn't respond. There was nothing she could even think of to say. She can't remember the last time she's ever felt this emotional ove.
Suddenly, they both blinked.
"Did you feel something?" Kentfield asked.
Turning her head, Trin couldn't deny she felt it to. Something was horribly wrong.
"Too." Trin spoke out loud.
Cuntfield raised an eyebrow, staring back at her. "What?"
"I felt it too, not to." She seemed serious, but nothing she said made any sense. It was so sudden, and had nothing to do with their previous discussion.
"What's an ove?" The Director ignored her, now thinking about an alternate issue. "This emotional ove. Did you mean, over something?"
Trin laughed.
"So, Trin, you just reminded me!" Cuntfield cheerfully smiled, tilting his head playfully. "We got a Pioneer in handcuffs. We have him in one of the suites, because we're not bloody savages. But uh, I was just thinking that one of us should interrogate him."
"That is a marvelous idea, Director." Trin smirked, taking a step towards him and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
In response, he lifted Agent Trinity up by placing a hand underneath her legs and supporting her back with his other arm. Now carrying her in his arms, they both shared a harmonic laugh together. "I think it's only fair we both interrogate him then. Let's go, baby."
The door behind them was blown open by the supernatural forces of bullshit comedy, guiding them down an alternate set of hallways that was scattered with an array of different doors. So many entrances to choose from, each one labeled with its own number.
They found the suite the Pioneer prisoner was being held in. Room #1827492635. But when the director reached for the door handle with his feet, he found the door was locked.
"Shit. I forgot to get the key. Oh well." The Director threw Trin against the ceiling, smashing her against the lights and breaking the circuits. He reached into his pocket and managed to pull a fully-loaded double barrel shotgun.
He didn't think twice before opening fire, blasting a hole through the door and flinging it wide open.
Inside, Ben Dover screamed. He was handcuffed in front of the TV that was looped on the hotel's commercial. If anything, they were doing him a favor by interrupting it.
The Director walked over, grabbing the frightened Pioneer by the arm. "Come on, it's time for the interrogation. No action movie is complete without one!"
As for Trin, she got up from her minor concussion after being violently chucked against the ceiling. She stood to the side, happily watching Cuntfield drag the poor kid out of the room.
Ben wasn't given a chance to retaliate when the Director suddenly started spinning, forcing him to spin with him. Then, he was let go, being sent hurling forward and crashing through another wooden door. Instead of appearing inside of another suite, he was now inside a bright room with grey walls and a single table in the center.
He received a kick in the head that sent him flying behind the table and collapsing over a metal chair.
Agent Trinity seducingly walked over to him, lifting him from the ground and securing his cuffs to the table.
Then, the Director revealed a stack of documents from behind his back. He slammed them on the table as he suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs. "28 STAB WOUNDS! You didn't want to leave him a chance, huh? Did you feel anger? Hate? He was bleeding, begging you for mercy, but you stabbed him! Again, and again, and again!"
"What the hell are you talking about?!" Ben was terrified beyond relief, these people were absolute lunatics.
As for the Director, he let out a calm smile. "I'm just kidding mate. Relax, nobody's going to hurt you. But only because we don't want to deal with copyright bullshit. Trust me, I have some sort of energy sword in my office and I just want to murder you right there in front of Trin and tear you apart like I was Jack the Ripper; but unfortunately another book did that first. So we're just going to have a little chat instead."
Trin stepped forward, leaning against the table with both her arms extended forward. "But first, you're going to answer one question. McDonalds or Burger King?"
Ben had never been more confused before in his entire life. "What sort of question is that? I don't know who you people are!"
"I asked you a question, motherfucker!" Trin slammed her fists against the desk, screaming incredibly loud. "Are you fucking McLoving it, or are you a Junior Double Triple Whopper?!"
Rather than answering, Ben just stared back at her. It's clear that this was no ordinary place. The way they spoke was comedic, just like the Pioneers acted back in Japan. Everywhere he went, he was surrounded by clowns. He just had to play along. So, he finally answered. "McDonalds."
"Alright, so you're not brain dead. Awesome, we can continue the interrogation then." Trin stepped back, giving Cuntfield the stage.
"So, Ben Dover... you're the one who killed Tron." The Director commented proudly. "I'd have figured you would become the main character then, but I'm pretty sure everyone's forgotten who you are. You were in like 3 chapters lmao, who the fuck remembers you? I had to read the last few chapters just to remember your relevancy."
"I don't get what's the point of interrogating me." Ben had previously given up hope ever since he was hauled here at gunpoint, and he still lost the will to continue. "So I killed one of your agents, I'm assuming. Just kill me then. Why ask me questions? Why joke about things that don't make any sense?"
The Director stroked his chin. "You know what? That's a great question. I'm not sure. In fact, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be receiving your own flashback sequence for character development."
Trin scoffed upon hearing that. "When do I get my flashback? I think I'm due an origin story too."
"What do you mean? You got two! One minor flashback with you and Tron in the plane. Then the other one where Roger told about all Ebony you of it to him."
"What did you just say?" Trin's smirk disappeared, causing her to stare back at the Director in utter confusion. She blinked a few times, gazing around the room until her focus landed onto the prisoner in cuffs.
Ben never bothered to speak. Instead, he just sat by and watched the circus unfold.
When both of their attention turned towards the Director, they noticed he was no longer smiling. His comedic attitude diminished, as he stood tall and stared directly at the table in front of him. He never blinked once.
"Trin, where did you tell me Roger was going?"
The Director lifted his head, glaring directly towards Ben. He was in no mood for games anymore. "Listen here mate, you know all about Ebony, don't you? I need to know where he's going, specifically. Where in Greenland?"
"How the hell should I know?" Ben argued back, attempting to slam his hands on the desk with the cuffs still on. "Even if I did, I wouldn't say anything. I respect Mr Ebony, I wouldn't betray him."
Kent pummeled his hands onto the table out of rage. "It is not Ebony I'm after! Get this through your head, your boss is beneath me! I just need to know where he's going. Please."
Suddenly, Trin placed a hand over his shoulder. "Director, what are we doing here?"
"What do you mean? We need to know where-"
"No." She spoke through gritted teeth, whispering her next words to him. "How did we get into this room?"
The Director blinked, trying his best to remember. "We were just in the rear corridor of the building."
"So how did we get here with a prisoner that's looking at us as if we're batshit insane?"
"Trin, where did you tell me Roger was headed to?"
She looked into his eyes, noticing that he was in some sort of pain. "I don't know, Kent."
The Director suddenly shoved her aside, taking the offensive and approaching Ben from the side. He stood over the prisoner with rage in his eyes, almost as if he had lost full control of himself.
"I swear to God, if you don't tell me where Ebony's headed, I'll rip that brain out of your head and plug it into a computer to search your memories myself! I don't care if that doesn't make any sense, I just want some information! We're trying to stop a war over here!"
Before Ben could even attempt to answer, there was a loud knock on the door. Everyone stopped to look back, but no one opened it. They all just stood by as the knocking continued again.
Trin placed a hand towards her holstered gun as she carefully reached for the doorknob. But upon opening the door, she let go of the pistol.
A random agent stood at the door with a smile on his face. "Hey Director, you're not gonna believe this! We just so happened to coincidentally invent a mind reader gun like five minutes ago! It's ready for testing right now! Actually, we decided to bring the gun to you so you can use it and try it out!"
A second agent stepped forward, holding a green toy gun. "Just aim it at whoever you want, pull the trigger and you'll see their memories!"
"That really is a coincidence, damn." Cuntfield stepped forward and carefully took the prototype weapon from the agents. "How did you know?"
The agents never responded, they just turned to walk away. The Director stepped out to look at them again, now beginning to shout. "How did you know?!"
Trin stood beside him, watching as the unresponsive agents disappeared behind a door. She felt unbelievably nervous as an overwhelming sense of anxiety washed over her. Being here made her feel uncomfortable.
"Director," she started to speak softly, "what is happening?"
Instead of answering her, he ignored her and walked back into the room. He lifted the gun in his hands and didn't hesitate to pull the trigger. Aimed right at Ben's head, he was given no time to resist when a flashing light blinded him.
Keeping the trigger pressed, Cuntfield could feel a vibration rush through his hands and up to his brain. The longer he held the trigger, the more memories he could view.
He saw Ben's birth through his eyes. He saw his childhood and his first school. He saw his crush that he wanted to confess his love to, only to lose the opportunity forever. He saw the trauma he had to endure with his parents. He saw the abuse he suffered from. He saw the therapist that helped him overcome his fears and unstable emotions.
And he saw the opportunity when he received that letter from the Pioneers.
Ben's whole life was showcased in the Director's eyes. Alongside those memories, he could hear them.
"Benjamin Munro." The voice of his mother calling out to him.
"Lmao what a simp." The voice of a random Discord user insulting him in voice chat.
"Paarnakajiit? How the hell do you spell that shit?" The voice of Ebony McJackson talking on the phone in private when Ben was walking by.
"Paarnakajiit." The voice of Kent Samson repeating what he heard towards the end of the quick flashback.
"Paarnakajiit?" The voice of Trinity Herman whispering the name to herself trying to remember where she's heard it before.
"Paarnakajiit?" The voice of Ben Munro being so utterly confused by what these people are saying.
"Paarnakajiit." The voice inside your head making you say this again for the hell of it.
Trin suddenly sprinted out of the room. She was in full pursuit of something, and Kent had no idea what it was. He dropped the gun as he tried to focus on what it was he had just seen and heard.
He looked towards Ben with his jaw slightly dropped. It seemed as if he wanted to say something, but he stopped. Instead, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.
"Siri, what is Paarnakajiit?"
After a few seconds, Siri responded.
"Here's what I found on the web for Paarnakajiit. Paarnakajiit, also known as Paornakajît, is a popular destination and village located on the eastern coast of Greenland."
Kent lowered his phone, maintaining eye-contact with Ben. In a deep and calm voice, he spoke back to Ben. "Thanks, mate."
"Happy to be of assistance." Siri responded.
Kent cursed to himself as he looked back at his phone, turning it off. Raising his head back up, he turned his attention back towards Ben. "Now then, what should I do with you?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that." Siri interrupted him.
The Director violently chucked his phone against the wall, hearing it smash and finally die while he kept his eyes locked on his prisoner.
"So are you gonna tell me what the hell is going on?" Ben had enough of waiting, this was quickly becoming the craziest day of his life.
"I know where Roger is." Kent smirked, keeping his hands inside his pocket as he stood tall with confidence.
"I don't even know who Roger is!" He was desperate to get out of these cuffs and return home, but nothing he said seemed to work. It wa almost as if the directr was ignoring him
Cuntfield glared back at Ben, tilting his head slightly in the process. "Now that... I don't know why that keeps happening."
"What keeps happening?" His prisoner asked in continued bewilderment.
"Bad grammar and spelling. Why does it k
Trin bashed through the evidence room's door, rushing inside to find the package. However, she collapsed to the floor. Something felt explicitly wrong. It was just so sudden. How did she get here?
It was almost as if a couple of paragraphs were missing.
Things were moving far too fast. The pacing made no sense, she can't keep up with these changes. Neither could the Director.
She stood back up, running past stocked shelves filled with cardboard boxes. One particular heavy box had a red label attached to it, and it read C17.
Chapter 17. Nothing to Laugh About. Tron and Trin's flashback sequence in the plane.
There was another label, the original seal of the delivery destination. Paarnakajiit. It's a place in Greenland.
"Finally, I f
nt had left the interrogation room, hurrying along to find Agent Trin. Behind him, Ben had stepped outside. He was freed from his handcuffs and granted freedom. He didn't know why, it just happened.
The Director nearly tripped over the breakage of the spacetime continuum. He finally realized what was happening. Nothing made sense, and that's exactly why it makes sense. Paragraphs and sentences were being cut apart and moved or entirely deleted.
Entering one of the suites, he found a mustached doctor wearing a large red cape. Cuntfield quickly approached this strange man. "Hey, I need to find Trin! Take me to her!"
"That'll be 62 cents." Benedict Cumberpatch said, extending a hand forward.
"Hey, that's the same amount I got after selling someone's soul to a ghost."
He gave Doctor Strange the 62 cents from his wallet that he apparently had in his pockets. Once his payment concluded, he stepped back for the superhero to start spinning his hands until a portal opened up.
"Non-Marvel fans must be so confused, but thank you mate." Kent ran into the portal, finding himself inside a room surrounded by shelves and cardboard boxes. It didn't take him long to find Trin studying one particular package in her hands.
ound you after all this time." Trin unknowingly said before gasping. It felt as if time had just skipped forward a few seconds.
"Trin, get up!" The Director helped her up, disregarding the dropped package. "We need to leave, I think I know what's happening!"
Unfortunately, how the Director figured out the truth was cut during the chapter's ensuing glitch.
They both charged out of the room together, navigating the halls. One door led back to the main lobby of the grand hotel. That's where they needed to go.
Hundreds of agents were gathered outside the hotel. It's located out in the outback, with nothing in sight except for a barren wasteland and an apocalypse of cacti. The Uluru rock was so far away, but still clearly visible from here.
The hotel was owned by the Director, serving as not just the main Division headquarters, but also as a vacation retreat. Swimming pools were fit outside every room, providing an opportunity to cool down during the heatwaves.
"Deja vu, I've just been in this place before!" Kent shouted, suddenly stopping short in the center of the hotel's lobby with Trin by his side. They were surrounded by so many agents. It seemed the party was still going strong. But the real commotion was taking place outside.
Shuffling their way past the crowds of agents, they ran outside the hotel and finally caught a gust of fresh air entering their lungs. There was a special event occurring, and all the agents were excited.
Right outside in the open desert was a singular metal coffin. A few agents stood beside it as one of them stepped forward with a microphone in hand.
"G'day! Welcome, my brothers and sisters but mainly just brothers! You're just in time to witness the return of Tron!"
The Director froze, looking back at Trin. "It's him, he's the one causing this. Tron's coming back, and nothing's starting to make sense anymore!"
"I knew this was a bad idea, you crazy bastards really thought it'd be a good idea to revive that moron from the dead?! He's dead, keep him that way!" Trin took action, immediately pushing through several agents to rush in front of the crowds.
Meanwhile, Tron's corpse was presented to the Division. The agent with the microphone continued his speech.
"As many of you know, the Director's Time Machine is fully operational! This machine is ready to bring the dead back to life! Let's just take a short moment to appreciate the really clever name the Director had chosen to give this machine."
Trin reached for her pistol in her back holster. It's time to end this, this needs to be stopped.
But only issue remained; how exactly was she going to do this?
If she does it, hundreds of angry agents will turn their guns on her. They're programmed to follow after Tron and protect him. This could very well be a suicide mission.
The Director had the same exact thought. Something had to be done to prevent this from happening. And he had the perfect idea. He's going to break the flow of the chapter. When nothing makes sense, everything starts to make more sense.
The announcing agent started to wrap up his speech.
"This machine was originally supposed to be implemented in the basement of our facility, but with the power of bluetooth, we adapted wireless technology into it. So now it can work in the desert. Pretty cool, right? Anyways, let's get this done! Tron has already been placed inside the Time Machine, and now it's time to resurrect him in 10 seconds!"
Fireworks had gone off, celebrating the final countdown.
"Oh, fuck this." Trin cursed out loud, finally finding the courage to grab her pistol and rush past the crowds.
The Director tried to concentrate, he had to break this apart. Something has to go wrong.
The coffin's lid had already been sealed shut, concealing Tron's dead body inside as the machine produced a vibrant hum.
Trin directly opened fire on the coffin, catching everyone off guard. However, much to her dismay, the coffin was bulletproof. And now, hundreds of angry agents looked back at her.
"What the fuck happened to 5?!" Cuntfield screamed, noticing that every single agent around him had reached for a gun and began aiming at Trinity.
She realized her mistake at the last moment, turning around to face the hundreds of guns pointed directly at her by programmed agents set on defending their fallen creator.
The Director closed his eyes, focusing harder than ever before. Something had to happen right now. The chapter needs to end before it's too late.
A countless number of bullets had been fired towards Trinity. There was no possible way to avoid getting shot down. This was the end of the road.
With nowhere left to run, Agent Trinity was ultimately kil
Suddenly, the coffin's lid flew open.
Agent Tron Dunce stood up.
"Yo! I'm back!"
He was immediately shot in the head.
Not by one bullet.
Not by two.
But by hundreds of bullets.
Meanwhile, Trin had held her breath, bracing for the end. However, she was entirely unharmed. She was supposed to die, but the sentence that described her getting shot had been mysteriously altered and erased. Therefore, with nothing to confirm her death, every single agent that aimed to kill her for betraying the Division had missed and accidentally shot Tron in the face.
Tron fucking died again lmfao.
"Ha, get fucked!" The Director shouted, finally opening his eyes.
Suddenly, the hundreds of agents surrounding him turned to face him. That's when he suddenly felt a sense of dread wash over him. Now, all the guns were pointed directly towards him.
If the chapter doesn't end now, he's going to die. Trin realized this, noticing that every agent had simultaneously pulled their triggers.
Cuntfield cursed.
"Oh fuck m
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