Chapter 39
This is a long one, prepare yourselves. Also, thank you guys for 17K reads!
"Tonight's the night!" Evan said, jumping onto Jonathan's bed as they entered his room.
Jonathan rolled his eyes, shrugging off his backpack and leaving it on the floor. "I was hoping you'd forget about that."
"How could I forget about it? We're going to a haunted house!" He pumped his fist into the air in excitement as Jonathan settled in next to him.
"And summoning demons....." His boyfriend added uneasily.
"Come on! I bet if you ever met a demon, you'd like him." Evan joked, a laughing tone in his voice that he tried very hard to keep light. After all, Jonathan didn't know he was dating a demon.
"Yes, of course I would. 'Hi demon, you're not scary, will you marry me?' Be realistic, Ev. Demons hate everything." Jonathan cuddled into Evan's side, wrapping his arm around his torso.
Evan was hurt, but he didn't show it. "Oh yeah? Well, one day, I'm going to show you they care, maybe not about everything, but they care. I promise you that." Evan messed with his boyfriend's hair as they laid there.
"And I'll be sure to take a picture of the flying pig in the background." Jonathan replied sarcastically.
Evan silently thanked whatever was out there that Jonathan had given him good joke material. "Rude. You know Tyler's sensitive about that."
"Evan, I know that the whole 'wearing all black' is kind of your thing, but you're not gonna scare us when we get inside right?" Tyler said from behind Evan and Jonathan as they made their way to the house.
"I make no promises!" Evan called back, suddenly getting a rush of light-headedness, causing him to stop for a few seconds. "Woah." He spoke involuntarily.
"Are you okay?" Jonathan asked immediately, placing his arm on his boyfriend's shoulder.
Evan took a deep breath, nodding. "Yeah I'm fine, just got a weird feeling. It was probably deja vu or something." He smiled, continuing to walk again.
That was weird, he thought to himself as they continued on their way.
"Oh, sorry Ev, there's a 'No Trespassing' sign, guess we have to go back." Jonathan said, turning around and beginning to walk, only to be pulled back by Evan.
Evan pulled him in for a kiss while he used one hand to rip the sign down behind him. He pulled away. "What sign? Let's go."
Dropping the sign on the floor, Evan eyed the fence for a few heartbeats before beginning to climb it, reaching the top in a matter of seconds.
He dropped onto the other side with ease, catching the bag that Craig threw over to him. He held it on his hand as he made his way up the path, his friends climbing the fence behind him.
"You don't belong here, GO HOME." A voice whispered in his head, yet he was unfazed by it since he knew it was just a pesky ghost trying to chase him away.
You're good, this is gonna be fun. He said to himself, finally being joined by his friends halfway up the path.
"I'm not going in first!" Tyler shouted, shoving Evan towards the door. "Your idea, your death first."
Evan laughed. "I'm not gonna die, Tyler. You guys are scared for nothing." He pushed open the door, stepping inside as his friends filed in behind him.
Suddenly he heard a noise behind him and he turned around to see Craig holding onto the doorframe for support as he put one of his hands over his mouth.
"Dude, you good?" Evan said, looking him over.
It took Craig a few seconds to respond. "Yeah, I just felt like I was gonna throw up for a second."
Evan took out a flashlight from his jacket, flicking it on. "As long as you're sure you're okay." He said as he started to look around the downstairs.
Venturing down what Marcel had called 'the creepy hallway where the white bitches die in movies', Evan moved from room to room while his friends stayed behind him.
"This isn't so bad." He said, ignoring the cold feeling washing over him, a spirit couldn't hurt him.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that!" The voice said in a sing-song voice, except he had a feeling his friends heard something.
"What was that?" Tyler said, jumping up and looking around frantically. "You guys heard that right?"
Everyone else nodded, Craig and Evan just shrugged and continued doing what they were doing.
"You two are crazy! It's freezing in here, we all keep hearing things, and you two are unfazed by this whole thing! What's it gonna take for you guys to be scared?" Marcel said, basically yelling.
"Fine, let's go upstairs, take a quick look around, then come back here and talk to ghosts." Evan said, walking past them and heading towards the stairs.
"That sounds reasonable, but I'm still cold." Jonathan said, shivering.
Without hesitating, Evan shrugged off his jacket and held it out to his boyfriend. "Here." He stated, glancing upstairs with the flashlight.
His friends looked at the exchange, shocked, Evan had always wore the hoodie every time they saw him, it was like a part of him.
Evan turned back, looking at Jonathan with confusion. "Well? Are you gonna take the jacket or not?"
"Are you sure? It's like-" He was cut off.
"Just take the damn thing, babe!" Evan said, tossing it at his boyfriend and starting up the stairs. Behind him, Jonathan carefully put on Evan's hoodie and followed him.
"This place is awesome-" Evan spoke, about to say something else as he reached the top of the stairs, and he would've if he hadn't seen something flash right in front of him. "What the hell?"
"What? Did you see something? Can we go now?" Marcel asked anxiously.
Evan shook his head. "No, I'm good, there wasn't anything. We can just do the Ouija board now if you want."
"If that's what gets us home quicker, then yes, is like that very much." David said, booking it back down the stairs.
Jonathan stayed back with Evan at the top of the stairs for a couple of minutes while everyone else went back down.
"Are you sure you're good, Ev? You felt light-headed earlier, Craig almost threw up, I'm pretty sure you just saw something. Ev, something might be targeting you, are you sure you're not possessed?" Jonathan put his hand on Evan's arm, looking at him with concern.
Evan pecked his cheek, smiling. "Yes, I'm fine! Let's just do the Ouija board then we can go home and get pizza while a horror movie plays, okay? Promise. Now come on, let's go." Taking his hand, Evan led Jonathan downstairs where everyone else was waiting.
"Done making out up there?" Brian joked as the couple came down, causing Evan to shoot him a harsh glare.
"I will feed you to the demons." Evan threatened as Craig took the board out.
"Jeez, what got into you...." Brian said under his breath as they all sat in a circle around the board.
"Alright, everyone place two fingers on the planchette, then we circle it three times around the board, then we start asking questions. And at no point, no matter what, take your fingers off the planchette. Unless one of us gets permission to look through it or something." Craig read from the instructions, putting it into a brief summary rather than reading two whole paragraphs.
"Alright, sounds good. Let's do this." Evan said, placing two fingers on the triangular piece already on the center of the board. Everyone else followed suit, then they circled the board three times.
"So, who's asking the first question?" Tyler asked, looking around the group.
"You." Marcel said. "You brought it up, you ask."
"I don't want to ask!" Tyler retorted. "Why don't you do it?"
"Will you two just shut up? I'll do it, are there any spirits here that would like to speak to us right now?" Brian asked nervously, keeping his eyes on the triangle in the center of the board.
Almost immediately the piece started to move, causing everyone to freak out.
"Oh shit. It's real." David's voice shook. "What's your name, S-spirit?"
"That's the spirit!" Evan said jokingly as the piece moved from letter to letter, spelling out a name.
"Well that's a nice name, are you a demon?" Evan asked casually, earning shocked glances from everyone else.
"Are you gonna hurt us?"
"So you're a nice demon?"
Jonathan spoke up. "Then why aren't you gonna hurt us?"
"There are more demons?"
"Will they hurt us?" Evan spoke, his voice unintentionally getting quieter.
"They protect?" David was confused by the board's response.
"Can we see them if we look through the planchette?"
"Can I look?" Lui asked, speaking up for the first time since they started.
"Can I?" Marcel asked.
One by one everyone, except for Tyler, Jonathan, Craig and Evan asked if they could look, finally Tyler grew tired of it.
"Can one of us look?"
Evan felt cold, and a sinking feeling washed over him as the board spelled out his name.
He was scared.
Everyone carefully took their fingers off the planchette and Evan picked it up, placing it over his eye in a way that he could see through the clear circle in the middle.
You're fine, Ev, it's no big deal, nothing is gonna hurt you. He told himself as he looked around his circle of friends, he looked past all of them, even Craig since he didn't want to draw suspicion towards him, although he did see his friend's horn sticking through the sides of his head, along with a sharp tooth smile.
Nothing looked out of the ordinary until he looked behind his boyfriend, where the figure he saw earlier stood. It had horns angled upside down, long claws at the ends of its skinny fingers, it was thin and scrawny, it's head was tiled ever so slightly. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. And it's eyes looked so cold.
So. Fucking. Cold.
But a name of the creature popped into Evan's head immediately, along with a vision of the creature ripping a head off of one of friends.
That was when Evan screamed, throwing the planchette onto the board as he grabbed Jonathan and pulled him away from where he had saw the figure. He hugged him tightly, not caring if his friends saw him like this, he didn't want to be there anymore.
"Home, I wanna go home." Was all he could make out as he found it harder to breathe.
"Okay, okay, we just gotta say goodbye, okay? Can you do that?" Jonathan spoke softly, trying to call Evan down.
Slowly, Evan nodded, although he refused to let go of Jonathan's hand. "O-okay, yeah, I can do that."
He placed a shaky hand back on the triangular piece, as did everyone else, then they said goodbye and stood up.
Evan still had Jonathan in a tight hug while Craig took care of burning the board.
"Let's go outside, okay? We don't have to be here." Jonathan said, leading his shaking boyfriend outside.
Tyler walked up to Craig as soon as Jonathan and Evan went outside.
"Dude, I think we should leave, burn the thing outside."
"Yeah, Craig, we shouldn't stay here. If something here makes Evan freak out, I don't want to spend another second here." Marcel said, joining the two, everyone else following behind.
"Evan didn't just freak out, he completely flipped his shit, did you see him? He looked completely terrified about what he saw, whatever it was. Why don't you care?" Tyler said.
Craig looked at his friends, forgetting about the board for a minute.
"I do care, okay? He's my best friend, of course I care, but I know him well enough to know that when he's like this, he's only gonna be comforted by someone he really trusts, and right now that person is Jonathan. So, let's just do this, get him home, and figure out what to do from there." His voice was serious as he looked at everyone individually. After a few moments, he returned his attention to the board as everyone else took a step on the stairs.
Evan was only outside with Jonathan for a few minutes, hugging him and talking deep breaths while Jonathan tried to calm him down.
"I-I'm good, I'm fine." He said, taking another deep breath.
"Yeah, it's okay, Ev, everything's good, okay? Whatever you saw, it wasn't real. God, I told you this was a bad idea." Jonathan rubbed circles on his back.
Evan shook his head. "No, no it wasn't a bad idea. I don't know why, but it was a good idea, I needed to see what I saw for a reason."
"Evan, it was a bad idea, you need to go home, this place isn't good for you. I told you something was targeting you, but you didn't listen!"
"I'm going back inside." Evan stood up, running hand through his hair.
"No, you're not Ev, I don't want you to go back in."
"I'll be fine, Jon, trust me. I know my limits, I can go back in."
Evan and Jonathan walked back inside just in time to see the board burn in the middle of the ground. They stood in the doorway as it turned to a pile of ashes on the ground.
"Who wants s'mores?"
An hour later, the entire group was settled in the living room in Evan and Craig's house, Evan and Jonathan had taken up the small couch, Lui and David had the floor, Tyler and Craig sat next to each other on the other couch and everyone else found a spot somehow while a horror movie began to play in the background.
"Craig, did you order the pizza?" Evan asked from his position next to Jonathan.
"Four." Craig replied simply, covering his eyes with Tyler's arm as the opening scene played.
Fifteen minutes later everyone began to complain about the lack of blankets.
"Why the hell is it so cold in here?" Marcel asked, his arms wrapped around himself as he tried to keep warm.
"Because I spilled my soul the other day." Evan joked, wriggling out of his boyfriend's grip as he stood up. "I'll go get some blankets. Jonathan, if the pizza comes, can you get it? Here's some money for it." Evan handed Jonathan a few bills.
"Hey, why did you ask him to get the pizza instead of me?" Craig asked in confusion.
Evan rolled his eyes. "I've seen this movie so many times that I know in five minutes you'll get so scared by a scene that you'll jump behind Marcel's chair and beg the imaginary creature to take him instead of you. Pillows anyone?"
Craig crossed his arms as Evan left the room, heading upstairs to search the few boxes they had left unpacked for extra pillows and blankets.
Five minutes later, right on cue, Craig screamed and jumped off the couch and hid right behind the chair Marcel was sat on. "Take him! I've got more to live for!" He screamed.
Everyone laughed, except Marcel, who feigned hurt. "How dare you! I thought we were friends, dude!"
After a few minutes of laughter the doorbell rang, and Jonathan stood up to answer it while Craig was still freaking out.
He opened the door, still smiling about what had happened a few seconds before. It was then that he realized he was still wearing Evan's hoodie.
The pizza delivery guy, who looked somewhat familiar, had an initial bored expression until he saw Jonathan.
"Hey dude, I got your pizza!" He said, holding the pizzas up and smiling as he looked at Jonathan. "Say, don't you go to my high school?"
"Sorority high?" Jonathan asked, handing him the bills Evan had given him a few minutes earlier.
The guy took the bills and handed over the pizza after Jonathan had told him to keep the change.
"Yeah! It's Jonathan right? I'm Luke, I think we have third period together?"
Jonathan took the pizzas, placing them on the table by the door as he continued talking with Luke. "Right! That's where I've seen you! I didn't know you delivered pizzas?"
"Oh, yeah. It's a new job, gotta get some extra cash somehow right? Anyway, I didn't know you lived here! Nice place, dude." Luke slugged him on the arm.
Jonathan had a confused expression for a split second before shaking his head and explaining. "Oh no, I don't live here, yeah, no. I don't think we could afford a place like this, no, my friend lives here with his brother." He regretted it as soon as he spoke.
Friend? I thought Evan was your boyfriend? Why did you say friend?! He scolded himself as Luke spoke again.
"Oh cool! The new kids right? Man, they're loaded, huh. Anyway, we should hang out sometime! Wait! Here's my number." Luke searched his pocket for a few seconds before fishing out a napkin and a pen, scribbling on it before handing it to Jonathan. "Later dude, call me or something."
"Will do! See ya!" Jonathan called, closing the door and looking at the napkin in his hand.
What the hell did I just do?
Evan came down the stairs with a ton of blankets, noticing Jonathan conversing with the delivery guy, figuring he was friends with him or something, not a worry in his head.
"Alright losers, here's your blankets, no ones a popsicle yet, right?"
"Geez, what took you so long?" Craig complained as he draped a blanket over him and Tyler.
"There's a lot of boxes, dude." Evan retorted.
"I thought you guys already unpacked everything?" Jonathan said as he walked in with pizza, placing it on the coffee table.
"Yeah, but we just unpacked the important stuff." Evan said, grabbing a slice and settling back down on the couch, pecking Jonathan's cheek as he sat down next to him. "Oh! This is my favorite part!"
After everyone had settled back down, they continued to watch the movie in comfortable silence as they ate pizza.
They were already on their third horror movie, and Evan had just fallen asleep, his head nestled on Jonathan's chest.
Look at him, Jonathan thought. A few hours ago he was terrified of something a Ouija board showed him and yet here he is, falling asleep to super scary horror movies. How does he do it? It's like he doesn't care, like one of the badass characters in action movies.
Jonathan thought back to the napkin with Luke's number that he had shoved in his pocket in panic.
He's lives on the edge so much, maybe it's time I do the same.
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