Chapter 4

Chapter 4

On the bone it read

Εδώ έγκειται αστέρων

Diamond shuddered "It reads... Here lies Star." Diamond cooed "It's my mother's grave." Luke gasped and Blaze shaked his head. Diamond was muttering words in a language he didn't understand. Then he spoke in english "Twilight is coming and the ghosts are running back to the graves as the stars glitter. Mother, Father are always watching as I risk my life because the real world is bitter."

(A/N If you hate sappyness i would skip the poam part)

 Diamond sang to the moon with tears in his eyes.

 Caramellow sobbed and Herbert wiped his face and Luke was at the bottom of tree with his face on the scratchy bark "that was sooo... Beautiful." Luke wailed his face full of tears.

 Blaze couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Luke's emotional old self. Luke gave him a glare though it didn't look threatening with the bottoms of his eyes red and swollen.

 "Let's continue. If a search party comes looking for us they'll find us." Diamond rose and brushed his fur. Honey latched onto his yellow shirt and clawed up to his shoulder. "Purrrr..." Honey licked Diamonds face sympathetically.

 Luke glanced at Toothpaste and made a why can't we be like that face. Toothpaste grunted.

It felt like they had been walking for months, Luke's legs were stiffening and Jamie was panting.

 But Blaze was still going strong.

 Jamie searched for a reason to stop and rest.

 After a lifetime of endless searching he spotted an elk. He slowly pulled out his rifle and shot it in the head. Blaze stopped and gave Jamie his signature glare. "Jamie? What the hell is going o-"Blaze caught a glimpse of the dead elk and sighed

 "I guess it is a bit late..." Jamie turned his head to the rest of the group and called "I GOT DINNER". Luke rushed past everyone and sat in front of the elk and then slowly his face turned into what seemed to be joy to complete disappointment.

 "Any crisps?" Luke asked with a glint of hope in his eyes. "Idiot there's no crisps in the middle of the forest." Toothpaste sneered. Caramellow flashed a look at Toothpaste and knelt down next to Luke.

 "I think he might of hoped we brought crisps." Caramellow searched through his bag and took out a lighter "Do you like steak?" Caramellow turned her gaze on the elk "Not as much as crisps" Luke sniffed.

 Caramellow beckoned Diamond down with her hand and whispered something in his ear. Diamond nodded and sprinted off.

 Luke made a confused face at Blaze and Blaze just shrugged. "Herbert" Toothpaste called "Can you get some kindling please?" Luke glared at her like she had a hundred heads please i've never heard her say please, not to me anyway.

 Luke felt something strange something he never felt before. Blaze saw him and snickered "Jealous?" Luke looked shocked to even think he had the slightest hint of envy.

 "I am not jeal-"Luke was cut off because Herbert and Diamond had returned. Herbert had a pile of kindling as Toothpaste had asked him to get and Diamond was holding a sort of red powder in his hands. (A/N That was quick lol) "What is tha-" Luke stood there shocked "Spice!"

Luke walked over and sprinkled it on the elk. "Where in the world did you get this?" Luke looked up to Diamond. "Tree bark. You just crunch it up and bam spice for the dinner." Diamond look down and the spice and he looked very proud of his creation. "Yum. At least we know where to get spice now." Caramellow said gobbling on her piece of elk.

 Blaze didn't look to happy about their meal. He look slightly dazed and was looking at the path ahead. "What's up Blaze?" Luke asked. No answer. "Blaze." Luke sighed "Mr Buzzkill" Blaze glared at him the moment he said those two words. "What." Blaze hissed. "Whatcha lookin' at?" Luke asked.

 "Oh i was thinking about what well will do when we enter the demon part of our journey." Blaze sighed "And it's not just a merry little stroll through the forest like we're doing now. We could die."

 Luke sat next to Blaze and smiled "Not if we have a sword fighter like you who actually takes the time to practice." Luke looked down at Blazes bag with his sword poking out of it. Blaze went in his bag and got out a log. "How did you fit a log in your bag?" Luke made a face "And why?" Blaze drummed his fingers on the wood "It's spare wood just incase something bad happens to my sword handle." Blaze made a pouting face. "Just incase you break it." Luke smiled at Blazes joke.

 "Nah" Luke nudged him. "Oh right i can trust the guy who doesn't practice battle moves when i ask him too?" Blaze yawned "What time is it?" Luke pointed at his wrist "It's quarter past fifty thousand. Does it look like i have watch?" Luke raised his eyebrow. 

Blaze got up and pulled out a blanket "Night." Blaze closed. Luke nodded "Night" Then Luke walked over to where the elk was before they all made pigs of themselves and devoured it.

 Luke curled up in ball on the undergrowth and moved his gaze where Toothpaste was laying down deep in the forest. "Why can't you just like me the way i am." Luke sighed then he fell in a deep, lazy sleep.

 "Luuuuuuuuke!" Luke sighed as he heard familiar calls "Get the hell up you little shii-" Blaze was cut off by Diamond who was shaking his head.

 Blaze narrowed his eyes at Luke and Jamie pointed the finger behind his back.

 "Get up or i'll throw you in the river. Alright." Blaze whispered through closed teeth. "Alright i'm up gosh." Luke smacked Blazes face lazly. Blaze turned his special orange colour with rage. Blaze looked like he was going to shoot Luke with Jamie's shotgun but Luke was already up and out hunting with Jamie.

 "Fuck... i was gonna murder him with my rage." Blaze clenched his fists. (A/N Blaze was in a bad mood already OK?)

 Diamond rolled his eyes "I will never get on your bad side until you get anger management or something." Blaze moved his glare at Diamond which seemed to burn through his soul.

 "Listen here." Blaze growled "I. Do. Not. Need. Anger management" Blaze smiled but not in a happy way. 

Honey walked up to Blaze and scratched him. Blaze sighed "Alright then let your cat girlfriend to save you" His lips were curled into a wolf like snarl.

 Diamond looked for once offended he knew that Blaze didn't say things he meant when he was angry. Diamond stomped off with Honey close behind.

Diamond turned around and hissed at her. Honey looked taken aback and she ran off.

 "Well, Well... You let your anger out of hand didn't you?" Herbert frightened Blaze.

 Herbert was renowned for his silent movement.

 "Herbert. Is it my fault if everyone pisses me off?" Blaze snapped.

 Herbert raised his eyebrow. Blaze glared at him and they both stayed silent.

 Blaze looked up with tears in his eyes "I can't believe i said that to Diamond he's so nice and he's never done anything wrong to me." Blaze covered face with his hands. 

"Why does this always happen to me i feel like the Hulk." Blaze sobbed. Herbert nodded "That's good you know what you did was wrong." Blaze grabbed his bag.

 "I need to apologise." Blaze wiped his face.

 Herbert sighed "You're a good guy Blaze, you understand what you do to people sometimes. Unlike people like Toothpaste who never admit to themselves" Herbert looked up

 "Luke has made one big mistake trying to find Toothpaste's good side." Blaze looked back "She's nice to you though." Herbert looked down

 "She's my friend. Though i always thought of us as something more." Herbert blushed. 

Blaze frowned "Should i tell Luke? Izzy seems to be into him lately. He isn't very stubborn and accepts things easily" 

Herbert nodded "That would be best."

Herbert shook his head "But say sorry to Diamond first"

Luke and Jamie returned with a rabbit and Diamond and Honey followed "Let's bake this and go!" Jamie declared. Diamond glared at Blaze but said nothing more.

 Blaze opened his mouth to speak to him but no words came out.

 "Why is this so hard" Blaze whispered.

 "Well you're good at apologizing." Herbert sniffed "Ask him when he's alone or with just Honey. You kind of offended her too." Herbert looked down and the scratch on his leg.

 Blaze gasped and Herbert tilted his head. "What's up?" Blaze was shaking "Where's Caramellow?" Herbert covered his mouth and his eyes were wide. Everybody knew that Caramellow was pregnant so if something happened it could affect her unborn child. And if that was the case it would slow down the mission and send Jake into pure rage. (A/N well I kinda lost track of Caramellow -_-)

Blaze didn't say anymore and bolted into the marshy forest. "Caramellow? Caramellow?" Blaze called and called.

 No answer.

 It was too much for Blaze and he collapsed.

This is all my fault if i wasn't so angry i would have found Caramellow and now she's gone and Diamond hates me.

 I'm so stupid.

 After an hour of painful emotions and what seemed like a vague conscious he heard footsteps

. A icy wind blew as two dark figures approached him.

And with that he fell unconscious.

A dark yellow cat was approaching Blaze.

 Blaze was trying to reach out but he was still with fear. 

What was he scared of? The dark yellow cat sat in front of him.

 He had wild purple eyes like Caramellow and he was a small child.

 "Wake up she needs you." The dark yellow cat was speaking quietly but Blaze still got a fright when he spoke. His voice was airy but childish.

 Something about that made Blaze feel like a child himself.

 "Ok..." Blaze whispered.

Blaze woke up with Toothpaste carrying him.

 Blaze was shaking his head "Where is she?!" Blaze gasped. 

Toothpaste huffed and dropped him next to a dark brown and yellow newborn. 

Blaze was overjoyed. He was an uncle. Blaze looked around and found Caramellow sleeping next to a dark yellow cat. 

That cat was the same cat in his dream. Blaze took a closer look to see that this dark yellow cat wasn't breathing. He was born dead.

 "Twins..." Blaze breathed. 

Blaze walked up to The dark brown and yellow cat. "Has she named them?" Blaze breathed. Jamie was sitting with Luke and Herbert was covered in fluid. 

Blaze cringed.

 Herbert must of been the nurse.

 Toothpaste nodded. "Dark Chocolate Caramel or Coco for short."

 Blaze looked over to where Diamond and Honey were seated.

 Honey's eyes were glazed with fear as if this was something she would have to experience herself and she probably will if Diamond is always with her.

 This was probably another reason why Diamond went on this trip.

 because if she had children with him in this state they would have deformed children and Blaze knew that with his current role his schedule would be too busy to look after half cat half hybrid children. 

"It must of been a violent birth if one of them died." Blaze said to Herbert. 

Herbert shuddered in reply. And that was answer enough for Blaze because of the looks on all his friends faces it looked like it was pretty horrific to watch.

 "If you think we found it crazy just look at Caramellow." Herbert pointed to Blaze's unconcise sister.

 Reginald Symons got rid of the need of milk giving to newborns which made none of the half human half animal hybrids mammals.

 Lucky, because Coco would be dead if that wasn't the case.

 Coco was already growing at high speeds because Reginald Symons speeded up the baby stage for survival.

 By now Coco was already the size of a three month child. "Mama...?" Coco grasped her mother's ears. Caramellow rolled over and gave her a kiss on the head. (A/N wasn't Caramellow unconcise)

 Blaze was so happy that Caramellow gave birth.

 Good timing too because what would've happened if she gave birth in demon territory? This delayed the journey but not for long because tomorrow Coco would be up and walking and then the next day they could continue their journey. Blaze looked down. He had felt nothing for anyone ever before. 

Diamond had Honey, Luke had Toothpaste and Izzy, Herbert, Toothpaste and Jamie had someone but nobody knew and if someone did they would have a shotgun pointed to their heads before they could say 'Jamie likes...' Blaze smiled at that. One day he thought.

 One day he would have a family to raise. But not yet. First things first is to find somebody who felt something for him.

A day has passed and Coco was playing hide and seek with Luke. 

Since the forest was dangerous, Caramellow restricted it to a small patch where the campfire was set. 

"I found you!" Coco squealed. Luke blinked "Now i'm the monster!" Luke growled playful and Coco squeaked and ran off "No don't get me monster!" Coco didn't look where she was going and bumped into Blaze who, for the first time was not aware of his surroundings and started panicking 


Blaze shouted.

 "Silly uncle! It's Coco!" Coco smiled. Blaze blinked "Ahh Coco..." Blaze looked around

 "Who's the monster?" Blaze whispered.

 Coco gasped "Run!" Coco climbed up Blaze's face. "Is this hide and seek or tag."

 Blaze whispered to himself.

 Luke rushed past him with his four paws making a tiny earthquake as he chased Coco, Who wouldn't get her human part of her body until she reached puberty.

 She was just a cat like Honey.

 But Honey couldn't talk and never reached that stage where you learn to shapeshift.

 Jamie walked over to Blaze "Ei." Jamie said in a pirate like way "Wish i had siblings then i would have a chance of being an uncle." Blaze blinked

 "When Luke his kids one day you can be there uncle sort of." Jamie sighed at Blaze's attempt of seeing Jamie's and Luke complicated friendship.

"βλάκας. Είστε ισχυρή με ένα σπαθί , αλλά έχετε το λεξικό ενός γέρου"

(A/N use google translate OK? also i don't know how to speak greek)

Jamie laughed at that and walked away.

 "What? I don't understand?" Blaze called.

 Jamie and Diamond know Greek, The second language of Paradise.

 Luke tries to learn but he's a bit shaky. But Luke knew code and made t shirts saying things only he knew about. 

At the corner of Blaze's eye he saw Diamond and Jamie talking

"Τότε είπα ηλίθιος , είσαι ισχυρός με ένα σπαθί , αλλά έχετε το λεξικό ενός γέρου και δεν κατάλαβε ότι ήταν ξεκαρδιστικό !"

 Jamie and Diamond started cracking up.

 Blaze sighed "English!?" Blaze waved his hands in the air.

 Jamie and Diamond looked at him "Όχι, εσείς θα έχετε πια γνώσεις είστε μικρό εγκέφαλο θα εκραγεί" Diamond shouted back. Luke giggled. They were listening too!? Blaze thought. "What did he say." Blaze snapped. Luke shook his head.

"θα το χρησιμοποιήσει εναντίον μου"

Blaze made a sour face.

"γέρος!!" Jamie chanted "γέρος!" Luke and Diamond joined in.

"μάθουν μια άλλη γλώσσα , γέρος!" Diamond yelled.

"Οφείλω..." Luke and Jamie gasped.

 "Ah ha ha." Coco laughed pointing and Blaze's orange face. "They're speaking funny and uncle bwaze is getting angwy."

 Caramellow and Toothpaste walked over.

 "What's going on!?" Caramellow yelled. She sounded just like their father, Simon.

 Caramellow moved her gaze to Diamond and Jamie who were still laughing. "You know Blaze has anger problems! Don't wyde him up." Caramellow snapped. Jamie and Diamond stopped laughing and looked down guiltily.

"γιατί πρέπει να ακούσουμε τη γνώμη σας ;" Diamond yelled

Jamie shook his head "σεβασμό γυναίκα , τόνισε και έχουν ένα μωρό για τη φροντίδα"

Diamond was getting angry "Δεν μπορείτε να μου πείτε τι να κάνω" Luke started to translate "Jamie said: respecting woman stressed and have a baby to care.

He's talking about Caramellow. Then Diamond said: Don't tell me what to do!" Luke watched

"δεν ξέρετε τι είναι σαν" Diamond sobbed.

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