
1 month later woo magical time warps 

Joey P.O.V I walk down to the csfitieria to see Tyler and Daniel they seem to be hanging out a lot more since we found out it Tyler was gay I try not to think much of it Daniel loves me and I love him I go to get food when someone pulls my hand into a empty room

Andrew: hey gayceffa

Who r u

Andrew: the bully

Oh I could tell did u finally wash your hair

Andrew: *punches* so gayceffa what to do what to do

Why do u hate me

Andrew: cuz your gay

No shit why do u hate gays

Andrew: they all deserve to die

So do u

Andrew: hey u love daniel right


Andrew: how would it feel if he wasn't yours

What do u mean I swear if u do anything to him

Andrew: I won't seems Tyler already made his move 

Andrew opens the door to and I see.. TYLER AND DANIEL MAKING OUT!

I walk out and run to Daniel THANKS FOR NOTHING ITS FUCKING OVER

Daniel: Joey oh fuck I CAN EXPLAINE 


Daniel.. H- I- ..

I always knew you were a bitch


SAVE IT your gana wanna save your mouth for Tyler and Tyler I thought we were friends 

Tyler: I'm sorry Joey

No, no your not 

I run away crying I can't believe it he fucking cheated on me! I pack all of Daniels stuff up at put it out of the door with a note 

Thanks for everything u really got me thinking u loved you would never cheat hahah I was so fucking wrong u know I loved you but you really got me and with my friend yeah smart move I don't want to see you not for a long time - the person you took for granted 

I'm devastated I don't know what to do would he even tell me. I hear Daniel crying and grabs g his stuff I look though the peak hole and he is reading the note crying I feel bad but he cheated on me he is about to knock then walks away with his stuff but he leaves a note

Joey I would never cheat on you I never told you becuase I wanted it to be a suprise I'm in a new movie and it was with Tyler we made out in the script but we weren't touching lips and I hesitated when u said explain becuase I still wanted it to be a suprise not much of a suprise now but I also wanted to know I  love you so much I had a feeling you would move my stuff out so I already booked an apartment so u won't have to see me in the cafiteria or anywhere it's at 42 7 lane shells apartments room 325 I hope you can u can understand - the person who still loves you

I cup my mouth crying I feel so bad what did I just do I ran down to find Tyler and ran up to him

Tyler: Joey Plz no I'm so sor-

I hug him. I need to find Daniel 

Tyler: did he tell u?

Yeah I'm sorry for going off at you

Tyler: don't worrie I would to 

I jump in my car and head straight to Daniels a go as fast as I can then boom I made a mistake.

Authors note: 

HA CLIFF HANGERS SORTA u probably know what's coming ok yeah vote comment and shout out to umm wait I need to check her name XD AngelizCastillo for voting and commenting go check her out she has BOMB AF JANIEL FAN FIC if u see me spamming her then u know why ok good damn bye

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