🤞Promise till Eternity🤞


I came out of the car and was instantly surrounded by a crowd.
My name resounded in the air, one could hear it  from a distance.
"Manik! Manik! Manik."

I smiled proudly and waved at the crowd.

I am Manik Malhotra, the topmost singer in the industry.

As i came out of the car, everyone started to cheer my name, surrounded me, wishing to click a picture with me, some wanting my autograph. Taking selfies with a few of them, I gestured to my P.A. and he cleared the way towards the entrance.
I finally entered the studio after meandering through the crazy crowd.

"Itni si hasi
Itni si Khushi
Itna sa tukda chand ka
Khawabo k tinko se
Chal banaye aashiya!!"

A melodious, soulful and beautiful voice reached my ears. Searching for the source, I started looking here and there. This voice was more beautiful than the original one who had sung the piece. I followed the trail, which took me to the other side of the studio.

There was a girl behind the mike, wearing a white suit. She had left her hair open, which touched her perfectly curved waist. Her doe-shaped eyes rolled and her beautiful pink lips puckered into different shapes whenever the lyrics flowed out of her mouth. The glow on her face was heavenly, and for a moment, I was lost in that angelic girl and her melodious voice.

But, My P.A came in, shouting
"Manik sir! Manik sir! We are ready for the concert."

Irked by his interference, I shot a glare at him, to which he shook his head with his eyes downcast, embarrased by his reaction.

I went with him to the stage and commenced the concert. After the successful performance,
I asked him, "who was she?"

Confused by my sudden question, he asked, "who?"

Huffing at his stupidity, I said
"The girl who was singing at the back studio."

"Your Co-singer for the next project, Nandini Murthy." He replied

Anger rose in my head and I shout
"I am not working with any new girl."

Knowing my attitude he was prepared for this. He handed me the list of the songs she has sung.

I was amused by seeing two pages in the list.
'These all songs are sung by her, so why don't I know her name.'

'Sir, not everyone is fortunate to make the name, some gems get lost in the crowd of industry.'
He shrugs and leaves.
I was amused by his response.

I have to accept working with her since I was bound by the contract to give two albums under that specific music company.


Days  passed, Nandini and I had started working together and slowly we got to know each other.
Every time I met her she amazed me with her skills and her acts.
She was bubbly, cute and lovable. Every time she was on recording people kept laughing around her. She was frank but polite.
She loved making friends and her energy was so contagious that it spreads happiness in the surroundings.

She had struggled hard in her life. She was an orphan and had lived in an orphanage. She started singing when she was just 10, to earn a livelihood and to make her own identity.
She had never thought of getting famous. Singing was her only livelihood but slowly became her passion.


Every time I met her, I felt that She was changing me. I was learning a lot of new things every day. She always told me not to be rude. She was teaching me how to live down to earth. Being with her, I forgot about my attitude, she was smashing my arrogance.
She was bringing out something new in me. I was changing and I thought it was good.
She sings so beautifully, and it makes me feel I still had so much to learn.

I was slowly falling for her, this was the first time someone made me felt this way. But I was scared, what if; she will never love someone like me.
We were becoming good friends. Thus I had buried my feelings deep inside because I didn't want to hurt her.
We had completed our album successfully and Our album was going to be released soon.


Our album was released and it broke all the records.
But, I was upset as we were not going to work together. How will I see her, how will I listen to her magical voice?
But she has promised, she will remain in touch.

She had fulfilled her promise. After our album, we kept in touch. I had started sharing my work experiences, my problems and every other thing with her. She always came with wise solutions to my problems and She also shared her problems, her dreams and her experiences.

For the last few days, I had been trying hard to convince her to start live performances and concerts. But she never agreed and didn't take it seriously. She always said that it was a stupid idea.

I was also pleading with her to meet and after so many if and then she had finally agreed for a Coffee.
And Today we were meeting, after 2 months. She agreed, with so much persuasion. (phew!!!)


I was at the Coffee Shop waiting for her, I reached half an hour before the time. The day seemed so long and I couldn't wait to see her. I was desperately looking at the door and there she was.

Oh my god!! For a few seconds, My breath hitched. She was wearing a sea-green sleeveless top on black jeans. Her hair was tucked to one side in a ponytail, but I like them open. I frowned but did not let it show. Her kohl eyes always created havoc in my mind and those lips were hard to resist.

Coming out of the trance, I scouted her and we took the seat. I ordered a cappuccino and she asked for a frappe with chocolate ice cream and  we continued our chats.
I was so happy to see her and to listen to her in person instead of on the phone.
My hand accidentally brushed her hand and a wave of current passed through me.
How badly I wanted to hold her hand at that time but I kept my thoughts to myself and took a hold on my feelings.

Chit-chatting on all the possible topics, I came to the concert thing.
And I once again started convincing her for a solo concert as I had come pre-decided that I will not leave without convincing her.

She shrugged my request and I kept pointing out the pros and cons of starting the concerts.
Sipping the coffee, I again stated the advantages. And finally giving up on my plea, she agreed. I knew she would give up one day. I was so happy.


It was her live concert. This was her first solo live concert. She will get the name because she deserves it. She was so talented that she deserved the name and fame.

It was a big day for me as well. After so many failed attempts to hide my feelings, I had finally made up my mind that I was going to propose to her. I was just waiting for the concert to end. I was hell nervous.

The concert was about to start when I reached the green room.

My eyes got stuck on her, she was wearing a black chiffon suit, her dupatta and her hair were flying in the air due to the fan kept just by her side. But it was creating a magical or I must say a romantic atmosphere. Her long silky hair was touching her face and she was continuously trying to tuck them behind her ear.
Moving forward I tucked her hair behind and my finger brushed her face. I could feel the spark between us. There was an unsaid connection. Her cheeks were shed of dard red from my touch. I had a feeling that my touch does affect her. But this wasn't the time to think all this.

Those kohl eyes were magical and they sent shivers down my body. Her beautiful pink lips were looking more sensuous with the gloss. I had never felt such a strong desire to feel those soft pink lips. But shrugging my thoughts, I wished her all the best.

She hugged me immediately, making me perplexed. I was about to hug her back, but she broke the hug with guilt.

'I am so sorry! I was so nervous that I didn't understand what I did.' She said with such innocence.

'It is Okay! What are friends for, you can hug me whenever you want and don't be nervous. You are gonna Rock!' I said patting her shoulder to make her feel relaxed.

She smiled and left for the stage.
As the concert started, she started singing

sun saathiya maahiya
barsa de ishqa ki syahiyaan
rang jaaun rang rang jaaun ri, haari main
tujhpe main jhar jhar jhar jaaun
hoon piya bas teri main
ho chhoo le to khari main

(listen to me O beloved,
shower on me the inks of love,
I'll get coloured (in your colours), I am lost (to you)...
if you touch me, I'll fall off (like a flower),
I am yours, O beloved.
If you touch me, I'd be pure..)

ho.. sun saathiya maahiya
barsa de ishqa ki syahiyaan

Listening to the song, I was running and checking out what was happening, but no one has the clue.
Shouting at anyone was of no use so I stood still to listen to her as Her voice was like the most beautiful melody to my ears. I was lost and could feel every word that was sung.

main ret si, boond ka zariya tu
paa ke tujhe bheeg jaaun re...

(I am like sand, you are the way to drops,
I'd get drenched by getting you..)

tar jaaun tar tar jaaun
dariya ye tar jaaun jee
ishq ye paake main tera
nikhar jaaun ri...

(I'll cross,
I'll cross this sea (of troubles, this world)...
I'd get your love
and be clean..)

piya bas teri main
ho.. chhu le to khari main
toh khari main khari main...

( O beloved I am just yours,
I am yours, O beloved.
If you touch me, I'd be pure..)

ho.. sun saathiya maahiya
barsa de ishqa ki syahiyaan

Song ended and everyone started screaming and going crazy in the audience.
I was still confused by what happened because this was not the song she was about to sing.

And then slowly all the lights went off and my posters started appearing on every screen of the stage. I was startled and bewildered by things that were happening.

I ran and shouted at the backstage team again, but no one still had any clue.

And Her soft melodious voice felt to my ears,
'Mr. Manik Malhotra, I know you are shocked and confused. But I want to say something. Today I am standing here because of you. Otherwise, I was just a singer, you made me a star.
Thanks for bringing me here. But, now I want something more, will you make me the star that will shine only for you? Will you allow me to sing those lovey-dovey songs only for you? Will you love me? Because I loved you before I met you. Will you promise me togetherness till eternity?'

Tears fell from my eyes, I didn't believe what happened. I was numb and felt like I was pasted to my place.

She again said, 'at least say yes or no?'

I ran to the stage and hugged her. And whispered in her ears
'I will never let you go and I love you more than you love me. I promise you togetherness for hamesha..forever.'

I looked at her eyes and for the first time, I had seen such admiration in her eyes.

It was the most beautiful day of my life.
I still feel that I had a beautiful dream, and I was afraid to wake up from it.

She was different from the other girls, with no tantrums, no demands. She was always clear about what she wanted. She didn't hesitate to take the first step. This is what Nandini is, sweet, gracious but bold and modern.


Now I have become accustomed to her.

One day we were sitting in my vanity when I asked her
'When did you realise that you love me?'

She told me,
'I was your fan for a very long time. Your deep dusky voice always drove me crazy. And the first time I saw you in person I thanked God I did not wear heels otherwise, I would have fallen. Your deep hazel brown eyes drown me in it. These sharp jawlines and your stubble growing on it make you look like a Greek God. I drooled on you, from the time you even know me but I always kept my calm in front of you.'

I was listening to her and I was glad that she felt this way for me and I had such an impact on her.
When she was saying all such things, she looked like a little kid and I started admiring her more.
She has become everything to me.


It had been two years since our relationship and we planned to get married.

It was our wedding day:
I was nervous, I looked in the mirror, as I got ready. I was wearing off white sherwani, which suits me perfectly.

I reached down and there she was making her way to the Aisle,
She looks breathtakingly gorgeous in that red lehenga. Her mang tika, nose ring, bindi are making her look more and more beautiful. Those kangans are like the most melodious sound to my ear.

I am the luckiest person to have her. she will be mine and only mine from today.

And we will be going to Venice for our honeymoon, she loves that place like crazy.

I wanted to make Venice special, she never had allowed me more than a kiss in these 2years of relationship. I have decided to make our time the most special one.
(Ok! No more personal details of what happens on our honeymoon)


After marriage, our life turns heavenly-beautiful. It's not like we never fought. Even sometimes we stopped talking for a few days. We had huge fights but our love and trust never did us apart.

We were well settled in our career and were having blissful days.

She wants to become a mother, but to her dismay, she could not. Six years had passed, we had tried every possible way, to every hospital, to every temple, whatever everyone says.
But nothing worked for us. We could not have a baby.

She was broken, she never had a family so she wanted to make a perfect family with me.

This was creating frustration in our relationship and we had started fighting more and more. She remained silent for most of the time and whenever we spoke, it turned into a fight. I know she was ill and was slowly slipping into depression.

I was broke and hurt, and I didn't know how to pacify her soul. We were moving apart, and my every step created further space between us.

This was the first time I cried out as I was scattered with fear of losing her.

I was in the studio When I found out about some adoption place near the studio and I thought of adoption.
As soon as I reached home, I talked about adoption, but she refused. She said we can adopt but first she wanted to have her baby.

But seeing her conditions I had made up my mind to convince her.
Today I took her to an adoption house in the name of Charity and she felt happy being there. It had been a year, I hadn't seen such a beautiful smile on her face.

With some more Visits, she finally agreed to the adoption.


After much persuasion and after lots of discussions we finally went for adoption. We haven't thought, whom we will adopt either a boy or a girl.
We were passing all the cradles when from one cradle a baby's hand was stuck in Nandini's hand. She felt blissful and content at that moment and Without thinking for another second she said, 'Manik! We will adopt this kid.'

So We adopted that beautiful girl and named her "Mannat". She brought back life to us. Our bond once again grew.
She was just 1 month old when we brought her with us. When I first took her in my hand, I felt my life was complete.

Today Mannat took her first step, I haven't found such happiness before.
When She spoke her first broken words they were like new life to my world.

Nandini, my Nandu, was so crazy and insane that I felt that I had got two daughters at home. They both play the whole day. Our home was filled with giggles and happiness. We started laughing again.

Seeing her growing up, I cared more for her and my fatherly love grew more.


It was Mannat's first day at school, and I cried more than her. Nandini laughed at my action, but I told her,
'I am never going to get her married, she is never leaving me and I will not send her anywhere.'

Nandini laughed hard at me but I didn't care,
As I had promised her togetherness till eternity. I will also make sure to stay beside Mannat till my last breath.
I will stay with them for Humesha forever and will fulfil my promise till my death.


Nandini closes the diary as She wipes tears from her eyes and says
'This is what your father always used to say, but that moron left us midway. But as he said he had always fulfilled all his promises till he died.'

Caressing the girls head, Nandini said
'Mannat you were 10 when your father died. I know you remember a little bit of him, and I had always told you how much he loved you and I know you missed him all these years. He told me when he was taking his last breath after the accident,
"Nandini, I am leaving Mannat to you. You have to give her the love of both father and mother. You can't be weak or think of death till she finds her love. Give her this diary when she finds someone forever."

Saying this Nandini closed her eyes, as tears escaped from them. Mannat raises her hand to Nandini's face and holds her face in her hand, she wipes the tear falling from her eyes.

Nandini continues,
'It was hard living without him, but I promised him that I will live for you. Once you entered our life he loved you more than he loved me.
Tomorrow is your wedding and this is your wedding gift from dad.'

They both wiped tears from their eyes and hugged each other.
Taking Manik's diary in her hand, Mannat leaves for her room.

After Mannat leaves, Nandini takes Manik's photo in her hand.
'I remember that day when you left me. It was Valentines. You promised me that we will celebrate it as the first one. The love we made the last night,

It was the 13th night, the dress was kept on the bed with the heart sticker. She opened it and it was very sexy and seductive lingerie, he always wished to see her in that dress. She wore his favourite red lingerie and came out of the washroom.
A note was stuck to the mirror, which said come to the terrace I am waiting there.
The terrace was dimly lit, scented candles decorated the terrace beautifully. The surrounding was so romantic and the rose petals covered the whole surface.
Manik was standing, waiting for her. He was impatiently waiting for her. His eyes still have that look when he first saw her. She still felt like the newly wedded bride. Once he saw her coming his breath hitched looking at her. He adored her and hugged her.
'You are the most beautiful girl in this universe.' He said while taking her hand. He makes her sit on the mattress that was arranged on the terrace. It was covered with white chiffon curtains and the surrounding was sensuous.

He said, in his dusky voice, 'you look too hot, it's always hard for me to resist you. I so wanted to smash your lips with mine and make you moan my name the whole night.'

She smiled and felt shy. She looked down, her gaze glued to the ground. He holds her chin to make her look in his eyes and then he takes her lips in his. His hand travelled to her waist, and the moan escaped her lips. Taking the opportunity he entered his tongue in her mouth and their tongues fought for dominance. The devouring taste of her mouth melted his heart.

He started giving open mouth kisses on her jawline and her neck. She clutched his shirt in her fist. He sucked, bit and licked his neck and collarbone. His hand travelled slowly to her cleavage and she hugged her more tightly.

He palmed her face and said, 'you make me feel like this is our first time being so closed.'
She smiled and hid in his chest.
Taking this as a clue he turned her and started giving her open mouth kisses on her shoulders and back, and then licked to soothe the bite.

She was wet and he knew this was it for her, kissing, licking and sucking every part of her body, he gave equal attention to every inch of her body. Kneading the mounds and kissing every inch of them he reached the belly button.
She was wet from his touches and she can feel his hardness touching her core. Taking the bold move she turned around and sat on his chest and kissed his jawline.
Shocked by her move, he smiled and said ' oh! So someone is being too desperate.'
Smiling boldly at her comment she made the move and kissed him all over his body.
'You are the most handsome and perfect man on this earth. I can never have enough of you.' She whispered in his ear sucking the ear lobe.
They made love like it was their first time, they devoured each other for the whole night, forgetting everything behind.

Nandini came out of the flashback with the noise of a frame falling. She had a small smile on her face and picked up the frame.
She said to Manik's photo:

"You promised me eternity,
but left in between.
And I lived like a lifeless soul,
Trapped in your promise of eternity...

"I didn't tell her Manik, how I lived without you all these years, you left me alone bounding me in the promises. But I promise I will be there soon with you to touch you, to love you and to be with you forever and ever.
I love you, Mr Manik Malhotra, for Humesha...Forever...
And I will make sure, in the next birth I will be the first one to die and will leave you alone, bound in promises of eternity..."


Phew!! Finally, my first story ends.

Guys! This is my first attempt to write a story.
Do show your support and love.❤️

Love to all the readers for choosing this story. It means a lot.
Thank you!!!

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