New Message:
<< Jeon the Jerk : I left a file at home for a meeting I have today. Can you bring it to my office before 3 pm?>>
Eunji read the message from where her phone sat on the cafe’s table she sat at along the windows, hearing it ding while in the middle of having a conversation with Iseul.
Placing her steaming cup of coffee with the cafe's insignia marked on it down, she took her phone into her hands.
“Sorry, Jungkook just texted me.” She spoke when their conversation was interrupted. Iseul nodded in return, taking a sip of her caramel frap.
<<Sure. I’ll call you so you can tell me which one it is.>>
<< Jeon the Jerk : ok>>
“Is everything okay?” Iseul asked curiously, watching as Eunji placed her phone back down on the table.
“Yup, he just needs me to bring some files to the office.”
“Ah okay,”
The two friends fell silent for a moment, Eunji taking the chance to look around the cafe as customers came in and out, some grabbing a table for themselves. The smell of coffee filled the air, and she knew for sure that she would leave the building smelling just like the american macchiato that she was currently consuming.
She made a note to change out of her clothes before heading to Jungkook’s company building.
“How has your sister been?” she finally asked, turning back to her close friend and once coworker she once worked with at Severance Hospital.
Taking another sip from her drink Iseul answered.
“Good so far! You should come visit some day to see the baby.”
“You tell me when she’s free, and I’ll try and arrange something.”
“Okay, I’ll text her-” Iseul looked past her friend, cutting herself off “Who’s that?”
Eunji’s brows furrowed. Confused by Iseul’s sudden behaviour, she turned her head over her should to see who she was talking about.
A man with blonde hair brushed back perfectly had just walked in and taken his place in line to place his order. He looked around nonchalantly with his brown orbs, his lips thick and plump.
He looked familiar, Eunji had definitely seen him somewhere before.
“Damn,” Iseul whispered, making her friend laugh in amusement. “I haven’t seen such a fine guy in a while.”
Eunji couldn’t help but grin at her friend’s amazement, but couldn’t lie. That man was fine.
And maybe if she wasn’t married to such a good looking guy herself, she might have been drooling just as much as her friend. But she was a married woman now. A married woman with a very fine and annoying man.
“Go for it, girl.” Eunji whispered over to her friend, tilting her head towards the guy she was drooling over.
Iseul grinned, setting her drink down.
“You’re right, I should. How’s my hair?”
Eunji let out a giggle as he friend brushed through her dark strands.
“Gorgeous as always.”
Iseul grinned back at her, pushing back her chair.
“Wish me luck,”
“Which one did you say it was?” Eunji held her phone to her ear with her shoulder, opening Jungkook’s desk drawer only to see multiple files and binders.
At least he was organised.
“It should be blue,”
“Jungkook, there’s like ten blue binders in here.”
A sigh came from the other side, followed by the sound of a door shutting, and the sounds she once heard of the people in the background got cut off.
“Check the right side of the drawer. It should say ‘Data Analysis for Warrior Island’”
Eunji lifted the pile of binders, going through each one.
“It’s not here,” she muttered.
“Look harder, it should be there.”
Eunji rolled her eyes, biting into her cheek. She looked through the pile again.
“It’s not here.”
Jungkook huffed, clearly frustrated.
“It has to be there-”
“Where else can it be?” Eunji cut him off.
It wasn’t her fault that the file was looking for wasn’t there. She wasn’t blind.
“Check my shelf to the left.”
Eunji went through the many binders and files one by one, checking their names. Getting to the end of the shelf, she sighed.
“Not here.”
“What do you mean-”
“Anywhere else?” she cut him off again, frustrated.
Jungkook sighed, going silent for a moment.
“Check our room maybe, or the living room.”
Leaving her husband’s office, Eunji left for the stairs that brought her to the second floor. Once walking into their shared room, she scanned her eyes over their night stands before taking a look at their coffee table by the fireplace that lay blank.
"It's not in our room," she mumbled, turning to leave the bedroom and go back down the stairs.
"Eunji, I really need this file for the meeting." He emphasized with clear irritation.
"I know, but I can't—there it is." Eunji let out a relieved breath of air, catching sight of the missing binder on the couch's armrest. "You left it in the living room." She added grabbing the binder with the name she had been searching all over the place for.
Jungkook sighed in relief.
"Okay, get here quickly."
"Thank you Eunji, my beautiful amazing wife. I don't know what I would do without you." Eunji stood across from her husband's desk, tweaking her voice to a higher pitch while she outstretched her hand to give him the binder he had asked for.
Jungkook rolled his eyes, taking the binder with a dry "Thanks"
Good enough for now.
Without asking, she took a seat in one of the comfortable chairs across from him.
"So, when's the meeting?"
"In an hour."
Eunji's brows furrowed in confusion while her husband's attention was focused on the data within the binder.
"So you had more than enough time to come home and get it yourself."
"Then why would you—"
"Did you have anything better to do at home?" He interrupted, not bothering to glance her way.
No she didn't. But that didn't give him a reason to make her bring the file for him.
Instead, Eunji huffed and crossed her arms, looking away.
Although they had had breakfast together like they do every morning, she had yet to tell him the task of the day. Not that he was interested anyways, which only made her curious to see if he would ever bring it up.
The odds were painfully low.
“So…” she began after a few minutes of silence, with her sitting there admiring his office room while he continued to flip through some paperwork. “Anything special today?”
“Not that I know of.” he muttered back, jotting something down.
“Crazy that we’ve been married for five whole days now…”
“It’s been pretty slow.”
Eunji glared at him, biting into her inner cheek.
This jerk. He really couldn’t care less about the challenge.
“But you know, the dinner and movie night have been pretty nice.”
Silence followed, and Eunji couldn’t do anything but drum her fingers against the arm rest, out of hints to give him.
Did it always have to be her that brought it up?
The thought made her pout and slump further into her seat, Jungkook’s door swinging open and catching her attention moments later.
“Jung-Oh! Hey Eunji!” Namjoon’s eyes lit up as he walked into his partner’s office with a file in his hold. “How are you?”
Eunji smiled at his friendly greeting.
“I’m good, how about you?”
The elder shrugged.
“Just another day at work.”
“I see.”
Namjoon approached the couple with long strides, handing the file in his hand to her husband.
“These are the files you wanted for the meeting. I believe Jimin is preparing his. He should be bringing them soon.”
Jungkook just nodded, placing the file on a stack of others as Namjoon took a seat across from his coworker’s wife.
“How’s marriage life so far? Jungkook mentioned the challenge you guys are doing.”
Eunji sat up in her seat, glad that at least someone other than her had brought it up.
“What did he say?” she asked curiously, causing the coworkers to lock eyes for a second, Jungkook glaring his way.
Namjoon cleared his throat, scratching his nape.
“Uh, that’s not important. What’s today’s task?”
Eunji’s eyes lit up this time as she grinned for a quick moment before turning her gaze to her husband, squinting her eyes.
“I’m glad someone is interested.” she turned her gaze back to the elder who sat across from her as her husband sighed, rubbing his temple while flipping a sheet of paper.
“Thank you for asking Namjoon. Today we’re supposed to hold hands for some time.”
Namjoon was left placing his hands on his heart, growing soft.
“That’s adorable.” he cooed, ignoring the daggers stared his way. “You should go to the park nearby together.”
“That’s a great idea, thank you Namjoon. Doesn’t that sound pleasant, Jungkook?”
Before her husband could have a chance to reply, the door was once again swung open.
“Hey boss,” a familiar blonde walked into the room, looking up from the sheets in his hands to notice the other two figures in the room.
It was the fine man from the cafe.
The same one that Iseul had successfully given her number to.
“Mrs.Jeon, it’s nice seeing you here. I hope you’re doing well.” the blonde smiled while heading further into the room as the door shut behind him.
That smile.
She had met him at the wedding! How could she forget! He was the head of some department in the company.
Blinking out of her short daze, Eunji returned his smile.
“I am, thank you.”
Striding in further, he extended the files to Jungkook.
“These are the papers you asked for, boss. If there’s anything missing, my assistant can send them over.”
“Thanks, Jimin.”
“Anytime, boss.”
The blonde quickly said his goodbyes before heading back out and leaving the three in the office room.
Namjoon sighed, standing from his seat.
“As much as I would love to sit here and chat, work awaits. I’ll see you sometime around Eunji.”
Eunji nodded, waving him goodbye, mentioning how he and his wife should come over for dinner one day.
As soon as the tall office door had shut, Eunji had turned to her husband, locking eyes with him for a moment.
“So the park…”
“Do we really have to do this?” Jungkook groaned as they walked side by side, entering the park’s gates as the stars twinkled above their heads.
“It’s apart of the challenge, and you-”
“Promised, I know.” he grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets, only for his left arm to be tugged on.
"We're supposed to hold hands, remember?"
"How could I forget," he muttered, taking his hand out of his pocket, his palm facing up.
Eunji stood there staring at it for a moment.
"Are we doing this or not?" Her husband asked, growing impatient.
She blinked.
"Just like that? You're not even gonna—you know what, whatever." With a quick breath of air she placed her hand in his, dropping their hands to their sides and continuing to walk down the path that led deeper into the park.
As much as she wanted to push the thought aside, she couldn't help but notice how warm his touch felt with his hand engulfing her smaller one effortlessly.
She felt like they were filming a kdrama, with her being the main character of course, and him, her love interest that she was growing closer to each day.
They continued their walk in silence, the sound of their footsteps and the city along the outskirts of the park surrounding them.
She tried ignoring the tingle that his touch brought as their arms swung slightly with each step they took.
She wanted to come up with something to talk about, so that they weren't surrounded by so much silence and awkwardness, but thankfully her phone began to ring.
Slipping it out of her purse with her free hand, Eunji smiled at her mother's contact name that was displayed on the screen.
Swiping right, she answered the phone.
"Hey mom," she spoke into the phone cheerfully, receiving a greeting in return followed by how her day was.
"Is he treating you right?"
Her mother's question hung in the air for a moment, causing Eunji to suck in a breath of air and gaze up to see if Jungkook had heard it, though he seemed to be distracted by the bushes of roses they walked by.
Letting her gaze fall from him to their interlaced hands that swayed with each step, her lips slowly curved up.
"He is, don't worry."
I'm pretty happy with this chapter. I know its a bit longer than usual, but I hope you enjoyed it!
Thank you for reading! ♡
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