Chapter 31

yah! who did this 😭😭😭they're so adorable please... #vmin supremacy

Vmin would have looked like this as babies


Jimin had precisely two days to process the recent revelations about his birth before the council meeting. Two days to cry for the years he missed his family; to cry over the several late night musings where he mulled over countless reasons for why his family would abandon him; for the countless years, where he believed that his biological parents had either passed away or had thrown him away because they didn't want him.

The omega had no one to blame. Jimin had come to accept his fate a long time ago. He accepted that Taehyung was and would be his only family. But to learn that Taehyung was in fact, his twin brother had shaken him in several ways.

All this time, his family thought he was dead. Then, he witnessed his mom mourning over him without even realizing it was him she was crying over. He had comforted and held her while she broke down in his arms, crying over her little moons.

Taehyung appeared unaffected, but Jimin could tell he was shaken up too. He knew him like the back of his hand to know how good his twin was at masking his emotions.

Seokjin and Namjoon were fuming. Namjoon spent his nights cooped in his office, poring over several documents as he prepared for the worst. His mother didn't leave his side for a second, and his father watched over him like a hawk.

Jungkook's face was an impassive mask, and he said nothing in the coming days. Several unanswered questions were swimming in Jimin's mind, but he knew it was pointless to overthink. So instead, he spent some time with Namjoon and his team of attorneys to learn everything he could about the situation and prepare himself mentally for the council meeting.

On the day of the council meeting, Jimin travelled with the Kim family instead of Jungkook. His alpha had to go earlier because the council members accused him of violating the peace treaty with the Black Mambas and abducting Kang Minhyuk. The latter's petition was still pending inquiry with the council.

This morning had been particularly tense. He tugged at the top buttons of his formal white shirt. Suits were his go-to wear when he needed the confidence. Today he needed all that confidence he could muster. Jungkook's sandalwood scent wrapped around him, offering him the most needed comfort. Then he had his family.

The black SUV weaved through the traffic. He sat between Taehyung and his mother. Breathing in and out, he went through a few breathing exercises as he did before walked on a ramp.

"You good?" Taehyung asked, holding his hand and squeezing it gently.

"Yeah." He let out a breath through his mouth. "I'm good." He had to be good. This was no time to slack. The vultures hovered over him, waiting to tear him up into shreds.

"We got you, Puppy," his mom whispered, hugging him sideways. "I won't let anyone take you away from me. Not again."

He nodded, throat constricting with overwhelming emotions. "I know, mom." He leaned to kiss the side of her head and rubbed his cheeks gently against hers.

Taking several deep breaths as the car stopped in front of a big, glass-walled building, Jimin readied to face the day. When he exited the vehicle, his eyes were sharp with an impassive mask on his face.

He wasn't just part of the infamous Kim family; he was also going to be the mate of the pack alpha and the head omega. He held his head high and back straight as he walked inside.

Taehyung walked closer, his presence alone imposing and radiating a dangerous aura. Seokjin and Namjoon were already in the meeting along with his dad. His mom's hand was on his lower back and she held her posture stiff.

It was like any commercial building with long corridors, modern designs all over the walls, and the city loomed outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. Potted plants made the space look a bit livelier; however, the tall alphas littering the hallways in dark suits with weapons strapped to their torso made everything ominous.

"This way, please."

They were directed to the meeting room in the far end. There were more men here. Taehyung inched closer, his eyed narrowing and jaw clenching. Their shoulders brushed, and Jimin naturally leaned toward him, his wolf completely alert.

The glass doors opened, and Jimin stepped forward first. Taehyung and his mom fell a step behind him. His boots clacked on the pristine tiled floor. He pushed a hand deep inside his pant pocket, gaze sweeping across the huge room that was more or less set up like an interrogation room.

There was a main table, where several middle-aged to older alphas sat. To the side were a few chairs. Jungkook sat in one of them. Their gazes locked, and Jungkook gave him a subtle nod. His dad and brothers sat beside Jungkook.

Jimin turned his gaze to the main table where a looming presence garnered his attention. A man who looked like an older version of Jungkook occupied one of the chairs. His gaze raked over him, accessing him. The omega straightened his spine and met his gaze, holding it unwaveringly.

"That's uncle Jeon," Taehyung whispered under his breath. "Damn. I didn't know he was here."

Jungkook's father retired long ago and left to god knew where. He was barely in touch with anyone else. So his return was a surprise.

Jimin exhaled. "Isn't he one of the members of the council?"

"He is," his mom answered. Their voices were low and audible only to them. "Losing his mate broke him in several ways than one. He left Jungkook to me and never looked back. He rarely visited over these years. Jungkook reminds him too much of his mother, you see."

Jimin nodded gently. Still, it didn't make sense. Jungkook was only the remaining piece of his mate. Wouldn't he want to spend more time with him? Then people grieved in different ways. His heart ached for Jungkook, who lost not only his mother but also his father.

They walked until they were in front of the council members. Jimin inclined his head in a greeting.

"Where do you want me?" he asked, his tone loud, clear and unwavering.

The slight twitch of Senior Jeon's lips drew a smirk on Jimin's lips. He tore his gaze from him to glance at Jungkook, who smiled at him encouragingly. He returned the smile and faced the council members again.

"Mr. Park Jimin and Mr. Kim Taehyung," the fifth member to the right started. "I'm Kim Kyung-soo, one of the vice presidents of the International crime syndicate council. Thank you for coming here today. You're today because of a petition we received. Mr. Ha, if you may." He gestured to the guy next to him.

The middle-aged man adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and grabbed the papers in front of him. "I'm Ha Bon-Hwa," he introduced himself. "I'm a vice president here, and I've sent you that notice. I'll read it here, so every member present in this room is aware of the topic of discussion today and the purpose of this inquiry."

He glanced at everyone in the room and went back to reading.

"This notice concerns the questionable blood bond between Park Jimin aka Lee Jongmin and Kim Taehyung." His dark gaze swept around the room briefly. "This notice is addressed to Mr. Jeon, since he's the head of the Jeon clan and the two members belong to his clan," he briefed before turning his attention to the paper.

Jungkook crossed his legs at his knee, reclining in his seat. One hand rested on his knee while he used the other to rest his chin with a bored look on his face.

"It has come to our attention that Kim Taehyung has lied about his blood bond with Park Jimin to divert the criminal offence committed by Park Jimin aka Lee Jongmin, who was accused of killing six high school students ten years ago." Bon-Hwa's gaze flicked to them briefly. "One of the victims, Antony was the heir of The Night Riders, which makes it our concern. We have received a formal complaint and are hence inclined to investigate. Lee Jongmin did not belong to the Kim family at the time of the crime and hence wasn't a part of the Jeon pack. That aside, we have a strong reason to believe we have been deceived all this time. The petitioner also suspects the blood bond is forged by falsifying documents and hence Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung are required to appear for a thorough medical examination under the supervision of the council on 31st May 2022. We hope you realize that protecting a non-member from a crime like this is a violation of the code hence the Dragons would be held responsible for the crime if proven."

He put the papers down, gesturing at the others.

Kyung-soo cleared his throat. "We will begin the inquiry now. The members will begin to ask questions now. Before that, we will collect blood samples from both parties. We have hired the"

"No one is collecting anything without our consent," Namjoon's voice boomed. He stood from his chair, pushing it behind him. "You may begin your questioning. Our pack alpha will deem if it's necessary to adhere to your demands."

"Namjoon-ssi, we have a procedure to"

"The council should call for an inquiry within fifteen days of receiving the petition." Namjoon strode to stand in front of Jimin and Taehyung. His towering presence obscured their view. "We have filed not one, but two petitions with the council, and nothing has been done in months."

Kyung-soo cleared his throat. "I'm sure the things are different. I"

"Attempting to abduct our pack omega is not a simple crime, Kyung-sso-ssi," Namjoon growled. "On top of that, two of your council members showed up in our home, his home. They threatened him in his den. I don't have to remind you what our rule states."

The members shared a glance at each other. Finally, a guy to Senior Jeon's left cleared his throat and leaned forward. "It appears we have a lot of unaddressed grievances. I agree with Namjoon-ssi. But now that we're here, why don't we tackle all these one by one."

"That's Seo Junseo, one of the vice presidents who use his brain properly," Taehyung murmured to Jimin.

The omega nodded curtly.

"Jimin-ssi, my name is Seo Junseo." He stood from his seat and skirted around the table. "I'm one of the senior members of the council. I've been working with them for the past two decades." He gave him an easy smile. "I'm the oldest here. Don't let my appearance fool you."

He had an easy way of talking. The way that diffused the heavy tension in the atmosphere. He came to stand in front of the chair he had occupied earlier, now separated by a table. He perched his hip on the table with a relaxed posture. Jimin relaxed his shoulders, but kept his posture stiff.

"Why aren't they given chairs?" he inquired, glancing around at the other members. "Jimin-ssi is Jeon clan's head omega, isn't he?" He twisted his body, surfing through the papers on the table. "Ah, here...An update came through two months ago. Jungkook-ssi had updated the family tree and his pack information." He glanced back at Jimin. "Head omega is as equal as the alpha of a pack." His eyes narrowed. "I'm sure I don't have to remind you of the etiquette."

A member gestured to one of the guards stationed inside gingerly, and two chairs were brought forward. Jimin glanced at Jungkook and took a seat once the alpha gave him a subtle nod.

Namjoon eased his posture and walked to stand behind him. Taehyung motioned the guard to take away his seat with a flick of his wrist, choosing to stand beside Namjoon.

Junseo smiled. "I'll start with the questioning now," he said. "Jimin-ssi, may I know your real name."

"Kim Jimin," Jimin replied. "The orphanage I grew up in called me Lee Jongmin."

"Kim..." Junseo drawled. "Didn't you use Park as your surname?"

"I did," Jimin said.

"Did you change your name because Taehyung-ssi is your blood bond?" Junseo kept the questions light.

Jimin glanced over his shoulder, and Namjoon stepped forward. "No," he answered. "Jimin used Park as his surname to protect his identity."

"Identity?" one snorted. "This Jimin is a murderer. He changed his name because he was on the run," the same man in the grey suit snarled.

Taehyung growled, eyes flashing dangerously at him.

"Boram, that's enough. You may speak when it's your turn," Junseo interjected. His brows creased when he turned his head to face them again. "Can you elaborate? If I'm not wrong, Jungkook-ssi informed the interrogating authorities that you had known Jimin-ssi for a long time. How long have you known him?

"Ten years," Jungkook answered without missing a beat. "Taehyung introduced us."

Junseo straightened, pointing at the assistant tasked with recording the discussion. "How long have you been courting each other?"

"Six years? Give or take," Jungkook replied. "We were talking for a lot longer."

Junseo turned to Jimin. "Is this true?" he asked. "You may state the truth if you feel pressurized with anything. The council have the best interest of all the parties concerned, and we will see to it that you're protected."

Jimin sat straight, crossing his legs at the knee. "Thank you for the concern. However, it's not necessary. Jungkook is my alpha. We chose each other. He is my protector and my provider. I'm safe with him." He smiled, showing them he meant every word.

Junseo nodded. "Very well. Namjoon-ssi, why did he have to protect his identity?"

"Because his life was in danger," Namjoon replied. He approached them, handing him a set of papers to Junseo. "Because Jimin is not Taehyung's blood bond."

"Ha!" Boram slammed his palm on the table. "The petitioner was right." He laughed. "They accepted they aren't blood bonds. They deceived the system."

Junseo sighed. "Boram-ssi, with all due respect." He threw an irritated glance at him. "I don't like being interrupted." He turned to Namjoon. "So they're not blood bonds, but you're saying they're biological brothers."

"That's right." Namjoon's narrowed gaze was on Boram. "Jimin is Taehyung's twin brother. Someone we thought was dead. The reports you hold in your hand is the latest DNA report to prove that he is our blood."

Junseo passed the papers to the others. They immediately snatched it, sifting through the contents. Furious whispers rose as they discussed among them. Jimin could pick a few sentences here and there.

"What do you mean they're biological brothers?"

"What story are they weaving now?"

"Is it true? Could it be?"

Junseo cleared his throat. "That means Jimin-ssi is a Kim, the youngest son of the Kim family."

"He has always been." Namjoon straightened. "A few older members of this council might be aware of the hardships my parents suffered with failed pregnancies. She was carrying triplets, an alpha and two omegas. But as per the doctors, only Taehyung made it alive."

Junseo bobbed his head. "I remember. It was a trying time for your family."

Namjoon nodded. "As I was saying, our family believed the doctor until my little brother met Jimin in school. They connected instantly, and Taehyung's wolf was extremely protective of him. At first, we thought he was attracted to him romantically. However, the attack on Jimin and further hospitalization revealed it was more than that. Jimin required blood transfusion, and Taehyung's was a match. They were extremely compatible, which was rare. So we ran a test and discovered something that shocked our entire family. We had to protect his identity because my other brother could be alive too and the enemy could harm him."

"This attack...this is the one where he killed Antony," Junseo surmised.

Jimin stiffened, but Taehyung's calming pheromones washed over him. He forced himself to breathe and relax.

"My brother was brutally assaulted and left to die," Namjoon growled. "He killed them to protect himself. You know what happens when someone touches one of ours." He eyed the others. "The Jeon clan isn't forgiving. The bastards involved and their families will be punished, including the minister. They will pay for every drop of blood our Jimin shed that day."

Junseo nodded thoughtfully. "May I ask why this wasn't brought to the council's attention? We could have..."

"The culprits weren't members of the council," Namjoon replied. "It's our internal affair. It doesn't concern the council how the Jeon clan handle the ones who wronged them."

"If I'm not wrong, the Night Riders became a member a few weeks ago," Jungkook said. "Tell them the Dragons will obliterate them. They spilt blood first and it'll be answered in the same way."

"We still have to investigate your claim. This papers could be"

"You may collect blood samples in Dr. Seokjin's presence. In fact, he will draw you the samples, and you may run whatever tests you want. He will monitor everything." Jungkook stood. "I won't allow anyone else touching my omega." He glanced at his father and inclined his head. "We're done here," he said.

"We are"

"I. Said. We. Are. Done. Here," Jungkook cut Boram off. "Minhyuk violated the code of conduct by going after my omega." He lifted his hand when someone tried to intervene. "Jimin said no. He rejected his proposals, but Minhyuk still went after him. He drugged not only him but also Taehyung. His men injured Taehyung and tried to abduct my omega in three different events. This is now between Minhyuk and us. He started it, and we will end it. Stay out of this."

"That's not how you behave. The council"

"You may kiss that minister's ass, Boram. I do not bow before anyone," Jungkook growled. "Tell him I'm coming for him. He should quit politics and leave the country if he wishes to keep his head." He glanced at Junseo. "Junseo-ssi, I'll give your men ten minutes. Collect the samples and we are leaving. Hereafter, my omega won't attend any inquiries in person. If you have further concerns, Namjoon will address it."

Jimin uncrossed his legs and stood, striding toward Jungkook. The alpha immediately wrapped an arm around his waist. "It's good to finally meet you, Uncle Jeon." He bowed to show his respect. "Please join us for a meal at your convenience."

Senior Jeon finally smiled. "Very well," he replied. "It's been a while. I'd love to join you for dinner tonight."

Jimin beamed. "Thank you, uncle."

Ten minutes passed in a blur. Jimin didn't flinch when Seokjin drew his blood along with Taehyung's and his parents' samples. Jungkook ushered him out and into his car, pulling him on his lap before the car even moved out of the driveway.

"So that's over?" Jimin asked, returning his demanding kisses. Jungkook kissed down his neck, digging his nose into the scent gland.


"That went faster. I thought it'd be worse." He sighed, sinking into his alpha's embrace.

"It could have been," Jungkook admitted. "Dad is one of the most respected members of the council. So they didn't expect him to be there. It was a surprise to me too."


"Yeah." Jungkook pulled back with a smile. He tucked a strand of his silver hair behind his ears. "Dad showed up and reminded their place. I've never seen him in action before, so that was admirable."

Jimin stared at him, reaching to gently stroke his cheek. "Do you miss him? Mom said he left when you were a baby."

Jungkook exhaled, leaning forward to bury his nose in his chest. "I don't know what it is like to have a father," he said. "Uncle Kim is more of a father figure than him. He taught me everything I know now. Most of my first memory is with him so...."

Jimin carded his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry."

"I don't know why he left. Uncle Kim said he was hunting down the people who were behind mom's untimely death."

Jimin frowned. "She was...How did she?"

"Accident," he said. "A convenient one at that. There's no proof something went wrong, but dad refuses to believe so. According to Aunt Kim, they were so in love that it almost destroyed him. She said he blamed himself for mom's death. Finally, he left because it was all too much."

Jimin rested his cheek on Jungkook's shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's good he's here. He's someone who can fill the gaps because, with everything we found out, I feel like this was all connected somehow," Jungkook continued.

"I really didn't expect the council to let us off like this," Jimin said again. He really expected more drama. However, Junseo had been pleasant and professional.

"There would have been if we had given them a chance," Jungkook replied. "This world is cruel and unfair. However, I wasn't going to let them rip you apart by digging up the old events. You suffered enough, and I won't let you suffer more."

Jimin swallowed. "Thank you, alpha. I didn't know what to expect. I prepared for the worst."

"Me too." Jungkook kissed his head again. "I won't let anyone hurt you. You're not alone anymore. You have us."

"I know." Jimin closed his eyes. Relief flooded him, but there was a foreboding that was churning his gut. There were only more questions than answers.

Why? Who?

Someone took him away from his parents. Someone killed Jungkook's mother. They weren't safe yet. He won't be able to rest until the enemy was caught.

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