Chapter 24

CW: This chapter contains wolf grooming.

What is wolf grooming?

Two wolves will lick each others coats, nibbling gently with their teeth to remove foreign matter. Reciprocal grooming is especially common during courtship. Injured wolves are intensely groomed by other pack members, providing both physical and mental comfort.

You can research more on wolf behavior in Google if you're curious.


"Park Jimin!"

He halted, his entire body stiffening as he clenched his fist. Jungkook's wolf let out a warning growl, curling his body around his knees in a protective stance.

"You're nothing but filth," Isabel yelled. "I know exactly who you are, Jimin. Or should I say Lee Jongmin?"

Lee Jongmin.

His blood ran cold as a cold fury licked his veins. Another growl was heard and he didn't have to turn to know it was Taehyung.

She knows.


I thought no one knew that name anymore.

"You never belonged to this family. You're a murderer who was forced to run away because of the crimes you committed. Does the committee know the minister's family is still looking for you? You're not even a Kim. That's all a bullshit stunt your asshole friend pulled to protect your sorry ass."

Jimin's back was ramrod straight, jaw clenched as cold sweat trickled down the back of his neck. The alpha let out a thunderous growl.

"Ms. Isabel, stop, please..." someone begged.

"Why would I stop? I'm not the one who committed the crimes," she continued to yell. "Hey, Jimin! Why do you think you deserve Jungkook? Newsflash, asshole! You don't."

Jimin turned around so slowly. If he had seen himself in the mirror, he would have known his omega had completely taken over, turning his eyes entirely blue. His fangs and claws were out. The wolf beside him was tense, rumbles and growls vibrating in his chest.

Her face contorted, taking an ugly shade of red. She tried to get out of the guard's hold. "You thought you could erase all the history and pretend and behave as if nothing happened? You thought it'll stay buried? You're wrong. You're so fucking wrong!" She jabbed a finger in his direction. "By now, the entire underground would have known your identity. You're good for nothing, Park Jimin. You're—"

Jimin was nothing but a blur when he moved. He tore her from the other's grip, slamming her into the wall as he snarled into her face. Taehyung moved in his peripheral vision, ready to intervene if needed.

"Lee Jongmin is dead!" he thundered above all. "He was a helpless omega who let others push him around."

His extended claws sank into her neck, drawing more blood. She shivered like a leaf in his hold, pupils were blown wild and the scent of fear cloyed his nostrils.

"You picked the wrong omega to fight," he growled. "Guess what? I don't give two fucks as to what you think. You—a self-centered, narcissistic, and obsessed omega; You—who is pining after a taken alpha and kicking fuss like a child who was denied her candies; You—who has never worked a day in your life and knows nothing more than spend her papa's hard earned money. Do you think you have the right to question me? I'm Park Jimin. The omega, who stood through the test of time and fought with fangs and claws to get where I am today. If my mother says I'm a Kim then I'm a Kim. If my brother says I'm his blood bond, then I'm his blood bond. If my mate says I'm worth it all, then I'm worth it. Hell will freeze over on the day I take validation from someone useless as you."

He felt the brush of soft fur and a burst of sandalwood thickening with pride.

"My alpha doesn't need a bitch who can't even scratch my skin or have the backbone to choose her fights wisely. This isn't La Costa Nostra packhouse, where you could just march in and throw tantrums until you get your demands met. THIS.IS.MY.HOME!" He threw her to the floor ruthlessly.

The two councilmen who tried to get to her scrambled away when he let out a thunderous roar.

"I'm not your father," he continued, taking slow yet powerful strides. "I won't put up with your foolishness." His pheromones were thick in the air. "You walked in here and thought you could just disrespect me in front of my family and my mate." He picked her up again, lifting her until her feet were dangling in the air. "You're no match to me, omega. Jungkook is MINE. He chose me. And I chose him. I'll kill anyone who would so much as dare to breathe in our direction. What makes you think you could just steal him from me?"

Isabel's eyes were wide as she gasped for breath. Her futile attempts to claw at his hand made him laugh.

"You're a weak excuse for a werewolf. Pathetic," he spat. His gaze flicked to Yoongi and Hoseok who hovered closer. He threw her toward them. She landed on the floor with a whine. "Take her away and lock her. Don't give her food or water until I say so."

"You can't do this!" One of the councilmen growled. "This is the violation of—"

"Lock him too," he commanded, his features hardening. "My home. My rules. This is the Jeon mansion and not your council headquarters. Here, you follow my rules." He closed the distance between them. "The council matters should be dealt outside of this mansion. Who gave you the right to come into my place? You accompanied an omega, who approached you with a clear intention to threaten my den and blatantly challenge my position as Jungkook's omega. Isn't that a violation of the code of conduct? Or should I remind you?" He lifted a brow. "Council Rulebook, section 133 (1): Under no circumstance shall the council threaten a member or his family while addressing grievances. They shall conduct all their inquiries on a common ground for both parties. Section 256 (4): Mating and marriage is a matter of personal concern. The council shall not bear responsibility for the member's personal conflicts regarding this matter."

The man took a step backward, sweat coating his forehead.

"Werewolf Laws & Regulations, Section 125 (1): An omega's den is sacred. Under no circumstances shall a wolf threaten their mate or their family in their den." Jimin smirked. "The Jeon code of conduct, section 5 (1): The appointed pack omega shall behold all the powers vested in the pack alpha mentioned here within. They shall be answerable only to their alpha."

He straightened and glared at the other councilman who looked shaken. His shoulders were hunched as he tried to appear harmless.

"Now do I have to list the number of rules you broke?" Jimin smirked. "When you receive a complaint, you inquire both the parties and get their statements. Then, you should create a committee who further investigate regarding this matter before you would do bring them both in the same room. You have done none of this yet." He stepped closer. "It makes me wonder if the council is really unbiased as it should be."

Once upon a time, Jimin was scared shitless. Once upon a time, he ran and hid from all the wolves who wanted to hunt him down. But fate had a weird sense of humor. It had picked him up, carried him from the bottom of the food chain, and carried him to the top overnight.

Now, the Jimin who stood in front of them knew exactly what powers he held over the others. The one who faced them was an omega who knew he had an alpha who trusted him and would protect him at any cost. He had a family now. He had three brothers and loyal wolves who had pledged to be by his side.

"Let this one go so he shall carry this message to the others," he said.

With that, he pivoted on his heel and briskly walked inside. The moment he was away from the other's eyes, he took off running. The wolf clawed at his chest. He ran to his room, the wolf hot on his heels.

His chest heaved and nausea churned his belly. Tremors racked through his body and he had to clasp his hand to stop them. His knees knocked together and tears blurred his vision. He needed his nest.

He burst into his room, slamming the door shut as soon as the wolf slipped inside the room with him. The next thing he knew, his clothes ripped into shreds and he fell on all fours with a howl lodged in his throat.

Lee Jongmin.

She knows. Soon everyone will know.

His legs almost gave out as he made it to his bed, now in his wolf form. He dragged his weary legs to the bed, stumbling as he climbed into his nest. His nose buried into the sheets that held the combined scents of his family and his alpha.

He nuzzled into the sheets furiously, letting out soft whimpers as he sought comfort. A whine caught his attention and he lifted his wolf head to see the black wolf sitting by the side of his bed, one paw resting on the edge.

The omega tilted his head, staring at the alpha, pulling his best puppy eyes pleadingly before resting his head on top of his large paw. The omega scooted to make some space for the alpha before grunting and scratching the sheet with his paw. He lifted his rump, tail wagging and pressing his head down, tongue lolling out in a playful manner.

The alpha's ears twitched, a wolfish grin overtaking his otherwise intimidating features before he carefully jumped into his nest without disrupting any of the items in there. He looked at the omega for permission.

The omega immediately cleared out a spot he felt was best suited for the alpha, waiting for him to take his place. As soon as the alpha lay down, he climbed over him, half-lying on top of him before burying his face into the alpha's neck.

The black wolf bared his neck for a thorough scenting session. Jimin was lost in the sandalwood forest that surrounded him, the scent so calming and assuring. With soft rumbles vibrating along his chest, he began to groom his mate as a show of intimate care and affection.

The alpha's chest rumbled too, resembling a purr. His scent was one of pure contentment. All of the worries he felt a while ago ebbed away as the alpha's scent bloomed around him. This was home. He was safe here. He was safe with his alpha.

When he was done, he lifted his head and pulled it apart slightly to admire his word. The alpha was drenched in his scent—such a wonderful mixture of sandalwood and roses. A heaven on earth.

And such a handsome wolf too. Pride filled his chest upon seeing the rich coat of black. His alpha was not only handsome in his human form but also his wolf form. Taehyung was right. Their furs complimented each other so well.

Jimin's chest rumbled once again with appreciative growls. Then the alpha shifted, throwing a paw over him as he began to scent him and Jimin's wolf went lax, laying pliant as he basked in his alpha's tender care.

Jungkook was so gentle and thorough, taking his time to scent the omega and then proceeding to groom him. He licked at his coat, occasionally nibbling at his skin in a show of affection. The omega relaxed, his breathing evening as the alpha's scent slowly lulled him to a most relaxed sleep.


Furious was an understatement for how Jungkook felt. However, wolves were attracted to strength. While it didn't matter to Jungkook how strong his mate was because he would love and cherish him regardless, he knew what Jimin was capable of. He also knew it was time his pack witnessed that too.

He could have easily intervened but there was no need because Jimin had it under control. Well, until the bitch said some things she shouldn't have. But it also ruffled his feathers for different reasons.

Someone knew the truth. He didn't know-how. But they knew Jimin's real name and what he had done. It didn't bode well with him. While he was silently hunting the families involved, here was Isabel actively spreading the truth to the world.

He didn't know what this would entail. A shudder had run through his body when Jimin began to reiterate the code of conduct and rules to the councilmen. Pride filled his chest because honestly, he didn't expect Jimin to know all that. But what more proof did the pack need than this to know Jimin was in every way capable of taking reins when needed.

His wolf had relented control sometime later into the grooming session. But he was too comfortable to shift back. Jimin was asleep by the time he finished grooming. Someone knocked at the door gently before opening it.

He lifted his head, a growl lodged in his throat in warning, but eased when Taehyung's peppermint scent reached him. The source of that scent poked his head inside.

"Is it okay to come in?" he whispered.

Jungkook's wolf took a deep breath, knowing he couldn't waste time. He transformed into his human form and pulled the sheet over him to cover his nudity. "Yes."

Taehyung entered the room, looking tense but his features softened when he noticed Jimin's sleeping form. He pushed his hands inside the pockets of his jeans. "She isn't talking," he exasperated. "She keeps asking for her father and throwing tantrums."

Jungkook's face hardened. "Ignore and leave her be." He glanced down at Jimin, tenderly stroking his light-colored fur. "People like her thrive for attention and would do anything. Inform her father."

Taehyung nodded stiffly. "What do you advise on the other matter?"

He looked a bit shaken up. The matter wasn't simple. "We need to get to the bottom of this," he said. "I guess that you left a loose end."

Taehyung nodded. "I was careful," his voice was barely above a whisper. "I-I don't know-how. I'm sorry." He hung his head.

Jungkook shook his head. "Stop blaming yourself." He continued to stroke the fur of his omega. "There's no use in crying over the spilled milk."

He nodded. "I'll get going then. Yoongi hyung said he wanted to do something in case the councilmen retaliated."

"Okay." He scratched behind the wolf's ears fondly. "I promise. I won't let them touch a hair on your body," he growled. "You suffered because you didn't have me by your side." He lifted his head to lock his gaze with Taehyung. It's my turn to protect you. I'll show them what will happen if someone came for him or you."

Taehyung's peppermint scent bloomed as he nodded. His gaze fondly flicked to Jimin. "I'm happy for you," he whispered. "This is huge for him."

Jungkook nodded but said nothing.

"I'll be on the phone if you need anything." Taehyung waved his phone at him before leaving it on the bedside table. He left the room without further ado and Jungkook's mind spun.

To Namjoon hyung:


From Namjoon hyung:

The council is not pleased but they don't have any come back either. They won't be quiet for long.

Jimin knows what he is doing.

Yoongi hyung is going to meet with our lawyers just in case.

To Namjoon hyung:

Gut instinct?

From Namjoon hyung:

La Costa Nostra might not get involved, but I don't think Isabel would pull this without any backup plan. She knows what she's doing.

To Namjoon hyung:

She knew about his past. The truth we thought was known only to a handful of people.

From Namjoon hyung:

Taehyung killed the perps but not the family members. He took care of the problematic ones, but others are alive.

To Namjoon hyung:

She said the minister's family is looking for him.

From Namjoon hyung:

Heard that. Give me some time, Jungkook.

I have a hunch but would need to look further into this. We have taken care of one family who was involved just like you asked me to. We are yet to receive some details. It's taking time because this happened almost ten years ago.

To Namjoon hyung:


Let me know if you have any other news.


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