Chapter 14

TW: Blood, violence and death. There's a fight scene in this chapter and a few bad guys die.There's also blood and injury.


"Come on, bubby. It's time to change." Taehyung hit his rump and the wolf slid off him with a huff.

The wolf was in no hurry to shift back into his human form though. It wasn't every day he came out to play. Life in Paris had been really rough on him with them getting very few chances to shift and run to his heart's content.

He pranced around a little bit, halting in front of the mirror, looking this way and that way. The silver wolf was definitely much bigger than normal omegas and stronger. It tilted its head, tongue lolling out before letting out a loud bark, and went down on his forelegs, tail wagging as he growled at his image.

"I know you're beautiful. Now can you stop showing off?" Taehyung grunted from the floor, but he was now taking photos on his phone. "Hold on a moment. Wanna show off to your mate?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "I'm sure Jungkook's wolf will be a goner when he sees you."

The wolf's ears twitched at the mention of his mate's name and he turned around to sit on his hind legs, head tilted to the side as he posed. The familiar sound of click brought forth the model in him and the next thing he knew, he was posing this way and that way, finally settling to turn away and give the camera a playful shake of his rump, tail swishing.

"You're a fucking tease," Taehyung griped and the wolf let out another bark.

He was a tease indeed. He knew Taehyung was recording a video and knew what his actions meant. It was to entice an alpha to a chase. Often he wondered how it'd feel like an alpha to chase him before tackling him to the ground and licking his face in victory. How it'd feel to submit to an alpha, trusting him to care for him and protect him.

"You know Jungkook's wolf is bigger," Taehyung spoke as he pocketed his phone. The wolf sat as he listened intently. "He's majorly black with the tip of his fur coated in silver. You'll love him."

His tail thumped on the floor and he yipped once.

Taehyung stood dusting his pants. "Thank god we have a change of clothes. Imagine riding the car in your wolf form."

The wolf yipped in answer.

"Of course, you'd love that." He huffed. "Wait here. Let me go pull your clothes from the locker. Then you can go inside."

The wolf turned around watching himself in the mirror for a moment before he pressed his nose on the floor and sniffed the surface out of habit. Several scents clouded his senses and he was curious taking in everything. He was behind the music system, sniffing at the wires when the door opened.

What drew his attention was the lack of scent. It wasn't the peppermint he expected. His ears went flat against his head and his snout pulled back, revealing the sharp canines. He crouched, lifting his head from between the music system to see three men in black masks slipping inside, weapons ready in their hands.

They were here to hurt them. His instincts went on high alert.




"I can smell the alpha, but there's no one here," one man said.

The wolf suppressed the growl and pressed its body flat on the ground, waiting. A thrill shot through its system as the human side drew further into the back of his mind in fear. The wolf licked its lips, hind legs gently lifting as it readied itself.

The men stepped inside, unaware of the danger lurking behind the music system. They didn't see it coming. The wolf pounced, going straight for the first one's neck, breaking it between his powerful jaws. It was too late when the others noticed. The wolf had already jumped on the second and twisted his body right on time, evading the shot aimed at him.

Before he could go for the third, however, Taehyung came out of nowhere, taking him down. The wolf growled at him, furious that he stole his kill.

"Sorry." Taehyung smiled sheepishly.

There was no time to banter because the door opened and more men spilled inside. Taehyung was there before they could shoot in panic, disarming them and using the gun to shoot at them. The wolf ducked out of the way, avoiding the bullets, and pounced at the first chance he got.

It was a bloodbath. It relished the blood flowing through his mouth and lifted his head in time to see Taehyung engaged in a fight with two men and the third one approaching him from his blindside. The wolf didn't think twice before it attacked.




The mantra repeated like a chant in his mind. It recognized Taehyung as his blood bond. His den mate. The wolf saw red.


Taehyung was returning from the locker when he felt his gut stir. He wasn't one to ignore his gut instincts.

He pressed the button on his Bluetooth earpiece, hurrying to the dance studio that was two corridors down. "Is everything okay?" he asked the moment Hoseok answered.

"Fuck, no!" Hoseok grunted. "Get Jimin and leave."

He didn't have to be told twice. He broke through the door in time to see the main aiming his gun at Jimin. The next thing he knew he'd taken down the man and had a very furious wolf growling at him.


He was quick to apologize. Jimin was the squishy and soft little bean but his wolf was whole another level. It was a bitch and a literal pain in the ass. He didn't want this to end up in another fight. They, however, didn't have enough time as more men spilled in.

How did this happen?

The dragons scouted the perimeter twice before Jimin came in and they had men watching the building. They fought together, taking one after the other down. His chest heaved with the last one falling. He looked at the wolf, eyes raking its body and searching for any visible injuries.

"You okay?"

The wolf growled in response, taking a step toward him but the door opened again. This time it was Hoseok. He was about to talk when a ground-shaking growl ripped out of the wolf's chest.

Oh, fuck!

Hoseok's eyes widened and he stumbled back, tripping over a body. Taehyung jumped, extending his hand toward the pouncing wolf. When they landed, the wolf had his arm in between his jaws, shaking his head violently to rip it off.

"Fuck!" he cursed. "Hyung, leave!"

Hoseok scrambled away, slamming the door shut behind him.

Taehyung grabbed the scruff of the wolf with a free hand, pain shooting from his right arm. "Stop that it hurts," he growled, letting his alpha surface. It let out a rumbling growl that caused the wolf to freeze.

It lifted its eyes, jaw unclamping as if it just realized whose hand it was trying to chew off. Taehyung caught its jaw, carefully removing his arm to inspect the damage. He was bleeding. The wolf stepped back, folding its ears and letting out a whine.

Taehyung's features softened. "It's okay, bubby. It's just a scratch." He waved a hand, ignoring the burst of pain. "See, it's nothing."

The wolf, however, wasn't someone that can be fooled. It began to pace, soft growls and whines rumbling out of its chest. It butted its head on his chest, whining as it pushed its snout on his hand.

He sighed. "Fine."

He pushed the sleeves back and the wolf whined again before lapping its tongue over the wound, trying to clean it and stop the bleeding. He pulled out his phone and called Jungkook.

"Tae, fuck! Is everything okay?"

"No." He shook his head. "Where are you?"

"Outside. Hoseok hyung said there's a wolf inside the studio and I assume Jimin is still in his wolf form?"

"Yeah. You did well. Hold on a moment." He nudged the wolf with a knee. "Bubby, Jungkook is here. Will you allow him to come inside?"

The wolf growled without intending to, a warning to stay away as his eyes flicked to his hand. He'd gotten him good. There were deep gashes that were still bleeding.

"I need a doctor. Your saliva alone isn't going to help. Come on, bubby. It's just your mate."

The wolf growled again but then let out a whine.

Taehyung pressed his phone to his ear. "You can come, but stay calm and don't do anything to alert him. He's a jerk when he's in this form." The wolf growled at that and Taehyung narrowed his eyes at the wolf in a challenge. "A jerk who bit his own brother's arm. J.E.R.K," he growled.

The wolf's ears went flat again and it tucked its tail between its legs with a soft whine.

"Shit. Okay. I'm coming."

"Jungkook is coming here now." Taehyung put his phone away and grabbed his hand gingerly. "I'm sorry, bubby. As much as I love you, it's the pain talking and you're a fucking bitch for biting me like that. You were trying to rip off my arm and I'm not gonna forget this."

He knew he was being mean but screw him, he was just pissed as his arm began to throb. The wolf began to whine again and pawed at his leg.

"I know you're sorry. Attack Jungkook or anyone again, I'm not talking to you this entire week."

The alpha was very well capable of Jimin's wolf. He had no doubt. Jungkook was not only Jimin's potential mate but was also their pack alpha. The wolf would respect him no matter what but he didn't want to take any chances. He didn't want any mishap to ruin the budding trust between them to shatter.

The wolf growled.

"I mean it," he growled back. "Suck it up. Jungkook is gonna get us outta here and clean this mess for us. I know there's no way you'll shift back now. So you gotta keep those fangs away and be at your best. I don't wanna lose my arm. Got it?"

He saw defeat in the wolf's eyes. It lay down on the floor by his feet. Its ears twitched when they heard footsteps outside and a growl vibrated off its chest, but a lift of Taehyung's eyebrow was all it took to shut him up. It lay down on its paw.

There was a knock on the door. "I'm coming in," Jungkook announced before the door opened.

A strong scent of sandalwood washed over them before he stepped inside. Clever. Taehyung saw the wolf's eyes glaze over as it stood, head cocked to the side. It growled when Jungkook took another step inside.

Jungkook halted. "Easy, omega," he said in a soothing voice, but Taehyung could sense the soft alpha command behind it. "It's me."

The wolf looked between him and Taehyung before walking away to the side, allowing Jungkook to take a closer look.

"Shit," Jungkook cursed upon noticing the damage inside. He approached Taehyung, mindful of the very watchful wolf in the corner. "He got you good." He inspected his hand.

"Yeah. He was going for Hoseok hyung's throat. I had to stop him." He looked over at the wolf. "It wasn't his fault. He was trying to protect me."

Jungkook nodded, letting his arm go. "I can see that. He's a brave wolf."

The wolf answered in a rumble of a growl and Jungkook chuckled.

"Come on." He helped Taehyung up. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

"Nah, just a few scratches."

"I guess he isn't gonna change," Jungkook assumed.

"Not for another two days if you don't calm that bitch."

The wolf growled.

"'s okay, Omega," Jungkook immediately said. "You're safe. I took care of the threat outside. Let's leave this place now, hmm?" He extended a hand. "Come here."

The wolf eyed his hand for a long moment before putting a leg forward, stepping toward him, and pushing its snout into his palm.

Jungkook smiled, allowing him to sniff at him, before slipping his hand behind his ears and gently scratching. "You did great. You protected your brother. Such a brave omega," he crooned. "Alpha is so proud of you, sweetheart."

The wolf whined, bumping into his hip and circling his legs. Jungkook laughed.

"Your praise kink is showing, bitch," Taehyung growled without heat in his words.

The wolf growled at him but began to walk forward, pawing at the door and looking over its shoulder at Jungkook. They left the studio. Jungkook had a hand on the wolf's scruff, ready to haul him back if he attacked anyone.

No one dared to reach them and stayed in their positions as they approached the car. The car they came in was to the side and he noticed the crack in their windshield.

"They began to shoot out of nowhere. Two guards died and four were rushed to the hospital," Jungkook said, guiding them to his car. He opened the door, gesturing for the wolf to get inside. Taehyung followed.

Jungkook circled the car to climb into the front seat.

"That looks bad," Namjoon said from the driver's seat. "Jin hyung is going to be mad."

"I'm fine. It was an accident," Taehyung said. The wolf let out a soft whine and lay down on his lap, licking at his hands. "I'm fine, Minnie. Jin hyung is gonna patch me up."

It nudged his hand and he began to scratch his ears.

"It's gonna be okay," he gently spoke to the wolf. "We will be okay."


In their modern society, people didn't shift to their true forms often compared to the wolf tribes living in the forests and away from civilization. They were seen as uncultured for choosing to be with nature.

Here they did have forests and clubs with large lands to shift once in a while and allow the wolf to run. However, shifting outside of it was frowned upon and considered a potential danger. If the government knew Jimin went feral he'd be taken away and locked in a facility. It was why Taehyung hid him initially.

It was hard to smuggle a wolf through the city without anyone noticing. But he was Jeon Jungkook. Who was going to question him?

He could make bodies disappear with a flick of his finger and erase any evidence that might lead others to him.

Kang Minhyuk had balls if he thought he could beat him. Lust must have turned him blind and affected his logical thinking. Because he just signed his death warrant. It was war and there was nothing or no one that could protect him from his wrath now.

"Tell the council to fuck off," Jungkook growled as he got off the phone with Hoseok as soon he got the news of the attack. They were attacked in their territory in broad daylight. "Kang is marked."

But Jungkook will take pleasure in ripping him apart slowly. First, he'd start with his no-good empire that was a pain in their ass for the past decade or two.

Taehyung was recovering in their medical wing and Jin demanded that he stay the night. Jimin's wolf had gotten him good. Everyone understood it was an accident but tell that to Taehyung's hand, would you?

The wolf attacked with an intention to kill, so the bite had cut deep into his bones and destroyed the tissues there. It'd take a while for him to heal and regrow the tissues. Thanks to their quick healing abilities, Taehyung will be fine as a fiddle in a few weeks. He was also glad that Jimin was able to stop when he did with his history of going feral with no control.

Taehyung had locked Jimin in his room with a stern command to stay put. He also told him to focus on changing back while he was being treated. His best friend was afraid the wolf wouldn't let anyone treat him and might attack them.

Now Jungkook was on his way to check on Jimin as per Taehyung's request. He also brought food. Grilled ribs and steak just like Taehyung instructed. Jimin's wolf didn't like raw meat. Even in wolf form, he preferred it to be cooked to perfection.

He approached the door and knocked at it once. "It's me. I'm coming in," he announced before opening the door.

The room was dark except for the soft blue light by Jimin's bedside. He pushed the food trolley inside and settled it near the coffee table in the sitting area before switching on the lights.

The scent of roses was so intense inside and his knees went weak. Sitting in the middle of his nest, looking so lost was his omega. He wore one of Jungkook's black hoodies, skin pale and lips bitten raw. When he saw the omega was sniffling, Jungkook hurried to him.

"Jimin, you shifted back." He stopped outside the nest. "Taehyung is sleeping. He's fine. Jin hyung patched him up."

Jimin didn't look up, his head hung as he stared at his hands on his lap. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Jungkook couldn't sense the bitterness in his scent because of the scent blockers but he could tell it was there.

"Hey, I brought you food," he said softly. "Wanna eat it in your nest?"

Jimin shook his head but still didn't look up at him. He could tell Jimin was hungry. It took a lot of energy to shift back and forth. He'd need a lot of meat to build that energy.

"I brought you grilled meat and steak."

Jimin began to sob at that. "Taehyungie..."

Jungkook's features softened and he released calming pheromones automatically. "Yes, he told me to check on you and told me to tell you that you need to eat and rest."

Jimin covered his face. "I hurt him." His body shook with sobs. "I hurt my Taehyungie."

Jungkook sighed. "You were brilliant today, my dear. He isn't angry and what happened isn't your fault."

"But he is hurt."

"You were protecting him. You thought Hoseok was an intruder. It's not your fault Taehyung jumped in between," Jungkook said. "You stopped though. As soon as you realized it was him, you stopped."

Jimin covered his face and continued to sob. Jungkook ached to pull him into his arms and comfort him, kiss his face and tell him it wasn't his fault until he believed him. But the omega was in his nest and he wasn't allowed to go inside yet. It was satisfying to see many of his clothing in his nest and it smelled heavily of him.

He thought of a way to distract Jimin and smiled when an idea surfaced in his mind.

"Come on now, sweetheart. Alpha hasn't eaten anything all day. Don't want your alpha to be hungry, do you?"

The omega was so kind and caring, always worrying about the well being of others. He'd often noticed how he always eyed Taehyung until he had his fill and scolded him when he fussed with food. Taehyung was a picky eater and only Jimin was able to make him eat even if the menu didn't fit his taste. He'd seen this several times when they dined together. He hoped it worked now.

Jimin's head whipped up at that. Jungkook felt his heart squeeze upon seeing the tear stricken face of the omega. "You didn't eat yet?"

Jungkook shook his head. His wolf yipped inside him, satisfied to see Jimin's expression.

"Been busy." He offered his hand. "Come on. Let's eat and then we can talk."

Jimin took his hand slowly with a nod. He stumbled a little, his foot getting caught on the edge of the blanket. Jungkook caught him and Jimin's cheeks tinged pink. The alpha led him to the sitting area where he had left the food.

Jimin went to sit on the couch and Jungkook set out to uncover the lids, only to pause when the omega folded the legs under him, pulling the hoodie down to cover his knees. His eyes almost bugged out realizing he was only wearing his hoodie and probably a short underneath. It was his turn to get flustered.

Since when did you start getting flustered, Jungkook? It's not like you've never seen a little bit of skin before.

Jimin looked so adorable with flushed pink cheeks and big eyes peeking from under his silver bangs. His stomach rumbled and Jungkook jerked out of his thoughts, immediately filling his plate and handing it to him.

The omega accepted it without another word and dug in. They didn't talk much as they ate in comfortable silence. The clinking sound of the cutlery and the occasional sips of plum wine Jimin took was all the sound that accompanied them.

Jungkook served more meat, gently coaxing him to eat more and the omega silently ate his potion. His scent had begun to seep out now that the scent blockers were wearing off.

"Tae sent me the photos and videos of your wolf," Jungkook started, wanting the conversation to be light-hearted. "Your wolf is adorable. Bigger than any omega I've seen and strong." He let his pride wash over him and it had the desired effect on the omega.

Jimin's eyes flickered toward him, a shy smile spreading on his face as he ducked his head.

"I'm so proud of you, Jimin." Jungkook extended a hand, pausing shy of his thigh. "May I?"

Jimin nodded shyly.

Jungkook put his hand on his thigh, gently squeezing it once, and inched closer. "I'm happy that my omega can protect himself. You did so great today."


"Shh..." Jungkook shushed him. "None of that, Omega. Tae knew what he was getting into. You'd have been devastated if he hadn't stopped you on time."

"I'm sorry," Jimin sniffled. "I-It's all because of my wolf. It-It...I —"

Jungkook hooked a finger under his chin, lifting his face to meet his gaze. "Your wolf is amazing. You shouldn't have gone through what you went through in the first place," he spoke in a gentle tone. "Don't apologize for something that's out of your control." He brushed the tears away. "Your wolf is looking out for you. He's protecting you in places your human side couldn't." He gently pressed his forehead against his. "I'm thankful to him."



"Can you...Can I —" He fidgeted with the hem of his hoodie.


"You don't even know what I want yet," Jimin complained in a small voice, hands still fidgeting.

"Whatever you want, omega, it's yours."

Jimin's eyes glinted, something flashing in his gaze. He looked away, his cheeks glowing pink. "Um...I...ah...can I s-scent you?"

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath before clearing his throat with wide eyes. "Yes, of course. Please."

A growl lodged in his throat and he suppressed it with a cough.

Jimin smiled knowingly before leaning forward. Jungkook closed his eyes and turned his head, craning his neck. The cold tip of his nose brushed over his cheek first. He sensed Jimin inhaling as he began to drag his nose along his jawline.

It was hesitant, tentative yet indulgent. Jungkook forced his body to relax, trying to suppress the growing tension and anticipation. Jimin was so close and his sweet scent of roses was so addictive. He gripped his thigh tightly, only to realize one of his hands was still on Jimin's thigh.

The omega gasped, a little puff of warm air brushing against his skin. Jungkook's eyes shot open, an apology at the tip of his tongue. However, Jimin was leaning closer, digging his nose into his scent gland.

The alpha froze visibly, eyes falling shut once again. Jimin inhaled, shuffling to kneel beside him and his hands gripping Jungkook's shoulders for support. He felt Jimin sigh and then he rubbed their cheeks together.

It felt as if hundreds of roses bloomed around him in a second. His mouth parted and he could taste him in his mouth. Jungkook relaxed instantly, the hand on Jimin's thigh sliding up to wrap around his middle. He didn't remember the last time someone scented him. He'd forgotten how it felt to be scented by someone.

These years he was only used to giving and for the first time in years, he was receiving something from someone. And that someone being his future mate made it all the more special.

Jimin cupped the side of his face, holding him in place as he ran his nose over his scent gland. At first, it was a gentle nudge and a soft brush. Jungkook's body shuddered when he felt the first brush of his lips. His body shuddered and his grip on Jimin's hip tightened more.

"God that feels so good," he groaned, baring his neck more.

The omega hummed as he inched closed their bodies touching. He dragged his lips over the column of his neck, teasing him with occasional feather-light barely their kisses. His breath tickled his skin.

Jungkook slumped on the couch, head hitting the backrest and Jimin followed, throwing a knee over his lap to straddle him. The alpha's free hand flew to his thigh, holding him there as if it was his second nature. His wolf growled appreciatively, too satisfied with the omega's advances. If he opened his eyes now, he was sure it'd be red.

Spurred by his growl and the spike in his sandalwood scent, Jimin began to kiss his neck earnestly. Jungkook shivered at the spark of need coursing through his system. Who knew his neck was this sensitive?

It felt as if he was in a garden full of freshly bloomed roses. It coated his skin. The omega released more pheromones, marking his skin. When he shifted to the other side of his neck, the omega was seated snugly on his lap.

Jungkook could no longer his sandalwood scent. The sweet scent of roses overpowered his senses and it was so calming. He sighed contently, thumb caressing the soft skin on his thigh as he held Jimin closer. Having him on his lap felt so right. If he had his way, he'd never let him sit anywhere else.

The omega rubbed his cheeks over his again before diving into his neck, pressing consecutive kisses on his neck, digging his nose into his scent gland.

The alpha turned his head, nose brushing over Jimin's neck and the omega shuddered in his arms. "M-May I?" his voice was strained with the sudden need to delve into the rich source of rose petals. To drown and never surface.

"P-Please..." Jimin nodded, panting slightly.

Jungkook didn't hold back though. He kissed his neck, opening his mouth to lick the supple skin. The omega threw his head back, hands fisting at the front of his shirt. The alpha was greedy, his control barely tethered to a thread.

"M-More..." the omega whispered.

His control snapped like someone cut the string. He latched onto his neck with a growl, sucking the skin, tasting him. His teeth scraped over his scent gland, gums aching. The omega's scent sweetened and he gripped the alpha's nape, pulling him closer.

That was all the confirmation Jungkook needed. Scenting Jimin was so different. There was this urgent need to possess him, cover him with his scent so he smelled only of him. He pulled back to kiss the other side of his neck, rubbing his cheek and digging his nose into the sensitive spot. It elicited a soft moan from the omega.

The alpha growled enticed by the sound. Wanting to draw more of it, he repeated the action and purred when he got more of it. Jimin sounded so beautiful. He kissed all over his neck, licking and sucking at the sensitive spots that had the omega grinding against him involuntarily.

Jimin tugged at his hair, fingers digging into the long waves and pulling him impossibly closer. Fuck. Jungkook couldn't believe his luck. He could live here forever. He gripped his waist, blunt fingers digging into the soft flesh through the hoodie.

He scented him thoroughly, making sure to cover every inch of his neck with a kiss followed by a lick and suck until the skin bloomed a beautiful pink. The omega would smell like him for days and even a shower wouldn't be able to wash off his scent on him.

The alpha pulled back to admire his handy work. His chest rumbled with a growl to see how perfect it looked. Jimin's once pale skin looked like a map, a beautiful piece of a landscape painted over the canvas.

"So fucking beautiful," he growled. "All mine." He dug his nose back into his neck. "Only mine."

The omega only hummed in response, his body almost slack in his lap. "Sleepy," he murmured, body relaxing more and the lightweight settling more comfortably on top of him.

"Sleep then, my love. I'll carry you to your nest." The alpha's scent soured a little at the thought of having to part way with his omega immediately.

The omega shook his head. "Stay," he whispered.

Jungkook hid his grin on his neck. "Okay."

Jungkook didn't think he would be physically able to remove himself from his embrace after such an intimate scenting session. It left him more relaxed and droopy than he expected. Their combined scent was dizzying and lulling. He adjusted the omega in his arms, relaxing further and closing his eyes with a gentle hum.

I'm never letting you go.

JK's wolf:

JM's wolf:

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