Chapter 12

The restaurant Jungkook took him to was one of Jimin's favorites. He was here twice before and loved the food and ambiance. The restaurant was divided into three stories. The lower floor had a bar concept, the other two floors being the main restaurant and VIP rooms.

Jungkook led him to the VIP rooms with a hand on his lower back. Jimin was smiling softly the entire time, politely returning the greetings of the staff. The alpha pulled the chair for him before he sat.

"Thank you," he whispered.

Jungkook looked extremely handsome in his dark suit. The top three buttons of his grey shirt was open as usual, revealing the smooth expanse of his chest. He really had beautiful eyes and soft features with sharp edges. His lips were soft and petal-like, so pink. Jimin wanted to trace that small mole in his bottom lip. Jungkook was one of a kind.

The dragon bracelet he gave him looked so good on his wrist. He was right. It suited the alpha's personality so well.

The omega couldn't avert his gaze. Before, he was too scared to even look at the alpha. Now that his initial fear had subsided and a sense of companionship had begun to grow, he was more comfortable.

The alpha had a soft smile on his face with a knowing look as he browsed through the menu. He didn't comment on Jimin's staring, for which Jimin was grateful. His pleasant sandalwood scent draped around him like a warm blanket.

What a pleasant scent to have for an alpha.

Jimin closed his eyes, inhaling deeper. So fresh and calming. He could breathe him in all he wanted and he wouldn't grow tired of it.

Their earlier conversation kept playing in his mind. The way he refused to shower just because Jimin kissed his wrist stirred an unfamiliar warmth in his chest. The fondness in his chest continued to grow for the alpha as he watched him.

From what Taehyung said, Jungkook had grown without the warmth or comfort of his parents. He only had Taehyung's parents by his side. But there were things that only a mate could provide, Jimin supposed. He wanted to be someone who provided that to Jungkook. While he wasn't experienced in any relationships, there were things that naturally came to an omega. He hoped it was enough and the rest he'd learn along the way.

When the waiter came to take their orders, Jimin was torn. Usually, he was on a diet whenever a show approached. However, this was their date and he didn't want to say no. So he just looked at Jungkook.

"Order for me?"

The omega knew it'd make him feel less guilty about consuming those calories if it came from the alpha.

The alpha's eyes widened considerably before a smile so bright lit his features. As he hurried to order all the best items from the menu, Jimin continued to watch him fondly. He is a provider. He could tell Jungkook's alpha was extremely pleased and his scent had bloomed, growing rich around them.

The dining was an entirely different experience. Jungkook was so attentive, always tending to his needs first, asking his feedback regarding every dish and watching him intently as he ate. Usually, Jimin grew conscious while eating in public. He also sometimes went through a strenuous diet to keep himself fit for his modeling gigs.

After some unpleasant experiences, Jimin always avoided eating in front of strangers. But this was different. Jungkook's scent sweetened with every bite he took. He could tell there was no judgement in the alpha's gaze, only care and affection. The more Jimin ate, the happier his scent was.

"So how long have you been dancing?" Jungkook asked when the waiter cleaned their table to bring their desserts.

"Since middle school," Jimin replied. "I stopped for a couple of years before picking it up again."

"I didn't know you danced until recently. I only saw you here and there on billboards or some fashion magazine along with Tae," Jungkook said, reaching for his hand over the table. "I thought you were together and you know...kinda pissed?"

Jimin understood. Everyone believed Taehyung was his alpha. He never corrected them saying he was his pack alpha. "It's okay."

Jungkook began to run a smooth circle on the back of his palm, caressing his soft skin, lingering a little too long on his thumb. "Namjoon hyung said you're a brilliant dancer. I can't wait to see you dance."

"I can show you a few of my previous performances. It's also there on YouTube," he suggested, pulling out his phone with his free hand.

"No," Jungkook was quick to protest. "I wanna see it in person. I'll wait for the show," he said earnestly. "I want it to be a special memory. You know the crowd and lighting and all that anticipation..."

If Jimin wasn't already he melted a little. "I hope to live up to the standards," he quipped light-heartedly.

"There are no standards when it comes to you," Jungkook replied, bringing his hand to his lips, inhaling his scent once before pressing his lips on his knuckles. "It's you. So it'll be special for me. That's all that matters to me. Don't overwork yourself or stress because I'm gonna be there. I want you to enjoy it. That's important to me."

Jimin was speechless. Jungkook was something else. He wasn't only encouraging him to pursue his passion but was also telling him to not overwork as if reading his thoughts. It also didn't slip his mind that the alpha wanted to cherish his performance.

Their desserts arrived and Jungkook let go of his hand so they could eat freely. He wanted to reach out again and take the alpha's hand but hesitated.

"So what else do you like apart from dancing?" Jungkook asked, taking a spoonful of his dessert and humming in appreciation.

It was his first time tasting green tea mousse cake. He stifled his laughter upon noticing the weird shape that reminded him of a male anatomical part rather than a grandpa figure. However, it tasted good.

"That's inspired by the dolhareubang statue. It symbolizes protection and fertility," the alpha explained as if sensing his thoughts.

"It tastes great," he commented. "To answer your question, there aren't many things I get to do between my modeling gigs and dance shows. Reading is something I picked up in recent years. It always helps me clear my thoughts."

Jungkook smiled. "There's a book shop around this block. I've only seen it from the outside. It has a reading area and looks cozy. We can spend some time there if you feel up to it."

"Sure. I'd love to." Jimin smiled. "What about you? What do you like to do when you aren't working?"

Jungkook's brow creased, seemingly raking his brain. "I barely get a break. I like to box and work out at any given time. Helps me stay focused and burn excess energy." Then he suddenly beamed. "I love it when Namjoon or Seokjin hyung joins me for combat training. We also sometimes hit the local shooting club."

Jimin realized they were worlds apart and there was nothing common between them. He knew he didn't belong in Jungkook's world. But fate really had different plans, tying them together. He hoped to find a common ground eventually.

"What about the books in your office library?" he asked.

Jungkook shrugged. "Grandpa used to read I guess. Dad didn't change the layout when he took over. I didn't bother to either. I'm barely there anyway. Someone cleans it regularly."

Jimin nodded understandingly.

"But you can use it now," he suggested. "Like I said, I'm only there in the mornings or at nights replying to my emails and taking care of some stuff. You can change it to your taste if you want to."

"Thank you. But I'm not sure if I should really do that." He looked down at his plate, pushing the dessert around.

"That place holds no sentimental value if that's your concern," Jungkook interjected. "You don't have to think about that. In fact, you can remodel any place as you see fit, except Aunt Kim's den of course. And the dungeons."


Aunt Kim resided in one of the floors with her mate. Namjoon and Seokjin shared a floor. Jimin and Taehyung had a room on the same floor as Jungkook. He was yet to explore other parts of the mansion. But he knew it was too big and would take a few days to get accustomed to.

"'s just a basement where know. Seokjin hyung likes to call it our dungeon and it stuck with us."

Jimin smiled with a nod. His cheeks warmed. It was a huge step for an alpha to allow his omega to make changes in his entire den, especially the den he grew up in. They were usually possessive of their things and didn't like someone meddling with it. The omegas only added to it and didn't change or replace stuff.

"I don't know what I want to do yet."

"That's fine. You have enough time." Jungkook appeared more relaxed, his usual uptight persona nowhere to be seen. He was just so different from the man he met on his first day.

He nodded again, feeling glad that he chose to go out with Jungkook. They soon left the restaurant and headed to the bookshop on foot. The weather was so good with the chill wind ruffling their hair. A flash caught him off guard and he jumped startled. There were a few paparazzi outside and this time Jimin moved closer to Jungkook, hands clutching his suit jacket.

The alpha's hand that was on his back immediately went to wrap around his shoulder. "It's okay, love. I got you."

The deep rumble of his voice was all he needed to calm down. Suddenly, Jungkook's guards surrounded them, creating a protective barrier around them and stopped them from getting too close to the couple.

"I'm sorry about that." Jungkook's hold tightened on him. "I tend to forget how popular you are at times."

Jimin chuckled despite the situation, basking in the alpha's warmth. "I'm not that famous."

"Please..." Jungkook scoffed. "It wasn't this bad before. They don't bother me much unless I'm out at a gala or something. I'll have to get used to this I guess."

Jimin shook his head with a soft smile. "It'll die down once we are mated," he said without thinking twice. "I don't think anyone would dare to look at a mated omega."

Jungkook growled low in his throat. "I doubt that. Have you seen yourself? I feel like I'll have to constantly fight these assholes to keep them away from you."

Jimin's cheeks stung. "They can only see though," he said as they entered the said bookshop, which indeed was cozy.

The inviting fragrance of books greeted him and he let go of Jungkook to take a whiff only to be pulled back into the alpha's chest. The alpha's warm body pressed to his back, the hold on his waist was too gentle.

"That's right." Jungkook growled in his ear, too close to his scent gland and he fought a shiver that ran down his body. "They can only see from far." His hold on his shoulder slid down to his waist. "You're mine." He nuzzled his neck, shy of his scent gland.

Jimin's body was trembling with anticipation and he wasn't sure if he would survive if he touched his sensitive gland right now. His scent was sweetening as the wolf wagged its tail and produced pheromones to entice its alpha.

"Only mine."

Jimin shivered again. Jungkook pulled apart with a soft kiss to the side of his head.

The rest of their date was seemingly eventless. The bookshop was less crowded with the customers minding their own business. He appreciated they had scent diffusers that didn't let any wolf scent linger too long. He could only smell books and coffee.

It was such a calm place to read and he noticed a cat casually lounging on a table. Suddenly, he had an idea for Jungkook's office and could picture everything he wanted so vividly as if a missing piece of a puzzle just fit in.

"Alpha...what do you think of cats?"


Jungkook didn't expect to find Taehyung in his bedroom when he walked inside after a lovely date with his omega. No one had been here in years.

The lights were on and his neatly made bed was now stripped off its sheets and even the pillows were stripped off. The said sheets and pillow cases lay in a pile on top of another sheet with his favorite blanket.

He growled seeing Taehyung rummage through his closet. He was a really possessive wolf and never allowed anyone inside his room. He even cleaned it himself because he didn't like other scents inside. But Taehyung was different. The only wolf who had that privilege. A privilege he had thrown away.

"Shut up, you stupid alpha," Taehyung grumbled as he walked out of his closet leisurely dropping the clothes he had selected onto his bed.

Jungkook's wolf bristled. He'd just made his bed that morning and—

"I said stop stinking up the place," Taehyung growled.

He was unbothered as he went to his bathroom, coming back with his laundry hamper, emptying it on the bed. Jungkook's eyes twitched and he fisted his hands on his sides.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked, controlling his rage. His wolf was going insane with how their bed now looked like crap. He wanted nothing more than to roll Taehyung right on top of it as he punched the shit out of him for ruining it.

"Helping you get your omega. You can have Jiminie's blanket instead."

"Huh?" The wolf suddenly went stiff at the mention of his omega. He carefully watched as Taehyung went through his clothes, sniffing it and choosing only his sweaty hoodies, throwing the rest of the clothes back into his hamper.

"It's there." He pointed at the couch, where a beautiful, soft yellow blanket lay. "Jimin will go into preheat soon," he informed as if it was a normal thing. "His wolf is a bitch. If you don't want your balls ripped off during that time, your scent need to be a part of his nest starting now." He huffed.

"I —"

How was he supposed to know all this?


"How am I supposed to know this? It's not like I've dated before," he grunted.

Taehyung scoffed. "I know and you can thank me later. And before you can dream, you're not spending his heat with him."

Jungkook scowled. He wasn't expecting to. Well, if Jimin asked he would but he would wait until Jimin was ready.

"I mean it. Jimin's wolf is protective and..." He suddenly looked so serious. "He's not like...others. Um...I'm the only wolf he trusts. He attacks any other wolf or human if they're in the same room as him during his heat. It's just...his wolf is in control when he has his heats."

Jungkook nodded in understanding. Some wolves could be aggressive when they were vulnerable. At least, that was what a plausible explanation he came up with. It often happened with pregnant wolves or the ones who recently birthed. They were always on an edge.

"I'll be mindful."

Taehyung nodded jerkily. "It's just his defensive mechanism." He sighed. "He doesn't remember what he's doing when he's in that state. I don't want him to hurt you accidentally," he said absent-mindedly as he pulled the edges of the sheets to tie everything in a huge bundle.

However, there was an edge to his voice and he sensed his restlessness. His scent was troubled as if he was hiding something. It wasn't noticeable but to Jungkook it was too obvious. He knew Taehyung like the back of his palm, and could read his lies right away.

Jungkook strode to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "What are you not telling me?"

"Ah, it's nothing." He tried to brush him off with a disarming smile and went to rummage through his dirty clothes again. "He's just aggressive, that's all."

Jungkook gripped his shoulder even tighter and forced him to meet his gaze. "Whatever fuck you're hiding Taehyung...tell me right fucking now."

Taehyung looked torn. He looked away. "It's not my secret to tell," he protested weakly.

"I'm not asking as your friend. I'm asking as your pack alpha. I'll not have you withhold any secrets that might harm my pack. Spit it out. Now."

Taehyung visibly shuddered and swallowed. The alpha's command was clear and he could tell Taehyung was fighting it. He watched as the fight left his body and his shoulders slumped.

"I'm sorry. I-I wasn't being entirely honest." He sat on the edge of the bed, gripping his head and tugging at his hair. A sob racked his body. "You remember the accident in which the night rider's son was killed?"

Jungkook nodded as foreboding churned his gut. The Night Riders were a Western gang whose heir went to school here in an exchange program. He raked his brain and remembered the son Antony's death news came a week after Taehyung left. He remembered the tension between the gangs as they suspected this was a coup. But it wasn't proven.

"H-He was one of Jimin's attackers." He took a deep breath and locked his gaze with Jungkook. "The bastards always bullied him. They didn't like that Jimin rejected their advances. In a world where they got every omega they wanted, they didn't like Jimin said no. With me there, they couldn't do much."

He looked away and swallowed. Jungkook released calming pheromones to soothe the distressed scent he was releasing.

"After I warned them once, they steered clear of Jimin." He was silent for a moment. "My rut started early that month. It was unexpected and I usually ask Jimin to call in sick during that time. That day someone called him to school, saying it was the last day to submit the assignments or he'd fail." His fists clenched. "When he went, they drugged him and..." His chest heaved, unable to continue.

Jungkook growled, his scent growing bitter. His eyes must have flashed red because Taehyung flinched. His chest heaved and he had to fight the urge to smash something. He had to take several deep breaths to control his wolf.

"Go on," his voice was still laced with a growl.

"The drug was to induce his heat," Taehyung continued after a moment. "They were making fun of him, taunting him and recording everything on their phones. After one point, his wolf took control. He shifted, attacking the bastard who was closer to him and the others before passing out. The fight was nasty. Not gonna lie. Jimin got them good." He scoffed. "But even for a feral omega, he was outnumbered and he was drugged. They attacked him back and when I found him, he was unconscious, still in his wolf form. There was so much blood. I knew their scents and recognized one of them belonged to Antony."

He took another deep breath and met Jungkook's intense gaze that was burning with rage. In the modern world, the wolves didn't shift that often. They still did it only to not lose touch with their hereditary and keep their instincts intact. But wolves forced transformation only under extreme duress. He couldn't even bring himself to imagine what pain Jimin must have been through.

A part of him wanted to tear everything apart while the other part wanted to break down and cry for his pain. For not knowing him sooner.

"I admitted Jimin in one of our hospitals, changed into something else and went back. I learned they had booked the gym for an upcoming game practice. It was a Saturday and no one else had realized what was going on. When Antony was in there with his gang, not even the coach would go there. Because they were the worst bunch." He chewed at his bottom lip, his brows creasing. "Antony's men were already scouting the place when I reached there, looking for Jimin. It was too late. They already had his whereabouts and it was only a matter of time before they found him."

Taehyung swallowed. "I found one of their discarded phones by the bleachers and escaped. That's how I know what happened. I went to Jimin's home before any of them were there, grabbed things we might need and hurried to the hospital."

"That's the night you didn't come home," Jungkook recalled. Taehyung hadn't come home for two days straight and he remembered Aunt Kim fretting over her son. He was at the boarding school that time and he remembered her calling him and asking him to call Taehyung. He hadn't even answered Jungkook's calls.

"They didn't know I was there that day. I had used scent blockers," Taehyung continued. "We stayed low and I waited until Jimin had regained his consciousness before coming home. During that time, I learned Antony was hospitalized and was fighting for his life. He was in SNH. I checked in with one of our doctors working there and knew he wouldn't make it. Jimin got him good."

As much furious Jungkook was, he was also proud of his omega.

"Antony's family hid the truth because they didn't want anyone to find out an omega ousted their son." His chuckle was humorless. "Bastards. One of them in his gang was the son of a minister and the others similarly came from bigger families. They were looking for Jimin and I knew he wouldn't be safe until I finished them. Also, they signed their death warrant the moment they touched him."

Jungkook growled again. If Taehyung hadn't killed them, he'd have no qualms in finding them and ripping them limb to limb. Not like he was going to spare them anyways. The remaining family members who were after Jimin would die too. Jimin didn't have to know that.

"You know Jimin wasn't even his real name..." Taehyung stared at the far end of the wall with a distant look. "His natural hair was black."

Jungkook knew. He'd done his research after Taehyung came back. However, he hadn't known Jimin was the one who killed Antony—the fearful alpha son of the Night Riders. Fuck.

"I changed his name and identity. Went to our man, got duplicate IDs and all the jazz. Thus, Lee Jongmin became Park Jimin. They had Jimin's scent so it was something we couldn't do shit about. So we ran. There wasn't much. We survived on my savings for a while. The money I got from mom and dad throughout the years as pocket money. I had my card but couldn't risk using it."

"Does Jimin know?" he asked after a moment.

"That he killed Antony?"

Jungkook nodded.

"He does. When he woke up, he didn't remember anything. The doctor said wolves did that sometimes and hid the trauma from their human counterpart." Taehyung ran a hand over his face. "Though Jimin doesn't remember the incident itself, there are certain triggers. He gets nightmares and sometimes his wolf would take control out of nowhere. He was unstable."

Jungkook's throat constricted. "How much does he know?"

"The doctor told him he was attacked and he was in recovery in a most clinical way possible. He was confused at first. Kept saying he couldn't remember the attack and his head hurt if he tried."

Jungkook couldn't even imagine the pain and confusion he must have been in.

"I didn't mean to tell him initially. But after one of the nightmares, he asked me. Made me promise that I'll be honest. He described his dream so vividly. Told me he could taste his blood on his tongue and it was driving him insane because he couldn't remember doing it. Or explain why he did it. He just remembered being scared and furious at the same time." Taehyung paused to take a breath. "So I had to tell him. Tell him everything so he knew it wasn't all his imagination."

"You were brave," Jungkook said, coming to sit beside him, their shoulders brushing. "I'm sorry for being inconsiderate. I should have realized you wouldn't leave without a reason. But I was hurt and refused to focus on anything else apart from the pain and betrayal I was feeling."


"Let me finish, Tae." He looked away, his throat tightening as he opened up, speaking of things he never spoke about. "You know more about me than anyone else. After dad left, the Kim family was everything to me. Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung went to boarding school early. You were the only one who was here with me."

"I'm sorry." Taehyung let out his first sob.

Jungkook shook his head. He took a deep breath, resting his elbows on his knees. "You remember when Aunt Kim went through her fourth pregnancy? We were only five. She had to be on bed rest and we weren't allowed into her nest."

"I remember," Taehyung's voice cracked. "Dad got too busy taking care of her. We would steal their clothes and try to recreate her nest in our room."

Jungkook nodded with a wistful smile. "It was a hideous nest."

"It was," Taehyung laughed through his tears.

"You've gotten better though."

"I did."

Jungkook took a deep breath. "Then she lost the baby."

"And the next one after that," Taehyung continued. "It was really hard time for mom and dad."

"It was."

Jungkook didn't blame them. Aunt Kim loved children and was heartbroken when their last two pregnancies didn't succeed. However, they had grown apart during that time and Jungkook had begun to rely on Taehyung.

"I was hurt, Tae. I always thought I'd have you by my side and there was nothing I had to worry about. When you left, I was lost and alone."

This time Taehyung hugged him, letting out another sob. "I'm so sorry."

"You promised. We promised each other, Tae."

"I know." His body shook. "I know."

"Do you know I was bullied and pranked constantly in new school for being the mysterious boy who outranked everyone? I had no one in my corner."

"Jungkookie..." Taehyung turned fully to cup his face with one hand. "I'm sorry. It's my fault."

Jungkook felt his eyes burning with tears. Tears he didn't shed after that one night. Tears he'd held all these years.

"Then one day...they peed on my bed. I was nearing my rut and..."

"No..." Taehyung's voice was barely a whisper. He shook his head as if it would erase the truth.

"I killed them. All three." Jungkook laughed bitterly. "My first kill."

They had triggered him purposefully. An act of pissing on another alpha's territory when he was close to his rut was dangerous. His instincts and the previous rage had taken over. It was only because of his father's influence that brought him out of it.

Tae was openly sobbing now into his hands and Jungkook felt first of his tears rolling down his cheeks as he wrapped a hand around his shoulder.

"I'm glad you were there for Jimin though. It's just...I wish you had told me. Trusted me with this. I wish you didn't have to do this alone. I wish..." His voice cracked, his first sob leaving him without his permission. "I wish..."

Taehyung lunged at him, holding him tighter as he began to cry. Jungkook dropped his head to his shoulder, inhaling his familiar peppermint that was once his comfort. He let his walls down after years, his fists clenching around Taehyung's shirt as he broke down.

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry," Tae chanted like a mantra. "I wish I could take it all back. If I could, I would. I promise you, Jungkookie...I swear on my blood bond with Jiminie. If I leave again, it'll only be because of my death. I'll never leave you alone again. I'm sorry, Googie. Just give me one more chance. Please...One last chance."

Jungkook hiccupped, burying his face into his shoulder. "I forgive you, Tae." The words were barely above a whisper, but his grip on his was tight and so were his emotions flowing like a river between them.

"Thank you," Taehyung sniffled. "Thank you."

Jungkook felt the small void in his heart fill again, feeling that familiar comfort rush to him in waves. He fucking missed this and he was least shameful for breaking down like this. There was no one here. It was just him and his Tae. Just like their old days.

"I'll kill you myself if you ever leave."

Taehyung laughed through his tears. "I won't."

"And I won't let you see Jimin again."

"Fuck!" Taehyung chuckled, wiping his tears and rocking them side to side. "The threat is now real."

"You bet it is. Now I have leverage over you."

"Stupid little Googie..." He cupped his head fondly just like old times, nuzzling into his hair. "You're my weakness too."

"I know."

They fell silent after that, basking in each other's embrace just like old times, relishing each other's warmth as they relived some of the warmest memories they shared together as children.


That evening, Jimin lounged in by the fireplace in his room after a heartfelt dinner. Nestled in a blanket Taehyung had stolen from Jungkook's bedroom obviously, stating Jungkook was a slow poke who didn't know his omega needed to be surrounded by his scent.

Jimin had no complaints. Not when he was protectively cocooned in the blanket with the calico cat they had adopted earlier that day, curled on his lap. And his bed now had new additions—hoodies and other stuff that smelled richly of his alpha. Even the pillowcases were replaced.

The date had gone really well and Jimin hadn't stopped grinning the entire time. Taehyung teased him until he had fallen asleep on the floor by the fireplace, hugging his pillow while Jimin settled in with a book on the couch.

The place now smelled like his alpha, himself and his brother. Home.

He nuzzled into the blanket and stroked the elderly cat's fur. Jungkook had been really sweet to him. The moment he'd asked if he liked cats, Jungkook had smiled and dragged him to the nearest shelter. After listening to the volunteer, introducing them to each cats, explaining how no one wanted older cats and how they were doomed to spend the rest of their lives in shelter, Jimin had adopted the senior cat who no one wanted and had lived there longer.

The calico was extremely snuggly and hadn't left him ever since they got to know each other in the shelter. It soaked in all the attention he was giving him and Jimin was only happy to give more.

It was how he fell asleep that night.

Some Visuals:


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