Sebastian Verlac's Escape
Meanwhile at a police station that's one hour away from the hotel that the prom is being held, there were many police officers that are either at their desks doing paperwork, while some are taking some criminals to their cells.
Then there were two women coming inside the police station looking for someone, as they were all greeted by some other policemen and policewoman.
The first woman has blonde eyes, blue eyes, she is wearing a black dress, and black heels on. The women's name is Elaine Lewis, and she is known as Simon's mother.
The girl has brown hair with a bit of curls at the bottom, has brown eyes, she wears a red dress with blue designs, and has black heels on. The girls name is Rebecca Lewis, she is a college student studying to be a doctor, Simon's big sister, and Elaine's daughter.
The second women next to Elaine has red hair, has green eyes, she has a heart-shape necklace around her neck, she wears a blue short-sleeve button up shirt has dark blue jeans on, and grey ankle boots on. Her name is Jocelyn Fairchild and she's Clary's mother.
"I can't believe that tonight is our kids prom night." Said Jocelyn as she smiles." They have all grown so fast."
"I know, seems like only yesterday Simon was only a little kid, and now he has grown." Said Elaine as she smiles.
"I know, my little brother has finally grow up." Said Rebecca as she smiles.
That got the other two women to smile as well, then as they all enter a office, they saw a men work at his desk at the back, and they all started to go to him.
The man has black hair, has brown eyes, he is wearing a short-sleeve button up shirt on, has black pants on, has a black belt around his waist with a police badge attach to it, and black shoes on. The men's name is Luke Garroway, he is a police officer of the Brooklyn PD, and is known as Jocelyn's husband and Clary's father.
"Hey Luke, how are you doing?" Asked Jocelyn as she smiles at Luke.
"I'm doing good Jocelyn." Said Luke as he kiss Jocelyn.
You see before, Jocelyn use to have a husband and her ex husband's name is Valentine Morgenstern. Valentine Morgenstern was a honorable scientist that works really hard to help people and making sure that they are all protected. When Valentine was around Clary's age, he attended the Alicante Academy in New York City and he excelled there, an was the most popular student there.
His good looks, charisma, and charm made him popular among both staff and fellow students, that with his manipulative and charismatic personality, Valentine quickly gained many followers. In particular, Valentine befriended a large group of unpopular and outcast students, with whom he soon formed the Circle, an organization with the goal of reforming both the laws and society in New York.
Valentine was greatest friends with Luke Garroway like he was his brothers, and when he dated Jocelyn Fairchild, he loved her so much like they were meant to be together, and they got married, and hope that they will be together.
But apparently as times went on, Valentine have started to become a bit cruel. You see, through our his experiments, Valentine found out that consuming or ingesting the blood from criminals had varied effects. The criminals blood made him feel more stronger than he ever felt and he decided to take his experiments a step further.
But when Valentine found out that Jocelyn was pregnant with his first son, that he was inspired to experiment on their child, so he called a dangerous criminal name Lilith and asked her for her blood to use on his unborn child, hoping to make him stronger. Though Lilith warned Valentine that her blood would eventually make his child crazy, he didn't realize how true the warning was.
During Jocelyn's pregnancy, he gave her doses of Lilith's blood in her womb without her knowledge, hoping that the blood would have a more profound effect on an unborn child than it did on himself.
But apparently Jocelyn also experienced side-effects from ingesting Lilith's blood, that include terrifying nightmares. Then one day, Jocelyn and Luke have found out that Valentine had experimented on her during her pregnancy, that they were so upset for what he did, and Jocelyn started to file up a divorce with him and making sure that he is nowhere near her or her unborn child.
It got Valentine angry that Jocelyn doesn't want anything to do with him and that she had Clary without him knowing, that he went psycho, so he started to make illegal experiments to try track down Jocelyn, Clary, and Jonathan and bring them back to him.
But then one day, Clary and Jonathan track down Valentine and stop him, but apparently one of Valentines man shot Jonathan and killed him, then Clary took the opportunity to shot Valentine before he had the opportunity to experiment her.
Since then, Luke and Jocelyn married and he has taken care of her and Clary like his own family since then. Luke see's clary as he own daughter and Clary, and always help her every step of the way.
"Man, it seems like only yesterday I was holding Clary in my arms when she was a little girl, and now she's all grown up." Said Luke as he smiles.
"I know, she's come so far with her friends." Said Jocelyn as she smiles.
"Man, sometimes I really wish they were just kids again." Said Elaine as she smiles.
That got Rebecca, Luke, and Jocelyn to smile as well, knowing that their children have grown up so fast. Then a women have started to come inside the office with some papers in her hands, and started to go to Luke.
The woman has long straight blonde hair, has blue eyes, she wears black shirt on, a dark green jean jacket on, dark blue jeans, and black ankle boots on. Her name is Ollie Wilson, she is a police officer, and Luke's partner.
"Hey, Garroway." Said Ollie as she goes to Luke.
"Yeah, that's Detective Garroway to you, kid." Said Luke as he smirk at Ollie.
"Hey Ollie, how are you doing tonight?" Asked Jocelyn as she smiles.
"I'm doing good so far, what you girls, how are you doing so far?" Asked Ollie as she smiles at Jocelyn, Elaine, and Rebecca.
"We are doing fine so far, we are just really happy that our children are at their prom." Said Jocelyn as she smiles." They have all come so far tonight."
"I can't believe my little brother Simon has come so far and is now with his girlfriend at his senior prom." Said Rebecca as she smiles." They grow up so fast."
"That's so cool, by the way Luke, this just came in for you." Said Ollie as she gives Luke a picture of a man arrested.
When Luke took a look at the picture, he started to get really shock, the picture of the man has blonde hair, has blue eyes, and has a orange jail uniform on. The mans name is Sebastian Verlac. When Luke look at the picture of Sebastian he started to get shock.
"Luke, what's wrong?" Asked Jocelyn as she look worried.
Then when Luke shows the picture of Sebastian Verlac to Jocelyn, she started to get really shock as well and wondering why they are showing the picture of Sebastian Verlac, which got Elaine, Rebecca, and Alaric to get really concerned.
"Luke, Jocelyn, what's wrong?" Asked Elaine as she look concerned.
"Luke, what is it?" Asked Ollie as she look at Luke.
Then Luke have started to grab his phone from his desk dialing someone, which have got the three women to get really confused, while Jocelyn look really upset, and then
"Biller here." Said a man from the other line of the phone.
"Yeah, this is Detective Garroway from Brooklyn PD, I'm calling about a fax concerning the escape of Sebastian Verlac." Said Luke as he look concerned." What the hell is going on?"
"Yes sir, we just received word from the hospital that Sebastian's escape on Wednesday evening." Said Biller as he explains.
"Why'd it take three goddamn days to notify us?!" Said Luke as he felt angry about this information.
"I'm sorry, sir, I needed to notify the court." Said Biller till Luke hang up.
"Damn it, I don't believe this." Said Luke as he rub his forehead.
"What is it?" Asked Ollie as she she looks now more concerned than before.
"Okay, you and Jocelyn are kinda creepy is out." Said Rebecca as she look scared.
"What's wrong Luke?" Asked Elaine as she looks at Luke.
"This is a case I had three years ago." Said Luke as he look at the three women." Hey, Jones, get me a car?"
Then the man nodded his head and started to get Luke a car, then Luke started to walk along with Jocelyn, Ollie, Elaine, and Rebecca and then Jocelyn started to speak.
"Do you all know Magnus's mother Indah?" Asked Jocelyn as she look at the three women.
"I heard of her once, they she died because she was murder by someone." Said Ollie as she remember.
"Well, you see there something you all don't know how Indah died that involves the case Luke had three years ago." Said Jocelyn as she look upset.
"What do you mean?" Asked Rebecca as she got curious.
"You see three years ago, there was a high school teacher named Sebastian Verlac, he was honorable science teacher, and every student worship him." Said Luke as he explains." But apparently everything have changed when Magnus started his freshman year."
"What do you mean?" Asked Ollie as she got curious.
"When Magnus started his freshman year, Sebastian got a crazy obsession with Magnus like he was in love with him." Said Jocelyn as she explains." The school board fired him after when he tried to rape Magnus and claim him as his."
"Oh god, that's horrible!" Said Elaine in shock.
"But apparently that didn't stop Sebastian and gotten worse." Said Luke as he explains." So when Indah got a restraining order against him and he started to go psycho."
"Like how psycho?" Asked Ollie.
"Like crazy psycho." Said Jocelyn as she look at Ollie.
"You see, that night Magnus got home from the movies with his friends, Sebastian didn't know he was there." Said Luke as he started to take some files out." Magnus hid under the bed and had to watch him kill his mother."
"Oh, my God." Said Ollie in shock.
That also got Elaine and Rebecca to get really shock as well, they both know how much Magnus love his mother, they heard that Indah died because she was murder, but they didn't know that Magnus had to watch a psychopath killing his mother, then Luke gave Ollie some reports about Sebastian Verlac.
"We arrested that son-of-a-bitch at his house after that." Said Luke as he explains." Then we found something in his house."
"Like what?" Asked Ollie as she look at Luke.
"We found journals of this guy having fantasies about this Magnus." Said Luke as he explains." He had pictures of him everywhere, even messed up poems."
"Oh my god, he's like a stalker." Said Rebecca in disgust.
"He is, apparently it was so hard for Magnus after he have lost his mother." Said Luke as he look concerned." But what was really hard for him is that he had to ID him."
"I'll never forget the scare look on Magnus's face when he had to ID Sebastian, I still remember like it was only yesterday." Said Jocelyn as she remember three years ago.
Three years ago, after when Sebastian is arrested at his house, Magnus and Asmodeus both came to the police station the next day for Magnus to ID him, it was hard for Magnus cause he doesn't want to see him, but they say that he needs to do it.
As soon as Asmodeus and Magnus both enter the police station, they found Jocelyn and Clary on the room where Magnus needs to ID his mother murderer, then when Jocelyn and Clary saw them, they both walk up to them.
"Asmodeus." Said Jocelyn as she hugs Asmodeus then Magnus." Magnus, I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve any of this."
"Do I have to do this?" Asked Magnus as he felt scared.
"I'm afraid you have to Magnus." Said Jocelyn as she looks at Magnus." It will only take a few seconds."
That got Magnus to understand and then they all look at the window that shows the prisoner while the other side of the window is like a mirror, and Magnus saw Sebastian with Luke as Luke tries to get Sebastian to talk.
"You got something to say, Mr. Verlac?" Asked Luke as he look at Sebastian.
"Nothing can keep us apart." Said Sebastian as he look at the mirror knowing that Magnus is at the other side.
"That's him." Said Magnus as he felt scared.
That got the police to nod their heads and they as Asmodeus to sign a few papers and documents, then Clary goes next to Magnus and comfort him while she was looking at Sebastian.
"He needs me now more than ever." Said Sebastian as he look at one side." He has no family."
"I see what you're trying to do." Said Luke as he understand what Sebastian is trying to pull.
"All he has is me." Said Sebastian thinking that Magnus is all alone and waiting for him.
"Hey, listen to me." Said Luke as he look at Sebastian." Magnus will not be with you. . ."
"You know we love one another?" Said Sebastian as he look back at the mirror where Magnus is at the other side.
Once Sebastian have said that, it got Magnus to get really shock and scared at what he said, Clary was also really shock that Sebastian had the nerve to say that after he killed Magnus's mother.
"Ask Magnus." Said Sebastian in a sick voice.
"Can we go now, please?" Asked Magnus as he began to shed some tears.
"Mom, are you almost done here?" Asked Clary as she look at Jocelyn and Asmodeus." I really don't like where this is going."
That got Jocelyn and Asmodeus's attention when they realize that Magnus is starting to get really tense, and Asmodeus tried to sign the documents as fast as he can, then Magnus kept on staring Sebastian in fear as Clary tried to calm him down.
"Magnus makes me feel, and when I touch her. . ." Said Sebastian as he smirk evilly." He belongs to me and only me."
"That's enough!" Said Luke as he bang the table with his fist." Don't look over there, look at me!"
"Can we go now, please?" Said Magnus as tears came out of his eyes and look away.
"We'll be together forever." Said Sebastian as he look serious.
"You ain't going to be anywhere near Magnus." Said Luke as he reasons Sebastian." You're gonna be in jail!"
"We'll be together forever." Said Sebastian as he ignore Luke and look at where Magnus is standing." That's my promise to you Magnus."
"Oh my god, I can't do this." Said Magnus as he cover his face.
"Alright, that's enough." Said Asmodeus as he finished signing the documents and takes Magnus." We're going."
Then Magnus and Asmodeus have both started to leave the police station as Asmodeus tries to calm Magnus down, and Clary and Jocelyn both felt sorry for Magnus. Then two police came in the room to handcuff Sebastian.
"All right, you're going to jail." Said Luke as he look at Sebastian.
"I'll see you soon, Magnus." Said Sebastian as he was being taken away.
End of flashback
"Oh my god, that's horrible." Said Elaine in shock." It must've been hard for Magnus."
"It was, I have never seen Magus that scare before." Said Jocelyn as she look upset as well.
"What happen after that?" Asked Ollie as she look at Luke.
"We matched DNA on Sebastian Verlac after that, his prints were everywhere, so Magnus IDing him sealed the deal." Said Luke as he explains." As far as we were concerned, he was going to die, definitely."
"Well, did they?" Asked Elaine as she look at Luke.
"The jury didn't think so." Said Luke as he began to walk along with the girls." No, they came back with insanity."
"What do you mean?" Asked Ollie as she look at Luke.
"He's been in a maximum security prison
for the criminally insane up until three days ago." Said Luke as he put on his coat.
"What happened to the boy?" Asked Ollie as she puts on her coat.
"Well, after what happen to his mother, Magnus started to live with his father Asmodeus after that." Said Jocelyn as she explains." After the trial, things settled down a little bit, until Magnus started getting the letters."
"Letters?" Asked Ollie.
"Yeah, and some sick shit, too." Said Luke as he kept on walking." Hang tight, kid, I'm gonna go tell Asmodeus, and something tells me that this is gonna rock his world."
"We're coming with you, Magnus is with his friends, if that maniac goes near my son, I don't know what I'll do." Said Elaine as she look worried as well.
"Alright, but you two stay close to us." Said Luke as he look at Elaine and Rebecca.
They both nodded and they all started to go to Asmodeus's house to warm, and Jocelyn knew that Asmodeus is going to be really devastated that Sebastian has escaped and will come for Magnus.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
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