Sebastain's First Victiam
Meanwhile somewhere that is five minutes away from the hotel where the prom is being held, the limousine where it has Magnus, Alec, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy inside, they were all taking pictures before they arrive at prom.
Izzy took a picture of Clary being held by the waist by Jace, Simon took a picture of Izzy and Clary hugging each other, and Clary took a picture of Alec kissing Magnus's cheek which cause Alec to smile at his boyfriend.
"Seriously Alexander?" Asked Magnus as he look at Alec.
"What, I can't help it Magnus, you are just so gorgeous." Said Alec as he wrap his arms around Magnus.
"I wonder how long until we get to prom, I wanna dance the night away with my girl." Said Jace as he look impatient.
Then when Jace have mention that, suddenly Magnus started to feel the car turning, and then he look to see that they have arrived at the hotel where the prom is being held.
"Oh, we're turning in!" Said Magnus in excitement." Guys, we're here!"
"Are we here?" Asked Izzy in excitement." Yeah!"
"Holy crap!" Said Simon in excitement.
"We're here!" Said Clary as she squeals.
Then as the limousine stop right where the hotel entrance is at, Alec opens the door and got out of the limousine, then he held out his hand and help Magnus get out of the car, then Jace, Clary, Simon, and Izzy have all got out and we're so amazed at the sight of the hotel.
There were many lights flashing sideways and a big red carpet that goes to the entrance of the hotel, and they were really amazed at the hotel is looking for prom night.
"Wow, talk about Hollywood." Said Jace in amazement.
Then as they all started to walk inside the hotel, there were many people taking pictures of them like they were movie stars, and they all smile and wave like they were famous, and as they all enter, they were so amazed at how the inside of the hotel is.
The inside of the hotel has a beautiful diamond chandelier in the center of the main room, there are many students from Alicante High School at the main room all going to where the prom is being held. All the boys wear tuxes and all the girls wear beautiful dresses.
Standing at the entrance of where the prom is, there is a women around her sixth' did standing at the entrance greeting all the students and making sure that they don't bring any alcohol.
The woman has brown hair tied to a bun, has blue eyes, she is wearing a black empire waist embroidery evening dress, and has black heels on. The women's name is Imogen Herondale, she is the principal of Alicante High School and is known as Jace's grandmother.
"You look lovely." Said Imogen as she let a girl pass till she stop a boy." Ah, ah, ah, not so fast."
Then Imogen started to check the boy, and find a bottle of alcohol inside of the boys blazer coat, and she took it from him.
"Nice try, Mr. Nichols, bad boy." Said Imogen as she let the boy pass and she smell the alcohol." Oh, God!"
Then Imogen throw the bottle away and continue to welcome the students, and all the students went inside the prom. Meanwhile at the register where everyone checks in for a room, there was a man who is wearing a plain white shirt, a brown cap, tan pants, brown dress shoes, and a black cap waiting to check in a room.
But what nobody knows is that man is none other than Sebastian Verlac, the escape psycho who escaped from jail three days ago. After when Sebastian escape, he found out that Alicante High School is helping it's prom at the plaza hotel, and he knew that Magnus will be there.
So after he escape, he killed a man that was about to drive to New York, then he took his clothes and hide the body in the trunk of the car, and take in a new identity. Then as Sebastian was about to check in, he turn to see many students arriving for prom.
Then when he spotted Magnus at the center where the chandelier is hanging, he started to look at him with so much lush in his eyes, ever since he was sent to jail, all he could ever think about is Magnus, and claiming him as his.
Sebastian was so happy that he saw Magnus and couldn't wait to feel him in his arms, but then when Alec went to Magnus, Magnus was happy at Alec, that they both started to kiss each other at the lips.
When Sebastian saw Magnus and Alec kissing each other and are in each other's arms, it got him to feel so angry that Magnus is with another man other than him, his obsession over Magnus was so strong, that he wanted to go over there and kill Alec and take Magnus away with him, till the manager of the hotel get his attention.
"May I help you, sir?" Asked the manager of the hotel.
It got Sebastian to snap out of his mind, and goes to the main desk, but swore that he will get Magnus Bane and make him his. Meanwhile at the entrance of the prom Magnus, Alec, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy have all went to Imogen, and she was really amazed at how they all dressed.
"Magnus Bane, you look so incredible." Said Imogen as she smiles at Magnus.
"Thank you Principal Imogen." Said Magnus as he smiles at Imogen.
"And Clary, you look so gorgeous too." Said Imogen and then she look at Jace." And Jace, you look handsome, you're father would been proud of you."
"Thanks grandma." Said Jace as he smiles at his grandmother.
"Simon you look really great as well." Said Imogen as she smiles." And Izzy, you look so gorgeous in that beautiful dress of yours."
"Thank you Principal Imogen." Said Izzy as she smiles and hugs Simon.
"And Alec, wow!" Said Imogen as she looks at Alec." You look so. . ."
"Boring?" Said a female voice from behind her.
Then they all look to see a attractive girl standing behind them with an evil smirk on her face. The girl has brown hair tied into a half ponytail, has brown eyes, she has a diamond necklace around her neck, she wears a red strapless empire dress, a white corsage on her left wrist, and red heels on. Her name Camille Belcourt, she is president of the prom committee, and Magnus's ex girlfriend.
"Camille, wow, your dress. . ." Said Alec as he look at Camille." It's so simple."
"Actually, my dress is much more beautiful and expansive, unlike Clary's and Izzy's." Said Camille as she smirks.
"Excuse me?!" Said Izzy as she and Clary were about to go to Camille.
"Girls." Said Imogen as she and the boys tried to calm them down." Let's all try to calm down."
"Camille, come on, this is prom." Said Magnus as he look at his ex girlfriend." Okay, let's just all be nice, and just forget about the past."
"Alright them, as a fellow prom queen nominee, I want to wish you luck tonight." Said Camille as she smiles." You're gonna need all you can get, and Magnus I wish you could've nominated for prom king, we would've been a great couple together."
"Oh, you think you got it all wrapped up, do you?" Asked Alec as he glared at Camille a bit.
"Well, they're certainly not propped up and on parade like yours are, that's for sure." Said Camille as she walks away.
"Okay that's it, you know what, I'm so sick. . ." Said Alec in anger as he was about to get to Camille till Magnus stop him.
"Baby, baby, she's not even worth it." Said Magnus as he stop Alec." Look, you're my boyfriend now, and she doesn't know how I love you, all right?"
That got Alec to smile at Magnus knowing that he still loves him. When Magnus use to date Camille, it cause Alec to get really jealous, and when Magnus and Camille break up, Alec felt like he had a chance and dated Magnus, which have cause Camille to get jealous, and always insulted Alec.
"Okay, I'm gonna go get the keys right quick." Said Simon as he look at the others." I'll be back."
That got the others to nodded their heads and Simon started to go to the main desk to pick up the keys for their hotel room, and then Magnus, Alec, Clary, Jace, and Izzy have started to go inside the prom to enjoy their night.
"Alec, you really do look handsome." Said Imogen as she smiles." And in my opinion, you and Magnus would've been win prom Kong's this year."
"Well, thanks, Principal Imogen." Said Alec as he and Magnus smile.
"Have fun." Said Imogen as she started to continue greet the other students.
"I know who she would've voted for." Said Izzy as she smiles." She likes you and Magnus."
"Shut up." Said Alec as he rolled his eyes.
That got the others to laugh and then they all enter the prom, then as they all go inside, they were all so surprised and amazed at how the prom is. Inside, there were many spotlights shiny above the ceiling, the dance floor has color lights, many confetti's fall to the ground, there were a lot of tables and chairs for every student to sit, and there was a DJ player playing some music.
"Alicante High, huh?" Said the DJ man in excitement." Come on, now, what's up everybody, and welcome to the prom of all proms!"
"Oh, my God!" Said Izzy in excitement." Look at this place!"
"Hey, look at me on the big screen." Said Jace as he point at the big screen where it shows everyone coming in.
They were all so excited to have the best night of their life, as they all enter, they all started to go to the dance floor to dance a bit, and then the DJ player pick up the microphone and started to speak.
"Alicante High, make some noise!" Shouted the DJ man in excitement.
"Yeah!" Shouted everyone in excitement.
"My name is DJ Tyler, I'm gonna be hosting the events tonight, this has to be the greatest prom on Earth." Said DJ and everyone cheered loudly." Brought to you also by Camille Belcourt, I see you over there, girl, yeah!"
The spotlight pointed at Camille as she smirks and waves at people who were applauding for her, about making the greatest prom night ever.
"Congratulations, Alicante High, to all 206 of you graduates, it's time to get the party started!" Said DJ Tyler in excitement." Get out there and get your party pumping!"
Everyone have all cheered once DJ Tyler have said that, and they all started to dance once the music started to play, everyone have all started to dance and are having a great time tonight.
"Now, it's time for a little Consequence." Said Magnus as he look at the others." I mean, you gotta hand it to Camille, though, this is amazing!"
"Wait, does this mean we can't make fun of her anymore?" Asked Clary as she look at the others.
"Nah!" Said Izzy as she shook her head.
Then as the music plays, they all started to dance at the dance floor, Magnus and Alec were both dancing together, while Clary, Jace, and Izzy are dancing through the music. Meanwhile at the check in desk, Sebastian was about to check in a room.
"And just so you know, our fitness center will be closed because of the renovations being done on the mezzanine level." Said the manager and Sebastian gave him the card from the guy he killed as his new ID." Thank you, Mr. Ramsey, if I can just get your autograph."
Then as the manager gives Sebastian the form to sign in to stay for the night, Simon have started to go to the main desk, to pick up the room keys that his mother got for him and his friends.
"Hi, can I get three keys to suite 312?" Asked Simon as he looks at the manager." I have it reserved under Simon Lewis."
"One moment." Said the manager as he goes to find the keys.
As Simon wait for the manager to get the room keys for their suites, he turn to Sebastian lower his head and signing the form, but Simon doesn't recognize Sebastian since part of the cap is covering his face when lower his head, and then the manager of the hotel came with three hotel key cards.
"All right." Said the manager as he hands them to Simon." There you are, Mr. Lewis."
"Thank you." Said Simon as he got the key cards and went back to the prom.
"Do you have a preference as to which floor, Mr. Ramsey?" Asked the manager as he look at Sebastian.
Sebastian hear Simon that his room is at 312, meaning the room he's going at the third room, he realizes that Magnus will be on that floor and thought that it would be perfect for him to grab him once Magnus is all alone.
"Third floor would be great." Said Sebastian as he finished signing.
Meanwhile at the prom, everyone was having really fun, and Magnus admit that Camille did an amazing job for this years prom, that he and Alec go to Camille to tell her that she did amazing at prom.
"You really outdid yourself, Camille." Said Magnus as he look at Camille." I mean, we really appreciate it.
"Thanks, I wanted it to look just like an L.A. Club." Said Camille as she smirks." I mean, nobody can believe it, right?"
Then as Camille walks away to her table where her date and friends are, Magnus looks at Alec, the he waves his finger around like Camille is so crazy out of her head, and it got Alec to laugh a bit. Then Simon came in with the key cards.
"One for you." Said Simon as he gave one to Jace.
"Thank you." Said Jace as he smiles.
"One for you." Said Simon as he gave one to Alec.
"Thanks Simon." Said Alec as he smiles.
"And one for. . ." Said Simon as he look at Izzy and she grab the key card.
"We're going up to the room to freshen up." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Why, Izzy?" Said Simon as he look confused." You look great tonight."
"That's correct, you're doing very well tonight." Said Izzy as she smiles at her boyfriend." But I'll look even better when I get back."
"Yeah, I need to go up and fix my makeup." Said Magnus as he agree with Izzy.
"And I should probably fix my hair a bit." Said Clary as she agrees.
"Well, let's go get a table, before they're all gone." Said Simon as he, Jace, and Alec tried to find a table.
Then Magnus, Izzy, and Clary have all left the room where the prom is being held to go to their hotel rooms to freshen up a bit, then Izzy saw a elevator open and the door was about to closed.
"Oh, can you guys hold that door." Said Izzy as she, Clary, and Magnus to catch up.
Then a man around his thirties hold the elevator door open as Magnus, Izzy, and Clary have all enter the elevator.
"Thank you." Said Magnus as he and the girls enter.
Then as the elevator door have closed, Magnus was about to push the button that will take him, Izzy, and Clary to the third floor, but he saw that the elevator is talking them, three other man around their thirties, an elderly couple, and a bell boy up to the third, fifth, and sixth floors.
Then as Magnus, Clary, and Izzy waited for the elevator to take them to the third floor, they started to realize that the three man are staring at them and admire at how beautiful they are, which to them they find it really funny.
"Oh, man." Said one of the man as he stares at them.
"So. . . Which one of you two beautiful young women is my date tonight?" Asked man #1 as he flirts with Clary and Izzy.
"And you beautiful young man, I wonder if you are gay or bisexual, cause I want to know of you are my date tonight." Said man #2 as he flirts with Magnus.
When both mans flirts with them, it cause them to giggled and chuckle at the way the man were flirting with them, but what they didn't know was that Sebastian was behind the elderly couple blending in, and he got angry that the three man were flirting with Magnus.
"So, we're gonna take this party upstairs, room 604." Said man #3 as he smirks at them.
"Yeah, we'll. . . Be right up." Said Magnus as he smirks.
"Magnus!" Said Clary and Izzy as they look at Magnus in shock.
That got the girls to laugh a bit, then the elevator started to ding, meaning that they have arrived at the third floor, and then the elevator door began to open.
"604, remember cuties." Said man #3 as he look at Magnus, Izzy, and Clary.
"Right." Said Clary as he smirk a bit." Got it."
"Come on." Said Izzy as she started to get.
"I'm gonna hold you to that darling." Said Magnus as he wink at the second man.
That got the second man to smile at how Magnus have wink at him, but it had also got Sebastian to get really angry that it wasn't him that Magnus is winking at him, and then Magnus leaves with Izzy and Clary to get to their room.
"Remember, sixth floor." Said man #2 as he called out." Man, what a good looking boy, I wonder if he's gay."
Then before the elevator door was about to close, Sebastian started to leave as well, as he bump really hard to the man he was flirting with Magnus.
"Excuse me." Said the man as he was annoyed." What's his problem?"
Then the elevator closed, then at the hallways, Magnus was heading to his hotel room with Clary and Izzy to freshen up, and they all started to laugh at how the man were flirting with them and asking them to go with them to their floor.
"Oh, my God." Said Clary as she laugh." Do you guys believed that?!"
"The one on the end looked like my dad." Said Izzy as she laugh as well." I swear."
"Kind of, yeah!" Said Clary as she laugh." We, that will be a bit gross."
"I don't know guys, I'll be honest with you both." Said Magnus as he smirk a bit." That one guy was kind of cute."
"No!" Said Clary and Izzy in shock.
"Oh, my God!" Said Izzy as she laughs a bit." Really Magnus?!"
"What, it's only my opinion that's all." Said Magnus as he look like he didn't do anything wrong.
"Oh, my God, Magnus!" Said Clary as she rolled." Oh, what will happen if Alec hear you said that?"
"Oh my god, then I know that he will be so jealous that, he will punish you with sex." Said Izzy as she smirks as she opens the door to their room.
"Oh my god, I bet that's what would've done to you." Said Clary as she smirks as well.
"Oh boy, I bet I would love that from him." Said Magnus as he giggle a bit.
Down at the other end of the hallway, Sebastian was about to enter his hotel room, then he saw Magnus at the other end of the hall, and then Magnus started to enter his hotel room. That got him to realize that it's his hotel and he will get him once he's alone.
But he started to realize that he can't get in without the hotel rooms key card and his only can open his, then he saw a housekeeper coming down the hall with a cart, and he started to come up with an idea that might work. So he took out a pocket knife from his jacket and started to scratch his card, and he puts his knife away.
"Excuse me?" Asked Sebastian as he got the housekeepers attention." My card, it doesn't seem to work, can you help?"
So the housekeeper went to Sebastian to help him get inside his hotel room, then when the maid put in the card to open the room, it denied it, and she it over the other side to see the scratch.
"Here's your problem, it's got a scratch." Said the maid.
That got Sebastian to nod in understanding making sure that the maid doesn't know that he scratch, then the housekeeper got out a master key card that opens every single hotel room, which got Sebastian to realize that it's the key to get to Magnus faster.
"Call the front desk, and someone will bring you a replacement card." Said the housekeeper as she gives Sebastian back his card.
"Thank you very much." Said Sebastian and the housekeeper was about to leave to do her job." One more thing, can I have some extra towels?"
"Sure." Said they housekeeper.
Then as the housekeeper went inside Sebastian's hotel room, Sebastian closed the door, which got the housekeeper to turn to face him, he got out his pocket knife, the housekeeper scream, and Sebastian started to stab her multiple times, and then the housekeeper died, and as Sebastian drag her dead body to the bathroom, he grab the master key card and left his room to find Magnus downstairs at the prom, and claim him as his, whether Magnus like's it or not, and he will kill anyone he gets in his way.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
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