Arriving to the Prom
A few day later, it was Saturday meaning that tonight is the night of the big senior prom, everyone at Alicante Academy are all so excited for the big night, that they all spent the entire day getting ready for the big night. All the girls are all getting their hairs and nails done and checking their dresses, while the guys get their tuxes and corsages ready for their dates.
Meanwhile at the Bohemian Soul Natural Hair Salon in Brooklyn, Clary is with Izzy, Maia, and the rest of the girls of Glee Club are at the salon getting their hairs done, and then Clary have started to speak.
"Oh man, I can't wait for prom, it's going to be so magical." Said Clary as she smiles.
"I know, I can't wait either, what color is your dress Clary?" Asked Izzy as she smiles.
"It's a silver color with sequins on it, so it's really pretty, I also have silver heels to go with the dress, it makes it look more beautiful like a diamond." Said Clary as she smiles." What's your dresses color Izzy?"
"Its a gold color with sequins." Said Izzy as she smiles." I also have gold heels to go with it, cause it shines bright like the day."
"That's really pretty, what about you girls, what color are your dresses?" Asked Clary as she look at the other girls.
"Mines a ruby color with diamonds on the top, it's so beautiful." Said Serena as she smiles." I also have ruby strap heels to make it stand out."
"Mines a red color with a train at the bottom, it's so sexy." Said Cheryl as she smirks.
"Well I can't wait to see you in that dress baby, meanwhile my dress is violet with silver beads on the top." Said Toni as she smiles.
"Mines a dark blue and silver color with sequins all over it." Said Maia as she smiles.
"Mines a dark purple color with silver beads on the top." Said Harper as she smiles at her friends as she smiles." I also have black wedge heels to make me stand out."
"That's really cool Harper, you and Peter are going to be so cute together." Said Clary as she smiles." What about you Jessica, what color is your dress for prom?"
"It's a champagne color with pink and gold beads and it's corseted, so it's a little sexy." Said Jessica as she smiles.
"Oh, it sounds pretty." Said Clary as she smiles.
"If you want to talk about sexy, you should all see Harper's dress with that plunging neckline." Said Serena as she smirks at Harper." Peter's gonna love you in it."
"Yeah, he's gonna love me even more out of it." Said Harper as she smirks.
"Peter made sure that we got the biggest limousine he could find." Said Harper as she smiles." Apparently, he wanted our arrival to become so special."
"I can't actually believe that Jacob is helping spring for the limo and a two bedroom suite with Fangs and Peter." Said Serena in shock.
"It's prom night." Said Harper as she smiles." That boy's planning on getting laid."
"Yeah." Said Serena as she smirks." In his dreams maybe."
"Well, I'm going with Raphael Santiago to the prom." Said Maia as she smiles.
"What?!" Said Clary and the girls in shock.
"Wait a minute, I thought that you are going to the prom with Jordan?" Asked Izzy as she looks at Maia.
"Well I was planning to, but apparently Jordan ask another girl to the prom, so Raphael ask me because he said that I deserve to have a special night." Said Maia as she smiles.
"Aw, I think that it's really sweet of him to let you have a special night." Said Serena as she smiles.
"All right, Clary." Said they Hairstyles as she gives Clary a hand mirror." Have a look."
Then Clary look at herself and saw that her hair has some curls at the bottom, and that she has a little bit of highlights at the top.
"Oh, it looks good." Said Clary as she smiles." I like it."
"What time did Peter say to be ready for the limo?" Asked Serena as she look at Harper,
"He said around 7:00." Said Harper as she smiles.
"Oh, I'm so excited." Said Clary as she smiles.
That got all the girls to get really excited for prom night as well. Meanwhile at clothing stores, Magnus is with Simon, Raphael, and the rest of the Glee Club boys getting their tuxes ready for their prom night.
"Oh man, prom night is going to be so awesome, I can't wait to see Harper in her beautiful dress." Said Peter as he smiles." I want to look good for her tonight."
"You will Peter, in fact we are all going to look good tonight." Said Jacob as he smiles.
"Kevin said that his tux is made by himself, and he wanted to surprise me once I pick him up." Said Fangs as he smiles." I bet he will look really gorgeous."
"Man, I bet Izzy will look beautiful in her dress, I can't wait to see her and have fun tonight." Said Simon as he smiles.
"I bet we will all have fun tonight, what about you Magnus, are you and Alec going to have fun tonight?" Asked Raphael as he smiles.
"Of course I'm going to have fun tonight, Alec said that he is planning a big surprise for me during prom, I don't know what it is, but he said that it will make our night so magical." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Well, all I know is that tonight is going to be great." Said Bat as he smiles.
That got everyone to agree as well, then as Magnus started to look at himself at his compact mirror, he saw someone that look like the psycho killer that killed his mother and has the crazy obsession over him. It got Magnus to get really scared, that he turn to look to see if it's him in fear, but to his surprise he didn't see anyone there.
Magnus started to realize that he must be hallucinating again, then Simon have started to see the scare look on Magnus's face, and it kinda got him worried, so he started to speak to Magnus.
"Hey Magnus, are you okay?" Asked Simon as he look concerned.
"Uh yeah, I'm fine, I just thought I saw someone outside." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Well, it's going to be okay, I'm sure that prom will be awesome." Said Simon as he smiles.
That got Magnus to smile at his friends, and hope that tonight's prom will be magical. But Magnus started to feel upset about the hallucination, you see Magnus never told his friends what happen three years ago, cause he doesn't know how they will react if he told them.
But he started to shake it off and started to spend time with the other boys as they pay for their tuxes. Then a few hours later, it's around 5:30, meaning it's almost time to go to the prom, at Asmodeus's mansion, Asmodeus is downstairs waiting for Magnus to come downstairs while he's done getting ready.
"He's going to be here soon, Magnus!" Said Asmodeus as he called out to Magnus.
"Okay, father, I'm almost done!" Said Magnus as he called out from his room.
"I can't believe that he's come so far." Said Asmodeus as he smiles." Going to his senior prom with his boyfriend and friends."
Meanwhile upstairs at Magnus's bedroom, Magnus was in his bathroom all ready for his big night. Magnus is now wearing a black long-sleeve button up collared shirt, has a dark red blazer coat on, has black dressed pants, and has black dressed shoes on.
Magnus also has silver glitter eyeshadow on, black eyeliner on, has two red tips on the front of his hair. He was now looking at himself at the mirror, the he open his cabinet and saw his bottles of pills, and grabs it.
You see, three years ago after when the psycho is sent to jail and when Magnus goes to his psychiatrist, his psychiatrist says that he needs to take some pills that help him whenever he had the nightmares. Magnus has stop taking them over a week, he knew that he should take them, but he doesn't want to feel numb during his prom, so he puts away his pills.
Then as Magnus have close his cabinet, he saw his father's reflection which have got him to freak out from the moment he saw his father's reflection.
"AAHHH!" Shouted Magnus which got Asmodeus surprise as well.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Said Asmodeus as he place his hands on Magnus's shoulders for comfort.
"Oh, my God." Said Magnus as he relaxed and turns to look at his father." Oh, my gosh, I'm sorry father, I didn't know you were behind me."
"No, no, it's okay." Said Asmodeus as he comfort his son.
Then as Magnus have calmed down, he started turn to face his reflection at the mirror, and about to put on his lip gloss, then when Asmodeus saw the way Magnus have shaken when he kinda snuck up on him, he started to realize that Magnus stop taken his pills.
"Have you stopped taking your pills?" Asked Asmodeus as he look at Magnus.
"Yeah, for like a week now." Said Magnus as he put on his lip gloss.
"You know what Dr. Crowe said." Said Asmodeus as he look at Magnus." You need to take one once a week."
"I know father, it's just that. . ." Said Magnus as he puts away his lip gloss." I don't want to be numb tonight, I wanna remember everything that happens, besides father, you know, it's my prom, I'm supposed to be really anxious, right?"
"Of course you are." Said Asmodeus as he smiles." I remember my prom night with Maryse Lightwood when I was still in high school."
"Oh really, how was your prom night?" Asked Asmodeus as he smiles.
"My prom night with Maryse was really magical, back then we were the greatest couple ever, it kinda got Robert to get really jealous." Said Asmodeus as he smiles a bit." He was a golden boy, and yet he got jealous of me when I dated Maryse, a ordinary high school girl."
"Wow, that was really unexpected." Said Magnus as he look at Asmodeus.
"Oh yeah it was, what got him even more jealous is that me and Maryse were vote prom king and queen." Said Asmodeus as he smirks." I'll never forget that jealous look on Roberts face when me Maryse were dancing."
"Wow, that's something." Said Magnus as he straighten his shirt.
"Gosh, you look so beautiful." Said Asmodeus as he smiles.
"Thank you father." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"You are gonna have so much fun tonight Magnus." Said Asmodeus as he smiles.
"This is gonna be a great night." Said Magnus as he smiles.
Then Magnus and Asmodeus have both started to hear a knock on the door, and it got Magnus to get really excited, because he knew that Alec is here to pick him up for prom, and he started to get really excited and nervous at the same time.
"Oh, my God!" Said Magnus in excitement." He's here, I'm so nervous now."
"Don't worry Magnus, you look great, in fact I have something to give you." Said Asmodeus as he smiles." Turn around and close your eyes."
So Magnus to face his reflection and closed his eyes, as his eyes were closed, he started to feel something that Asmodeus is putting something around Magnus's eyes. Then as Magnus open his eyes, he saw that around his neck is a beautiful silver purple gem star necklace.
That got Magnus to get really shock because the necklace belong to his mother, Asmodeus got it for her on their first date when they gone out with each other, and then Asmodeus smiles at Magnus.
"I know she would want you to wear it tonight." Said Asmodeus as he smiles.
No, father, what if I get something on it?" Said Magnus as he look at Asmodeus.
"It's okay my son, I know that you will take good care of it." Said Asmodeus as he smiles." Your mother would be so proud of you."
That got Magnus to smile at his father knowing that he is right, Magnus's mother Indah would be so proud of him at how far he has gotten, and he wishes that he could see her one last time.
"Thank you father." Said Magnus as he hugs Asmodeus.
"Alright, I'm gonna go downstairs and tell Alexander that you're almost ready." Said Asmodeus as he smiles.
"Okay." Said Magnus as he smiles." Thanks."
Then Asmodeus went downstairs to go see Alec and Maryse downstairs, then Magnus take a look at the mirror one last time, and he touch his mothers necklace. He smile at how far he has come, and then he started to go downstairs to see his boyfriend.
Meanwhile downstairs at the entrance of the mansion, Asmodeus is with Alec with a women next to him, and Alec has his prom tux on. Alec is wearing a white long-sleeve button up dressed shirt, has a white blazer coat with a black collar, has a black bow tie around his neck, black dressed pants on, and has black dressed shoes. He also has a box with a corsage in it.
The woman next to Alec has long black hair, has brown hairs, she wears a red long-sleeve dress that goes to her knees, has a black coat at one arm, and has black heels on. The women's name is Maryse Lightwood, and she is Alec's mother.
"Aw, Maryse and Alec, you both dressed fine today." Said Asmodeus as he smiles.
"Why thank you Asmodeus, you look very fine as well." Said Maryse as she smiles.
"And Alexander, you look fine for your prom date tonight." Said Asmodeus as he smiles at Alec.
"Thank you sir." Said Alec as he smiles.
"So, do you have any plans for your future?" Asked Asmodeus as he smiles.
"Well, I wouldn't be getting a scholarship or anything, not my first year." Said Alec as he looks at Asmodeus." But I think if I work really, really hard. . ."
Before Alec could continue talking to Asmodeus, Maryse turns to the stairs and gasp in surprise, then Alec turns to see what Maryse is looking at and his eyes widen. He saw Magnus coming down the stairs in his prom outfit, and he smile when he saw Alec waiting for him downstairs.
"Wow." Said Alec as he smiles." You look beautiful."
"Thank you Alexander." Said Magnus as he smiles." You look so good as well, you clean up very well."
"Thank you." Said Alec as he smiles." I got you the corsage, and it matches with your outfit."
"It's so pretty." Said Magnus as smiles at the corsage.
"Yeah, it took me like fours hours with the flower lady." Said Alec as he smiles." Although it almost felt like six hours."
"Did you pick it out yourself?" Asked Magnus as he smiles.
"Kind of." Said Alec and Magnus raise his eyebrows." Okay, I had a little help with the flower lady."
Then as Alec got the corsage out of the box, then he gives the box to Maryse, then as holds Magnus's wrist up gently, Alec puts the corsage on his Magnus's right wrist as Maryse takes a picture of the two of them.
"Wow, this is so beautiful." Said Magnus as he look at the corsage.
Then as Magnus have smile at the corsage that Alec have put on his wrists, Asmodeus started to give Magnus a red boutonnière for Alec's prom outfit.
"Thank you father." Said Magnus as he smiles." Here, I can do this."
Then Alec smile at his beautiful boyfriend for how how much he loves him, then Alec stand still for Magnus to put the boutonnière on his prom tux, then as Magnus almost puts his boutonnière, he move the boutonnière that cause Alec to flinch a bit.
"Ow!" Said Alec which got Magnus freak out a bit and Alec smiles." I'm kidding, I'm kidding Magnus."
"Oh, my God!" Said Magnus as he rolled his eyes." You totally scared me."
That got Alec to chuckle a bit and caused Magnus to roll his eyes, then Magnus have put the boutonnière on Alec's prom tux, and he smile at how Alec looks so handsome in his suit. Maryse and Asmodeus both smile at how far their sons have gotten.
"Perfect." Said Magnus as smiles and Maryse took out her camera.
"Alright now, it's time for your prom photo." Said Maryse as she smiles.
"Okay, ready?" Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
Magnus have nodded his head for yes, then as they both pose for their prom picture, Alec wrap his arms behind Magnus and Magnus smile at his boyfriend. Then Maryse took a picture of the two of them, then a few minutes later, Magnus and Alec both went out of the house with Asmodeus and Maryse, and Magnus saw a big limousine to drive them to the prom.
"Wow, now that is a big car." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Now, we're trusting you two to be okay during your prom night." Said Asmodeus as he look at the boys." I went to prom once. . ."
"Asmodeus, it's okay." Said Maryse as she looks at Asmodeus." They're going to be fine."
"Yes sir, you have nothing to worry about." Said Alec as he smiles." I'll make sure that Magnus is protected."
That got Asmodeus to smile at Alec, knowing that Magnus have chosen the perfect boy, and then Asmodeus took one last look at his Magnus, and he smile at his son and started to speak.
"You're the most beautiful boy in the world." Said Asmodeus as he smiles at Magnus.
"Thanks you father." Said Magnus as he smiles at his father.
"Come here son." Said Asmodeus as he pulls his son to a hug.
"I love you father." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Have a great time, all right?" Said Asmodeus as he smiles.
Then as Asmodeus and Magnus finished their hug, Magnus and Alec have both started to go to limousine and get to their prom, and then Maryse started to smirk, and looks at Alec as he kept walking with Magnus.
"Oh Alec, I hope you use condom tonight!" Said Maryse as she smirks and got Alec to blush furiously and look at her.
"MOM!" Shouted Alec in embarrassment.
"I just wanted you to be safe." Said Maryse as she smirks and got Asmodeus to chuckle.
"Alright!" Said Alec as he still feel embarrassed.
Then Alec opens the door to the limousine, Magnus started to enter the car, then he saw Jace, Clary, Izzy, and Simon all inside the limousine in their prom outfits, looking really excited to get to prom.
Clary has her down, she has a silver heart-shape necklace around her neck, has silver eyeshadow on, silver lip gloss on, she wears a one-shoulder dress with sequin glitter at the top, has a white corsage on her left wrist, has a silver clutch purse, and silver heels on.
Izzy has her hair tied into a half ponytail with highlights, has gold eyeshadow on, red lipstick on, gold necklace around her neck, she is wearing a strapless gold dress on, has a white corsage on her left wrist, and gold heels on.
Jace is wearing a dark turquoise long-sleeve button up dressed shirt, has a black blazer coat with a black collar, has a black tie around his neck, has a white boutonnière on his blazer coat, black dressed pants on, and has black dressed shoes.
Simon is wearing a dark blue long-sleeve button up dressed shirt, has a black blazer coat with a black collar, has a black tie around his neck, has a white boutonnière on his tux, black dressed pants on, and has black dressed shoes.
"Hey guys." Said Magnus as he and Alec enter the car.
"Hey Magnus." Said Clary as she smiles.
"Oh man, I cannot wait to get there." Said Alec as he smiles.
"You look awesome!" Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Let's get to the goddamn prom." Said Simon as he feels impatient.
"You guys look so pretty!" Said Magnus as he smiles." Well, not the guys,the guys look very handsome."
Then as Alec and Magnus both sit down, the limousine started to drive the six friends to the prom, then as Asmodeus and Maryse saw the limousine left, Maryse smirk at Asmodeus and lowers her top dress to show her breasts, and got Asmodeus to smirk at her.
"Well, it looks like you are happy to be with me." Said Asmodeus as he smirks at Maryse.
"Well, to be really honest, I still kept remembering how we use to be the sexiest couple back in high school." Said Maryse as she grabs Asmodeus's hands." Which means we have all night to ourselves."
Then Maryse took Asmodeus back inside the mansion to have the night of their life. Meanwhile at the limousine where Magnus, Alec, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy are, they were all so excited to get to their prom.
They stuck out of the windows and saw other students from Alicante Academy driving to prom as well, and all look really excited. Then Izzy took some pictures of her and the others for remembering the magical night of their life.
"Wait, now guys get in." Said Izzy as she looks at Alec and Magnus.
Then Alec and Magnus both kissed each other as Izzy takes the picture of both of them. Then everyone have all started to cheer at how tonight is going to be great.
"Oh man, tonight is going to be great." Said Jace as he smiles.
"You know I heard that Camille is going all Hollywood with her theme this year since she's the president of the prom committee." Said Simon as he look at his friends." I heard that she spent $100,000 over budget and her dad had to write a check.
"Oh my god!" Said Alec as he laugh.
"Stop it!" Said Clary as she laughs.
"He's totally pissed!" Said Simon as he laughs as well.
"I wish that was my daddy." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Rich b*tch, one word." Said Clary as she smiles.
"Oh, hyphen." Said Magnus as he understand.
Then as they all laugh and talk about how tonight is going to be the greatest night of their life, but what Magnus didn't know is that someone from his past comes back to take him as his own, and will haunt Magnus that happen to him three years ago.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
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