Lachlan to Preston
Lachlan ran down the hall and smack in Preston. "If you happen to be an oversize Aussie MAYBE you need to learn how to walk in a hallway SO YOU DON'T RUN INTO US SHORT AMERICANS."
"Meh I'll get there," Lachlan said with a laugh.
"Yeah in the last couple weeks we have left here," Preston said rolling his eyes.
"Well I mean. No. Probs not," Lachlan said laughing.
"I want Dunkin," Preston whined. It was no secret among the Pack that Rob brought Preston an Iced Mocha with coconut flavoring everyday. Rob worked at Dunkin Doughnuts, so it wasn't that much money.
"Rob was running late today?"
"Yes. Annoyingly so."
"Sorry Lava P."
Lachlan ruffled Preston's hair. "Don't do that," Preston whined.
"I like your hair," Lachlan said as he played with it.
"You like mine better, right Lachy Dachy?" said a small Indian male bouncing at the taller's side.
Lachlan struggled to get an arm around the short boy in the busy hall. "I like you the best, baby boy," He pulled Vikk to him.
"I'm so glad," he snuggled into his boyfriends side.
"Ok come on lover boys. Health a waits," Preston said laughing.
The three walk into their shared Health class. Preston was in front of Lachlan. Lachlan and Vikk were in the back row next to each other. Halfway through the class Preston got poked in the back of the head. He turned around to glare, but was a handed a piece of paper instead. He opened it. "Bet I can beat you in a race."
Preston rolled his eyed and quickly wrote back, "Fudge off Lachy. Pay attention." He passed it back to the long armed Aussie.
"It's fine Preston. Vikky says it's the same slides from the same power point as last time."
Preston looked up at the droning teacher. "WHY HAVE I BEEN TAKING NOTES THE WHOLE TIME."
"You're a good kid. Now shushit and come sit in Vikk's seat."
Preston turned around and saw that Vikk saw in Lachlan's lap, sleeping. He looked at the teacher, who had their back turned. He quickly switched seats and pulls it closer to Lachlan. He whispered to Lachlan, "How did you get him to sleep?"
"Easy. He is already overtired and was dozing in his chair. He just needed me to get him all the way there."
"Ew! In class?"
"What? NO! Cuddles you sicko." Lachlan hissed.
"Sorry. I know what you two do in the daaa-arr-rrrr-rrrrr-ark," He sang the last part.
"Shut up. Not like you and Robby are all innocent."
"No, but everyone assumes you and Vikky are innocent babies."
Lachlan kisses Vikk's forehead. "Shut up. How can you say that he isn't an innocent baby?"
"Ok right now, he looks like one. But I know he's not," He smiled at the sleeping boy. He was tucked up as small as he could in Lachlan's lap, his whole body leaning on Lachlan. Vikk's hands were constantly moving in his sleep. Shaking a little and moving around.
"Is he ok?"
"It's the end of the year. You know how he gets. Stops eating and sleeping," Lachlan said sadly. Everyone knew that by June Lachlan had to fight Vikk just to get him to take a nap or eat a granola bar.
"Yeah." The silence stretched awkwardly until, "So what about a race?"
"Yeah," Lachlan's face lit up. "I bet I can beat you in a race around the school."
"Lachlan you will. You're like the track star. I'm just you know, Preston."
Lachlan's eyebrows furrowed at the insult Preston said about himself, "I'll give you a head start. You can start already at the halfway point."
"Lachy, I don't know......"
"I'll buy you Dunkin every day for a year if you win."
"And if you win?"
"You have to buy and wear a prom gown," Lachlan said with his blue eyes sparkling.
"You just want me to share your misery," Preston said holding back a laugh.
Lachlan's jaw dropped, "So you-"
"Of course I know. You think Mitch could keep his mouth shut?"
"Yes and I want you to come shopping with us," Lachlan groaned.
"Fine. After school ok?"
"You got it bae." The bell rang and they all got up. Lachlan got his bag and Vikk's.
"Who does he have a study hall with?" Preston asks as Lachlan shifts Vikk so he's cradling the sleeping boy in one arm. He has both backpacks on his other arm
"Jerome and Rob. They'll keep him asleep," Lachlan said with a small amount of worry. He didn't want to leave his baby boy.
"They will or I'll kill Rob," Preston gave Lachlan a reassuring look and patted the taller's arm
They split off and Lachlan calls back to Preston. "Presto, man!"
"I think 'just Preston' is pretty great." He smiles and walks to Vikk's study hall.
Jerome settles the small boy in his lap. "Say hi to Mitch for me."
Lachlan nods and jogs to English.
"Was he this bad last year?" Jerome asks.
"No. But he has more tests this year, more pressure," Rob says. "Preston's feeling it too. To be honest Jerome...."
"Yeah man?"
"I think Mitch is too," Rob flinches waiting for the explosion.
"I know, hell dude, I feel it. Mitch is stretched to breaking, I am about to shatter. I don't know how you and Lachy are doing this."
"We didn't try to kill ourselves with classes."
Lachlan set out a text:
"Wow," Jerome said trying not to laugh. "They must be bored."
Lachlan had a cranky Vikk cuddling his side. "Why did you let me sleep so long?"
"You needed too," Lachlan ran a hand through Vikk's thick back hair.
"I did not, ok? I needed to work," Vikk closes his eyes and presses into Lachlan's hand.
"Babe. You work all the time. You can work when I take you home ok?" Lachlan keeps playing with Vikk's hair.
"Can we go to your home?" Vikk looked up with pleading eyes.
"Of course baby," Lachlan went to kiss the smaller boy.
Jerome walks up with a Mitch on his back. "Ready Lil' Lachy?"
"Can you?" He asked pulling off his hoodie and gesturing to the sleepy Indian latched to his side.
"Yep," Mitch said getting down. "Come here cuddle slut," He said with open arms.
Lachlan pulled his hoodie onto Vikk who smiled. "I'm not a slut. I only cuddle my friends," Vikk says cuddling into Mitch.
"So you're just using me for cuddles?"
"Um... Yeah!!" Vikk said as he smiled up at Mitch.
"Hate you."
"You love me."
"That's debtable Vikky."
Jerome looked at them and glared. "Ready on your end Robby?"
"Yeah, Preston baby you ready?"
In the background a small whoop was heard.
"Ready?" Jerome says with a smile.
"SET," Rob shouted.
"GOOOOOOO," they both yelled.
Preston and Lachlan took off running. The school was small and Lachlan had run it over a hundred times. He knew where the random rabbit holes were, the terrible hill and the painful trees (the trees drop acorns, but only when there was a runner under them).
Lachlan quickly hit the halfway point and saw Preston's back. He waved at Rob and kept up his mad dash. He watched as Preston went down. "PRESTON," Rob yelled and Lachlan sped up more.
"Ow. Ow. Ow. Dammit. Ow," Preston was muttering when Lachlan skidded to a stop next to him. Preston's foot was caught in a rabbit hole.
"Shhhh. Presto. It's ok," Lachlan said as he fell to his friend's side.
When he heard the kind voice Preston's eyes welled up. "I want Robby."
"I know bae. He's coming," Lachlan said rubbing the smaller's back.
Rob came up and the others came up from the other side. "Lachy?" a small sleepy voice said from Jerome's arms.
"Give him here Jerome," Lachlan said.
"No you take care of Preston with Robby. I got the star," Jerome said.
Lachlan nodded. Rob had crying Preston leaning into his chest.
"Come on Presto. Let's get you out of here ok?"
The crying boy nodded. "It's gonna hurt right?"
"Probably a little," Lachlan said.
Rob looked worried, "Lachy let me-"
Lachlan glared at Rob till Rob stopped talking. "Come on Presto," He gently lifts the smaller boy's foot out of the hole. It was his fault and he wanted to fix it.
"Owwww Fudging fudgers," Preston whimpered into Rob's chest.
"Hush boo. Lachy and I got you,"
Lachlan smiles, "Guys it's ok. Just bruised!!"
Preston gave a watery smile, "I'm not broken?"
"Not today," Rob picks up Preston and kisses him.
Lachlan stands, taking Vikk from Jerome, "Hey baby boy." He cradled the smaller boy to him and brushed the dark hair out of Vikk's face.
"Can we go nap now?" Vikk whimpered from the folds of the soft hoodie.
"Soon ok?"
Vikk grumbled as he was passed back to Jerome.
Rob smiled, "So about this race."
Lachlan smiled and toed off next to Rob and Preston. "I'll let you get to the half way mark. Mitch can you...."
Mitch took off to the halfway point, "YOU REALIZE THAT THIS IS A ONLY QUARTER OF THE RACE."
Jerome laughed, "He's studied to much today. He's starting to sound smart."
"I AM SMART BIGGUMS," Mitch yelled back, sticking his tongue out.
"Jerome can I have Vikk to make this fair?"
Rob glared, "You leave that sleeping boy where he is."
"Ok ok fine," Lachlan said.
Preston kissed Rob's cheek, "Thank you babe, but you don't have to do this."
"I want to. My little cactus will always finish what he starts," Rob smiled at the tear stained boy in his arms.
"I love you too flower king," He smiles.
"CAN YOU GUYS RACE, I AM LONELY," Mitch shouted.
"Ok guys. Jerome said. "Poofless, Ready, Seeeettttt, GOOOOO."
"Mmmmmm," Whined the sleepy Vikk.
Rob took off running laughing, while Preston clung to his shirt. When they hit they halfway point Lachlan crossed the finish line.
"Well babe, looks like your gonna have to wear a dress," Rob smirks at the smaller boy.
"Well fuck."
Wow. Slowly racking up boys in prom gowns. YAY I hope y'all like Preston's dress. I AM GONNA GO UPDATE BABY PACKMEN. SOOOOOO
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