Chapter 9 -- Marnie's POV

"Huh. What an odd Meowth," I murmured, examining the little Scratch Cat Pokemon sitting on my shoulder. She wasn't like any Meowth I'd ever seen before. For one thing, she wasn't a Steel Type; a light petting session told me that real quick. And she definitely wasn't from Galar. She didn't have the metal beards like other Galarian Meowth. For all I knew, she didn't even evolve into Perrserker!

The coin on her forehead was golden and shiny, and her fur was a muted shade of lilac. She was constantly stroking her whiskers, as if she were striving for perfection every second she was in public. Bigger ego than most Meowth, I thought as she shined her charm. Definitely more refined as well. I wonder what region she's from.

As we kept walking around the city, I started asking what she was looking for. Of course, she couldn't respond, but if I could roughly estimate what she was looking for, it would be a lot easier to find what it was.

"So, you're not from Galar, are you?" She meowed and shook her head, still watching the crowd. "Okay, that narrows it down a bit. Still have to ask a lot of people, though. Are you...looking for a friend?" She mewed and nodded wildly. "Good to know. Do you know what she looks like?" Another nod. "Can you show me?"

Hopping off my shoulder, the Meowth ran over to the glass window looking into a hair salon. "Is your friend in there?" Shaking her head, she pointed to the top of it, mewing emphatically. "I'm sorry, I don't understand." Grumbling, she clambered back onto my shoulder and yanked on one of my pigtails.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" I yelped, then gaped at what she was doing. She had pulled my hair to the side and draped it over her head to look like hair. She styled it to look like a ponytail, and started walking around like a stereotypical, sassy teenage girl would. "Your friend has black hair?" She meowed happily and started purring. "Great. Now we're gettin' somewhere. I assume she's also a teenager?" Another happy meow. "'Kay, what else does she look like?"

After a few more minutes of pointing out features and a couple more hair pulls, I had a basic bio on who I needed to find. "So, we're lookin' for a teenage girl with black hair an' eyes, about 5' 1", wearin' black shorts an' a black shirt." The Meowth nodded to confirm. "Okay, then, let's start searchin'."

We walked around Wyndon for hours, looking for the girl that fit the Meowth's description, but even after hours of searching, we turned up empty handed. "Hey, little Meowth," I said after a while. "I really don't wanna dampen your spirits, but I don't see anybody that looks anythin' like whoever you're lookin' for."

The Meowth didn't respond, only kept looking out into the crowds for the girl who matched her description. "Listen. I dunno about you, but I'd say this girl might not be in Wyndon anymore." The Meowth slumped over in defeat, knowing it was true. "Say, maybe you can come back to my hometown with me. It ain't exactly paradise, but I can take care of you."

The Meowth was so sad she could barely look my way, and I wondered if I had said too much. "Tell you what. How about we meet up with my bro here in Wyndon, an' then you can decide what to do?" She perked up a little more and nodded slowly. "Okay, then, time to make a call."


"What kinda Meowth is it?" my brother asked an hour later. We were standing in front of a boutique, where I told Piers to meet us. He was leaning against the wall, trying to stay out of the sunlight. Probably because Flying Taxis made him dizzy, and he wasn't an outdoors person.

"I dunno," I answered, looking at the Meowth, who was shining her charm in the mirror-like window. "But it's definitely not from Galar, and she ain't a Steel type."

"How d'you know it's a she?"

"After I called her a 'him' she bit me."


We kept examining her, watching her brush her whiskers, groom her fur and clean behind her ears. "So, what type is it?" Piers asked after a few more minutes of silence. "I dunno. Maybe we can find out."


"This Meowth's crazy smart. She told me what her Trainer looks like through charades!"

"Well, if she's as smart as she seems, maybe she'll just speak to us," he drawled sarcastically. The Meowth looked up at him and meowed.

"Okay, then, let's start. You're not a Steel type, right?" She nodded.

"And you ain't from Galar?" My bro chimed in. She shook her head.
" y'know all the types Galarian gym leaders specialize in?" I asked. Another nod. "Are you one of those types?" She nodded wildly, then proceeded to butt her head against my brother's legs.

"Hey, you were right," he said, looking down. "She ain't a Steel type. She's actually pretty soft."

"Meowth," she mewled, batting at the side of his shorts.

"Ouch! But she does have sharp claws."

"Bro, look! She ain't clawin' you, she's tappin' the logo of the Dark-type gym!"


Sure enough, she was reaching up and batting at the Y-like logo representing our hometown. "Are you a Dark type?" She leapt onto my shoulder and meowed happily, purring and nuzzling my hair. "I've never seen a Dark type Meowth before." I could have sworn she smiled at that, hopping down from my shoulder and landing on the ground.

Forming a clump of shadow between her claws, she rolled it around until it formed a bowling-ball sized mass of dusk. Launching it into the air, she leapt up and slashed it with her claws to make it explode in a flurry of purple and black sparkles. I marveled at the beautiful glitter of umbra, when I noticed something silver glinting in the light.

"Hm? What's this?" I asked, kneeling down to look at a needle-thin silver chain hanging around the Meowth's neck. On the chain hung a tiny Everstone, embedded in silver with little decals shaped like claws holding it in place. Piers let out a low whistle. "That's one pricy necklace," he murmured, reaching towards it. Hissing, the Meowth slashed at his hand and he recoiled, cursing, crimson clashing horribly with his pasty skin.

"I think she doesn't want people touchin' it," I said, looking at her to see if I was correct. The Meowth nodded, and hissed again at my older brother. "He didn't mean to take it. He just wanted to get a closer look," I explained.

Her gaze softened a little, but she still was glaring daggers at Piers. "So, she's a Dark type an' she wants to stay a Meowth," I said, reciting all I knew about her. "She isn't from Galar, she has a trainer. Her trainer's a teenage girl, has black hair'n eyes, an' how old is she, exactly?"

The Meowth then proceeded to tap her claws against my calf eighteen times. "Okay, so she's eighteen, I'm guessin'?" She nodded like crazy.

"Well, we have our profile," Piers said, turning to the street. "Looks like we should get goin' to look for the lady."

Just as we were about to start our search, the Meowth froze, ears perked straight up in the air. "What is it?" I asked her, and she clambered onto my head and stood on her hind legs, looking and listening for something. "Your claws are diggin' into my hair," I complained. Immediately, she hopped down and took off down the road. "Wait!" I shouted to her, starting to run. "Come back!"

"Marnie, look out!" I was yanked back by my jacket just in time for a car to whip past me, wind sending my pigtails flying. "Thanks, bro," I panted, searching for the little Meowth. "I don't see her. What if-"

"She'll be fine," he assured me. "C'mon. Let's look for her."

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