Chapter 24 -- Piers' POV

If I hadn't listened to my little sister, I never would have gotten tangled up in the mess I was in now.

The only reason I tagged along to this stupid costume party was because the Gym Leaders were expected to come, and I didn't feel comfortable letting Marnie go alone. That being said, she also begged me to get out of Spikemuth for once, and I can rarely say no to her. Though I put my foot down on wearing anything relatively costume-ish.

We made it to the Chairman's summer home, with plenty of turbulence and almost getting sick over the side of the carriage. I never did like Flying Taxis as transportation, and I doubt I ever will. We exited the carriage on the outskirts of Wyndon, tipped the driver, and started looking for the address. After a good minute or so of walking away from Wyndon, Marnie and her Morpeko called me over to them. I gaped at the estate once I got a good look at it.

"This has gotta be it," I mumbled, looking down at the calling card and back to the address on the entrance gate, trying to mask my awe. To call the house a mansion was an understatement. It was a palace, made entirely of rusty-red sandstone cobbled together and towers with coral roofs that reached beyond the clouds.

The castle had a weathered and beaten look to it, with ivy growing from every nook and cranny in the stones. Huge, heart-shaped leaves in all shades of green decorated the walls, and giant rose gardens stretched and shrunk on the darkening horizon. The entrance was an arch made of the same material as the castle, with a ten-foot fence made entirely of metal that encased the property like a snug embrace.

Marnie's eyes were huge, taking in the castle and the gardens and everything big and grand. Truthfully, I never expected something this big when we got the invite in the first place. But I guess I should've seen something like this coming when we got the invitation with a solid gold lining. It got a lot more intense when we went inside.

The palace insides were just as regal as the exterior, and just as red. The walls were a blush pink, with enormous, white marble pillars and cherry curtains. A huge, crimson rug stretched down the hall, which was lined with rosewood doors (what else?) that had solid golden door knobs. There were enormous windows framed with gold that were so clear I could barely tell there was anything there until I noticed a window cleaner cleaning it off with spray.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" I turned at the sound of the Chairman's voice. He was gazing wistfully in the direction of the windows, which overlooked the many hedges of multicolored roses. "Bit of a stretch from your usual suit, eh, Rose?" I asked in response.

"Oh, this old thing?" He smiled down at his suit, which was a dark teal with bright orange markings. "I'm surprised it still fits. Oleana's been giving me a hard time about me straying from my diet, but how can I not take a sample of May's cooking, especially when her tarts are globally renowned?" I didn't smile back.

"You know, I've been meaning to talk with you about the whole...Spikemuth issue," he said after a moment of silence, putting a hand on my shoulder and walking me forward. Marnie trailed behind us, blissfully ignorant of anything but the decor.

"It's been a long-standing problem, for the both of us. We both know less and less people are showing up to Spikemuth. And I'm sure you're aware of the financial state of your town." I said nothing, keeping my poker face, but his words stung with painful truth.

"It's a real shame, Piers, it really is," he said sympathetically, patting my shoulder with a heavy hand. "I'd hate for a whole town to be wiped off the map, but time has sympathy for no man, and I doubt you'll be able to make up the debt in six months. You know, I'm still saving that little spot of land in that valley for something." His hand on my shoulder was becoming less friendly and more demanding with every word that dropped out of his mouth.

"I was going to go over the plans for a stadium, a few blueprints, even a couple of ideas for starting businesses. But, since you're no longer the Gym Leader, I was thinking on talking with Marnie instead-"

"I thought we'd been over this, Rose," I cut him off, shrugging his hand off me. "As long as I take care of her, I'll be makin' sure the finances are my responsibility. An' like I've said before, nobody in Spikemuth's lookin' to uproot an' move way out. We're fine the way we are, an' we don't need to worry 'bout anythin'."

Rose's face was full of hurt, but for a moment I thought I saw a look of disdain, like I was some sort of smudge on the bottom of his shoe he needed to cleanse away. "Very well, then," he said stiffly. "Miss Marnie, the ladies' costume rooms are down the hall and the last door on the right."


I waited in the ballroom. The Gym Leaders were going to be presented later in the evening, so I had plenty of free time to wander around and 'socialize', which meant slouching in the darkest corner of the room and hoping people would avoid me.

I saw a few familiar faces; Sordward and Shielbert, dressed in costumes that looked like Sirfetch'd and Falinks, respectively; The Champion, Leon, dressed in an elaborate suit that looked like a Gigantamax Charizard, with Professor Sonia in a modest Yamper kimono on his arm. I could've even sworn I saw the retired Professor Magnolia in a Musharna costume.

I saw pairs of couples in matching Pokemon outfits; Royal blue suits and snow white dresses resembling Meowstic complimented each other perfectly. Indeedee with their telltale horns spiraling up or curling downwards fastened to fashionable hats. Jellicent with huge neck ruffles, made from ethereal fabric that billowed like silk underwater. Even Unfezant costumes, made with long, stringy feathers, could be found, the girls hanging onto their partners arms as if they were scared of being separated.

There were single costumes too, of course. Dhelmise suits made of droopy green fabric. Butterfree with gossamer fabric sewn to the sleeves and sides of the dress to make wings. Polteageist with teapot hoop skirts, and hats that resembled lids. Then, everything changed when the Salazzle took to the floor.

Instantly, I saw eyes turning to her, examining her, hushed voices whispering in awe. Even I found myself staring when she passed me by. Her outfit was simple, yet elegant. Not too showy, not too basic, it suited her perfectly. Her mask was delicately crafted, covering her face yet highlighting her features at the same time.

She gave a dazzling smile, and I could've sworn I saw a few men sink a good inch into their shoes. It took quite a bit of effort to tear my gaze away from her, and just in time as well. Rose was just announcing the Gym Leaders.

Marnie was wearing a dress that resembled her partner, Morpeko. It was creamy yellow and had a jacket that was two different colors, tawny brown and charcoal grey on either sleeve. I couldn't help but smile when I saw her, grinning and skipping her way down the stairs.

I was grateful she was so happy, blind to the worries and horrors of the adult world. As much as I hated to admit it, Rose was right; Spikemuth was falling apart, and it was my refusal to move that was making everyone else pay.

"How d'you like the dress?" Marnie asked, pulling my conscious back down to earth. Her lashes were elongated with mascara, and pink blush splayed across her cheeks. "I think it's awfully nice," I said, my attention pulled back to the dance floor. The woman in the Salazzle dress was nowhere to be seen. It was only when I saw her dancing with Sordward I realized I was actually looking for her.

She danced with an elegant grace, twirling around the floor, impressively keeping her balance in boots with giant heels. She seemed to be in perfect sync with her partner, until I noticed Sordward dragging her back into the dance when it was time to switch partners.

I saw mouths moving, and after the dance ended I could hear their exchange, "I would love nothing more than to take a stroll with you, Mr. Sordward, but you must excuse me." And with that, she coldly walked away. I resisted the urge to smile at Sordward's bewildered face.

"What're you lookin' at bro?" I jumped. I'd completely forgotten Marnie was there. "Nothin'," I mumbled, still watching the Salazzle. Now, she was standing in the corner, all alone. For a moment, I thought of going over to talk with her, but then I noticed her lips moving, though no one was there. Strange, I thought. "

You're lookin' at the girl, aren't you?" Marnie teased.
"Maybe, maybe not," I said, watching Chairman Rose walk over to her. I stifled a snort when she wheeled around and almost socked him in the nose. Then, they started talking, and, for a split second, I thought I saw her looking down where his Dynamax Band would be. Then, the look of hunger was gone and she was donning her usual charming smile and accepted his hand to dance.

"Does something about that girl to you, Marn?" I asked her. She squinted at the Salazzle woman, looking carefully at everything about her. "Nope," she said after a while. "Seems perfectly normal to me. Are you sure?"

"I don't know. Somethin' about her just feels...wrong. Fake, I guess." A groan a moment later snapped my head back in her direction. She was bent over, gripping the Chairman's arms like she was going to faint. Then, a moment later, she wrenched herself away from Rose, and I could have sworn I saw a flash of white cotton in her fist.

"Right there! See that?"
"She just made off with the Chairman's Dynamax Band!"
"Piers, you're bein' ridiculous. Nobody's stealin' Wishing Stars here, that'd be crazy!"
"Bro, I think you're just makin' excuses to leave. If you really think somethin's up, go an' talk to her. See for yourself." And with that, she walked away and disappeared into the crowd.

Frowning after her, I wondered what I should do. Maybe I was being a bit paranoid. I'd never been the trusting type, or even a people person. And I did want to get out of here. Despite my dislike of changing clothes for the sake of a simple party, I felt out of place among the masks and hats and tuxedos and ballroom gowns. The music had stopped a little while ago, and now, with no dancing to distract them, it seemed like everyone's eyes were drawn to the eyesore in the room; me.

The music had started up again, a slow pop song of some sort I was sure to dislike. The Salazzle was back on the dance floor, and I decided to just watch her. I still wasn't convinced she was here just to dance.

The way she moved was hypnotic, sliding gracefully around the floor, twirling and moving around to the flow of the music. I could see Marnie in the distance, chatting with the Fighting-type Gym Leader, Bea, who was about her age.

Eyes turning back to the woman, I saw her slide next to Raihan, fingers gently sliding down his arm, her other hand curling behind his neck. It was like watching a Malamar hypnotize prey to do its bidding. She smiled at Raihan, her gaze so warm and sweet even Melony's Ice types could have melted from it. Then, she slipped away into the crowd, taking his Dynamax Band with her.

I watched, helpless, as she collected more and more Wishing Stars. I could see the woman spinning around, seductively twirling around her victims, hypnotizing them with careful caresses and gentle touches before snatching away their Dynamax Bands. Bede, Kabu, both Sordward and Shielbert's wallets and more. Even Leon fell victim to her charms.

I have to do somethin', one part of me argued.
But why? another answered. People don't want to see us, an' it is pretty nice in the corner, here. We're not even dressed for the party! Weighing my options, I eventually went with the first. "Why do I always have to solve everybody else's problems?" I groaned to myself.

Grabbing a silk napkin, I tied it around my wrist to make it seem like a Dynamax Band. It wasn't foolproof, but it might work at a distance. And with that, I trudged onto the dance floor, and waited for the predator to pounce.

She came sooner than expected. Gracefully sliding across the floor, she smiled sweetly at me, before slinking around my side and sliding her hands onto my shoulders. Sliding her hands down my arms, I feigned performing a dance move and pulled away just before she reached my wrist. Frowning for a split second, she tried again, this time twirling around before coming back and trying the same maneuver over. When I dodged a second time, she caught on to what I was doing, scowled and twirled into my arms.

Narrowly avoiding a sharp stomp on my toes, I slid my foot backwards, throwing her off balance when she tried for a second smash. I then took the opportunity to snap her away by swinging my arm around. Unfortunately, she had a strong grip, and she slingshotted right back to me in the form of a graceful spin. Then, she took the opportunity to pull my hair.

We went back and forth like this for a while, a dangerous tango of trading series of blows to the rhythm of the music. Foot stomps, hair yanks and shin kicks were exchanged for most of the song, until the Salazzle decided enough was enough and came at me, eager to connect her fist with my face.

Sliding to the side, she stumbled past me, and I grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her back. She struggled to escape, but somehow I kept her in custody, and with one hand, I tugged off her mask.

Howling in rage, she clamped down on my hand before I could draw it away in time. Tearing my hand away, she let go, but her teeth were permanently indented into my glove. The music had stopped abruptly, and all eyes had turned to her. Rose was gaping in surprise, and the guests were murmuring in confusion. Then, one voice I recognized as Bede shrieked, "My Dynamax Band! It's gone!"

The crowd started yelling and shouting. Succeeding in stomping on my toes this time, I grunted and lost my grip on her. She yelled "Salazzle!", and said Pokemon scurried out of the room the guests' partners were dancing in and returned to the super-thief's luxury ball.

Then, smashing a small orb on the ground, the room was instantly filled with purple smoke. Cries of confusion rose from the haze, but I blocked them out and tried to zero in on one voice in particular. Coughing and hacking, I blindly stumbled through the maze, eyes watering. "Marnie," I shouted, searching for my little sister.

"I'm over here," came the reply a moment later. Running to the sound, I eventually found her, and gripped her hand tight in mine. The smoke was starting to clear up, and through watery vision, I barely saw the woman run to the balcony in the back, clamber onto the marble railing, and fling herself off into the rose gardens.

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