ROOM 202

"Wow, there are even elevators on this ship. I wonder what else is on this ship." Alex said as they were gobsmacked by the beauty of this ship which they only ever got to see from the outside of it. As they approached their room, they could hear and argument going on inside the room. As soon as Alex opened the door, an angry looking Hyacinth was stepping on a frustrated looking Maureen. "Hyacinth, can you stop shouting. I believe all of us saw what happened to that family because they were screaming. So, unless you want to die, keep screaming." Alex said. There weren't any cameras surprisingly, in the luxurious room which was extremely spacious.
            "Alex! I didn't know you were in this room." Maureen said, obviously blushing. "we were all there when the man called out are rooms, you fool." Hyacinth said, disgusted by the fact that she was in the same room and breathing same air as Maureen Derek.
          Maya, on the other hand was too distressed that she couldn't even notice Maureen and Clarice looking at her with repulsive looks on their faces. "Is it such a coincidence that the three words ended up in the same room 'randomly'? Also, why is it only our room that I've seen so far with three cameras placed outside a room from different angles?" Maya asked. "Well, they probably saw how close we are and decided we should be together." Alex said, trying to change the subject. Maya continued, "well, it doesn't explain the three cameras." Maya, everyone's tired alright, scared and it was just by luck that we were able to make it to this boat so just shut-". Maya stopped Maureen from finishing her sentence. "It's a ship, not a boat. I mean, this is huge and can't be called a boat. You know, a boat has paddles and this ship is probably run by an artificial intelligence. Also, boats were used in the year 2026. So, they're outdated just like your brain." "Excuse me, I don't believe anyone asked about the history of boats. "What are you, a fisherman or woman?" Maureen said. "FYI, not only fisherman or women use boats. I believe it was a means of transportation with 90's and 20's, then spaceships were built and..." Maya was cut off by Clarice. "Oh My God, you are actually a bookworm. I thought maybe it was just stereotypical because of the occasional glasses, but you actually are. Where was your room back in the citadel, the library? You're such a-" Clarice stopped talking immediately the man from The HUB had come to call Hyacinth. "sir I am so so sorry. I swear that I-I didn't shout. We were just talking a-a-about how spacious and beautiful of the r-" Clarice was stammering, but was cut off by the man. "I didn't come here for any of you, except Hyacinth Hastings. Scratch that, I hope you all have seen the rules on the wall at the corner of the right. Disobey it and you'll die. I'm not joking. Ms. Hastings, after you."


"The rules
• Never leave your room unsupervised
• when you are called out for food, make haste
• No screaming
• Do not associate with anyone outside this room, except during food time
• No questions
• No fighting
            "That's all huh. I thought it'll be more." Alex said. "So, I'm trapped in this torture chamber." Maya said. "At least I'm here to ease the torture." Alex said and they both smiled at each other. "Eww, that is so disgusting. Please just stop blushing like the animals that you are. Eww, I feel like vomiting ", Clarice said as she almost threw up. "We're not blushing." They said as the started blushing AGAIN. Maureen turned red, burning with anger and jealousy and went to her side of the room, while Clarice actually went to the bathroom to throw up.

     About fifty
Minutes later, Hyacinth came back with the exact facial expression as a year ago. Maya tried her best not to ask what happened, to avoid repeating the same argument they had, which made her remember Hyacinth was meant to tell her something important but didn't tell her. Alex really couldn't care about what happened to her.
"Dinner time! Make haste to the dining hall to get your food immediately. Directly to the dining hall. A map of the ship is provided at the back of your closets." A voice said to them. Is sounded like a robot. Well, it was. It was the ship's AI called the mother. Their closets had clothes already made in their sizes. Every single person onboard had come to the dining hall. It was so huge. "On each table, there is a menu. You are allowed to associate with whomever you want." The AI had said again and then continue. "The menu is a guide to the numerous delicacies provided. On this ship, you are to serve yourself to your fullest." Maya and the rest went to serve themselves except for Hyacinth who just sat down staring at a card. "Alex, Alex. I need you to do me a favor" Maya asked. "Yeah sure, what is it?" "Can you please ask your sister about what's wrong with her." "Maya, I-I. Okay, how do I put this. Um, I don't want to do that and why can't you just do it yourself?" "Alex, I can't. The last time I asked, our friendship was almost destroyed. I just can't. Please Alex, please." "Fine." Alex said. Maya then gave him a plate filled with food that was meant for Hyacinth. He went in front of Hyacinth. "Here from Maya." Hyacinth looked up to him and suppressed a smile. Alex sat down. "It has been a long time since you smiled to me." Alex said, looking at the card in her hand. "Well, there's nothing to smile about again, knowing that there are only 680 survivors in the whole world. In planet Earth. I just wish we could have a do-over." Hyacinth said while looking at the floor. "Cinth, what's wrong with you? Lately, you've been down and depressed." Alex asked. "Does it have anything with you being called constantly to the HUB. Hyacinth, you're my sister and the only family I have left in this world. If anything happens to you I'll kill myself. Look, nobody asks you what you do in the HUB, because of your privacy and probably they're scared of death, but it's my job to know why you are sad." "Is it also your job to know where I am happy or why I'm scared or why I'm hungry. *sighs*,  Alex, do you believe in change. I mean, every person can be nice, possible. No killing in the world and also a-" "Cinth, is this what you talk about in the HUB." "WHAT! No, no, no. It's j-just a thought. Alex, don't say things like that, you could die and it's not true." "Yeah sure, thanks, card in your hand, is it meant for someone?" "Um, no. Someone left it on the ground and I just wanted to see it." "Hyacinth, you don't have to lie. You know you're terrible at it. If you're not going to give Maya, it's fine, but I'll tell her you're meant to give her something unless you tell me what's wrong with you. I promise ill tell no one." Hyacinth reluctantly started talking. "It's quite complicated, but the HUB is not what it looks like. It's also called the ORDER OF NEW-" Hyacinth stopped talking as soon as Maureen and Clarice came to the table. "Dammit, this food is disgusting. Awwn, why has ugly-basic Liar-cinth not taken a bite from her food. Sick, or is it your best friend bugging you. She's been standing there looking at this table for over ten minutes, stalker much." Maureen said with a sly look on her face. "She sent you, didn't she. Screw the both you. 'I promise I'll tell no one ', you bloody liar." Hyacinth went to meet Maya at the buffet table. Alex left Maureen and Clarice, and went somewhere.
      "What was that. You told my brother to ask about my privacy. Is there something wrong with you. He just told me lies about how it's his job to care about me. We both know he couldn't care less about me. Why couldn't you come yourself, in fact, don't answer that. I don't want to hear anything from you." "I did that, because last time I asked, you started shouting at me and I don't still get why." May replied her. "It's because it's always about you and you just-" Hyacinth was interrupted. "Can both of you stop shouting. You're going to get killed." A man told them. They had just noticed everyone was staring at them. Maya whispered to her. I don't get why we always argue about meaningless things. What are we arguing about now, asking you what's wrong with you? Is this a joke?" Maya said. "you're a joke to me. Never talk to
me in your life." Hyacinth said. Just then, a member of the HUB called her and told her to follow him. Alex came shortly to Maya. "I tried my best." He said. "did she at least tell you what's wrong with her?" Maya asked. "She said something about having a hard time and stuff." She didn't tell me much." Maya took her food and went to the table. "What's up stalker?", Maureen said. Maya just ignored her throughout. After she was done eating, she dropped her plates and left the dining hall in search of a muse. she went down the elevator and until she saw a door. She went into the room. It was so dark and she couldn't see a thing. As she moved closer, she felt a rope like structure on her head. "It could be a light switch", she thought. I should pulled it, the lights turned onn. It was basically a library. She picked a book called- The Other of New Dawn. She opened it and read out loud. "In the beginning, it was created, a safe Haven, a perfect bliss, but humanity keeps destroying us and we don't even know. Alas, a very has been found. A promise. A new world - JETCROP ELSYUIM." Maya was so confused. "What the hell is JETCROP ELSYUIM. I don't get it ." She dropped the book and kept going. "What is that, a vault." She thought. She dried opening it, but it was locked. It needed a series of a letters. She went forward and saw a symbol she remembered on the vault. It was the same image she saw when she was younger in her flashback.

"Now Maya, look around. Everyone here is just like you, except you are special, the chosen one. "I need you to sit down on this chair. A chip is going to be implanted in your brain. I promise it's not going to hurt." The nicer voice from earlier had said. Little Maya sat down on the chair and then she blacked out.
         "What are you doing in here", a harsh voice had said to Maya waking her up from her pool of memories. "I- I. Where am I? Who are you? I can't remember anything that happened. How did I get here? Maya said, trying to persuade the woman in front of her. "Nice try", she said sarcastically. "I don't know why you are here, but the HUB can hear what you have to say." The woman said. "The HUB, I haven't seen them since the incident." Maya thought.

Dearest lovely readers, I know Im leaving you in suspense till further notice, but what do you think about this chapter. Honestly, I agree that the argument between Hyacinth and Maya isn't making any sense, but I had no idea about what they were to argue about, but I need an argument between them and that was what came to my mind, horrible, i know😒😶. Anyway, for my anime followers, I need a new anime to watch, one that won't make me cry.
Yours truly,
Word count:2050 words

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