Chapter Nine

This chapter is dedicated to my good friend, @Greta_Gaul_Wood, who has been a big help in my life issues and has cheered me up time and time again. Feel better, understand? You being sick just won't cut Wattpad's mustard.

By eleven that night, the basement was packed. Snack tables on one side, record player on the other with a crowd of people sandwiched between. A group of guys spent their time placing bets and shooting dares that they couldn't fit two cupcakes in their mouth or slug ten cups of punch. Girls of all personalities talked with their friends or danced to the music. Angus and Malcolm were kept quite busy making sure supplies were replenished and songs were not repeated. Hosting a party was harder than they thought.

Hannah tried to offer her help but Malcolm wouldn't hear of it. He insisted she join her friends and have fun. His real reason, kept secret, was in case they should get in trouble, she wouldn't have anything to do with it and might get off easy. Of course there was still the matter of the phony phone call... Malcolm shook his head. The things his brother would do...

The boy in mind had not only been refilling the punch bowl, but he also kept an eye out for Susan Lockhart. The girl hadn't shown up yet and he was getting anxious. The party had been thrown with her in mind; not only to gain status and favor amongst their peers, but to impress the girl of Angus' dreams. If she didn't show up soon, he'd miss his chance for a New Years kiss with her. His first one. Angus held some high hat belief that she liked him back, or at least would if he talked to her. If he had known who she was really interested in, he wouldn't be so hopeful.

Malcolm met up with Angus at the snack table. "How's it over here, Ang, your Cinderella show?"

"No...not yet." His eyes scanned the room, determined to seek out that certain blonde. The golden shine of her hair, the rosy tint of her cheeks, full lips (perfect for kissing), and a great big-

His trance was broken when a hand slapped his back. "Sorry, mate, it's gettin' kind of late. Seems everybody who's comin' is here." Angus pulled away and shook his head.

"Naw, she'll come. I know she will."

Down the street walked a girl toward a full house. She stayed under the streetlights and watched her back every once in a while. A couple of times she heard some rustling in the bushes, getting closer every minute. Her pace sped up as did her heart. When a pair of arms wrapped around her she almost screamed; until a hand covered her mouth. Laughter emitted behind her and she escaped her captor to see Johnny, to her utmost anger and secret relief.

"Johnny, you sack of crap!" she yelled, throwing weak punches on his shoulder. Johnny stopped laughing for a moment to restrain her hands.

"Calm down, Susie, it was only a joke! I'd never hurt you on purpose." She smirked at him.

"Jokes are supposed to be funny. So what's the matter with you, huh?" Susan began to walk away and Johnny followed.

"Aw, come on, babe! I'm sorry for scarin' ya'. Wasn't too cool of me huh?" She stopped and smiled when he took her hand.

"No, it wasn't. But I'll forgive you since you're so cute. You know I can't stay mad at you." Susan continued walking.

"So, where are you goin' so late at night?"

"Does it matter to you? We're not together."

"Course it does, if it involves the prettiest girl in school. Couldn't live with myself if anything happened to her," Johnny said giving her a puppy look.

"Well if you must know, I'm going to a party."

"What party?"

"The party those two Scottish boys are throwin'. Weren't you invited?" Johnny gave her a frown.

"Yeah I was. But they called me this afternoon, said it was canceled." Susan smirked.

"Looks like you were voted off the island." Johnny scoffed and pointed at himself.

"No, that's not how it works. You don't just throw a party an' uninvite me. You don't pick a fight with Johnny then kick him off the bus. I'm gonna-" Johnny struggled to come up with a good enough form of torture. "I'm gonna KILL 'em that's what!" Susan shook her head at the older boy's bout of unmanaged anger.

"No you won't. You can't lay a hand on them, not when their brother has the most famous band in Australia." Johnny lowered his gaze at her.

"Brother or no damn brother. They're gonna pay."

Fifties swing music resonated about the room as couples cut the rug the night away. Well, about as well as a bunch of preteens could pull off. Among the swarm of leather jackets, poodle skirts, and gelled up hair, there was one golden haired princess yet to show. Angus didn't want to admit he was losing hope. Malcolm grew tired of his puppy like loyalty, but admired his genuine persistence all the same; even if it was for the wrong girl. For a chance to see his love yet, he complied in taking over the punch bowl duties.

Finally, Susan arrived. Angus ran up to greet her, but backed away as Johnny followed her; arm around her shoulder. His jaw dropped when a group of boys came in, about five or six. No doubt his pals. One of them carried a suspicious pack of drinks by his side. Johnny pointed him to the table, and the boy disappeared in the throng. Angus couldn't take standing there anymore.

"Hey Susan," he said coming up to her. His hands hid themselves in his pockets while his left foot scratched his right ankle. He smiled brightly at her, hoping she'd fall for him right then. "You uh, get the note I sent you?"

"Which note? I get notes from a lot of guys." Angus swallowed.

"You know. The one in your locker?"

"That doesn't really narrow it down."

"It had good handwriting?" Susan considered this.

"Did it have a heart drawn at the top of the page?"

"I don't think so." Angus couldn't imagine Hannah drawing a heart for him. Not for simply two Snickers.

Johnny had enough of this twerp talking to his girl. With one swift motion he brushed him aside and continued to the basement. "Blah blah blah, loser, step aside. We've got somewhere to be." Angus glared at the group as they took control of the floor. Malcolm ought to know about this.

"Malcolm! Bring some more punch over here! The dare is still goin'!"

"I'm comin'!" Malcolm shouted behind him at a group of boys chugging the drinks down. Someone had been dared to drink twenty cups; and was winning. Angus showed up next to him at the table.


"What?!" the older boy spat. Angus took a step back. Malcolm held his hands up. "Sorry, I just-this is a lot of work to do by myself. Has Susan got here yet?"

"Yeah, she just showed up."

"Good! 'Cause that group of boys over there just ordered more punch."

"Actually Mal, someone else is here too."

"Who?" Angus pointed over the sea of heads. There stood Jonathon Cass, captain of the soccer team with Susan on his shoulder and his lackeys around them. "Oh shit..."

"Why is he here?"

"I don't know, I called him and canceled-maybe someone told him the truth?"

"Well fuck! He knows the truth, he knows we scammed him, he'll murder us both."

"Shh, calm down!" Malcolm said. He ran a hand through his hair. "We'll just have to keep him satisfied. If he's gonna crash the party, we'll have to make it good."

"I'm not playing servant to that son of a bitch!"

"Angus! Susan's here, go spend time with her! I'll keep working your jobs," the older boy spat as he picked up the punch bowl.


"I'm comin'!" he shouted behind him. Angus cast a worried glance at the group in the middle of the room.

On the opposite end of the basement was a group of chattering girls, one quietly leaned back and listening.

"That doesn't mean he's gay, Rachel!" Maria squealed over the music. Rachel crossed her finger over her heart.

"Cross my heart and hope to die!"

"Aw, go stick a pencil in your eye!" Talia said throwing a peanut at her. The group of girls laughed as Talia turned her attention to Hannah and poked her in the ribs. "So. Where's your date?"

"Non existent," she answered dryly.

"Really? 'Cause I see him over there slobbering all over Susan Lockhart." Hannah followed Talia's point with her gaze. Angus stood trying to catch one word with Susan, but Johnny wouldn't let him...


Hannah abruptly stood from the group. "Uh, please excuse me guys-girls. I have to get something from a friend. Be right back." The group exchanged glances while Talia just smirked.

Malcolm practically threw the punch bowl on the table as a group of boys rushed up and began filling more plastic cups. The dare had been raised from twenty to thirty cups. Hannah showed up behind him in a panic. "Malcolm!"

"Oh hey, Hannah. Havin' fun?"

"Do you know who's here?"

"Oh, Johnny?" Hannah gave him a look asking him to explain. While Malcolm talked, one of Johnny's lackeys who had brought the drinks snuck up behind the table. One by one he opened the bottles and poured them into the punch bowl. He cleaned up his tracks and disappeared as soon as Malcolm finished the story.

"What the hell are we gonna do? He could bust us!" Malcolm put his hands on Hannah's shoulders.

"Would you trust us? I got Angus on kiss up duty for the night. He won't have a reason to bust us if we give him a good time tonight. That is, if Angus doesn't waste his time with Susan over there. It's obvious she's not interested." The pair watched Angus scoot closer to the blonde as she slowly edged away from him. His hand was just about to grasp hers when she took Johnny's hand in both. Malcolm couldn't help but grin at the scowl Angus gave the party crasher. The grin turned somber as he looked at Hannah. "Are you okay with this?"

"With what?"

"With Angus being with Susan?" Hannah shrugged, rubbing her wrist.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Malcolm shrugged and put his hands in his pockets.

"Maybe not. Maybe I'm being stupid, this would never work," he mumbled looking at the floor. The girl stared at him questioningly. He snapped out of it and picked up a cup. "Want some punch?"

"No, I gotta get back to my friends-" Hannah's voice was drowned out by a loud shout from the middle of the room.

"Alright everyone, gather 'round! It's time for spin the bottle!" Talia yelled as she stood on the table. Hannah's eyes widened as the kids gathered in a circle around her. She didn't think kids actually played this game. Angus attempted to sit by Susan but was roughly shoved to the other side.

"Sorry Mal, I gotta settle things." Malcolm watched her leave then poured himself some "punch".

"Alright everyone, you know the rules. One person spins the bottle and whoever it lands on has to give that person a kiss," Talia explained.

"A sloppy wet one!" a boy shouted earning some cheers. Talia smiled and shook her head. Stepping off the coffee table, she placed the freshly emptied beer bottle and aimed it at Angus.

"Why don't you start, Ang?"

"Me?" he asked alarmed.

"Why not? You're our host." The eleven year old boy reluctantly took hold of the bottle and gave it a spin. He watched it hoping with everything he had that it would land on Susan. Hannah came up beside Susan to talk about how Johnny found out about the party still happening.

"Susan? You got a minute?"

"For what?" Angus kept his eyes glued to the bottle as it stopped. Pointing directly across from him, he followed the trail with his gaze to see Hannah, staring wide eyed back at him. Talia, who stood behind Angus, gave a smirk when the bottle by sheer luck landed on her friend. The crowd whistled and jeered at the two. Both were furiously embarrassed. Talia lifted Angus up to his feet and pushed him over to Hannah, who had backed up a bit. Susan sighed, thankful Hannah had come along. Johnny gave her a wink across the table.

"Okay you two. Go ahead and kiss," Talia ordered.

"I uh, I don't exactly agree to this Talia," Angus stuttered.

"Yeah. I wasn't even playing, let him spin again."

"You should be grateful, Angus, that you didn't spin on a boy. Now kiss." The two kids, now blushing madly, glanced around the room. The girls were twittering like songbirds while the boys laughed and made kissing gestures. Neither participant was willing to make the first move so they just stood there, which further annoyed the crowd.

"Come on!"

"Kiss already!"

"Don't mind us watching! Or use the closet if you want!" Angus turned to see Hannah looking absolutely humiliated. He felt terrible. The poor girl didn't deserve this kind of attention. He thought a small kiss on the cheek would suffice for these piranhas. He leaned in to get it over with when a crash rang from the other side of the room. All attention turned to Malcolm who had thrown an empty bottle inside a plastic cup against the wall. His walk was staggered and his movements were sloppy. The more responsible of the Young brothers had gotten himself tipsy.

"Oh shit!" Angus mumbled as he made his way over. Malcolm was soon trapped in his grasp and laughed as he tried to get away.

"Angie man, you gotta try the punch!" he shouted. Even when drunk he was still stronger than his younger brother.

"What the hell is the matter with you? Stand up!" Malcolm collapsed on the floor laughing. Angus was appalled at his brother's actions. Drinking underage was a strict no-no in this family. "Mum's gonna kill you, ya' know? When she finds you tomorrow with a hangover...and what will Dad do? They'll kill us both, Mal! Look at yourself!" Malcolm had fallen asleep on the floor. Not even a sharp kick to the hip could wake him. "Damn it, Mal!"

The record player began playing a loud and crazy number that brought everyone to the dancefloor. Angus dragged Malcolm away and shoved him on the couch so he wouldn't get hurt. Maybe he hadn't drank that much... Another crash sounded drawing Angus' attention. There on the ground lay George's guitar, strings and all sprawled in every direction. In a dream he was beside it, picking up the pieces. He almost cradled it in his arms. His allowance couldn't be used on Smarties for a long time.

The guitar was settled in a corner and he surveyed the scene of his house. Punch was spilled all over the floor along with some other beverages. Glass pieces had chipped the paint on the wall and plastic cups littered the furniture. This would take hours to clean up. Not to mention the broken guitar and a passed out Malcolm.

The music abruptly changed to a slow song of romantic purposes. Angus glanced at the clock. Five minutes until midnight. If he still had a chance of kissing Susan Lockhart, this was it. He found her talking to a friend who just got called away to dance. Clearing his throat, he tapped her shoulder. "H-hi Susan." She feigned a smile.

"Oh. Hey Angus. Whatcha need?"

"I was wonderin'-" he said rubbing his wrist. "if you wouldn't mind-"

"Hey Ang!" The boy's attention was grabbed away by Chuck Davis, the boy who had taken the punch dare.

"What do you want, Chuck?"

"Hey man, where's your bathroom? I'm about to piss outta every hole on my person." Angus gave him a disgusted face.

"Upstairs, first door on the left in the hall."

"Thanks, man!" Chuck ran like a madman leaping over the clutter like Indiana Jones. Angus turned back around toward Susan-who was off dancing with Johnny to the slow song. Heart in hand, Angus trudged to the steps of the basement and hugged his knees.

This night was not going as planned.

The house was a wreck, uninvited people showed up and even brought drinks, prized possessions were shattered and hearts even more so. Two more minutes till midnight. A shadow fell over Angus. "Can I sit here?"

"Come on now, easy does it. That's it. In we go." Mr. Young limped through the front door as his wife guided him in. He was red and scorched from head to toe. "We should have bought new sunscreen on the way."

"Don't worry about it, dear. We're home now, I'll be okay." He winced as she set him on the couch. "I'm sorry we had to come back home because of me."

"Don't be sorry. I'm just glad you're home. Now you can rest."

"Yep. Is the Aloe still in the bathroom?"

"Yes, do you need help?" Mrs. Young rushed to help her husband but he stood up on his own.

"That's okay, I've got it." Mr. Young limped down the hall to the bathroom. When he got there, the door was wide open to reveal more of Chuck Davis than anyone cared to see. Chuck turned his head.

"Sorry man, occupied," he stated. "I don't usually have 'em all the way down but I didn't think anyone else was up here."

"Yeah, we just got back," Mr. Young said. "Son, who are you?" Chuck Davis looked both ways.

"You a cop?"

"No, I'm not."

"Good. Chuck Davis," he smiled. He removed his hand from his activated area and held it out for him to shake. Mr. Young politely declined then rubbed his arm.

"Forgive me, son, but what are you doing in my house?"

"Should think it was pretty obvious," he snickered. "Oh shit, this is your house?" Mr. Young nodded. "That means you're their-" Another nod. "Oh shit!" Chuck Davis grabbed his pants and ran out of the bathroom (much to the horror of Mrs. Young) completely forgetting to wash his hands. Mr. Young stole a glance at the basement door...

"Of course you can." Hannah sat down next to Angus on the steps. The slow song continued while more and more kids were pairing off. One eleven year old boy even got with a thirteen year old girl.

"So...did you ever get your New Years kiss with Susan?" Hannah dared to ask. Angus sighed.

"No, I got shoved backseat. I guess she'd rather be with Johnny than me." Angus put his head in his hands. "Can't believe that bastard showed up and stole my girl."

"This party was a disaster, wasn't it?" Hannah gave him a weak smile.

"Every last bit of it." The two kids watched the couples as they watched the clock.

"Everyone count!" someone shouted.

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!" The couples all shared a kiss with whoever they picked to dance with. This put Angus in a worse mood.

"Guess I won't get my first kiss tonight after all," he mumbled. His face quickly heated up when something soft touched his cheek. He came to his senses right as Hannah pulled away.

"You can have that kiss," she smiled. Angus put a hand to his cheek.

"What-what was that for?" he asked. Hannah shrugged.

"Dunno. Guess I kind of owe you for that spin the bottle game." Angus turned her head so she faced him.

"Don't worry about it, you don't owe me anything." The two kids smiled at each other through the dimly lit room. The slow song had changed and everybody was dancing again. Angus must have stared at Hannah a little too long because he soon got the urge to lean in closer. Leaning in closer, he began to close his eyes. The dimly lit room was lit up in a second.

"What on earth is going on down here?!" a voice yelled behind them. They turned around to see two unimaginably angry parents.

Long story short, the kids who attended the party were sent home and all their parents notified. Hannah's mother was called and she herself had to explain what she lied about. Her mother didn't allow her to see the boys for a month. Malcolm was found asleep on the couch and was grounded another month along with Angus. It would have been more, but spiking the punch wasn't actually his fault. George was notified about the guitar and both boys had to help pay for a new one. George wasn't upset; he knew the old one didn't sound as good anymore anyway. The final sentence was two months grounded, a week of detention, a two hundred dollar fine, and community service of cleaning the basement. As for Chuck Davis, it's up to you to decide his fate.

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