Chapter Fifteen
His hand ached when he cracked his knuckles against the button on his alarm clock. He sat up in bed and rubbed it, when he saw the time. Not even seven yet... He pulled his bed sheet over him again, all ready to go back to sleep for another hour when he got an idea. With this extra time he had accidentally obtained, he would visit the music store before school. He had to make sure his guitar was still there and that he wasn't too late. He wanted to be the first to cough up the money, and he wanted to be the one who owned it. He was serious about rock and roll, he didn't believe the guitar should go to just anyone whose mother told them they were good at blowing a whistle.
Setting his hat on his head, he grabbed his bag and snuck downstairs. His mother must have been in her room, he knew his father had left for work already. Being the only child in school, and one of the only ones left in the house, there weren't too many siblings around to disturb. "Where are you off to?" Angus turned around to see Malcolm at the top of the stairs. "School already?"
"I just want to visit the music store today," he answered. "See if my guitar hasn't been stolen."
"You think anyone in this town could afford a guitar like that?" he asked. "I seen the price, Ang. Stealing is the only way to get it." His eyes widened at the thought. "My God, you aren't gonna-"
"No!" Angus protested. Looking around before continuing, "'M just havin' a peek. I want time before school starts."
"You plan this?"
"Nah, set my alarm too early."
"You studyin' with Hannah today?"
"Of course."
"Alright, I'll be here. I gotta talk to her about somethin'." Angus couldn't help being the nosy little brother that he was. He crossed his arms and smirked.
"What about?"
"None of your business," Malcolm shrugged. Angus naturally frowned.
"It is too my business. Hannah's my friend too ya' know."
"Hannah's allowed to have secrets ya' know."
"But with my brother?"
"You better get goin' Ang, every second counts." Malcolm turned around to go back to his room leaving Angus standing there in confusion. The confusion soon turned to realization of a false subject. Malcolm and Hannah must have a thing going on...
And he was gonna find out what it was.
On his way down the street to the music store, he couldn't help but think about all the possibilities of how his best friend and brother got together. Never once had he seen Malcolm talk about Hannah in that way, or seen him look at her in any way implying such romantic feelings. Hannah herself didn't talk about Malcolm too much, unless she asked how he was doing with his guitar playing. Since he didn't go to school anymore, something Angus always dreamed of, they couldn't talk as much. And even when she came over to study, they didn't interact any. At least...not when Angus was around. That only meant that they had been meeting in secret.
That explained when he saw the two talking in the hallway the other year. As soon as he came close, they separated. At first he thought they might be talking crap about his one true love, but maybe they were sharing their feelings. And didn't want Angus to know.
Angus frowned. Something stirred within the pit of his heart. He knew not if it was from a secret being kept hidden by close relations, or from Malcolm confessing his feelings. It couldn't be the second one. If Angus had some chance with Susan, then Malcolm could have Hannah all he wanted. Right?
Angus wasn't so sure.
One glance to his left and he saw Susan on the other side of the street. He smiled to himself and watched her for a bit. She was walking to the garbage can to throw away the bag, holding it out an arm's length away and plugging her nose. Once the deed was done Angus gave her a little wave. In return he received a pitiful smile and a girl simply walking back into her house. Not much of a greeting.
Angus pocketed his hands with a downcast look and continued on his way to the store.
The bell jingled at the top of the door as it swung open. In the boy walked, cautious as he watched for the return of Mrs. Banker or Andrew for vengeance. Seeing no one of threat, he continued. There the guitar was; hanging to the very left next to the Fender. Right where he left it. While he couldn't see it, he was sure the price tag still said the number higher than Johnny's IQ. But it hadn't been bought without him.
His attention was drawn to the shelves filled with albums that Hannah visited. Angus couldn't help but take a look. Behind some band he'd never heard of, he saw an Easybeats album. With a smirk he placed it in the front so someone would see it first.
Another cover caught his eye. That Monkees album the girl had been admiring. The only one left. It was in his hands in an instant. The price of the album was much more in his price range. Yet that money was for his guitar. If he bought it, it would set him back a few dollars. But Hannah was his friend, and she deserved that second chance her mother never gave her. And if he bought it for her, it would give him a platform on which to ask her to the dance with. Maybe even change her mind about his brother.
Yet, why should that have bothered him so much?
"You gonna cause trouble again?"
Angus turned his head to the man behind the desk. "Excuse me?"
"You and your friend. Throwing each other 'round my store, making a mess of the etiquette."
"We didn't mean to, honest. I was just-checking something an' we fell..." Angus explained. "I'm real sorry, did we break anything?"
"Not yet," the man smiled. Angus smiled back and looked at the album. "Somethin' take your interest?"
"Not for me, for a friend."
"Good friend?"
"Best friend in the world."
"Girl?" Angus looked at the man, a frown slowly growing.
"What's it to you anyway?" The man laughed and put his washing rag down.
"I know the feeling. I've been in your very shoes when I was a kid. Knew a girl from primary school I fell completely in love with. I tried every day not to let it show, but one day I saw her talking to the most popular boy in all school. Couldn't take it anymore and confessed my feelings but-I was too late." The man glanced off in remembrance. "Turns out she was waiting for me the whole time. She lost her feelings, and went out with someone else." Angus clenched the album in his hands and sighed.
"I'm not in love with her."
"That's what I said too," the man answered. "You should buy her that," he said after the boy didn't answer. "She'd really like it."
"If I do-I'd be more money short than I already am." The guitar in the window swung from the string in agreement. Again the man let out a laugh.
"If you do, you'll have all the riches of the world, even without owning a dime." Angus sighed and walked up to the counter. The album landed with a thud.
"How much?"
"For you, half."
"You're too kind." Angus reached into his schoolbag and pulled out a substantial amount, also laying it on the desk. The man took it and wrapped up the album.
"Better do this quick, that woman from yesterday will be back, she's got an order for new strings. Wants to make sure I'm not cheating her out."
"I can't stand that lady, or, whatever she is," Angus muttered. "I've lived by her for years, an' she hates us too."
"Can't imagine why," the man smiled. Angus looked at him.
"You ought to tell her off one day, ya' know, like I did."
"Are you kidding? She could run me out of business with that mouth of hers, these are my only wages." The bag was handed to Angus who took it and started out. He turned around once again.
"If you do you'll have all the dignity in the world without owning a cent." And with that, he was on his way to school.
It was difficult hiding his present from Hannah, especially during the classes they shared. In art class, he stuck his things on a high shelf, which was even harder. She saw him across the room struggling with his ordeal, and laughed to herself. He could be a real goofball without even trying, and she loved that about him. She quieted down when he resumed his activities in the class.
After school, they once again walked home together.
Immediately school supplies were out in preparation for the test tomorrow. This was their last day, and they had to make it count. Monday was a failure, and Wednesday didn't even happen. Angus had been showing improvement throughout the week, and Hannah deduced he was teaching himself. He seemed to learn better that way. She knew he was a smart kid, he simply had to apply himself.
His head lay in his hand as he watched the girl explain the equations for the hundredth it seemed and last time. Normally he'd be complaining or secretly copying off her work, and even as he still wasn't paying attention, it was for a different reason entirely. If there was any moment to ask her to the dance this was it. Give her the present, then pop the question. Come on Angus, you're not asking for her hand in marriage or anything...
Why wouldn't the words leave his mouth?
"Angus? Are you paying attention?"
He blinked rapidly, embarrassed to be caught staring at her. With a nod he picked up his pencil and set it down again. "Yeah-yeah of course I am."
"The test is tomorrow, you have to pay attention. You don't pass, you don't go to the dance with Susan."
"Actually," Angus cleared his throat. "there's something I want to talk to you about." Reaching by his schoolbag he pulled out the package and slid it across the table to her. "This, is for you."
"What is it?"
"Better open it, huh?" She made a face at him before slipping her fingers under the wrapping. Angus smiled, watching her open it. The wrapping was off in a second, and her arms around his neck even sooner.
"Why'd you get me this?" she asked looking into his eyes. His arms wrapped around her waist and he hugged her back.
"I uh, knew you wanted it, and I, you know, wanted to give you something. It was the only one left you know, got it at half price."
"How charming," she smiled. "Thank you so much! But what about your guitar?" He shrugged.
"Guess it'll have to wait a little while longer." He chuckled as she hugged him again. He rubbed her back a little, and soon his smile disappeared. He still had something else to say. "Uh, Hannah?"
"I was also wonderin' somethin'. Um, I was wonderin', that is, if you didn't have any plans this weekend, and if you weren't goin' with anyone else, that you might-" Come on, spit the damn words out! He blushed a little as Hannah fluttered her eyelashes in anticipation of his next words. If he could find them. "I was wonderin'-hopin' actually, that you might...go to the dance, with-me?" Hannah's eyes widened. "That is, if I can go," he chuckled.
"But I thought you'd go with..."
"Nah, I-I wanted to thank you for tutoring me in algebra, and what better way than taking you out? Nobody...nobody already asked you, did they?" Hannah smiled.
"No. I wasn't really expecting anybody to ask, and never in a million years did I expect my best friend to ask...of course I'll go with you." Angus smiled again. "Let's hope you pass then, I won't have you go back on your request." The two blushed immediately as they realized Hannah was sitting in Angus' lap and had yet to resume her spot at the table. A shared awkward stare lingered between the two. The front door burst open and the two shot apart.
"Hey, you two. Everythin' goin' well with the studying?" Malcolm asked.
"Yeah, they're great," Angus replied. His brother shook his head.
"We'll see tomorrow then, won't we? Hey, what's that you got, Hannah?" Malcolm pointed at the album in front of her.
"Angus got this for me. Wasn't that sweet?"
"Yeah, real sweet." Malcolm eyed his brother, while Angus glared at him. So far there were no implications of those two being together, but he would see when the big news was shared. Hannah was going with him, not Malcolm.
Malcolm couldn't even take her as he didn't go there anymore!
"You did Angus? Good for you then," Malcolm said pretending not to know the plan. Angus paused his glare.
"You asked Hannah to go with you to the dance. And she actually said yes," Malcolm replied. Angus cleared his throat.
"Yeah, yeah. I did." Malcolm smiled at the two then turned fully to Hannah.
"Hey Hannah, listen, can I talk to you outside for a minute?" Hannah looked back and forth at the two brothers then stood up.
"Sure." Hannah walked outside first while Malcolm gave Angus a look.
"I'll have her back in a minute, Ang. Keep studyin'."
The door closed after them. Malcolm stood on the step crossing his arms. "Have you told him yet?"
"No, I haven't." Hannah looked at the ground and rubbed her shoe in the dirt. "It's just-he's my best friend, I hate to tell him this kind of thing."
"I'm your best friend too, an' you told me jus' fine," Malcolm smiled. Hannah shrugged her shoulders.
"It was easier with you, I guess. I can't imagine what he'll say...can't you tell him?"
"It's better if you do, you know. You could tell him at the dance. Not the best way to spend the night but, you have an opportunity." Hannah sighed as Malcolm put his hands on her shoulders. "You have to tell him. It's not fair to him to be out of the loop." The girl nodded with apprehension.
"I know."
As they reentered the house, a crash sounded from inside. "Angus, what the hell are you doin'?" Malcolm asked. Angus groaned as he held his head.
"Were you spyin' on us?"
"I wasn't spyin', I was just-comin' out to ask you a question," the boy covered up. Malcolm raised an eyebrow. "Of course you'll probably say no."
"Try me."
"Would you be our chaperone?" Malcolm narrowed his eyes. "You know neither of us can drive an' you want more practice-"
"No, no, and no again. I'm not gonna spend my night driving you two around-"
"Malcolm, please?" Malcolm turned around to see Hannah give him puppy eyes. Hannah wasn't one to beg like this and Malcolm knew it. But that look in her eyes, he knew what it meant. He knew why she would change her behavior for a moment. The older boy sighed and turned to the younger.
"Oh, now that Hannah wants you to, you're all for it?" Angus asked.
"Hey, be happy about it Ang. You got what you wanted." Malcolm walked past him and upstairs to his room. Angus watched him in confusion, then gave his attention back to Hannah.
"I'd better go home now Ang, it's getting late." He stepped aside to let her retrieve her items. They had studied for three hours straight after school that day. Whether or not Angus had paid attention would be revealed tomorrow, and no doubt would he study extra in his own time. After her supplies had been gathered, Hannah exited out the front door giving Angus one last hug. "I'll see you tomorrow then, yeah?"
"Yeah." He smiled. The girl soon left and the boy was left by himself. Soon enough he was storming up the stairs to Malcolm's room.
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