Chapter Eighteen

Dedicated to @Greta_Gaul_Wood, who has given me countless help with this chapter, and ideas to add to the overall story. This wouldn't be complete without her help. Thank you a million times!

Cacophonous music could be heard meters away from the building hosting it. The old beat up car circled around the parking lot hoping to snag the last empty spot. Couples and groups of friends strolled through the front entrance in sugar-induced attitudes. The sight was enough to rile the three kids up. "If I could find just one parkin' space in this whole place, that'd be somethin' else," Malcolm mumbled. "Everyone an' their dog showed up."

"What'd you expect, Mal?" Angus asked. "Six kids and a deck of cards?" The older boy muttered some choice profanities making Hannah laugh to herself. Angus turned his head to look at her and smiled. The sound was like a chime in the wind, a whistle in the night air. A song you could play over and over and never tire of it. Hannah's giggling subsided and she returned the gaze directed at her. Red nervosity flushed her cheeks and a hand reached over to lightly punch her audience.

"Take a picture, Ang. It'll last longer than you staring at me." It was Angus' turn to change color. Malcolm glanced through the rearview mirror and snorted out a laugh.

"What are you laughin' at then? Bugger off!" Angus turned away from his brother's eyes and snuck a peek at his date. "I wasn't starin'. Merely lookin'."

"You enjoy the view?" Hannah snickered.

'Very much, yes.' Angus bit his lip. "You wish." The car once again drove down an aisle of taken lots. One at the very end was open and Malcolm gripped the wheel, ready to snatch it. Another car pulled up at the other end of the aisle across from Malcolm's car, headlights shining right at the same place.

"I don't think so, Bucky," Malcolm whispered, turning the car so it would align between the two Cadillacs without a scratch. The opposing car had the same idea, though not as quickly as the sixteen year old. Through a near connection, the car swerved into the empty space with a piercing screech. It stopped, forcefully shoving all three kids forward. The other driver gave up and continued searching down the lane. Malcolm laughed. "He's gonna be lookin' a long time if he's goin' our direction."

"Smooth driving, Malcolm, couldn't do it better myself," Angus said as he unbuckled the seatbelt. Hannah did likewise, and all three kids stepped out of the car. Angus ran to the other side to link his arm in hers, like a gentleman would. Okay, Malcolm told him to before they left. Hannah accepted his arm with a smile and they followed Malcolm as he cut across the lot through the cars.

"Quite the party here, huh? Should have brought a date myself."

"Based on what I've seen tonight, I don't think she'd be impressed."

"At least I've made one, even if it's less than smashing," Malcolm smiled behind him. "All I've seen you do is ogle at your date."

"Listen you little-" Angus ran up to confront his teasing brother when his leg brushed against a nearby car harsher than he meant. Instantly the alarm sounded, alerting anyone within a hundred meter radius, the lights flashing in sync.

"Oh, way to go!"

"There's my impression, Mal! Just as shitty as yours." The kids looked around for an owner all while trying to shut it off. Angus inspected the vehicle for any scratches he'd have to pay for. Nothing had damaged the red coat of paint, obviously fresh for this event. A license plate read 'BRN 2 B WLD' at the front, the windshield in perfect condition.

"Well done, Bumblebee," Hannah smirked at him. Angus stuck his tongue out as a response while Malcolm slapped his shoulder.

"Ang? Better watch your next move," he said pointing ahead. "You ran into the wrong car..."

"Damn right, he ran into the wrong car." Coming up to the group was a tall, built, sixteen year old boy with eyes of malice. His gait was heavy and quick, ready to protect his valuables from unwanted attention. His hair dripped with grease and a leather jacket matched with the sky above them. "The hell do you think you're doin', fruitcake?"

Angus tilted his head up to look at the monster in front of them. "Jus' an accident, Johnny, no need to get hostile." Johnny reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys thus ending the deafening noise. "No harm done."

"You call ramming your demented self into my car no harm done? Look at it!"

"It was just an accident, Johnny, he didn't do it on purpose," Malcolm defended beside his brother.

"Thanks moron, I know what accident means." A blonde girl sauntered next to the angry teenager and grasped his muscled arm with her dainty ones. Her hair was pulled up into an impeccable beehive look, a trail of gloss softening her lips. Her dress hugged her figure with ease and attracted the attention of anyone close enough, including Angus. He had never seen her look this good...

"Somethin' wrong, Johnny?" she asked in that sweet as honey voice of hers. Her date for the evening wrapped an arm around her back.

"Nothin' babe, just gettin' after three nerds for wreckin' my car." He glanced over at Malcolm, his former friend, who had sighed at Johnny's reaction. "Hey, Mal. What are you here for, thought you left this shit hole."

"I'm the chaperone," he explained in a dry voice. Susan stole a look at Angus, giving him an amorous stare. Angus swallowed, then stepped back to be closer to his date.

"Oh, I'm not surprised to see the fairy needs a babysitter. Should have expected as much."

"Fuck off, Johnny, I didn't ruin anything," Angus spat at him. Johnny stepped up to him and grabbed his shoulders in his baseball mitts for hands. The boy was rendered unable to move, and pulled in so close he could feel (and smell) the attacker's breath.

"This ain't the first time I've kicked your ass, and it sure as hell won't be the last." Angus closed his eyes ready for a strike to the face when Hannah gave a sharp kick to Johnny's leg. Immediately his hands were off the boy, where they reached down to rub his sore shin. Malcolm pulled the dazed Angus aside and looked him over. Angus however kept his eye on Hannah who had taken a daring yet stupid risk of saving his life. Johnny had gotten beat by her before, but his immense size grew since their last encounter. She could get squashed like a bug, and the chances were slightly higher this time. "What the hell was that for, bitch?"

"Keep your hands off him, jackass, he didn't ruin your stupid car," Hannah said, placing her hands on her hips. "If you ask me, it was a lost cause anyway."

"You don't get to say that to me." Johnny stood up to his full size again. Malcolm held Angus back from getting involved but they both still verbally protested. "You don't have a right to say that to me."

"I fought for my right to say that to you, and you most certainly deserve it," the girl stated, continuing to stand her ground. Johnny's eyes blazed with vengeance, and just as he was about to take action, a voice called from the side of the building, drawing the group's attention.

"Hey, come on back over!" A circle of boys all wearing leather jackets stood a small distance away from the entrance. No doubt his friends he brought to their party years ago. A pack of drinks sat next to them and each boy held a joint in his hand. One of them held two, holding one up for the couple across the lot. "They're not worth it, Johnny, come on!" Johnny turned back to Hannah, who was staring up at him with a deep frown. A wide finger pointed at her.

"Later. We'll settle this later." With that, Johnny wrapped his arm around Susan's shoulder and they headed to their group. Susan gave Angus one last longing look before following. Angus swallowed again, something burning in his chest. He began to regret the chicken wings he ate for dinner that night. Malcolm released his hold on his brother and went to check on Hannah.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Me? I'm fine, I'm not the one he laid his hands on." Hannah stepped up to Angus who shyly hid his face from her view, slightly embarrassed he couldn't defend himself until she carefully took it in her hands. She smiled.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

"Don't mention it, slugger," she answered. Angus held his arm up again and she linked hers with it.

"Shall we?"

"Lead the way." Malcolm walked beside the pair as they entered the building, alive with music. Kids were dancing to the hit 'Rock Around the Clock' with their partners, and no official steps to follow. A long table offering refreshments stood on the side, not yet completely trashed by the early hour. A record player was placed in the front of the gym, playing the song through a microphone Billy Haney was holding, the clarinet player of the school band. Since the school band couldn't play and a live band was too expensive, they hired the boy five bucks a song to help out with sound projection. Anyone with eyes could see he'd rather be anywhere else. A queue of impatient individuals waited by it, each kid holding a record in his hands to be played next. They could play one song each record, then if they wanted another, they had to start at the end of the line again. Kaleb Konje kept glancing at the heads in front of him, desperately wanting to reach the front. Angus noticed him and couldn't help the chuckle escape.

Another boy around Malcolm's age came down to them giving his attention to the boy in question. A hand slapped his back and a smile donned the boy's face. "Hey, Mal! Good to see ya' again, ya' know this place has been hell without you around."

"Hello Arnie," Malcolm smiled politely. Angus and Hannah stepped aside to give room to the two old friends reconnecting. "A school is always hell."

"True, true. But ya' know, you made it at least bearable. The guys all talk about you, they'll be psyched to see you here."

"No, Arnie, that's alright-"

"Hey Uriah! Cole! Check it out, Malcolm's back!" Arnie swung an arm around Malcolm's shoulder and brought him to a couple of kids he hung out with since intermediate school. The boys' faces lit up when they saw their old pal, and ran over to pat him on the back. Malcolm smiled nervously, slightly waving his hand at his greeters. Angus and Hannah followed their new famous friend around the floor.

"Hey man, we sure missed you, hey. We hear you got a band startin'?" Cole asked. Malcolm nodded his head. "That rocks, man!"

"Well it's not official, an' I'm still gettin' the hang of it, but soon enough it'll be the real deal." His friends whistled while Angus rolled his eyes. A few choice girls came out behind them and also showed the boy their praise and affection.

"Hey, Mal," one giggled. "Good to have you back."

"Thanks," he shrugged.

"We heard you're in a band now."

"That's real cool," the other one said biting her lip. Angus took his arm from Hannah's and stepped up to the female audience.

"Once I break out of here, I'm makin' a band too," he said with a clumsy grace, his fingers holding on to either side of his bowtie. It was Hannah's turn to roll her eyes at her friend's competitive side. And the girls he was impressing weren't that great either, not that she cared.

The red haired one flipped her curls over her shoulder. "Oh uh, excuse us, who are you?

"Young," he replied. "Angus Young. I'm every girl's dream come true-"

"He's Mal's baby brother," Arnie spoke up. "It's still another whole year before he has a chance to leave this dump."

"Why are you still here, Arnie?" Malcolm asked ignoring his brother's scowl at being called 'a baby'.

"Most of us are here for sports, or goin' to dances with girls," Arnie moved his eyebrows up and down making Malcolm chuckle. "What about you, I thought you were goin' for soccer."

"Eh, it's a good pastime but music is my thing."

"It's my thing too ya' know," Angus piped up. Arnie brushed him aside.

"Yeah, that's great, shortie."

"What-Mal ain't any taller than I am!" Malcolm waved his hand at him.

"Ang, just go with Hannah and-" Arnie turned to the boy and patted his head.

"Listen here, kid. It's great you're Malcolm's brother, but that doesn't get you anywhere unless you've already set a place for yourself at the table. Once you've got a guitar and really have started a band, let us know." Angus balled his fists at his treatment being handed to him. His goose was almost cooked in the parking lot, and now it was being served to him on a platter. Before he could do anything, a voice like Stevie Wright blared from the record at breathtaking volumes. A guitar he knew all too well reached his and Malcolm's ears, and eventually everyone else's.

"Hey, isn't this the Easybeats?" the red haired girl observed. Soon enough they all had made the connection that is was indeed the Easybeats playing 'Friday on my Mind' into the microphone. Kaleb Konje came up to them, an accomplished smile on his face, running a hand through his blond hair.

"Finally, got them to play it," he said thumbing at the line behind them.

"How, we saw you in that line, you were practically outside," Malcolm noted. Kaleb shrugged.

"These guys'll do anything for a twenty. You'll never believe my luck yesterday. I walks into the music store, see? And I sees an album right in front of the lot. Easybeats, can you believe it? Neither can I! So I sees it and I buys it, and I brings it here to play. Sounds great up there, mates." Angus and Malcolm both blushed a deep crimson red as the whole school turned their attention at them. Cooing and awing were heard from all sides, about how their big brother was in the most famous band, and how cute it was that they were following his footsteps. Even Malcolm's friends who praised him before were now coddling him.

He excused himself to snag a few drinks and Angus grabbed Hannah away to a secluded corner. All on the way he got stares and points. "Why so bothered, hot shot?" Hannah asked. "So your brother's famous."

"Yeah, an' 'cause of that, we get a lot of people thinkin' it's real cute that we want to be famous too. Gets old real quick."

Hannah smiled as they stopped walking. "You'll show them Angus, both of you. They won't be teasin' you guys anymore then." Angus sighed.

"Jus' wish it didn't take as long."

"Well, hey, it's a long way to the top, isn't it?" Angus smiled as he looked down at her.

"Yeah. You're right."

"Course I am," she smiled back. The song ended and the line resumed its normal function much to the queue's impatient relief. Two girls came up to the pair, each grabbing Hannah's arms.

"Sorry, Angus, you mind if we borrow her for a bit?" Talia asked as she and Rachel carried her off.

"Uh, sure." Angus smiled to himself as Hannah struggled in their grasps. "Bring her back in one piece, you hear?"

Talia and Rachel set the girl down at the other side of the room from her date. Hannah pulled away from them to see both smirking. "What?"

"All the years we've known each other," Talia started. "you told us you would never get with that, as you called him, 'loaf of bread', and yet here you are at a dance with him." Hannah closed her eyes in annoyance.

"Don't lie to us, Hannah," Rachel pointed at her.

"I'm not lying about anything, we're not a thing or anything, we're just going as friends. He might not be a loaf of bread anymore, but there's nothing between us." The other two girls exchanged glances.

"So...let me guess, Princess Susan shot him down?" Talia asked.

"No, he said he didn't even ask her..."

"Oh, really?" The girls smirked again. "You were first choice then?"

"You guys are such gossip buzzards!" Hannah yelled, but couldn't help a small laugh. Looking around them, she noticed she was missing a friend. "Hey, where's Maria?"

"Havin' fun with Ethan," Rachel thumbed behind her. Hannah nodded her head with a smirk of her own.

"I see. And you two?" Talia darted her eyes back and forth.


"You don't have dates of your own?"

"All three of us agreed to come as a group, and what does Maria do?" Rachel sighed. Hannah laughed again. "We would have asked you, but there wasn't enough room in my mum's carpool, what with all her business products, an' we thought maybe we could count on Angus takin' you. Glad we assumed correct."

"For once," Hannah muttered.

As his girl was pulled away from his sight, Angus let himself be consumed by the refreshment table's company. He poured himself a drink and entertained himself with thoughts of Hannah. She was really something tonight, and the evening had just started. Something pressed heavily on his heart and wrung his insides in a real knot; a feeling he had never felt before. The longer the night went on, the harder it was to ignore it. As a matter of fact, the longer his life went on it was harder to ignore.

After the night was over, he and Malcolm would have to drive Hannah home. Her mother would probably be back by then, and he couldn't stay to wish her, or give her a good night. He shook his head. He knew that most boys here would bring their dates home and have a little extra fun until the sun came up or until their parents got home. But not him. Hannah deserved respect, and a girl like her should not be handled that way. Not when they just got back from a school dance anyway. He couldn't say he didn't feel a little something more though when he looked at her. Surely there was no one else in the room-

"Hey Angus," a voice cut his thoughts off. Turning his head, he saw Susan and nearly choked on his drink. "Havin' fun?"

Angus' eyes tarried a bit too long on her dress, and the figure that wore it. Her eyes fluttered when she drew close to him, slightly parting her lips. "I uh-was having fun, I guess. But um, I'm kind of wai-waiting for someone..." He hitched his breath when she placed her hands on his unsuspecting shoulders and rubbed them oh so slowly. "Please excuse me, I have to go to her now."

"Can't I have one dance?" she asked with puppy eyes. Angus closed his hoping she'd be less intimidating when he opened them again. Instead she had taken his hands and moved them to her waist, wrapping her arms around his neck. The song currently playing was upbeat and fast, not a slow tune in sight. This shouldn't have made her so inclined to dance.

Not with him, anyway.

This should have been his dream come true. Dancing with the one girl he loved, her reciprocating those feelings. Have a fun evening, then maybe steal a few bases in the backseat of a car. It was tempting to simply run off with her to a closet that instant, but confusion of why she suddenly took interest in him held him back. There was something fishy about all this.

"Wh-why the sudden change in attitude, Susan?" he asked politely, but firmly. "What makes you wanna dance with me?"

Susan laughed that honey laugh he forgot he loved for so long. "Your irresistibility captivated me across the floor. Since you're alone, I thought you could go for a good time." Angus chuckled nervously as a new song began playing and she drew herself closer.

"I appreciate your concern for my entertainment, but I have someone here with me, I'm sure you saw her outside a bit ago." Susan's grip on him tightened, a salacious laugh emitting from those perfect lips.

"I don't see her now."

At the entrance to the gym, Johnny made his way through the crowd of sweaty, dancing teenagers, some occasionally bumping into him. His red eyes searched the sea of faces for the girl he came with, taking a drink of his whiskey he snuck in a water bottle whenever he tripped over his high. As he neared the long white table he saw a blonde haired girl getting pretty comfortable with some short ass kid. He took another drink as he realized the situation at hand, and left the building. He wasn't gonna have it.

The song changed to Little Richard's 'Keep a Knockin'' and the whole floor was raised to life. Hannah knew her friends would never let her go so she decided to make an escape herself. It wasn't too difficult, seeing Maria and Ethan had shown up, telling them they were gonna be gone for the evening and not to wait up for them. Such a sure built in distraction. As the girl left to go see Angus again, she saw him practically groping up some skimpily dressed girl near the punch bowl. Angus was about to get a little extra punch if he didn't quit soon. But Hannah had an idea more crafty, and possibly more stupid than violence. Besides, she couldn't hurt her friend that way no matter how much she wanted to. Quickly her eyes scanned the room for the other boy she came with...

"Hey, Mal."

"Oh, hey. Uh..." His eyes searched for his brother, nervous he had commenced his cruel plan. "Where's the little guy?"

Hannah rolled her eyes. "He's off loving Susan over there by the snacks." Malcolm looked in the implied direction and shook his head.

"I knew it, that arse," he mumbled. So, he carried out the plan after all, and the result was just as Malcolm expected. Hannah came to him for comfort, and he sure as hell would give it to her. "Sorry about all this, he's being a real wanker tonight."

Hannah shook her head. "Don't worry about it, I've got it settled. Now." She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. "Let's dance."

Angus' heart was pounding way too fast for a fourteen year old. Once again he thought he might go into cardiac arrest. He thought he might pay a visit to his doctor after all this was over. Susan's breath was all over his neck leaving ghost hickeys. As the song played on, her hands grabbed his and moved them from her waist to her hips which she swayed seductively. Angus controlled himself and moved them back up to her shoulders where it was more appropriate. The poor boy couldn't tell if she was drunk, or high, or both. Surely she wouldn't come up to him on her own account and start wrapping herself around him.

His eyes were growing blacker every time she fluttered her lashes at him, or ran a hand through his hair. He thought maybe the sound of Little Richard would get him out of the mood for doing something he would regret in the morning but it wasn't working. He started giving in to her touch, until thoughts of Hannah ran through his head. Not only did a pang of guilt flood his heart, but a knot reeled in his stomach. One not of desire, but of a real affection. He asked her to the dance because he wanted to, not so he could take off with the girl he was in love with.

The girl he used to be in love with.

His eyes lazily fluttered open to see her still really close to him, her hands free roaming all over. He gently took them and removed them from his person and backed away. "Look, Susan, I'm sorry to send you off so soon, but I have to get back to my date, the one I brought here..." Angus turned his head to see a couple dancing in the middle of the floor, arms around each other like puzzle pieces. His own brother, dancing with his date. All feelings of physical want had left him and jealousy took over; raged in his heart like a wildfire, with Malcolm and Hannah being the match and rock. "Sorry, Lockhart, I gotta go." He pushed the girl aside and marched his way through the crowd.

Hannah watched her surroundings and made sure to stay as close to Malcolm as possible. The boy was unaware she wasn't needing comfort, only someone to provoke jealousy. "So, besides Angus ditching you for a sleaze, how's your night been going?"

"Eh, alright."

"You find any of your friends?"

"Yeah, but they're no help," she smiled. Malcolm smiled back.

"That's too bad. Whatcha lookin' for?" Hannah whipped her head to face him again.

"Oh, sorry, I was just lookin' for Angus. But...I don't see him." Malcolm shrugged.

"Maybe he left with Susan."

"No he didn't, he's right here." Angus slipped himself between the two taking Hannah into his arms. Despite her struggling and verbal protests, he didn't let her go. He didn't want to let her go ever again. The last few seconds of the song ended with the two spinning into the middle of the room, Angus dipping her, holding on tight with the spotlight shining right on them. Everyone's attention was soon on them too. A red tint covered Hannah's cheeks and she escaped his hold to leave the gawkers. Angus called after her. "Wait, listen to me!"

Malcolm stepped in front of him keeping him from getting any closer. "I knew this was gonna happen Ang, but it still disgusts me."

"What the hell are you talkin' about?" Angus asked.

"Your plan to run off with Susan. Ya' know, changin' your mind last second isn't gonna change her broken heart-"

"Come with me," Angus said grabbing Malcolm's hand and pulling him in Hannah's direction. He found the girl just about to leave the building when he let go of Malcolm to grab onto her.

"Let me go!"

"I can't, remember what happened last time?" She stared him down, giving him a chance to explain himself. If he couldn't, then there would be many matters to settle later. "Listen, you both ought to hear this. When Hannah's friends came along, Susan came up to me an' put her hands all over me. I didn't start nothin'."

"Why didn't you just push her away if you didn't want her attention?" Malcolm asked. "Why'd you take so long?"

"Guess my manners oversaw my resistance," Angus answered. "It wasn't till I saw you two havin' a ball that I practically tore the crowd down."

"I was bein' a friend, Angus," Malcolm spoke. "Which is more than we can say for you." Hannah felt something tug at her heartstrings that insinuated she should speak up.

"Mal? I really appreciate your company, but I didn't come to you for comfort, per se." Malcolm lifted an eyebrow. "I guess my jealousy oversaw my manners, huh?" The older boy glanced back and forth between the two.

"I'm disgusted with the both of you," he sneered. "Gettin' back at each other like you were in primary." Angus gave a half smile.

"Can't help it, Mal. It's how we met."

A cold breeze swept the teenagers off their feet. Hour by hour the gym was getting emptier and emptier, with some kids leaving due to curfew, and the riskier of the bunch leaving for part two of their night of fun. As a result the big open space was aired out much to some kids' relief. Angus stole a glance at the girl at his side and felt a deep longing to talk to her. Not touch her, not take her, just talk to her. "You two are such problem children," Malcolm muttered.

"'Cause I had you for a brother," Angus smiled. "Can't explain the other one." Hannah hid her blush in her hands. They were taken by his. "Can you hold up the floor for us Mal?"

"Where you goin'?" he asked with an air of suspicion. "Boys' room?"

Angus frowned at him. "For a walk. Come on then." Escaping the gym brought a feeling of silent happiness, privacy they never had, and a glimpse of rebellion having left the dance room. But there wasn't too much adult supervision around anyway, and Angus didn't care. Their shoes echoed down the hallway, the lights above them spaced apart. "Look, I'm real sorry about Susan, I don't know what got into her tonight."

"I'm sorry about her too. I saw those drinks she and those boys had, probably got herself drunk and didn't mean to flatter you so much." Angus bit his lip, remembering but not mentioning the lustful gazes she gave him in the parking lot before alcohol or weed touched her lips. "I know how much you like her, Ang. I'm sorry I got between you two from havin' a good night-"

"What the hell is this bullshit comin' out of your mouth?" he asked. "Don't say that about yourself, you didn't get between anything. I asked you here didn't I? I intend on spending my evening with you. Besides. You saw how she acted around me at New Years. Don't think she's a fan."

"I am," Hannah said abruptly causing Angus to question his hearing. "You're my best friend Angus, I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled a silly grin, the knot getting tighter and moving into his throat.

"Me either." For the next hour the two kids walked around the halls through the whole school and returned to the gym. But instead of kids having the time of their lives they saw balloons popped on the ground while others had hit the ceiling, streamers lying in every direction, and not a teenager in sight. The record player still had one left behind vinyl playing, a woman's voice filling the now empty space. Malcolm came up to them being the only other one in the room.

"There you are! 'Bout to leave for home without ya'."

"Where is everyone?" Angus asked.

"They left. Almost midnight, ya' know?" Angus looked at Hannah and felt that remorseful feeling again. He had spent more time dancing with Susan than he did with her, and not all of it fun. Talking in the hallway was meaningful, but Angus couldn't forgive himself for taking his friend to a dance and not dancing with her a single bit. But he also knew Malcolm probably hadn't had a whole lot of fun and wouldn't if he just stood there and watched. "You guys comin' or what?"

"Actually Mal...tell Mum I'll be home soon. I'm not done here yet." Malcolm blinked at his brother.

"The bathroom wasn't enough for you? You're in an open gym, Ang!" Angus smacked his brother's shoulder and took him aside.

"You're quite the dipshit, ya' know that? Look, I haven't got to dance with Hannah all night, and I'm not leavin' without one."

"And whose fault is that?"

"It's okay Mal, I know what I did was wrong, I don't need you preachin'. Get the car home in time, Dad won't get mad."

"And how do you expect to get home?"

"I'll walk her home, it's okay." Malcolm narrowed his eyes, wondering if he was putting too much trust in the boy who almost got lucky with a blonde who had given him the eye. Then again, everyone else had gone home, there was no one left to get lucky with. "It's the gentleman thing to do, ain't it?"

His older brother sighed. "Have her home safe an' sound, if she gets hurt..."

"I understand Mal, now go home and get some rest. You certainly deserve it." Malcolm gave one last smile to his brother and left to drive home. Angus turned back to Hannah, who had her hands on her hips.

"Where's he off to?"


"He's leaving?"

"Yeah, I figured he wouldn't have too much fun watchin' us dance around in an empty gym." Hannah's eyes widened as Angus took her hand and led her closer to the record player. "That is, if you wanted to."

"I uh-I-wouldn't mind, that is-I suppose I can..." Angus smiled and brought his hands to her waist while Hannah hesitantly put hers around his neck. They moved in a circle slowly, the twenty dollar lights overhead flickering uneasily. The boy stared at the girl in front of him. She was too shy to stare back, so he tilted her head up. "Angus, what is all this?"

"I barely got a chance to dance with you, so here we are. You're not-upset about this, are you?"

"Of course not, but...I warn you, I'm not very good."

"I can see that," Angus winced as Hannah's feet collided with his own and squashed his toe. "I think it's 'cause you're still shorter than me, you're trippin' up." Hannah frowned.

"I'll be taller someday, even taller than you and Malcolm." Angus smiled and leaned in close.

"I'd like to see that happen," he teased. "Here, stand on my feet, I'll carry you." The girl hesitantly stepped up to Angus' feet and stood on top, looking up to see his face extremely close to hers. Once again, she grew shy and looked the other way. Angus pulled her closer and laughed even as he himself was sweating bullets. Their talk was a good remedy for a night gone awry, and ending it with a dance all to themselves was the icing on the cake. He didn't need to go to some public restroom or the backseat of a car, he had everything right here. He didn't need Susan, he had Hannah. Being this close to her had his heart racing faster than he'd ever known, and if he went into cardiac arrest and died right there, he wouldn't mind. He'd die happy. Of course Hannah wouldn't have such a nice night seeing her friend pass away on the dance floor, but...

The next song playing was 'Dedicated to the One I Love', a woman's voice introducing the title in a very prominent way. It wasn't as loud as it would have been with Billy Haney's microphone, but it was good enough for the two kids. Hannah had rested her head on Angus' shoulder but lifted it up to look at him. A scarlet emotion brushed his face as Hannah's lips fell on his cheek and quickly left. He gave her a questioning look and she smiled. "Thank you, for taking me here."

"You havin' a good time?"

"Yeah, this means a lot."

"Good. You're perfectly welcome. You know, whether or not I liked Susan, I still would have asked ya',"

"Why did you want to go to a dance anyway? That doesn't seem like you." The boy shrugged and slowly walked in a circle.

"At first believe it or not, it was to get Susan to like me." Hannah rolled her eyes.


"Then I decided, why go after someone who doesn't give a shit?"

"And that has to get drunk to give one in the first place?" The song wore on and Angus couldn't, no matter how hard he tried, look away from his friend's eyes. They were two of the darkest eyes he'd ever seen, but looked warm and safe. They were hooded with thick lashes that he just couldn't help but love. Shaking his head from his thoughts, he leaned in.

"You're beautiful," he stated without thinking. "I mean, you look beautiful. Not-not that you're not beautiful, I just m-meant that you look beautiful tonight. Not that you d-don't look beautiful all the time, it's just-" He swallowed his word vomit and whispered awestruck, "You're beautiful."

"You're not so bad yourself," she whispered back. "Much better than a loaf of bread." A feeling had been stirring in Angus' heart the whole night, one that he couldn't ignore any longer. He wanted to try something, without getting a slap to the face. He wasn't sure Hannah would be the kind to slap him in the face, but it wouldn't hurt to take precautions. Yet he had to at least try, there was nothing to lose.

Except a whole friendship.

"Uh, Hannah? Jus' wonderin', so don't think I'm a creep-have you, have you ever..." He leaned in close again. "ya' know, kissed anyone?" Her eyes widened.

"Yeah, I mean-I just did about a minute ago..."

"No," he laughed nervously, letting his curls fall in his face. "No, I meant, I meant..." Before he knew what he was doing, he was drinking her lips; until they connected he had no idea how much he had wanted to. His hands cupped her cheeks gently, like the treasure she was to him. Everything that held meaning to him; the test, his guitar, Smarties, didn't hold a candle to the girl he held that night. Time stopped. The music stopped only to swell in his soul. Like water in a hot summer day, he couldn't get enough of her.

After an eternity passed he pulled away, looking to see they were right as they were when he closed his eyes. His hands still cupping her face, gently releasing his hold. "I that, ya' know."

Hannah nearly choked on her words. "I uh-n-no, I haven't." His hands moved down back by her waist and continued to dance them in a circle.

"Neither have I." The pair smiled at each other, Hannah resumed resting her head on his shoulder. For a good while they spent their night there, relaxing in each other's arms. If forever were possible, they'd wish it right then.

Their feet pattered down the sidewalk as they made their way down the street toward Hannah's house. As promised Angus walked her home like a gentleman. The night air swallowed them leaving them in its shivering throat. Neither said a word the entire way, and strangely enough they were both okay with it. As they walked along, Angus noticed Hannah's hand swinging by her side, almost covered up by Angus' suit jacket he gave to her. He longed to hold it, just to reach out and grab it. Reaching out to it, it was soon well distanced as Hannah stepped up her porch steps. There was no car in the driveway, and he could see her mother was not yet home, though it was well after midnight. He would be lying if he said it wasn't tempting to follow her inside the house. But he knew it wasn't right. After all, he should have been on his way hours ago.

"So I'll...see you tomorrow then, yeah?" Hannah smiled.

"Yeah. Of course. Oh wait, what about your jacket?" she asked taking it off. He waved her off.

"I'll pick it up tomorrow. First thing."

"Okay. Uh, Angus? Thank you, for tonight. I had fun." He grinned at her.

"Me too. You know, you're pretty light on my feet," he winked. She giggled.

"Say goodnight to Malcolm for me."

"Sure thing." Hannah closed the door to her house for the night. Angus stood there staring at it, a silly grin slowly awakening on his face. After a good minute he turned around and made the trip back to his own house.

He walked down the road, a skip in his step, a whistle on his lips. The night didn't seem so chilly anymore, and the sky didn't seem so dark. He rounded the corner of a brick building, happy as could be. Nothing could get him down. When he made the turn, his face was soon blocked by fabric, the shirt of someone much taller and much bigger than him. He looked up and beheld with resentment the face of Jonathon Cass.

"Excuse me, Johnny," he said making his way around him. The taller boy stopped him, hands on his shoulders just like he did before the dance. Looking around him, he could see Susan step out from behind his captor, eyes wide and biting her lip. Angus frowned at her, then was roughly shoved to the ground.

"I saw what you did tonight," he growled. Angus coughed up the dust he inhaled on impact, then shakily stood himself up. His nice white shirt now had a nice coat of tan. "I'm not a happy man."

"Didn't think you were a man at all," Angus managed to say, still a bit hoarse. "Now I know why Susan came to me for a good time."

"That's not what she said." Angus turned a shocked look at the blonde girl, still biting her lip hard enough to make it bleed. "She's telling me you pressured her into getting in your car with her, giving her candy to suck on!"

"I did no such shit!" Another shove to the ground. Angus almost hit his head on the bricks behind him, and cut his hand on a rock. Susan watched completely helpless as Angus was terrorized by the much bigger Johnny. "Just let me go home for fuck's sake!"

"Why, so you can call that sleazy little bitch of yours on the phone?" Angus stood up again and glared daggers at Johnny. "She's not here to save your sissy ass now, is she?"

"Don't call her that," Angus said much too quietly, teeth clenched. The street was completely empty, no one was here to back him up or help beat him up. Angus was all alone.

"You know, I thought about takin' her myself. Would have to get her a couple knee pads first." Angus balled his fists, not at all liking Johnny's crude tongue. No one was allowed to talk to his friend like that, didn't matter a bit what they called him. "Or has your brother already given her the bone?"

"Shut your damn mouth!" Angus yelled. Susan put her hands to her mouth as she watched the scene unfold before her. Angus didn't understand why he ever liked her. She was cold to him, touched him inappropriately, and later lied about it to her boyfriend and didn't come clean even when he was getting hurt. "Malcolm has nothing to do with her, and neither will you. So leave her the fuck alone, you bastard!"

Angus was shoved against the wall, and this time the back of his head hit the bricks behind him. He raised a hand to conceal the pain, and he drew no blood. Groaning, he regained his posture. "Don't call me that."

"You deserve it."

"Your girlfriend doesn't want a cheap shot like you, man. She wants a real man. Why don't you give her my number?" Angus couldn't take it anymore. The fire in his heart from jealousy was nothing compared to the anger he felt now hearing Hannah insulted or harassed. His right hand was clenched, and he took a step forward to deliver a blow, but before his fist could connect with Johnny's face, his opponent's right hand grabbed it in mid swing. A look of pain replaced his look of anger as his hand was being crushed with the strength of the older boy. "Now now fruitcake, we don't wanna do that, do we?"

It was a burning pain unlike no other. The muscles were twisted, the bones were pressurized, and his skin was torn. It seemed forever until Johnny finally let go of his hand and let Angus stumble backward. Not a second later however, Johnny picked the boy up with two hands, both of them around his neck. His back was against the brick building, completely unable to escape. The world was slowly growing dimmer with every millisecond without breath, and he could feel his face turn blue.

"You're gonna kill him!" Susan shouted from a distance away. She didn't want to get in the middle of the physical action but thought a command might change her boyfriend's mind. "Johnny, stop! You're gonna kill him!"

With a strong fist, Angus was punched to the ground away from his killer. Johnny had enough of him, he didn't want to waste the rest of his night. Angus' world went black as he hit the ground below him. Susan left with Johnny's arm behind her back, looking over her shoulder in guilt and regret. He had gotten his revenge, it was over. No one was around to help him.

It was only a minute before Angus regained his senses, though a good long minute. Groaning in pain he struggled to stand up, the ground spinning beneath him. The need to vomit had slowly passed and he was on his knees breathing hard. A hand reached up to feel his head again, drawing a few drops of blood away. His eye hurt like hell and he was sure it was black and purple, or at least would be soon. His white shirt with a few tan spots now donned a fresh red. And it wasn't just his bowtie. His neck stung with Johnny's handprints and he coughed from the pressure. This is what he was afraid would happen to Hannah, and he was more than willing to take it for her.

Going home was not an option. He would hate for his mother to see him in this state and worry herself sick. Maybe even get after him for God knows what. Hannah's house was closer anyway, though he didn't want her to see him this way either. They had ended their night on such a good note, but he wasn't afraid to admit he needed help.

He stumbled his way back down the road he came from toward Hannah's house. God, she was probably asleep by now, he hated to wake her. But look at him, he needed to clean up. His vision had cleared up in the one eye that didn't get punched and he made his way up her porch steps. God, he hated to wake her. His hand knocked on the door lightly, hoping that was enough. Her mother's car still wasn't in the driveway. A minute later, the tiniest of footsteps came from the other side and opened the door. There Hannah stood in her bathrobe, her hair out of her green hair bow. She looked tired, but not having been asleep yet. That all soon changed when she got a good look at him.

"What the hell happened to you?" she asked frantically pulling him inside. The door closed behind them and Angus winced.

"Met a friend on the way back home," he said as he was led to the kitchen. Hannah sat him down on a chair at the table and gently brushed the hair from his face.

"Some friend." She whimpered a bit when she saw his black eye, bloody head and cut up hand and Angus felt horrible for coming to her. He should have just manned up and went home to his mother. But who knows, maybe he'd feel worse. He wanted to pull her in for a hug and assure her he was okay, but truth was he wasn't okay. Hannah grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom drawer and ran it under cold water before bringing it to him. She held it to his eye, and let him handle it when she went to get bandages for his hand. "And who was this friend?"

"Remember the car alarm goin' off?"

"Don't tell me..." Angus nodded. "Oh, he did all this just because you bumped his piece of crap wagon?"

"No uh, that's not-that's not why.

"Then what happened?" Angus tapped his fingers to his pants.

"Uh," he laughed nervously. "He uh, kind of saw me with Susan I guess, or she told him what happened, though not the whole truth," he mumbled. "He got pissed, and threw me for whirl a couple streets down. Your house was closer, so I jus'-" He shrugged. "came back."

"That's still not enough to hurt you like this! Didn't you fight back?"

"I did. When he uh, started makin' fun of you and bein' a bit rude an' all, I tried to sock him one, but he wouldn't let me as it were." Hannah sat down in the chair next to him in shock.

"I dont want you gettin' in fights about me, you should fight to protect your safety, not mine."

"Hey, I was happy to do it."

"That's still not worth it." He took her face in his hand and smiled.

"You are." Hannah hid a blush under her smile and continued to wrap Angus' hand. Her face turned downcast as she remembered something she had been putting off.

"Uh, Angus? I hate to worsen the night but, I kind of have something to tell you. I should have told you earlier but...I don't know, I got nervous I guess." Angus looked at Hannah as she talked, his eyes slowly closing halfway. Her voice had turned down several volumes and the room behind her began to sway. His head hurt like hell, but it soon passed and all he had was the scene in front of him. A smile worked its way to his lips and he played with Hannah's hair. She glanced at his fingers, but continued to spill her big news that Angus wasn't hearing a word of. He giggled a bit and leaned forward. "Angus, are you listening?"

"You're pretty," he laughed. Hannah stood up and backed away from him. "Pretty girl..."

"Angus, what the hell's gotten into you?" The delirius boy stood up and swayed in time to the room he saw, and inched his way forward to Hannah. His hands reached out for her and she swatted them away.

"I think I love you," he giggled as he tripped into her arms. "Give us a kissy." Hannah watched in fright and worry as her friend was slowly losing his mind. Johnny must have hit him too hard. Angus' hands began shaking and he fell forward. Before he knew it, his world went black again.

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