2 - Priestess
Tanna caught a glimpse of Akila standing in the center of the tent, resplendent in the dark crimson uniform dress of a High Priestess of Pain, flanked by a chaos-clad entourage, before she mashed her face into the carpet in a fair imitation of Lyssa. This is bad, this is bad.
"Princess Redette." Akila said, and Tanna heard the ruffle of what she imagined was a courtly curtsy echoed by those around her. Tanna caught Princess Redette's nod of acknowledgement out of the corner of her eye as she tried to calculate how quickly she could scurry out given the right opportunity. I should have known. We are too close to Henatoga. "I do apologize for interrupting your trip," Akila continued, "but I am here on a matter of the greatest urgency."
"Yes, you said as much in your letters." The Princess said before waiving a dismissive gesture at Tanna and Lyssa. Yes! Tanna did not debate if the gesture was actually meant for her and scrambled for the exit back to her tent. Lyssa did the same and managed to reach the door just before Tanna.
"Halt!" A familiar voice barked, with safety one step away. Tanna would have ignored the voice but Lyssa had stopped in front of her. Tanna debated for a moment shoving Lyssa through when her world exploded in pain, but it was not just any pain. A very familiar pain. Painrod pain.
Winn. Tanna found herself on the floor, still swimming in pain as Winn stood over her, triumphant. One hand was on her hip, the other held the painrod she had undoubtedly just shoved in Tanna's back. Tanna groaned. I should have expected Akila to bring Winn.
"Hm, trying to sneak out through the back again?" Winn said with a sneer.
"She is predictable, if nothing else." High Priestess Akila said, clearly annoyed as she stepped into view beside Winn. Akila kept her composure well, but after almost half a year under her care, the signs were obvious to Tanna, like the tapping of her short crop against her leg. "How much did you use?" Akila asked Winn after they had been studying her for a short while.
"Enough to make her think twice about running again." Winn said gruffly.
"How much?" Akila pressed. Tanna was glad to see some of her frustration finally bubbling to the surface, despite her own world of pain.
"All of it." Winn said quietly after a small pause.
Tanna tried to sit up, but only managed to lift her head far enough to see Dera mouth. "A whole rod!?" at the Princess behind Akila's back.
"We should not be rewarding her just yet." Akila said. "But she is still conscious, I suppose." She added, studying Tanna. "Hm. And it looks like you've been busy since last we met." Akila said, stepping closer to tap Tanna's collar with the crop. "I suppose I should have expected something like this from you. Still a slave to your passions, always looking for the path with the most suffering."
Tanna tried to respond but only managed another groan. "Well, this is a development. You know each other?" The Princess Redette asked, not hiding her surprise.
"Know her, Princess?" Akila said, turning smoothly to the Princess. "Tanella is one of the girls we are looking for. The less important one, to be sure. But also the one that I personally trained up to the White Sash." Akila spared a sidelong glance for Tanna. "For all the good that did."
"I'm notta-! You can't-" Tanna slurred when her mouth finally began working. "You can't take me back." You won't take me back. Tanna willed herself to sit up despite her body's protests.
"So she's your spy." The Princess concluded.
"Spy?" Akila blinked in genuine surprise. "An argument could be made to that end, Princess, but the reality is probably something...slightly different. She is not, currently, at least, operating under my orders." Akila turned to Tanna. "You probably think you're clever, don't you, little Skyra?"
"I'm no Skyra." She spit the words. "I don't have any sash, not from any temple. Much less any temple of yours. I do have...a contract." Tanna avoided looking anywhere near the Princess as she paused to take a calming breath after a residual wave of pain washed over her. "A Service contract with the Imperial Government. Which means you can't take me-"
Akila barked a short laugh. "I'm not here to take you back, child. I simply have some questions."
"Don't we all." The Princess added under her breath.
Good luck getting any answers. Tanna was silent as Akila knelt down to Tanna's level and placed a hand on her shoulder. So, you want the truth. Tanna met her gaze. "Where is the girl you brought to Lukida's Temple in Henatoga?" Akila asked slowly.
"Dead." Tanna said flatly, doing her best to keep her head steady. "So my guess is she's probably with the Gods." In spirit, at least.
Something flashed in Akila's eyes. "Do not be dense, child. The other girl." Akila said patiently.
Like I would ever deliver anyone into your evil clutches. I'm no Winn. Tanna was silent a moment. "I don't know, exactly." Read the truth in that, Priestess.
"Why do you still attempt to deceive, child?" Akila asked, and Tanna finally looked away.
Tanna sighed, pretending to capitulate. "After, the temple was, uh, finished with...well, anyway. The girl rejoined the haul team in Henatoga on our way back to base." Tanna said reluctantly. "That was the end of our first run together. She stayed with us on our second run, up North. Just before we started our third run, this run, though, she transferred to another squad." A squad that was also assigned to the capital run. "She could be halfway back to the Wilds by now, who knows." Tanna knew Akila would read the last statement as a lie, but she did not care. What are you going to do, anyway? Have Winn empty another rod into me? Akila harrumphed. Tanna continued, "Haulteam Leader Clogg should know where she is, and if not him then-"
Akila stood suddenly, fingering the rod strapped to her hip. "Do not toy with me child. The matter is most urgent." Akila eyed Tanna for a moment before continuing. "Perhaps we should try a different approach." That does not sound good. "The intake documents at the temple indicate that you met a God-Blessed Healer on the road who stabilized the girl's condition for a short time. But...I suspect that you did not meet any Healer on the road, did you?" Tanna stayed silent again as guilt twisted a knife in her gut. "There was only you." Akila said. It was not a question.
Dera mouthed "Healer!" at the Princess still behind Akila's back, and the Princess nodded.
"Are you serious!?" Winn hissed. "No. You can't be serious, she gets the favor of the Goddess!?"
"There are only seven in the Northern Empire capable of healing the girl's affliction." Akila continued, ignoring Winn. "Three were at the temple in Henatoga, and the other four confirmed they were nowhere near the area." Akila explained. "So I'll ask again. It was you, was it not?"
Tanna tried to think of a way to bend truths to get out, but the pain would not let her think clearly. And Lyssa already told the Princess about the healing. "Yes, alright? It was me!" Tanna finally growled, residual pain made her voice waver. Have your small victory. "I prayed to your stupid goddess for a stupid favor." And now I pay the stupid price. "And look where it got me."
"I do not believe this!" Winn fumed. "You little-"
"I tried. I really did. I tried everything. But it didn't work." Tanna hugged her arms to her chest despite the pain, remembering the pale features of the girl in the moonlight as they dragged her to the temple. "I mean it did work, for a little while anyway. But it didn't really heal, the sickness came back. Within a day." Tanna shuddered, and this time not from the painrod's pain. "The Goddess granted me no favors that day." Tanna added quietly.
"She did grant you favor that day." Akila said, and withdrew something from her waistpocket. It was a small glass vial with something inside that glittered in the afternoon sun. Akila knelt down again and held it close to Tanna's face. A small shake made the glass tinkle, and it took Tanna a moment to focus on the hair-thin silver thorn inside. "This is a weapon of Rerarin Assassins. Found inside the girl." Akila whispered. "You healed her, as did the healers in Henatoga, but with the source of poison still embedded in her shoulder, she continued to be reinfected."
"Assassin...?" Tanna repeated stupidly, trying to wrap her head around the story. "Why would they...?"
Akila stood. "That is why we need the other girl." Akila spoke down to Tanna. I knew something was off with those two. Tanna remained silent. "Hiding her only risks another assassination attempt. Tell us where she is. Let us turn this Chaos to our favor. Now. Before the same fate befalls her." Spoken like a true Chaos Priestess.
"Sorry." Tanna said. She thought about adding more but decided against it.
"Maybe I can whip it out of her?" Winn helpfully suggested.
Akila snorted. "We should not reward her insubordination." Akila tapped the crop against her leg again as she thought. "But a reward might not be out of the question." Tanna flinched as Akila turned her focus back on her. "How about...You help me find the girl, I help you with your mission."
"Mission?" Tanna managed to choke out. How did she find out? How much does she know? Has she known the whole time?
Akila turned to the Princess. "Princess, you mentioned earlier you suspected Tanella of spying, correct?"
"Yes, but we were still trying to figure out the details. Who is her target, or for whom is she spying." The Princess said.
"I am surprised you have not figured it out yet, Princess." Of course Akila can get away with saying that to a Princess. "An Academy-trained Priestess of the Night, just happens to be carrying the Princess' books when she is in need of an Advisor...? You've probably been whispering in her ear for days now, haven't you?"
"Academy trained!? That would be quite the development! Books? Is this true?" The Princess asked.
Tanna almost laughed out loud at her relief combined with their seriousness. An Advisor to the Princess? Me!? "I did attend the Academy, but I was cut. As for the rest, I would not presume to Advise anyone, much less a Princess." Tanna said truthfully.
"Let Chaos Rule." Winn muttered behind her.
"And once again, I'm not a Skyra, I'm not a Priestess of the Night, and I don't serve Lukida in any other capacity." Tanna repeated, just to be sure.
"You do not serve Lukida?" Akila repeated, amused.
"I never stood for graduation." Tanna said for the Princess' benefit. "I ran away a whole two days before, as I recall." Tanna couldn't help feeling good about getting out before the graduation, even if she had left for reasons entirely unrelated to graduation.
"I recall that also." Winn added.
"That should be easy enough to fix. Stand her up." Akila ordered, and Winn hauled Tanna unceremoniously to her feet. Tanna had to close her eyes against another wave of pain, and when she opened them again Akila shoved a bundle into her chest. Winn had to wrap Tanna's arms around the bundle. "Well then." Akila said. "You have just stood for graduation."
"Congratulations, Skyra." Winn added with a smirk.
"Hold on!" What happened to not rewarding my insubordination!? "That's not how-"
"You are right." Akila interrupted. "She is still only a Low Priestess. We will need something more to get her to Skyra." Akila motioned to the guards standing outside the tent entrance and another Priest walked in, bowing to the Princess. "This is Domnus Breven, one of the Healers from Henatoga. Domnus Breven, this is the Princess Redette, and Tanella, of Roundhill." They quickly exchanged nods before Akila continued. "I would like to request a demonstration, in order to confirm Tanna for the next Sash."
"I'm not confirmed for the first Sash!" Tanna protested, but everyone ignored her.
"Very well." Breven said as if Tanna had not said anything, and pushed back a sleeve to expose an arm. "Will you do the honors, Domna Akila?" He slipped a short, heavily ornamented blade from a sheathe at his waist and held the hilt towards Akila.
"Gladly." Akila took the dagger, but instead of cutting the proffered arm she walked towards the Princess.
Not the Princess...Lyssa! "No-!" Tanna cried, but Winn held her in place. Tanna saw Lyssa's nostrils flare as Akila grasped a handful of her hair in one hand, and with the other carve a long crimson line along one cheek.
"All yours." Akila said to Tanna. Tanna growled. "And you may wish to know, this blade is poisoned."
"You-!" Tanna's exclamation was cut short as Winn shoved her towards Lyssa, and by the time she reached her Lyssa's eyelids were already fluttering. "No. No no no no." Tanna gave her nastiest look to Akila as she took Lyssa's head in her hands. Calm. Stone first.
Tanna gently laid Lyssa down and scrambled to the tent with the books. She reached under the coat of books, easily finding the interior pouch with her stone still inside. She could feel the poison eating away at Lyssa's spirit when she hugged Lyssa on her return.
Now the Prayer...What is the prayer? Can I say it wrong? What if I ask the wrong God? What if I ask no God? "Goddess," Tanna began after a hasty clear of her throat, intentionally leaving off which Goddess, "Goddess, give her Justice, relieve her Suffering." Tanna licked her lips. She noticed Akila had frowned when she invoked Justice, but the words were enough, and the cut began to heal itself. The stone began to warm before the cut was fully closed, but Tanna held firm until she felt Lyssa's spirit close to its normal strength.
Tanna sighed and leaned back when she felt Lyssa supporting herself again, and found the new Priest Breven standing just behind her, frowning. "Not a Healer." He rumbled after a moment of contemplation. There were some sharp intakes of breath and half-hearted protests, but Tanna was not about to argue. "However, she still qualifies for the second Sash." He continued, to another round of gasps.
"Well, if she's not a Healer, then what is she?" the Princess finally asked.
"Geomancer, Princess." Breven said before bowing and exiting the tent. Tanna stifled another sigh. I am not sure that is a better conclusion.
"Well, this is an exciting development." The Princess said.
"There." Akila said with finality. "Now you are a Skyra, Priestess of the Yellow Sash. And although you may not yet have the full support of Lukida's Temple, you will have at least a recommendation from me."
"Recommendation?" Tanna, still trying to process everything.
"High Priestess, it was my understanding you would be giving your recommendation to me." Winn said through clenched teeth, whole body tense with barely contained fury.
"I will give you both recommendations, then." Akila replied lightly. "May Chaos rule."
Winn opened her mouth to say something else, accusatory finger already in motion before she decided better of it. Instead she closed her mouth with a clomp and gave a hasty "By your leave!" to the Princess before storming out.
"Now," Akila said, turning to Tanna, "will you bring me the girl?"
"Let Chaos Rule." Tanna spat back at her.
"It already does." Akila replied smoothly before turning to the stunned Princess with a shrug.
"Shall I fetch the implements of torture then, Princess?" Dera asked.
"I am not sure torturing her will have the...desired effect." Akila interjected. "But she is a good girl. She will help. Eventually." Yeah, right. "And if she does not, well, the second girl should still be discoverable."
"As the High Priestess says, Dera. We can be patient." The Princess said.
Akila gave the Princess a bow. "If you will excuse me also, Princess, I must take care of your other Advisor Candidate." Akila motioned at the departed Winn.
"My other...?" The Princess muttered before she dismissed Akila with a wave of the wrist. When the room was clear of visitors she turned a predatory gaze to Tanna. "So, my first Advisor Candidate." The Princess said.
Tanna suppressed a sigh as she gave a careful bow and returned to kneel next to a recovering Lyssa. Now how do I get out of this one? Tanna's brain was still fried from the pain, and other parts were busy worrying about Akila or her new status as a Yellow-sashed Skyra. "I apologize for the confusion, Princess, but that is not possible."
"Not possible. Why not?" The Princess quirked an eyebrow at Tanna.
"Because I already serve in another capacity." Tanna said simply.
"As a Hauler?" The Princess asked dryly.
Tanna shifted on her knees for a moment, debating how much to tell. "No. I mean yes, but also in a slightly more...clandestine capacity." Tanna said. She stole a quick look at the exit Akila had used, ensuring Akila was really gone before she continued. "I am not a spy, but I am sworn to Justice, and am currently collecting information for a specific case."
"An Order spy!" The Princess said, clapping her hands in excitement. Dera sighed and shook her head. Lyssa did her best to burrow into the carpet.
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