The Patient and his Visitor

{the song is "My Immortal" by Evanescence. The video is the nightcore version that was uploaded by zelyk Nightcore the lyrics will be at the end of this chapter because I know some people just want the story. For those who want to include the song where it's sung, don't worry! I'll let you know when to skip down to the lyrics! Please enjoy the update! Thank you all ~<3 Author-chan}

Draco's POV:

I groaned in pain as my body slammed to the ground, luckily someone had a bunch of pillows waiting to catch me. That Potter's such a bloody idiot! The fucking wanker knocked me off my broom and didn't even bother to see if I was ok! I bet the bloody git would've jumped off his broom to save me had I been Weasley or that mud blood Granger.

Searing pain spread through my body from both my legs and one of my arms, I felt like I was dying. This was way worse than when that horrid hippogriff Hagrid brought attacked me. I'd cry but father says crying in front of others makes me look weak and would tarnish the Malfoy family name.

As I gasped in pain a familiar but slightly timid voice called out to me. I opened my eyes to see (Y/n) sitting over me, concern showed all over her face and worry pooled in her brilliant (e/c) eyes. She looked like an angel as the sun behind her cast a sort of glow around her. I wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying, the pain was too much to bare with. She started to reach for her back, her (s/c) hands slid into the neck of her shirt as she reached over her shoulder. Confused, I asked what she was doing.

"H-here! It won't fix you but.. it'll make the pain go away!" The feather she held out to me looked incredibly expensive. It was literally so covered in jewels that it seemed to be made of them. When I grabbed the (f/c) feather, my hand instantly got warm. It was like the feather was emitting it's own heat. It was also excessively soft, holding it was like touching a cloud. It started to glow a (gold/silver) light and I could feel it disappearing. Little sparkles fell onto me from where the feather had once been in my grasp and instantly all my pain was gone.

I was impressed. She smiled and looked like she was about to say something, when she let out a small "kyah!" and fell away from me. In her place above me was my teammate.

Before I knew what was happening I was carried off the pitch by all my team mates. I could see (Y/n) standing alone watching me go. The wind was making her (h/l) hair slightly flow around her, she looked so lonely. Her face had an almost heart broken look plastered onto it. I knew she could no longer see me when she faced the ground, her shoulders slumped as she began to slowly trudge back towards the castle.

Just then, the beater that'd shoved her away from me blocked my view of her. "Can you believe that dumb bitch thought you'd actually want her help?! Maybe she thought you'd be her friend if she was nice!" He did a snarky laugh, as did the rest of my team. "Just look at her! Who'd want a loser like her to be their friend?!" "Yeah! What a sorry excuse for a girl!" "She's such a freak too! She never talks to anyone!" "Well it's not like anyone'd want to talk back!" My whole team was busying themselves with making fun of her. Their comments got pretty hateful after a while, but they stopped once they entered Madame Pomfrey's hospital wing.

I groaned as they roughly set me on one of her cots and she looked me over. "Well Mr.Malfoy you've certainly got a few broken bones! I'm just surprised you're not bawling your eyes out over the pain!" I made a "tch" in disapproval at her comment and she went into her office to find a suitable potion for me. My team mates left as well, a couple "get well"s and "feel better"s were halfheartedly thrown at me as they disappeared through the doors.

I slightly smirked when Madame Pomfrey commented on my "pain". I haven't felt anything of the sort since (Y/n) gave me that feather.... That's another thing though, how the hell'd she come across something like that? From her appearances and her family's low social status I'd assume she's lucky enough to even afford her school books.

And the fact that it had healing properties....The only things I've ever herd of that have feathers and can heal someone or ease pain would have to be phoenixes, and that's just with their tears not their feathers.

I suppose I'll have to write to father about it.

Madame Pomfrey came back and showed me a vial that was filled with dark green liquid. "You're going to drink this." She handed me a small glass that was filled with the potion. I wrinkled my nose at its smell and downed the whole thing in one gulp. I instantly gagged and demanded a bucket to puke in. "This foul stuff's bloody disgusting! Are you trying to poison me or something?!" "Well what'd you expect? It's a medical potion, not pumpkin juice!" We both huffed in annoyance and she walked away with the vial and empty glass.

I wonder if Crabbe or Goyle ever had to taste this foul potion? I'm positive they've seen Madame Pomfrey for broken bones in the past. I'll talk to them about it when they come to visit me in here. It shouldn't be long now, I'd say about 5 to 10 more minuets.

After I'd waited for around an hour I began to feel bored. I decided I'd take a nap since none of my friends have shown up. They'll probably wake me up once they get here so I figure I won't miss anything. With that I closed my eyes, drifting off into the peaceful world of dreams.

~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~ ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

I woke up to see that the covers had been pulled over my chest. There was a tray of food with a glass of pumpkin juice on the small table beside my cot. I smiled when I saw the long slender box behind the food, my friends have already sent me get well goodies!

I was amazed by the craftsmanship of the box, it was entirely made out of ice. It seemed to have a cold glow in the moon light that shone through the window behind me. I sat up and noticed that my broken arm could move now, there was still a little pain but it wasn't too bad.

Carefully, I reached over and lightly touched the smooth surface of the box. I sort of flinched, expecting it to be freezing cold, but I soon realised that the box was only cool, about room temperature. "Weird..." I muttered my thought aloud. I was now holding it over my lap, my thumbs ran along its smooth glass like edges and came upon a tiny latch. It too was ice, but it looked like it was made of silver. I cautiously slipped the latch open and excitedly, but also gently, lifted the lid, revealing... my own wand..?

"The hell?" I ran my hand along it, making sure this wasn't some kind of prank. Sure enough my fingers glided over it's smooth gleaming wood. This really was my wand! It was resting on silky cerulean satin which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be made of snow and ice as well! Whoever returned my wand to me in such a lovely state will most certainly have earned my praise! It even looks like they've polished my wand as well! I'd definitely be keeping the box they returned it in, it's one of the most beautiful things I've seen! Mother would love to have something like this, and I'm sure father would as well.

A long list of my friends who could have given this to me was running through my mind. I was about to set the box down when a small piece of parchment gently fluttered into my lap from beneath the satin. I put the box on the table and picked up the parchment, it read:

I'm sorry it took so long to return this to you. It had a little dirt on it from the pitch so I thought I'd clean it up first. You're sleeping at the moment so I'll just leave this on your bedside table. I also left you some food from dinner, the house elves promised to keep it warm for you. I hope you like the new wand case I made for you! You can show it off to all your friends when they visit you! I do hope your recovery will be swift and painless. Well, I guess I'll see you around!
Get well soon~!'

Even the note was beautiful. It was written on a crisp pure white paper that was coldly glowing, much like the box from which it came, in the moon light. The letters were written in beautiful loopy cursive. There wasn't a single smudge from the black ink it was written in.

I flipped it over, hoping to get the name of whoever gave me the box and my wand. There was nothing and I could feel my heart drop in my chest, heavy with disappointment.

I set the note behind the box and began to eat the food the stranger left for me. As they'd said, the house elves had kept it warm for me. Once I'd finished that a house elf appeared. I did a double take and my jaw dropped as he smiled a toothy grin at me, a hint of defiance shone in his big green eyes.

"Dobby?! What in the bloody hell are you doing here?! Do you serve Dumbledore now?" He laughed a little. "No, no, no! Dobby is a free elf! Dobby is paid for his services now! Dobby is treated much better than he is when working for master Malfoy!"

"Oh that's just bloody great! My house elf is getting paid to work for that old geezer! Damn that Potter-!" Dobby flew at me and slapped a hand over my mouth.

"DO NOT TALK BAD ABOUT HARRY POTTER!" I scowled under his hand and shoved him to the foot of my bed, slightly wincing as my legs and arm throbbed. They were no longer broken, but the magic from the feather and the potion's effects had well worn off.

"Don't you dare touch me with your grimy little hands! Just because you're treated like an equal doesn't mean you are one!"

(Totally punching myself for writing that. *cries* I LOVE YOU DOBBY!!)

He huffed and glared at me. "Dobby is punching you if Miss had not speaking against it!" I made a "tch" before sighing and sitting up. "Well, who is this "miss"? Was she the one who made the box and brought me food?"

At the mention of the word "miss" his gigantic ears perked up, his eyes brightened, and his idiotic smile returned. "Oh yes! Miss is so kind and sweet! Miss is always smiling when she sees Dobby, and she likes to be helping Dobby with his tasks! Dobby is wishing she had more friends though. We house elves are her friends, but Dobby knows she wants wizard or witch friends too..."

He started to sob and grabbed my napkin and blew his nose with it. I grimaced at the green slime he blew out and huffed out in annoyance. "Tch, while that's all fine and dandy you never answered my question. I asked who "miss" is. You'd better answer me this time, or else I'll kick you across the room and Madame Pomfrey will have one more patient to look after!"

At this he smirked devilishly and hopped off my bed, grabbing my plate on his way. "Dobby was told not to tell. Miss said Draco Malfoy is not liking her very much. Dobby does not know why sir isn't liking her. Miss is wonderful..."

The little shit started to ramble and refused to answer me! I was about to grab the bloody fucker by his oversized ear when he apperated away! Well great, now I'm pissed and confused all at once!

Oh! Fuck it all, I'm going back to sleep! Crabbe and Goyle are going to hear all about this when they come tomorrow!

(Please tell me what you think he'd do to Draco, I'd love to hear and I need a good laugh!)

(Y/n)'s POV:

It's been a few days since Draco's been in Madame Pomfrey's hospital wing. Not one of his friends have visited. I knew because... well...  I'd been checking up on him everyday. I felt like it was my fault he'd been hurt so badly. If I'd just been more careful with the snitch...

Harry apologised to me the day after the game. I accepted with a smile of course, I'd hoped to make a friend but.. he hasn't spoken to me since.

Today I was walking to the hospital wing as usual. Only this time I couldn't check up on Draco. Today I was here to sing for Madame Pomfrey and her patients.

See, a couple months into my first year of schooling here at Hogwarts, I'd been wandering the halls at night. At the time I'd been softly singing a lullaby my  real mother used to sing to me. Well.. I wasn't paying attention and ended up walking past the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey had startled me when she applauded my so called "performance" and had promised not to trouble me so long as I sang for her. Ever since then I'd sing in her office so no one would know it was me, and she'd continue to do favours for me.

For example... let's say I got hurt by someone. She'd patch me up without asking a single question and would keep it secret if I'd asked her to.

"Good afternoon miss Abbot! I assume that your classes are going well?" She smiled over at me as she rearranged her potions. I went over and started helping her, setting my school bag under her desk. "Yes ma'am! A few first years talked to me this morning but..." "what happened this time?" She turned to me with a sigh and her eyes held a look of pity. "Crabbe and Goyle threatened to beat them across the pitch if they caught them talking to me again. You should have seen how their faces paled!" I giggled a bit, acting like I didn't care.

I got a strange feeling, like someone was watching me, or listening, or something... I started to look around but Madame Pomfrey started talking again. "So miss Abbot, what will your song be for today?" My heart started to beat faster. Even though nobody would see me, I still got very nervous. "I-I call it My Immortal. It's for my twin brother, (b/n). Remember, I told you he passed..."

She gave me a hug and started patting my hair. I stiffened a bit but returned the hug after a while. "You'll do amazing, (Y/n)! You always do!" She starts to exit her office. I turned and used my magic to make a small keyboard and to bring my guitar to me.

She slightly slammed the door when she closed it, and the blinds over the windows shook a little. I think I heard them crack but I paid no mind to it.

I took a deep breath and used the Sonorus charm to amplify my voice, with that I began to sing.

~~~~~~~{SONG LYRICS}~~~~~~~~

(Instrumental Piano as background music)

I'm so tired of being here.
Suppressed by all my childish fears.
And if you have to leave.
I wish that you would just leave.
Your presence still lingers here.
And it won't leave me alone.
These wounds won't seem to heal!
This pain is just too real!
There's just too much that time can not erase!
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears!
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears!
And I held your hand through all of these years!
But you still have...
All of me~

You used to captivate me by your resonating light.
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind.
Your face it haunts, my once pleasant dreams.
Your voice it chased away, all the sanity in me!
These wounds won't seem to heal!
This pain is just too real!
There's just too much that time can not erase!
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears!
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears!
And I held your hand through all of these years!
But you still have...
All of me~

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone!
But though you're still with me!
I've been alone all along!

(Instrumental Guitar plays)

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears!
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears!
And I held your hand through all of these years!
But you still have...
All of me~


~~~~~~~~~(SONG END)~~~~~~~~

I finished the song and got rid of the keyboard before slinging my (f/c) guitar around my back. I let out a sigh, it felt good to preform but I wish I had some friends to sing for rather than just random students who didn't even know who I was.

Madam Pomfrey came back into her office and applauded me, I could hear small clapping sounds from the room behind her. "Wonderful! Absolutely splendid (Y/n)! Everyone loved it, and I do mean everyone." She leaned towards me and put a hand on my shoulder, I flinched a bit but smiled anyways.

"I'm happy to hear that! Thank you! Although... I'm not that good! Really...." She smiled brightly, "Oh nonsense! You're an amazing songstress!" Just then a kid called for her. "Oh! I'd best be off, little Timmy had a nasty hex cast on him and I've got to keep an eye on 'em. Cheers!"

She slammed the door behind her and the blinds came crashing down. I ran to catch them and got there just in time to prevent them from breaking a few potion bottles. I sighed in relief, only God knows what would have happened had those potions mixed together... well God and professor Snape anyways.

I laid them down on the desktop and grabbed my bag from the floor. I stood up and came face to face with Draco, who was looking at me through the window. I realized that he could see the guitar on my back and that he'd know that I was the one who sang. I backed up with a blush forming on my face, and tripped into Madame Pomfrey. She must have came back because of the blinds falling.

God! He wouldn't look away! I was already embarrassed by him knowing my secret and now he just watched as I fell onto an old lady! Bloody hell! This day just keeps getting better doesn't it?

"Miss Abbot! Watch where you're going! O..oh. Did you wish to speak to Mr. Malfoy? That'd be wonderful!" Great, I guess she saw me looking at him. "Ah! N-no! No, no I'm-I'm fine really! I've uh.. gotta go anyways! Hahaha!!"

I started to back away when she grabbed my wrist. "Eh?!" "Come right this way dearie! He'll be so happy to have a pretty girl like you visiting him!" "Uh.. N-no you don't understand! He wouldn't want- he doesn't like-!"

Despite my protests, she stubbornly pulled me along. I could see him now and it seemed he rather enjoyed the sight of me being ushered around by Madame Pomfrey. She promptly plopped me down on the chair beside him and grinned before leaving to tend to another student from Hufflepuff.

The silence between the two of us was unbearable. "Tch, you can leave now." I nodded softly and started to stand when I saw the box on his bedside table. "Oh, I see you got your wand back! Dobby did a good job of watching over it!"

"Yeah, I did. What's it to you? H-hey! How'd you know what's in the box, or that the bloody house elf's the one who delivered it?!"

'Shit!' I just had to open my mouth didn't I?

"U-uh ... well I'm.. the one who told Dobby to make sure you got it." His blue eyes widened in realization. Great, here come the taunts. I silently braced myself for whatever insult he was about to spit at me.


"EH?!! W-what did you just-!" "Oi! Shut it! Just because you did something that's actually helpful doesn't make you my friend!"

Ah... what just happened? Did THE Draco Malfoy just thank me? I must be dreaming. Of course it was swiftly followed by an insult... but it was still better than nothing.

"Did... did you like the box?" I quietly whispered my question. He looked over at the ornately crafted ice box that resided on the table, and sighed before turning back to me with a scowl. "It's fine." He rolls his eyes before looking away again. I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm.. so happy you liked it!" "I never said that I liked it! Only that it wasn't.. that bad." He huffed as he shifted his body to glare at me. I guess that was a mistake on his part though, because he winced shortly afterward.

"Shit! That damn woman forgot to fluff my pillow this morning! Not to mention how uncomfortable this bed is. Hey you! Make yourself useful and call her over here!" I looked around to see who he was talking to before I realized that his icy blue eyes rested on me.

"You want me to ask her?" I realized that I must sound like an idiot to him, but he's never talked to me like this before. Usually he'd be hurling insults at me left and right... but he's not doing that. At least he's not being as harsh as he normally is....

"Tch, brat! Who else would I be talking to? Oh never mind, Madame Pomfrey's already left. Just leave then, and if you see Crabbe or Goyle, tell them I said to visit." He looked away from me again.

He was still shifting around though, the blanket was tangled around his feet and the pillow was indeed flattened and wedged between the headboard and his mattress. I took a deep breath and smiled. He turned his sharp gaze on me once more.

"Why haven't you left? And what's with that smile? I know I'm handsome but I don't need someone like you gawking over me!" I sighed in response. Why was I even bothering with him anymore?

"Here, that bed does look rather uncomfortable. Let me help." I went to move him forward so I could fluff the pillow and he glared at me while smacking my hands away.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?! Unhand me at once!" "I promise I'll leave after this!" He stoped struggling. He sighed and glared down at his lap. I think it was because he was sore from all his struggles but he gave in.

"Fine. Do as you please you filthy little blood traitor! But don't you dare tell anyone I let you touch me unless you want me to make your life a living hell. Got it, Abbot?!" I huffed. "My life's already hell without you doing anything to add onto it thank you very much! But fine, I won't talk about it."

I gently brushed my hands against his arm and lightly pushed him up. He slightly winced as I brought him to a sitting position. He wouldn't look at me, but I think I saw a light blush on his cheeks.

I reached behind him and fluffed up His pillow before laying him down on it again. Then I moved to his feet and carefully unwrapped the blankets from them, gently tucking him in how he should be. I must say, even if he was pissed at me... even he couldn't deny that he looked a lot more comfortable.

"All done! Umm.. are you in any pain Malfoy?" He glared his icy blue daggers at me before huffing and reaching over for the box I made. He began to trace his fingers along its smooth edges, refusing to look at me and pretending to be only interested in the box.

"I'm a bit sore. That wench didn't give me anything for my pain today. She thinks I'm faking." "Right then."

I got up and went to Madame Pomfrey's office, Draco watched me through the window. I paid him no attention and began to look through the potions I'd previously sorted. I pulled out a potion for pain and returned to Draco.

"What are you doing? I'm not drinking that?! Who knows what it'll do to me?!" He pulled away from me. "Relax. It's just something to get rid of the pain." "How do I know you're not lying?" I have him a 'really' look and sighed.

"If you must know, I've spent a lot of time with Madame Pomfrey thanks to all the nasty things kids have done to me." I gave him a stern look and he looked away as though he didn't care. "Let's just say I'm very familiar with anything that cures pain or fixes broken bones. You'll be just fine."

I poured him a glass and put a charm on it. "What'd you do to it?" "I charmed it so that it'll taste like your favourite dessert. Trust me, I've done it plenty of times before, and the potion tastes like death otherwise."

He wrinkled his nose as I handed him the glass of blue potion. He eyed both it and myself suspiciously. "Well? You gonna drink it or not?" "If something happens to me, I'll tell my father to have you killed!"

With that he began to drink it. He did a grimace as it touched his lips, but his face quickly relaxed. "It tastes like German chocolate cake!" He'd downed the entire glass.

I smiled warmly at him. "See told you it'd be good! Well I guess I'll keep true to my promise and leave. I'll.. check back with you tomorrow! And I'll be sure to tell the boys to come visit you if I see them!" I took the potion bottle and glass, and went back to the office. I cleaned the glass and put it and the potion in their rightful places.

I was about to walk out into the hall but stopped to look back at Draco. I blushed to see that he was watching me go. "Oh and, Malfoy. I'm not a blood traitor." I looked down at my feet just as the bell to go to class rang. "How could I be if no one will talk to me and I'm always alone?" I said in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

With that I left him. I started making my way towards Professor Sprout's class. Two Hufflepuff boys knocked my bass guitar on the ground. I sighed and used my wand to send it back to my bed in my dorm.

Today was gonna be a long day. I just hope nothing too terribly bad happens to me.

Author's note: Hello internet! Welcome to wattpad, a place that's so full of fan fiction that you'll never be able to find your way out or see the light of day once you've gone in! (Lol I've been watching MatPat too much) anyways I'm sorry it took so long to update this. I guess you can say that shit's really hit the fan as far as my life goes. Umm so yea. My grandpa had a heart attack a couple days ago so I've been really busy with that, not to mention that Highschool SUCKS ASS! I've been trying to update this when I have time but I'm afraid it's gonna be really slow for a while. I promise I'm not done with it and I WILL start on the next chapter as soon as I can, but it could take a while. I hope you'll understand and that you'll still read this when I eventually update this!

So ummm.. yea. 😅 thanks again. And I really mean it! You don't know how happy I am to write for all of you! Well I'll be off now! Bye! 👋 Author-chan our! ~<3

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