"I never had a father as such. But if I did? I would hope he would be just like you." - Gandalf
Breakfast was almost over when the couple arrived at Elrond's Dining Hall. Frodo and Sam were the only ones still eating breakfast. Both giggled as they greeted Thranduil and Alethris. "Gandalf said you would be late," said Frodo.
"Bilbo has returned to his room after finishing his breakfast. He will be so surprised to see you both," said Sam.
"I believe it is your birthday too Frodo, many happy returns on your special day," said Thranduil.
Frodo thanked him and apologised for not being able to give anyone gifts. "But the hall of fire will be filled with music and singing after the feast tonight."
"Ah, the Hall of Fire. I have heard much about it from my good queen." He kissed Alethris's hand while smirking.
As they enjoyed breakfast, Elrond walked into the Dining Hall and bid them all good morning. He kissed Alethris on the forehead. "I trust you slept well in the Villa last night."
"We did Ada, it is very comfortable indeed," replied Alethris.
After breakfast, Elrond led Thranduil and Alethris to Bilbo's room. "I must warn you, he is much changed from how you remember him. The power of the ring, like Gollum, kept Bilbo alive far beyond his natural life span. Now that it is destroyed, he has begun to fade. He gets tired and forgetful, so try not to overwhelm him." He knocked upon the door, and after waiting a few moments, they heard what sounded like a response. Elrond asked them to wait outside a moment before he entered the room. "Bilbo, I have a couple of well wishers to see you," they heard him say.
"Not my nephew and his friends again, I hope. I told them I would see them after my nap," a sprightly voice replied.
Alethris sniggered. "It sounds like the Bilbo I remember."
"He sounds a little older than I remember him," whispered Thranduil.
"They have come a very long way to see you, Bilbo," said Elrond.
"Not the King and Queen? I did not expect to see them again," replied Bilbo.
"Not Elessar and Arwen no, but another king and queen have come to visit you," said Elrond.
"The only other King I am acquainted with is the Elven King of Mirkwood, but he lost his wife. Why, is he here? It has been a long time since we have spoken," replied Bilbo.
"Yes, he has come, and has some exciting news for you," said Elrond.
"Oh, how wonderful, that he should come today of all days. Please ask him in and bring us some tea and toast, for I will need much sustenance, and I am eager to hear all he may tell me," replied Bilbo.
Elrond returned to them and suggested they went in one at a time, so Thranduil entered the room first, while Alethris waited at the entrance. She could see Bilbo was much frailer than he had been when she left all those years ago and it grieved her to see him that way. Bilbo's eyes lit up as he greeted his guest. "King Thranduil, how good it is to see you again and on my birthday, too. What a lovely surprise."
Thranduil embraced Bilbo, sat in the chair beside him, and took his hand. "Bilbo the Magnificent! How are you, my old friend?"
"Less of the old now. I am only one hundred and twenty-nine today, not as old as the Old Took. He lived to one hundred and thirty I'll have you know. And if I am lucky, I hope to outlive him. Of course, you don't look a day over....... how old are you now?"
Thranduil chuckled. "That's not important."
"Master Elrond said you had news for me. Is it about your son Legolas? He is a fine fellow. Told me you had taken Master Elrond's adopted daughter as your ward and a strange story about her flying on a Great Eagle. I can't remember much about that part, sadly. But he did say she continued to get herself into trouble. Much like here, I'm afraid. Poor orphaned child but very clever and older than her years," said Bilbo.
Alethris stifled a snigger as Bilbo told Thranduil all the mischief she had gotten up to as a child. Thranduil solemnly explained that she fared little better in the Woodland Realm. He then glanced at Alethris and winked. Bilbo looked concerned. "Oh dear, did some misfortune befall Anberenien? I always feared she'd meet a sticky end. Did the spiders get her? Or was it Orcs?"
Thranduil roared with laughter. "No Bilbo, she is no longer my ward........ because she is my Queen!"
Alethris smiled as the old hobbit followed Thranduil's gaze and saw her standing in the doorway. His eyes widened and a broad smile crossed his wrinkled face as it dawned upon him who she was. "Well, I never, Lady Anberenien! My shiny young friend!"
She ran to Bilbo and held him in a fond embrace. "I am called Alethris now I am queen. Long have I looked forward to seeing you again."
Bilbo chattered excitedly. "My, how you have grown, my Lady? It only seems like yesterday, when you were skipping around Rivendell, climbing trees, rooftops and being sent to the Hall of Fire. You and that stable boy. What was his name?"
"Rodon," replied Alethris.
"Oh yes, he went to the rangers, did you hear from him again?"
"He died," replied Alethris.
The smile dropped from Bilbo's wizened face. "Oh, my dear, I am so sorry. He was a good friend to you. Was he on ranging duties?"
Alethris and Thranduil exchanged looks. "Yes," she replied. It was not necessary to tell Bilbo the truth. She didn't want to relive those times again, and it would only upset him. Thranduil squeezed her hand in support and she knew he agreed with her.
Bilbo squinted at Alethris's tresses. "Anberenien, what have you done to your hair? Half of it is now the same color as your eyes."
"It is a long story, rather like your adventures," she replied.
Bilbo clasped her hand. "Well, you must tell me all about it now you are home and you can help me with my research again."
Thranduil gave her a look indicating that would not be possible. "Alas Bilbo, we are only staying a couple of weeks as we are wintering in Lothlórien and must travel across the Red Horn Pass before the weather turns. But we shall visit you every day while we are here."
Bilbo's expression looked pained. "Well, I am very sorry to hear that, but a visit to Lothlórien is a privilege not to be missed. If only I could join you, but I am passed adventuring now. And you mind those spiders when you return to Mirkwood, they are very dangerous."
"Mirkwood is no more, Bilbo. The Forest is cleansed of all evil creatures. It is called Eryn Lasgalen now," replied Thranduil.
Suddenly Bilbo looked towards the doorway. "Ah, Master Elrond, tea and toast as requested, thank you. You may go now, I am having a lovely chat with young Anberenien. It seems ages since we last spoke. You know I always said she would come to greatness, didn't I, Master Elrond?"
"Of course, Bilbo and you were quite right," replied Elrond. He smiled at Alethris and quietly left the room.
Bilbo happily munched his toast and drank his tea. "Lord Elrond is a most attentive host. I have missed him so. And alas, poor Arwen, never shall we meet again." After finishing his meal, Bilbo yawned and stretched. "It has been so wonderful to see you again Anberenien, but now, I am weary, my shiny young friend."
"Will you be coming to the feast?" asked Alethris.
"I am looking forward to it. I shall write a new song in you and your husband's honour. Which is why I must rest for a time." He settled down on his daybed and Alethris placed a nearby coverlet upon him. "Fancy that, little Anberenien, a fairy queen." He smiled, then turned over and went to sleep.
As the wind caressed the pine trees, an October chill was in the air. Thranduil and Alethris lay in an embrace beneath them as they watched the clouds passing overhead. "I wish we could stay here, like this, forever. I am almost tempted to leave my realm to Legolas, send all the servants away and just spend our days here, in peace and solitude," said Thranduil.
"I doubt Legolas would appreciate that," replied Alethris.
"No, he would not. He might have been content with his life if he hadn't gone on that mission. Now he sets his sights elsewhere."
"How long did he say he would remain in the Woodland realm?"
"We have enough time to establish the restoration of Arnor. Then his heart will lead him southward. It was not entirely unexpected. There comes a time when you must let your children travel their own path. However much we would desire them to remain close to us." Thranduil put his hands behind his head as he looked up at the rustling pines. "So this is where you used to spend your days...... with the stableboy."
"Yes, Rodon and I played here as children...... before he went to become a ranger."
"And you neglected your studies, or so Bilbo told me."
Alethris sat bolt upright, annoyed at his mockery. "I told you, I was only late for a few lessons!"
Thranduil chuckled. "You are so easy to tease, Melleth nin."
"Really!" replied Alethris, and slapped him playfully on the leg before rising to her feet and marching further up the hill into the trees.
Thranduil rolled onto his side and looked up at her, grinning. "And where do you think you are going?"
"Away from you," Alethris called back. She feigned annoyance at first, then broke into giggles. "Catch me if you can, Melleth nin!" Hitching up her skirts, she climbed the nearest pine before Thranduil could reach her. Chuckling as he searched the area, calling for her, though she could tell he was only pretending.
He suddenly turned towards Alethris's tree, smirking as he looked into her eyes. "You should be careful Thorwen, that branch looks weak, if it snaps, you will fall!"
"I have climbed these trees many times Thurindaer, their branches are stronger than they look."
"Even so, your father would think me a poor husband if you fell and injured yourself. Now come down, your Lord husband and King commands it."
Alethris threw her head back with laughter as she continued to tease him. "Then perhaps my husband and king should come and get me."
Thranduil smirked as he grasped the trunk. "Why don't I just shake you from the tree instead?" As they teased each other, the branch gave way. Alethris let out a brief scream as she fell, but Thranduil's quick reactions meant she landed safely in his arms. "See, I told you that branch was weak." The two of them laughed as he released her and, hand in hand, walked back down the hill towards the villa.
The rose covered fountain bubbled away in the crisp, cloudy evening as Elrond sat on the ledge of the pool cradling a plucked rose in his palm. He thought of Arwen, how she had loved to sit in this spot and he would often join her. Now they would never sit together again. He gently laid the rose in the fountain pool, watching as it slowly sank to the bottom. He then heard a sigh behind him and turned to see Gandalf watching with a sympathetic smile. "Ah, Mithrandir! Frodo tells me you are leaving with the Hobbits in the morning. Are you going to enjoy some Shire hospitality or is it the Havens that beckon you?"
Gandalf nodded in reply. "I have a few loose ends to tie up before I go to Mithlond. But no, I think my presence would not be welcome in the Shire just now. However, I will call in on an old friend."
"You will go to see Tom then?"
"For the winter, then I shall return in spring for your younger daughter's crowning."
The smile returned to Elrond's face. "You will join us then, for the festivities? Thranduil insists it will be a lavish affair."
"I would not miss it for the world." Gandalf glanced at the rose in the pool. "Alethris will never replace Arwen. That is not her mission."
Elrond scooped out the rose and laid it gently on the side of the pool. "A child can never replace another, but they can soften the blow."
"Alethris is not a child, Elrond."
Elrond turned to face Gandalf. The slight flash of irritation in his eyes concealed his inner fury. "I am well aware of what Almárie is. That does not change the fact that I raised her and I am her father. You came to Middle Earth an old man, ageing slowly and your wisdom undimmed. But Almárie grew within her mother's womb and had far more to learn than you could ever comprehend. And unlike her, you will never experience the joy and pain of parenthood!"
Gandalf blinked slightly in surprise. He turned slowly to leave. "The hour is late and I have an early start in the morning."
Elrond realised his emotions had got the better of him. He laid his hand on Gandalf's arm to stop him from leaving. "My apologies, old friend. I am still struggling since Arwen and my emotions got the better of me."
Gandalf turned back to him with a thoughtful look on his face. "You are quite right, Elrond. I never had a father as such. But if I did? I would hope he would be just like you." He smiled slightly and winked, then bid Elrond good night.
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