They have Happened!!!

Hey guys hope you are having a good Sunday. Here's a new chapter for all of you. And its all about Paige and Hunk.

Aboutan Hour Later

Thedoor bell of Paige's house rang. Matt answered the door and it wasHunk. "Hay Hunk." Matt said. "You looking for Paigeon?"

"You mean Paige?"

"Well I like to call her that because she's like a,never mind you'll find out sooner or later. So before you see her canI ask you something?" Hunk nodded. "Well do you like my sis. Inlike a more then friends why?" Matt answered.

"Well umm... yeah I do kind of I think. Please don'ttell her" hunk was blushing.

"Dude just say it to her she really likes you too. Imean she tells me everything. And I can guess things that she doesn'ttell me. So just tell her you like her and everything will go wellwith you okay dude?"

"Yeah but I just met her." Hunk looked down at thefloor.

"Dude just do it I can help you if you need it."Matt really want his sister to find the right guy. If it was for thefact that Keith was gay he would have already got them together.

"Okay but I'm going to need your help with this."

"Okay like I said I will help you. There was oncethis time that she found a guy that was really nice and they gotalong together and I tried to get them together but the guy was gay.I just want my little sis to find some one good for her." Mattsmiled at Hunk and he let him in. "Hay Paige get down her Hunk ishere. He wants to ask you something as well!" Paige ran down thestairs skipping the last two steps.

"Hay Hunk." Paige smiled at the bigger male. 'Damnwhy does she have to be so cute all the damn time.?'

"Hay Paige..." Hunk looked at Matt for help and hemouthed 'Just Do It' "So umm... I was going to ask if you maybewant to umm... I don't know how to say this, but I was wondering ifyou wanted t-to um.. d-date me?" Hunk almost whispered. Paige eyeswidened and she was blushing a deep red.

"y-y-yeah..." they both were blushing like madpeople. Matt was just standing there with a wide grin on his face. 'Iknow that they just met and all but this is so cute and perfect' Paige took Hunks hand and led him to the living room to watch TV. "Sowhat do you want to watch?" Paige asked with out looking at Hunk

"Umm... what do you have?" he asked the smallerfemale. She was looking at the DVD's.

"Well we have Netflix and then we have a bunch ofmovies." Hunk went to where Paige was sitting and looked at themovies

"How about we watch something on Netflix." Hunk gotup and held his hand out to help Paige up.

"Sure." they both sat on the coach turning on theTV. They picked 'When Calls The Heart'  (I really like this TV show and it is on Netflix, you guys should watch it to) in the middle of once of the episodes Paige snuggled up to Hunk andthey soon both fell sleep. A blanket covering the both of them.

Hourslater Time for Dinner

"Hayyou two you need to wake up. Its dinner time. Mom made dinner for allof us." Matt said shaking them awake.

"What time isit?" Hunk asked.

"It's 5:30 timeto eat. Wake Paige up and come to the kitchen okay." Matt waledaway from them and Hunk looked down that the small body layingagainst him.


"Yeah, what is itHunk?" Paige looked up with sleep still in her eyes.

"Its time fordinner. We have to get up." she nodded and got up. They walked tothe kitchen and sat at the table.

"So are you twodating now?" Paige's mom asked.

"Mom!" Paigeyells at her mother. Giving her a glare. Hunk looks at her with a shysmile.

"Yes mom they aredating. And its all thanks to me." Matt smiled at his work. The twoof them blush at this.

"Oh that's gratePaige I'm so happy that you found some one after the let down withthat other boy Keith." Hunk at a confused face. "Oh it's once ofher friends. She had a crush on him or about a week until she finallyfound out that he was gay and didn't feel the same about her. Butthen her you are and you like each other. Please take care of her."She smiled. Hunk nodded and they all started to eat.

Okay that's all for this chapter see you next time Again please Vote if you want this book to go on after the flash back ends. if not i will start another book about Voltron

comment which book i should do next. I'm thinking of doing a Keith and Lotor because they aren't parted vary often and i think they would be cute together

here are the options

Keith x Lotor

Keith x Shiro                                    then i need at topic for the Shiro and Keith

                                                            Shiro Alpha, Keith Omega

                                                                Shiro and Keith adopt the team when they are young other then  Coran and Allura.

please help me decide on which on i should do. Until Next Time My Dudes!!!  Anime Anything Out!!! BYE BYE!!

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