Their Back

sorry i didn't update earlier. Have gotten sick. but today i have another chapter for you to read. once Christmas break starts i will update more then chapters. there will be pictures of all the ships as well so don't worry there is more then just reading. hope you enjoy!!

The day Keith had gotten hurt was Monday and now it wasSunday. The next day Keith would return to school. "Are you sureyou want to go back right after getting out of the hospital?" Shiroasked the pale raven colored hair boy.

"Shiro, I want to go back and learn I'm tired ofbeing indoors doing nothing but sleeping and thinking. Plus Lotorwon't do anything to me any more. We have a restraining order onhim." Keith said. We were all out in the living room.

"Shiro, I can ask to have all of his classes and theyshould be able to do that and I can keep an eye on him. So don'tworry I will keep a close eye on him at all times." Lance said toreassure Shiro.

"As long as Lance is with you at all time then itwill be fine. You can go back to school okay. But only if the two ofyou are together at all times."Shiro was like an over protectivefather towards Keith. It was so wired Keith and I nod our heads andwe all go to our rooms to get some sleep for tomorrow.

WhenShiro and I wake up we go to Keith's room and wake him up. We helphim into his wheel chair and role him to the bathroom. Then gotchanged and went to the kitchen. We sat at the table together and eatour food. Once we were all finished we grabbed our stuff and head outthe door. Me and Keith go to the office and I change to all ofKeith's classes. We found a elevator and went up stairs to get to ourlockers it was hard of him to get the locker open so I helped himand we grabbed the things we need and headed to science. When we camein every one looked at me and Keith. A stunned look on their faces. Acouple of girls walk over to Keith and me and started to ask whathappened and who I was. The bell rand and every one went to theirseats. Class started. All thought the day questions.


Whereever Lance and I went there were dirty looks directed to me. It wasmostly the girls though. They most have been Jealousyofthe cute new boy always by my side or pushing me though the halls. Itry my best to ignore them. But it keeps on getting harder and thepressure is becoming over whelming. Lance doesn't seem to noticewhich I guess is fine. After being with Lance for the first half ofthe day it seems that he is much more then a good person he is kindand helpful in a lot of things. I wish I could help him withsomething but his is good at almost everything. We finally make it tothe lunch room and sit down at a table. Lance goes and gets our food.Then I feel like I am being watch again and I look behind be to see agroup of girls standing behind me.

"Hay gay. Why are you hanging out with the new cuteguy? You two are never apart. Are you dating?" the girl had a varyevil look on her face.

"We aren't dating. Hes just a friend of mine." Ilook down at my feet. She acted like it was a crime that I have afriend like Lance. This was getting annoying I just want to eat andget going to P.E. I hope they stop and leave me along.

"So the lonely little helpless gay has a friend? Hemust be desperate to have a friend. Maybe we should get rid of this,"the girl was trying to find a word, "This thing and be the poorboys friend. What do you think girls?" she turned her head towardsher friends only to see Lance right by them. Even though he wasstanding here for about a minute. The girl stops an looks at him. "OhLance! How are you today?" the girl smiles with and innocent lookplastered on her face.

"So you think its fine to go and bully my best friendwhen I'm not around? Are you really that desperate to get attentionfrom him? Its clearly obvious the you like him. That's why you liketo tease him." Lance have something up his sleeve. He wasn't actingthe same. The tone of his voice way to serious to be Lance.

"What no way! He's the gayest person I have ever methe has only gone out with guys. You better stay away from he. Hemight do something to you when you are off guard." the girl lookeddisgusted. Lance just didn't like what he was hearing. I don't knowif it was because I was gay or something else.

"Whatif you's not the one doing something? What if I am bi or gay as well?What if I was the one doing the things like kissing or whatever tohim?"

Until Next Time My Dudes!!!!! Anime Anything Out!!!!!!!

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